What do you call a bread roll? Map reveals regional differences (2024)

What do you call a bread roll? Map reveals regional differences (1)

GlobeHunters has unveiled a map to put an end to The Great British Bread debate, revealing the regional names for a bread roll.

The map reveals teacakes are the term of choice in the West Country, while those in Newcastle favour stotty. Across the border, Glaswegians favour rowies, while those in the Highlands say cob.

In southern England, there’s huge variance with vienna, buttery and batch thrown into the mix.

GlobeHunters compiled the research “through a number of sources in each location”, but admitted there was still debate across each region.

The map was unveiled following bread week on The Great British Bake Off, which saw contestants take on the teacake, cottage loaves and colourful sculpture, with highlights including an edible handbag and unusual-looking snail.

So, where do you fall in The Great British Bread Debate? Find out below.

What do you call a bread roll? Map reveals regional differences (2024)


What do you call a bread roll? Map reveals regional differences? ›

The map reveals teacakes are the term of choice in the West Country, while those in Newcastle favour stotty. Across the border, Glaswegians favour rowies, while those in the Highlands say cob. In southern England, there's huge variance with vienna, buttery and batch thrown into the mix.

What are the different terms for bread roll? ›

A cob, a roll, a bun, a barm, a batch, a bap – it's just flour, yeast, salt, and water, but the country seems to be overflowing with different names for the humble morsel.

What do northerners call a bread roll? ›

"[It is] the most chosen variant and the one with the widest spread across the country, predominating in the South and in Scotland." 'Bun' was the favourite of the North East, while 'bap' dominated in north Wales.

What do the Scottish call a bread roll? ›

For example, baps is a term used in the North of England and Scotland and refers to bread rolls/buns.

What are the regional names for bap? ›

This could be a barm cake, bread-cake, bap, batch, bun, buttery, muffin, cob, oven bottom, roll or stotty. To add to the confusion, some names mean more than one thing. In the area north of Manchester, bread rolls are called 'teacakes'. But in Scotland, a teacake is a type of biscuit topped with marshmallow.

What are the different bread rolls called? ›

Fritter is a stuffed bread roll. Italian roll or hoagie roll, long roll or steak roll – long, narrow roll with an airy, dry interior and crusty exterior. Kaiser roll – crusty round roll, often topped with poppy seeds or sesame seeds, made by folding corners of a square inward so that their points meet.

What do the Irish call a bread roll? ›

“They actually ask for a bap but it depends—we have a soft bap or scotch rolls, crusty rolls are known as Belfast baps, crusty like a tiger loaf.” “To me, bread rolls are a bap.” In Ireland a roll or a bap is commonplace.

What is a Yorkshire bread roll called? ›

TypeBread roll
Place of originBritain
Region or stateYorkshire

What do southerners call baps? ›

Bread roll is a term used widely in England, southern Wales and Scotland, whereas bap was the favourite of North Wales, the West Midlands and Staffordshire.

What is a French bread roll called? ›

A baguette (/bæˈɡɛt/; French: [baɡɛt]) is a long, thin type of bread of French origin that is commonly made from basic lean dough (the dough, not the shape, is defined by French law).

What is a bread roll called in Birmingham? ›

Cob. Definition: If you're from another part of the country with a particularly strong dialect you'll know that the UK can't decide on what to call a bread roll. To Birmingham, a simple bread roll is a cob but in other parts of the country, it's a bap, barm cake, bun, batch… the list goes on.

What do Welsh people call a roll? ›

All around the UK, from North Wales, north Norfolk and the northwest to northern Scotland and the East Midlands, you'll often hear a bread roll called a cob.

What is the northern word for bap? ›

'Bun' was the favourite of the North East, while 'bap' dominated in north Wales. Other parts of the north of England were divided up into a patchwork of different labels.

What is the difference between a bread roll and a bap? ›

Die-hard bap-lovers distinguish a bap as a softer bread roll with minimal crust and fill them with crispy bacon and sauce for breakfast. More decadent variants such as burger baps, with added butter or lard, start to resemble French brioche.

What is the difference between a bap and a butty? ›

A Butty Is a Sandwich

A filled roll or bap can be a butty, as can two pieces of bread with filling. The main kinds of butties are bacon butties and chip butties.

What is a bread roll also known as? ›

These names include roll, and for a minority of the population (usually concentrated in specific regions) bap, barm cake, batch, breadcake, bun, cob, teacake and muffin. A variety of rolls are found in Europe, from white rolls made with wheat flour, to dark rolls containing mostly rye flour.

What are three types of rolls? ›

In the photo tutorial below, you'll learn how to shape three different types of dinner rolls: Single Knot Rolls, Crescent Rolls and Butterfly Rolls. I made these dinner rolls using Pumpkin Yeast Roll dough, but you could use any yeast roll recipe.

What is the slang for bread? ›

In co*ckney rhyming slang “bread and honey” is shortened to bread, meaning money. The person who earns a wage to support their family is often referred to as the “breadwinner.” “Dough” came on to the American slang scene in about 1840, and predated “bread” by a little more than a century.

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