How to Eat Curd According to Ayurveda | Benefits and side effects (2024)

How is curd formed?

Curd is a fermented dairy product that is made from milk, typically cow’s milk.

Curd is one of the healthiest and most beneficial foods that can be included in one’s diet.

It is formed when lactobacillus bacteria ferment the milk, which makes it more nutritious and beneficial for health.

The lactic acid bacteria are found in the air and on the surface of the milk.

When the bacteria is added to the milk, it starts to ferment the sugar in the milk (in the form of lactose) and conditions lactic acid. The lactic acid makes the milk thick and acidic, giving it a characteristic sour taste.

This process is known as souring and is the same process used to make other fermented dairy products like yoghurt, cheese etc.

Benefits of curd according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda has long recognized the benefits of curd and recommends it as an important part of one’s diet.

Curd is an essential part of the Ayurvedic diet and an excellent natural probiotic source.

It’s no wonder it’s been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for various ailments.

From digestive health to overall immunity, the curd is believed to have many health benefits. Here’s an overview of some of the essential curd benefits according to Ayurveda:

How to Eat Curd According to Ayurveda | Benefits and side effects (1)

Improves Digestive Health

Curd is an excellent source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria essential for our digestive health. Probiotics help balance the good and bad bacteria in the intestines, helping to reduce bloating, indigestion, and constipation.

Boosts Immunity

Curd also contains lactic acid bacteria, which is beneficial for the immune system. This bacteria helps protect against infection and disease, making the body more resistant to pathogens.

Improves Skin Health

Curd is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps to protect the skin from free radical damage.

It can also help to reduce inflammation, thereby preventing wrinkles and other signs of ageing. But it can also harm your skin when combined with wrong food combinations such as consuming fish/ chicken and curd.

Enhances Metabolism

Curd also contains beneficial enzymes that help to break down food and absorb nutrients more efficiently. This helps to boost the metabolism and can even help to reduce weight.

Reduces Stress

Curd is also known to have calming effects on the body, which can help to reduce stress levels. This is due to the presence of lactic acid, which helps to regulate hormones and improve mood.

Overall, curd is an incredibly versatile and nutritious food with several benefits, according to Ayurveda.

From digestive health to immunity and skin health, it’s no wonder that so many people are turning to curd to improve their health and wellness.

Properties of curd

Curd is amla (sour) in rasa (taste) and vipaka (metabolic end-effect). It is grahi (constipation), guru (heavy), usna (hot) and pacifies vata.

It increases mēdas (lipids/obesity), śukla (virility), bala (strength, immunity), kapha dosha, pitta dosha, rakta (is haematinic), agni (metabolism) and sopha (edema).

It is delicious and cures aruči (anorexia), sita jvara (chilling fever), visama jvara (intermittent fever), and vatika pinasa is a – rhinitis) and mutrakrichra (dysuria). After removing the cream, it is used in grahani roga (functional bowel diseases).

Curd increases bala (strength & immunity), but its use in many instances and constant use is restricted.

Its proper use boosts immunity (immunomodulator).

In contrast, if misused, the same may lead to an immune deficit or immunity-linked disorders like psoriasis, arthritis, anaemias and fever-oriented illnesses (like frequent infections). This is an excellent example of how the same substance can act differentially in varied administration modes.

Exploring the Types of Curd – Different kinds of curd, their uses, and how they are made

The curd is a staple in many households and cultures, but it’s still an enigmatic food with many mysteries yet to be unravelled. First of all, let’s talk about the different types of curd.

The most common type is plain curd, made by fermenting cow’s milk with live cultures. This type of curd is high in protein and calcium and is often used as a base for dips, dressings, sauces, and desserts.

Another popular type of curd is Greek yoghurt, made from sheep or goat’s milk and has a thick, creamy texture.

Greek yoghurt is also higher in protein than plain curd and is an excellent source of probiotics.

In addition to these two types, various other curds can be made of different kinds of milk, such as almond, coconut, and soy.

These vegan curds can be used in various recipes, such as smoothies, puddings, and soups.

So, how is a curd made?

The process of making curd is quite simple. First, you will need to heat the milk and add a starter culture, i.e. previously prepared curd or lime juice.

Once the starter culture has been added, the mixture must be incubated in a warm place for several hours to allow the cultures to ferment the milk.

The result will be thick, creamy, and delicious curd!

Nutritional Benefits of Curd

Curd, or yoghurt, is a dairy product that ferments milk with bacteria. It has been a staple in Ayurvedic diets for centuries, and many of its health benefits are still being discovered today.

  • Curd is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a great source of nutrition. It also has antibacterial properties that can help improve digestion and boost immunity.
  • Curd is an excellent source of calcium. One serving of curd can provide up to one-third of your daily calcium needs. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth and helps to reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and other bone-related conditions. It also helps to reduce the risk of colon cancer and diabetes.
  • Curd is also an excellent source of protein. Protein is needed for growth and repair of tissues, as well as for muscle development. Protein also helps keep you full longer, making it an excellent weight-loss snack.
  • Curd is a good source of several vitamins, including B12, which helps to prevent anaemia; B2, which helps to break down fats and proteins; and B6, which is essential for forming red blood cells.
  • Curd also provides vitamin A, which helps to maintain healthy skin and eyesight.
  • Curd is also a great source of several minerals, including zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus. Zinc helps to boost immunity and is vital for wound healing. Magnesium helps to reduce inflammation and is essential for cellular energy production. Phosphorus helps to strengthen bones and teeth and helps to regulate nerve and muscle function.
  • In addition to these vitamins and minerals, curd also contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help to improve digestion and boost immunity. Probiotics also reduce the risk of certain illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Overall, the curd is an excellent source of nutrition, offering a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other health benefits. Its probiotic content helps to improve digestion and boost immunity, while its high calcium content helps to reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and other bone-related conditions. So if you’re looking for a tasty and nutritious snack, look no further than curd!

Is curd good during Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurveda considers curd to be a heavy food to digest.

Eating curd at night or consuming it regularly may cause a disturbance in the digestive system.

It may also lead to the production of toxins in the body called ‘Ama’.

This can further lead to various health issues like indigestion, gas, bloating, etc.

That is why Ayurveda recommends consuming curd only occasionally or as instructed by the doctor.

How to prepare curd for regular use?

Curd, for regular use, is not recommended in Ayurveda as it can obstruct microchannels of the body leading to toxin accumulation; instead, you can consume buttermilk prepared by churning curd and removing the fat content. Then add a pinch of turmeric and some rock salt to it.

This will help balance the digestive power and reduce the production of toxins.

If you want to consume curd regularly, do not use it individually; instead, use it with gooseberry, green gram, sugar, ghee, or honey.

Ayurveda Type of curd

Ayurveda has categorized curd into two types – sweet and sour. Sweet curd is prepared by adding a small amount of sugar to the curd. Sour curd is prepared by adding a small pinch of rock salt. Both these types of curd have different health benefits and should be consumed according to the body type.

Further classification

  1. Manda Dadhi– This curd has been improperly made or is still forming, lacks a distinct flavour, resembles milk but is somewhat thicker and has curd-like characteristics. Tridoshas are raised.
  2. Svadu dadhi: thick, perfectly constructed, and pleasant tasting with no sour aftertaste. The channels leak due to ati abhisyandhi, and accumulating secretions might obstruct the channels. It enhances kapha dosha, balances vata dosha, and is aphrodisiac and helpful for bloating and bleeding.
  3. Svädvamla dadhiis thick and rich, has a sweet flavour, and an undertone of astringency. It enhances Pitta, Kapha, bleeding tendencies, fat, inflammation, and unctuousness while undergoing sour metabolism and improving digestion. It helps with diarrhoea, recurring fever, rhinitis, and dysuria, boosts strength and weight and acts as an aphrodisiac.
  4. Amla dadhi– This sweet food is disguised and camouflaged by a well-known sour that might aggravate bleeding issues and raise Pitta dosha.
  5. Ati amla dadhi– It has a robust sour flavour. Due to its sourness, it produces horripilation and tingling in the teeth. It aggravates blood, Vata, and Pitta and causes a burning feeling in the throat and oesophagus. It also strengthens digestion but may result in acid peptic problems, heartburn, burping, bloating, and burping.

Ayurvedic facts about curd

Ayurveda recommends consuming curd for digestion, as it helps in increasing the digestive power.

It also helps in reducing the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Curd is also said to have anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing joint pain and swelling.

It also helps in reducing the risk of various diseases.

Side effects of curd

Though curd is considered to be beneficial for the body, it can have some side effects if not consumed properly.

  • Consuming too much curd can cause digestive issues like indigestion and gas.
  • It can also lead to weight gain, as it is a high-calorie food.
  • Consuming curd with incompatible foods can also result in a wide range of devastating diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, infertility etc. Therefore, eating curd in moderation and with recommended food combinations is essential.

What is the best time to eat curd?

The best time to eat curd is in the morning or the afternoon.

Ayurveda recommends consuming curd after lunch and dinner, as it helps in boosting digestion.

Eating curd in night can disturb your sleep cycle and lead to various digestive issues.

Is curd good for everyone?

Curd can benefit everyone, but it is essential to consume it in moderation. People with certain health conditions should avoid consuming curd, as it may worsen their condition. It is best to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before consuming curd regularly.

How to eat curd according to Ayurveda? Rules for eating Curd in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, curd is considered to be the one that can build up metabolic toxins in your body, sounds weird, right?

However, Ayurveda offers you a solution for it too.

While eating curd, combining it with other ingredients in moderation is essential.

Ayurveda prescribes consuming curd for its therapeutic and nutritional benefits.

However, it is essential to understand the rules for eating curd according to Ayurveda to maximize its potential.

Always consume curd in moderation.

Ugh! It seems impossible for you.

But you can consume it in the other way, Lol! Yes, you can drink buttermilk daily with a pinch of spices.

Curd is known to cause inflammation and an imbalance in kapha and pitta dosha, which can lead to sneezing, cough, sore throat, asthma, etc., and even some autoimmune diseases.

Hence, always follow rule no.1 for a healthy and happy life.

Do not consume curd in the night.


Longing for that yummy lassi late at night?

Your metabolism is slow during the night hours, and since curd is heavy to digest, it is not recommended to have it at night, as this can lead to kapha imbalance and may prompt issues for people with asthma and allergies.

Do not consume warm curd.

So stop cooking your favorite dishes with curd, which can be indirectly harmful.

Curd loses its nutritional properties on heating and may backstab you.

Do not combine meat with curd.

It might be too disappointing for meat lovers as they combine their favourite biryani with a raita.

Meat is considered incompatible with curd as it can lead to inflammation in your body and may trigger skin diseases.

Avoid consuming it in the scorching summers.

Curd, by nature, is hot in potency and unsuitable for you as it leads to bleeding disorders and other diseases causing pitta imbalance, such as premature greying, hair fall, skin and eye diseases, etc.

Some interesting combinations

Ayurveda recommends you combine curd with these items whenever you consume them. Here are those exciting combinations:

  • Curd with moong dal
  • Curd with sugar
  • Curd with honey
  • Curd with amla
  • Curd with ghee

Never mix curd with fruits.

Aww! Feeling bad?

You will miss your yummy breakfast smoothies with fruits; instead, go for some veggies like pumpkin.

Curd and fruits are incompatible and might trigger allergic reactions in your body.

Eating curd is a great way to stay healthy and nourished.

However, curd should not be eaten alone; it is best paired with other ingredients, such as moong dal, honey, sugar, etc., to unlock its hidden health benefits.

In addition, it should be noted that curd is not recommended during summer because it can lead to indigestion.

While it should not be consumed alone or in the summer season, adding buttermilk into your diet can provide some wonderful and unexpected benefits!

Ayurveda also Considers the following essential rules for eating curd.

  • Ayurveda Recommends avoiding combining curd with sour or fermented foods such as pickles, yoghurt, cheese, and sour fruits.
  • Additionally, do not consume curd with cold foods such as ice cream, cold drinks, and raw vegetables.
  • Curd should not be combined with incompatible foods such as fish, chicken, or individually.
  • It is better to use curd along with gooseberry, green gram, sugar, ghee, and honey.
  • It is not desirable to have curd at night or after heating.
  • It is contra-indicated in spring, summer, and autumn.
  • Use curd sparingly and use it before it fully forms. If not, it will cause jvara. (fever), rakta pitta (bleeding disorders), visarpa (cellulitis), kustha (skin disorders), pāndu (anaemia) and bhrama (giddiness).
  • It’s also important to note that you never consume curd after meals.
  • Ayurveda recommends that you consume curd at least two hours before meals. Additionally, it would help if you did not eat curd immediately after a meal.
  • Overeating curd can lead to indigestion, acidity, and other digestive problems. Therefore, one should limit their curd intake to one cup daily. By following these simple rules for eating curd, one can enjoy its numerous health benefits without any side effects. So, go ahead and enjoy the magic of curd!

Uses of Curd in Ayurveda

Traditional Ayurvedic Recipes and their health benefits

In Ayurveda, curd is an essential food item in several conventional Ayurvedic recipes.

  • Curd is considered to be a cooling food by many people, as it has a cooling effect on the body. But in Ayurveda potency of curd is hot.
  • It helps to balance vata (but it vitiates Pitta and Kapha doshas. )
  • Curd is also used to treat various ailments and is known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
  • Curd is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other essential minerals.
  • It also contains probiotics that help to maintain a healthy gut and promote digestion.
  • Curd can be a natural remedy for diarrhoea, constipation, and indigestion. In addition, it is beneficial for treating skin conditions such as acne and eczema.
  • Curd is also used as a natural remedy for weight management. Due to its high protein content, it helps to reduce appetite and cravings. Furthermore, it is also beneficial for improving immunity and fighting off infections.
  • In traditional Ayurvedic recipes, the curd is used to make various dishes. It can make kadhi, raita, lassi, and other traditional Indian dishes.
  • Mix the curd with other ingredients to make face packs, hair packs, and even beauty treatments.
  • Curd is an essential part of the Ayurvedic diet and a great nutrition source.
  • It is one of the most versatile and beneficial foods in the Ayurvedic system and is known for its many health benefits.
  • Add curd to your morning breakfast.
  • Mix some curd with oats or muesli and enjoy a healthy breakfast. You can also add some fruits or nuts to make it more nutritious.
  • Curd makes a great accompaniment to any meal.
  • Try adding curd to your lunch or dinner plate, as it aids digestion and helps the body to absorb nutrients better.
  • Make a healthy and nutritious snack by blending curd with fruits and other ingredients. This makes for a great snack full of protein and other essential nutrients.
  • If you’re looking for a refreshing and healthy drink, mix some curd with water and a pinch of salt. This drink is known as ‘lassi’ in India and is a great way to cool down on a hot summer day.
  • Make a yoghurt-based sauce or dip to accompany your meal. This is a great way to add flavour to your feed and make it more nutritious.

These are just some ways you can use curd to make your meals more nutritious and enjoyable. So, why start incorporating curd into your daily diet today?


Curd is essential to a well-balanced diet and has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Modern research has also demonstrated the numerous health benefits of curds, including reducing inflammation, aiding digestion, and promoting gut health. Curds are an excellent source of probiotics, which can improve overall health and well-being. Additionally, curds are rich in calcium, protein, and other vitamins and minerals. Thus, curds can be an essential part of a well-balanced diet. We hope this blog has helped to uncover some of the mysteries of curd and given you a better understanding of the different types and how to make them.

How to Eat Curd According to Ayurveda | Benefits and side effects (2024)


How to Eat Curd According to Ayurveda | Benefits and side effects? ›

Enhancing curd's potency: Adding a pinch of black pepper or cumin powder can mitigate the Kapha-increasing properties of curd. This combination aids digestion and prevents mucus accumulation. Avoid incompatible foods: Ayurveda warns against the simultaneous intake of curd with sour fruits, milk, or melons.

How to consume curd as per Ayurveda? ›

In case you cannot refrain yourself from eating curd at night, Ayurveda recommends consuming it in moderation. after adding a pinch of black pepper and rock salt. Other options such as ghee, amla, and honey can also be added to curd when you consume it at night. Alternatively, you can substitute curd with buttermilk.

What are the side effects of curd? ›

It is also high in calories and fat, which can lead to weight gain if consumed in excess. Here are the side effects of eating curd every day, as follows: Digestive Discomfort: Eating too much curd can cause the digestive tract to become overworked, which can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort in the abdomen.

Why does Ayurveda say no to curd? ›

Curd as per the Ayurveda expert can also impact nutrient absorption and increase cholesterol levels. "According to Ayurveda, curd is heating in nature and not cooling as people believe it. It is also heavy (guru) to digest and slimy (sticky) in nature. It increases kapha dosha in body.

How to eat curd in a healthy way? ›

The best time to have curd is during the day, preferably in the morning or afternoon, as it is easier to digest. You can consume it plain or as part of a meal, such as with rice or vegetables. Adding a small amount of fruit, such as banana or mango, can also enhance the taste and nutritional value of curd.

What should not be eaten with curd? ›

  1. Dec 11, 2023, 11:11 AM IST. 5 Food Items You Should Avoid Eating With Curd For Better Health. ...
  2. Fish and curd. Combining curd with fish is advised against due to their high protein content, as it may lead to digestion issues and gastrointestinal discomfort.
  3. Mango and curd. ...
  4. Milk and Curd. ...
  5. Curd and Oily Foods. ...
  6. Onion and Curd.
Dec 11, 2023

At what time we should not eat curd? ›

At night, there is a natural predominance of kapha in the body. This can lead to excess mucus development in the nasal passages. Still, the impact can vary from person to person and may not be true for everyone. People prone to asthma, cough and cold should avoid consuming curd for dinner.

Is it OK to eat curd everyday? ›

While many of us are aware of its benefits for digestion, recent studies have shown that eating curd daily can also help prevent various diseases like diabetes.

How much curd is too much? ›

There is no specific maximum amount of curd or milk that everyone should consume per day. The recommended intake of dairy products varies depending on factors such as age, sex, overall health, and individual dietary needs.

Is curd inflammatory? ›

The Bottom Line. Unless you have a milk allergy, research suggests that dairy is not the root cause of low-grade inflammation in the body. In fact, consuming foods like yogurt may actually help to reduce inflammation.

Why should we not drink water after eating curd? ›

Drinking water immediately after consuming yogurt can wash away these probiotics and reduce their effectiveness. If you want to drink something with yogurt, opt for a small sip of water or choose a flavored yogurt that is already diluted with liquid.

Which fruits can be eaten with curd Ayurveda? ›

The ayurvedic diet and the intake of fruit

The only fruits your can eat for dessert are pineapple and strawberries, due to their digestive enzymes. Never combine your raw fruit with dairy products (so yep, no fruit with yoghurt or cheese…).

Can we eat ghee and curd together? ›

Curd + Ghee

We all enjoy dahi with our ghee-topped paranthas. However, eating curd and ghee at the same time causes your metabolism to slow down, leaving you sluggish and lazy.

What is the best combination with curd to eat? ›

Curd and honey: Honey, mixed with curd, is an excellent antibiotic. It is said that in the problem of ulcer, curd and honey work as a brilliant remedy. Curd with dry fruits: If your bones are getting weaker and your body is in pain, you should eat dry fruits mixed with curd.

Which fruit is best with curd? ›

Take fruits like banana, strawberry, mango, chikku and other such fruits in a blender and add a cupful of thick curd.

How much curd to eat daily? ›

As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to consume 100-200 grams of plain curd each day, which is roughly equivalent to half a cup. However, when you are losing weight, limiting your curd intake to 100 grams per day is advisable.

How do you apply curd to your body? ›

How To Make It: Take two tablespoons of curd and a tablespoon of honey, and mix it well to form a paste. Apply this mixture to your face and neck, and let it rest for about 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Can we eat curd without mixing water? ›

Hello, it is myth. You can have curd without water too. Better to have it during day time.

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