The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21 1935 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER (TELEPHONE MAIN 4500)' PAGE TWENTY ONE Personals Business Notices Doan Progress South Side Excursions and Travel New York $850 Chicago $550 Allerton Hotel CH 080 Save on Coal BUY NORCROSS LUMP "Coni that raira whh thn PENNSYLVANIA I 1 TON $(iR5 2 TONS $13 NO soot 0 ASir NO CLINKERS Inrenaa Hrut Long Burning: Lika Volte MOToraIL COAL CO PRospcct 5605 ASS BOO KS BO UG WEST SIDE MuIum Jloumanian Quincy Acuio Colonial Tatra IRST CLEVELAND 700 National tty Bank Bldg PR 1571 Cash for Bank Accounts Atlas Equity Vnlon Ohio Otol ulton Murlgmre Ivanhoe City Taira Unlred LEDOGAR HORNER INC 604 Union Trust UHrrry Bsiiu IG BEST CASlt OR CITY ULTON MORTG AGE PRATT 1 WILLIAMS 428 Ci (pens Bldg CH 75H' I BOUGHT PASS BOOKS SOLI) Pulliam NORMAN HOUSER 12O5 wet lai id Blds MA I Ip os LOANS ON LISTED SECURITIES Jja'iALj ItAlLo CUYAHOGA INANCE CO 11)30 Eu llil AvcJtuyia42l PR 3 pi roll BALANCE DI Leonard naw swagger $125 Hudson son I $149 fur coals relined sticcial Slunn Sterman urs 1112 ll5 GA lil is HEIRS cun borrow ii aint their share in unsettled estates legacies trust funds Chatham Discount Company 150 Broad SPOT CASH CITY ATLAS DOaN 'J HOME MUTUAL BLDG Buy Sell AU Puss Books Krantx Newton Co 101H Hippufinn Bhlar TH 191 Whv Take a Loss on Your PASS BOOKS UP TO ULL VALUE At OWED ON PURCHASE URNITURE THE BROOKLYN URNITURE co 4111 Peii'l Rd ailysulo I 15(1 CASH OR PASS BOOKS CITY PROGRESS DOAN TATRA HOME IVANHOE OTIS CO TIG Cuyahnca Bldg eriy 2 6 0 PASS BOOKS BOUGHT SOLD EQUITY And All Other MITCHELL HERRICK CO 7011 Cuyahoga Bldg Ahi li I OR cash forTass books C1TY DOAN UNION SAVINGS ULTON MORTGAGE BARKVIEW PROGRESS EAST END CUSTODIAN ACKLEY ROESSLER INC 1 MONAHAN 1255 Terminal 'Power HI Itf PR 1155 ON ami after this dale 1 will not be re aponsible lor ileblt enniraeted by any other than myself Norville I) Monk 32 IS Mayll' ld Rd A CK A 1 1 It AT I PA IN promptly relieved with Cliiroi'ractie and Eleelrical Treatments 12 years' practice Daily in 8 m'lli Keith Ulilv MAin 11131 Whitehaven Memorial Park Ofii csl 0 th Jl our llnmm Hida PR 5 27 2 IDEALLY lots on llillercst Me morial Park will auerillee a real buy Bov 23343 Dealer REE MARCELLING and hair titling daily except Sal White Crns School 208 uroii llth Bldg CH H5 1 1 DETECT VES Personal cases advice free 80S Public Square Bldg Ain 3002 IMPROVE vour speech and personality it nays 70 1 Old Arcade MIDWEST SAVINGS LOAN STOCK Wanted Wuliger PRuspcct 5152 LIQUOR habit stopped at hnme secretly Lamkoft 310 citizens Blue CH 4OoQ HUNTING: On 400 neres: near river 50c day Hum a rm CH ti OS SELL $10000 or pan' City Saving Pierce 1010 Hippodrome 1R 1018 DR KESSLER 2S0 Old Arcade "111 fix our in ca ay credit MA 1 "HEALTH IMPROVING TREATMENTS Licensed 53l Keith Bldg MAin 1030 Bus Travel SAEWAY LINES hrs to 10 hrs to t'hlenro 1821 II ST MAIN Help Wanted Male If you find any line of nilsMalement in this column juL vall the Beticr BuMiipm Bureau MAin 3652 AGENT: Colb'et ami life inu ial oalirv nu ixirf'ri enco But niui bn si'iuty man with guoil rrnnlaliun bund Abldy 2031 Euclid Mr Ury I i SALES 51 EN 53O SIIO weeklv commission nationally known produel exclusive territories See Mr os'er 1227 Thurs 2 in onlv XRtlSTtTorent'Bi eommeretal art studio in Pittsburgh has immediate opening for first class experienced finished lettering man: permanent position and excellent opportunity full time salary Communi cate Immediately with Ray Brown Ray art Studios Inc American Bank Bldg Pittsburgh AUTO Salesman: l)o Solo cmn I salon Shanman 12100 Kinsman BARBER: lsl cla steady no college siu dent non union: good wages write or wire Wittenbruok 301 Main St Alliance BARBER A American salary ami commission 2Q1L Warren Rd Lake wood 5IER jalcsm'C) expert enmmiasion call 7:30 to 8 a nt 2117 1 1 pc rp ir BOOK AND MAGAZINE MEN We've nisi brougbl out a new 8(8H1eal if mu want to make niomy fast icom mission Il Burnett ('alter 1 1 olcl DRAPERY inlerior dcooralnr fo oslimale on uphnlsterv salary or cuDniiMion Pox 1163s Plain DRIVERS and solicitors Experienced only dry cleaning salary and comnnssion 1 )5 2 5 Ch es DRJVER SOLluftOK: Ready for work some with cars: salary 1 Uli REIGHT Rolicitor: Trucking experience city clientele: eommisirioii reference Box 25612 Plain braler fRI lGHT Checkers: Experienced onlv salary give details Box JxR3x Plain 1 eabHN UR CUTTER: Experienced salary Ill'1 1LZ 'd fTORTzONTAL horhir mill man Must be experienced on jobbing work: bnurly rate City ichlne 63 17 SI Clair JaNITOR: While basem*nt room kitchen hange for rvice 1 USS MEAT cutlers and counter men experi enced: whole nr part lune hourly rale Box 264 43 Plain MILLWRIGHT All around work ennnbrshaft lincabaft movo niachfnoR 55o hour large Cleve land plant Immediate opening give re ences Bnx 1 HI3H Plain Healer PORTRAIT PH0T0GRA1TIER Interested only in a man of proven nbilily who can make modern style high grade portraits of children Sal ary Apply 9:30 to 11:30 Employment Dept Sth 1'loor The Halle Bros Co POTTER JOHNSON OPERATOBS Hurt have at least 5 experience on 5 and 6 A machinea hourly rate EATON KG CO 739 146 st PRESSER: Experienced only: Honmnn niRf himh reference salary Dux firaler PRESSERS Experienced plecfl work So ciety Cleaners 625 Euclid "eMMe salesmen In indleg hank owned propertiea one familiar Hh Up? northeast section and one tmlliar with ihe noulheal section excellent oppor tunity for live wire to gond rjm miaahm Apply to ll a uh nan re Ti le Bldg Sales maN: CnmmndTty iicd by every Protected territory aesureg rood earnings on cnmmtsemn for pro ductr Box 26738 Hain Dealer Sale Houses Heights Shaker Village Electrical Repairing Painting Paperhanging Hol ISKWOltK Willie CEdur 7 100 Shaker $1 Kinsman nd Gli'ttcalm LO 6000 HARRY TWO OUTSTANDING BUYS re frrci pr attached riraire reerc a ro Tin a a tu Hl ini 2 LI ii lO S5 MiVnT: BIG UTURE OR ONE WHO OCALIlEb: SALARY i) SIARi experience de Rent Office and Desk Room Situation Wanted emale work COUPLE expt riciircd good cook driver Broad Houses South Southeast 131 1 By ontaine ox TOONERVILLE OLKS Tomboy" Taylor md ii (nr WO iu I Beautiful modern every num iiieiiit and rooms ami bnth hot private bnaeh prlvi till hom*o ou will DECKER SHADYSIDE 4510 Wot'S THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOU HAVING A IGHT WITH the Smith 4 qo The Van Sweringen Co Brokerage Department EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Houses for Sale Lots for Sale Houses for Rent 1 1 Co MAin Irtlft IICK 1 1 1 1 1 fi 1 1 1 I carver one food checker one coun ter irk Dehl ribc voumdf fully an in auc and experience salary Box fur men approach croeers and mnni market with a premium deal enmmiion Reliable Trailing Co 163d Wanted Room Roommate Room nd Board MAN Reliable nmt have 1 man lake chaigi of tei rimry alm neat mwaniw salesman win would be siitrt lied with annul SHI wm kly romiiin sioti to etarl tn with mgr Seo Mr nslir 1227 1 Tm inmt Rumn IHL SIGHT Snvlnx lamps nimln from old floor lumps S2ml) UP Mli'hlgnn 7581 onh S' A :2 li room 3 beau is steam heat OTT GI EW BI LOOK: tor stniirant middle age ii 1 1 rt on CURTAINS 1101111 laumlri il ea I ib'l i ver Iti'iiners 1 buy be Rent Rooms and Board East Side iVE WITH RALEIGH ()AU TREAT MENT: Mnkn 2 tuns du work uf xvunt men tn distribute sample: lake Tu Ar 1 1 xeiiwive oi room cnarnt Cmmiry Rd 2 Limlly 0 rooms each unite newly nainird and drearafrd CoHlonH off Taylor Rd White colonial 3 bed rooms El CLID ssHd The home for huinc and ienpr: double mom laro loci next hath $350 each: Experienced Imiwi'nii SIIh1( and Lnign store 6 mom car a xca EUCLID AVE AT rr vpi a SMART Newly furniHhrd suim Jicatonaile Kiiirs Sales Promotion Man JHih grade intelligent capable In nice i i he humrH public lo li a service uuivcrsnily in de mand bu'dikeei mg know ledge I nr I erred draw i ng acyuuiiL anti eominisrtion to the rihl man: give lull pa rl ictda rs In first letter Box 30 H3 1'laltl Dealer MAN wim ear: past record must bo good bund required steady wo will tram you future tu men selected mint be tnorch indisi'r sale drawing account Boom oT Public Square jtld i liiirs only VTm NG MEN SiNinE BETWEEN 2025 Cleveland Home Modernization Directory Th fn'luwlng (Irnu mid Individual an prepared to meet your MODERNIZING REBA INT RMDDET lldlLD qtnrr 4tl ft fltenni heat and bnenwnl: reasonable Hud 1 1 I 'I in I 1 1 rg i BEAUTY operator to rent equipped beauty imrior tu runiujct ion with barber shop SAlESM EN liiduMrial InRuranvo oiivn Crotito and build debits omini drawing jiccmuit 38 8lauuard Bt2 SALESM EN WCNTD: ast moving ai II 'lc rone'll Hide cmnmrMKhm cull bu twucujpii pju Superior Ave SALESMEN: Excefieni nropmiiimn oaBing on bUKineiw chtabliunenU Euclid Boom 3QH SALESMEN Young men that are interest ed in making a day cummhsiun1 kalish Mecca lintel sal i ry A S4 llrsl cliisH cafeteria one xpcrlehced woman meat actories Warehouses story fAi'tiR7iT87WAl ieT ousTs: GARAIIEs HEIIIIIl' 'JEKMlNAlS 1 1 A SB' 1 1 IS Si i MjV ll 8 J(k tip 4u' DU uni) feet ri i ikh red ullgrr J'ltiiapeet 5752 BRB'K Lnrge mnill unit tcam elevilor 11135 11 65 near Km lld EN 81173 WANTTlldir: Who ii'b'fl Wllliin 5(mll' tCI nvf land Box 332 IMaiii De i lr Sale Houses Lakewood Rocky River Bay Village airview i nTdaVTo'' 16790 Beach int Blvd: Ona ut Um most beautiful and best built homes in this de sirable lerriiory 0 kni rooms nun par lor recreation room 3 all tilo baths and lavatories together with complete ui quarter largo lul beautifully land scaped: double garage cost S3(iMh now available at one half that price reasonable down payment balance mie mnrigage at leges: if you 11KO Ik RuuM enisle Cleveland Heights: Perfect condition: just renovized nicely land sea oed lot? terms Call PR BTuS OUTSTANDING value in neighborhood 2d)l Edxrdnd Rd: Attractive 10 mom 1 1 ue A I) 124 A 3209 ERNWAY Uon of Leo Attrac 11 ve 7rootn home: SIX 500 A SHAKKR LOMOND2 family $8 950 Good glove icclexs 10 UHD YOUNG col I ivd airl for cleaning Maces Shaker Pet Shop 1 3(tl5 Voodlainl Employment Bureau emale ec et a iiyTTTLL 77 i io Stenographer finance Stenographer meet public Remington Bookkeeper alen gitt ihoi experience Elliot isher Ihllrr Bookkeeper Underwood Biller point experience WILSON EMPLOYMENT 7 22 UNION TRUST Bl DC WE AKE going tn add 3 mure bd'smen in our staff io the 19dG I'nd cars irueks and urd cars: you will also le permit tod to cll Iho iv bincom Zephyr priced in the medium priced hracael: hbi ral commission gas and oil allowance vour oip'rlunliv to jmn up with an active salcs numled nrganixa ti decisions will bo made at once no man will be interviewed alter 0 'p n1 Saturday Nov 23d See Voogol MARKAD 1NU 2UI3 vhoM Ave ROOING Tinnt ng urnace Wurk Eatiinatox gladly given GA 3509 Shades Blinds VENETIAN Blind WlmiTesali' Price" Cleveland Vuuetiun Blind to WO 2o91 EXTRA MONEY UR XMA Preseniim unusual gill for ladies daint ily find attractively wrapped slate sal ary: extra bonus 1U3U Euclid AveRomn 123 il SQ3(t tbs si ins popular soil ors: big Xmas busiiioss No CANVASS ING commission advanced RuSECLI I SwilL ilo Bldg WOMEN with sales personality for out alanding wonun's insurance co cum mission basiR (Itill Terminal TnVT TAKE orders for Xmns cards and candy commission daily I 75 Superior $1 DAY guaranteed with liberal bonus ains work 1900 Euclid Room 215 I II I II LADIES See our male ad S3 $10 daily alsilk Hosiery ATTENTION APARTMENT BUILDERS: Rest wile tn Shaker for large apartment I rring none OU SW 02 1 7 LAKEWOOD: Tv Uitta weenie location owing Io ntlur Interests owner will mac riflcc 1008 Schofield Bldg MA 1718 17102 near St Clair: 4 familv 6 rooms each iiuite bargain $5200 $l2o0 down nnsy ternm pnueipals only Nd 4265 2 Dimdici 8inUe utUm a 1 ySa vlngH Loan MAin 8204 ARMS AVE olf 222 St in 6 rooiu ring lo double garage MJ UR 0112 Sale Apartments and Sites I Cnv iibui'l AnlsfiVhl BUljr SoLHlTnliS: Dry salary ail votnmi sh m7 12 1 Harvard nui SOLKITURS: 25 dry ieniiinx: salary a 1 li i 'UH Issloh 78111 I orii i TMLi': Un si class hII hioiiiuI salary 3 Il 1 1 1 78 81 i lfK i a i UPS ITTER man Piece work See Mr Arelirr Midwest orge 131I Si Clai BEAUTY Evpertenced only: nilnry 13227 1 mlrnil LA 82iil Gliristinas Card Salespeople 50 Personal Imprinted Clirisl mas Cards To detail for $1 00 Ami Met ynu a irnnl profit I Huy from AST ME TO BE HIS SWEETHEART AND 1 ER THREW HIM DOWN 1 1 VsA I''1 KINO Convenient location Hue phone and seerr in Hal service attractively decorated of tiers (hie oreiinanov THE AVENUE RUH DING find Eucini ENdmnt 4 5Q0 Il 1 1 ill Rt i BLDG urnibhcd private ofBco or desk iaui with service a ho ilidt pendent offices or Huitrs THE HAS DOTY COMPANY Rooin'f 'Hrry 2B82 ATTRACTIVE office and desk com pletely furnthhed aecnilariai desk pace $750: private office SI 5 S' Bldg Euclid at 9 Apply RoonL 1 BLDG Obpnuiu llnllett den Entire floor devoted to furuHb'd offices $20 un month: special iurvk and Appointments provide atmosphere of i ri vftte off! ce 1 mf Hi i off no of bld EUCLID 57 13 urnished private nflicr free fseeretury pliono Aorviee hghiH heat janitor and parking IQ vip HIL Rd I th nd nm Eii addiCess in Cleveland URNISHED private ofllcs and desk gpace CI 'HZ NS BLDG J5l i id idL CIL4050 THE AUDITORIUM BUHDING Private offieeB or ilcnk Apace will' phone tilul Ltd rooms blilir ui'll ki iiL 75 113 1 42 Jon Mmior: laive moil nrn 2 1 ipr lcH 8325 I 11 cuiwr Houiili: Nil'' rooms stoaiii linat $311 Seo eustielkin S5 1 1 1 Very lovely if rooni fileieney suite in a dor steam: janitor is7 1 SIU: Atlraetivo 7 rooms 2 baths 4ST i lND: 2 3 room apl sillies fur lushed or not Singleton i'l 2fl3l 418 1 BRAI'lMR UK Bemulful 7 room single latest improvements iririiin THE ALEX OIXJR REALTY CO 33 2il ()! A I A VE MEI ROSE 01 10 I 1808 ERNIVAY The Just Word in modern liouets Vaeaiit Owner LA mi 3 1 17J Quell 2 to 8 tn 7 ROliM single eloso in Lakewood" flow mown: 8151 1 Mr Davis BO 21 Hull IIARIES AVE UARMA Oft Ridge Rd: Nice ioom eliitla bum boiiik coiiipl tey reimviied nleelv lamb semed lot iiilli fish point douhlo a rase ease bank finalieimr CUTTEH HERSH INC 1 1722 Liriin Ave Cleanvater 5o biivsOak near Broad view modern fi room smale: all built in foainres Larins sliiubbcd lot balance bunk flnancinir BROWM IJIRSni J1EA1T5 1 I DRAIN AVE yuiODBINE 101 vb 1 H'iRN Tonga low for smido mj near Broadview 5 ruuiu A comhlinig arare $8110 down THE ENTHAL REALTY CO 3202 LORA I A WOODBINE 1810 MODEHN bmis aiow: 5 rooms down 1 up: near ltd: aarauo large lol: price $3'ion $80(1 down RANK YOUNG KEALT5 CO'71'28 1 OlUHN AVE MELROSE 2081 (ii It I drv EARU near 42: Slore 2 suites 1 rooms each: Dirnaee sooit income S50 nr pass book down TUR KlARUEB 11 KADAIl REALTY CO 2 7 1 7 Lor a i Ave VM mdbiCf I MApTeCRST' oft Slate: (1 rmme newly pfiiiilcd decuraied cnrngi: SI'H) duii THE KLARREUTI KADAR REALTY 2 7 1 7 JL ru i iA I l' Houses East East Cleveland A Ml N1 RD 'level and Cohmial BRICK nml 8 rooms 1 bed ruoin nuftrter on id vanor heat 2 rar gfirire down BALANCE LIKE KENT Hvmait 11 'ObO or HE 0910 Society for Sitvingn Bldg WADE AVE ncarE 4ih Beautiful brick rcKldrnrc newly painted ami exceptionally gnnd buy bunk terma will compiler trade Hoflinan 521 (uiranice Till Bldg per I or at Hi PRoprp fiAm S5 5ih Lake Shore Blvd corner CanbT biirv Boncliliind Park unvllegeis: At tractive 7 riim fiiiiglc cumplctely reno vized new nir cuiid'tmiied heating ev bun: rcy Winn tr appointment call Hugh MA 8181 I III III aw JOWA: 2'L'itndv 5 large romne each 2 ear ririge tewlv painted only $5591) mu all down bank balance Hoffman 521 Guarantee Title Rldr Superior hl 9Hi PRuirct 5530 117 imar Wann Briok and frame 8 rooms 2 Lillis: flnlslo'd 3d and bath: biiraam $G7bO 'ItOOU down princi pals EN 4 2 (Io LORAIN 7115: LARGE STORE AND 4 tUiilM Sljn 1 $2u CL (14 18 ifALl rood location West Side i iLcarwal' lll(7 DENISON 0017 argo llKl0 Store See )(idtor or CH 0107 MIDISON AVE '1 33311 mSniali smitie store' vrry rrasnnablr Call 01 1)7 Rent Suburban Property HI 1 1 1 I 'Til 4806 Ix lwron Mayfield Euclid naxt airport: 8 looms bail st'oim 15 acres lo responsible MA BOOK KEEPERSienosra idler ull iliarxo' co st I 'ayrol I Box 3343 I'lain Dealer or waitress: A refined experienced line sewing references no cooking Box 3 113 Blain Dealer CLEANING: White experienced $175 ear fare' RE 080!) after Ii in WADE 1'AUK furnace: 82250 IIHK Culoiil 4 I nd looms 2 balha maid's like now Bird car $s5 AHltlii 3611 OPEN 3 TO NEW BRICK nir cnndHiond dub room pcpnrate slall shower Green Co Helklds Office 21 Oil Lee Rd A Xno A DELIGHTUL HOME 8(4600 I'li iure it rliarmm brick colonial white eluilters center hall loni hvinc room library tile kitchen 2 beautiful baths no: mauls on: anon every rm ido Park: ur ladies slmlio room: maid servue 1 12 1315: Suite 12: Living room fire place arand piano adjoining sleeping aleove sleani 85 references 115 El'ClID: ATTRACTIVE I UP I VAT BJ ly A 1 1 mh 121 2012 near Shaker Sa: 2 front rooms orivale breakfast ('A 10 1(1 1 12s 28 UL near rapid Lovely room 1 1 I vale 1 ion ic I I 5 04 8 a I ter eTTi ClTdr Nice room private fandlv SI 5 in ill' ll 4048 MEN 3 morel to set nut samples and take orders on est route KiiaranO ed salary $10 and good bonus average sales carnines $20 822 5o per we 1227 Prospect Room 407 Alter Midi: A see 232161 Hilrs work: experience iiiimiessary real opportunity lor ad vancement salary and commission Ap ple 8:30 a Room 1U 1227 Pros or appolniment or further details call A I) hradleyCl (HTiL NEW BRICK? 217 1 ENWICK OPEN 3 to AL Outgtandinv hnme: chib room 2 hath in uUted nir conditioned cparaie itall shower: UNDER SHO00 Hriahts Otller 2lui Den Rd A OO'll Share Apartments Houses IhTsTn EbS" ill i 1 1 Bhiiu beautiful apt with rhuc 20GU 53 Apt 2U eve uuig Rent urnished Apartments East Side EAST GLKVEIaNT) Euclid corner Gras mere: 3 spacious rooms fo ireless YifTH? I IU Nicely funilahed 1 2 anil 3 rooms EN 885! "75 liiiiu NEAR UCLII 2 ROQM SHOWER STEAM S3 1 77 ST 1II2G LEXlNGTllN Attracliv 2 3 room steam heated apt exee lien tjm imli See resident mil ETbl7 1843:" Nicely litrnished 2 3 rooms as elettrle i rless Iren janitor 85 1851 I'olonnado: 3 rooin urnisheti eomplcle linens elevator $i) $oo iCri u2 0 3 DR 1 1 YirA 1 Well lurnlslied 123ronm: phone: maid service select tenancy GE 43d ET" fl 1882: (LEAN 3 ROOM 11AT1 ll CE I ESS MODERN Euclid Manor Coimlrvlike surroundings in I he heart of the eily homelike suites (tumished or uni tirnlslied OU I SECLUDED 7711 IJ( Tdl) AVE EIKLIDE 11)571181: LIVING BOOM BED ROOM SHARE BATI1 HA TL1 NjS20 'JL1 bl'Jj UGlTd KIU: 2 eliarinuir rooms $10: re fernces 2 111 1 I IIETgIITS Well appoinlrd 4 rooms: free i i I cm 1 1 i Le a garage I'E 1 rooms heat light gas LL ItN I SI I ED $35 MuiJYniuYTVb for IhiMnow I'eopk 4311 5 miniHrs from downtown bpouliful ruonig ld huhl Rcrviee $7 $15 MUhT liK SKKN JH A BPRECl A 1 ED West Side CJ l'DiN I3H IH 14S I 2 JU)OM light i ent gas $3 IxA 8917 I Uonununiiy oBk or druk 812 Huron Rd (axion Bldg A 332L Business Places for Rent IHbliiKLYNL loxw Ufi inted hot waler heat ideal for grocery I I '1 LEARN DIESEL maintenance and opera tion new modern ociuipnmnL Reni dent and extenMon umirseH Budget pay ment plan NATIONAL SCHOOLS die mannalimllajn1) Mu Ll JUS pay as ymi Jearn plan an' yoking man to learn BARBKRING and hr placed day or evening ulnRe Call write or phono for free booklet Moier 74 MA b70 SHORTHAND nr typewriting or bnnkkeep Ing night eiwi Mon Thur SR eneh 4 weeks WILCOX COLLEGE COM MERLE PuLlie Square Bldg '1 1 EM 1 I III 1 1 1 ES SC OU Ideq Lnrgest Bet Equipped 5 1 if1 MMkL MAi i i 2 121 MEN LEARN nur system of BAUBERING CLEVEIAND Barhor College 214 (t 92 ECU THERAPY a paving profession Great Lnkea College 5 5 1 RnsR Bldg Help Wanted emale urnace Repairs Cleanin CRACKED llrepoi lined with durable TAUER LOK firu brick liimiff Saves tie I I an hr at A in 2 HR I URNACES vacuum cleaned $4 air cuy dilmmng Pond SI i eef Metal CE 1 Si Roofing IH at and st your own rrsalo priors Absolutely tlir vahir nn iho market! A wldo selection including several Xmas card Rsaorlmrnts a aemi religious assortment Everyday assort rnent an album of ueraonal Xmaa cards and a big line of Xmas wrapping packages all at prices amazingly low all al office or write for llluatratcd catalog COT'iNfAL STI DIG INC Sohollrld Bldg cnd: Gorman or Vleimt so oxpo ilciiced salary HuX Blain Dealer GIRLS 5 afiald to work $75(1 wook gimronlood no experi' nce lioccs ary Sales dopi 32 Erie Bldg Broa poct at lull alter 1 1) a rn GIRLS or rmlsTda rtdi'itiiig dry clean ing salary and commission 1 H(iUSEKEErER: While good hom*o 2ididr' ii S3 week reference IO 71 di n6IirSEwTRK: Girl for light: good Imino S3 8im A l5 31 Jl 2773 Hamp ire HOUSEWORK: Girl for general experi enced references: salary LA 3237 HOUSEVVoilk General ld(e (alary Mr Lewis Wcstjaks 11'1 CEDAR RD 13314: near tee: room home privlli'ges CLEVELAND 12531 rnvnhatli man garage A 23tkh CL'EV ELAND jftTltiHTi near eur hiis: Wa rm la i gc I rei i 150 A 303 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS CEDAR LEE Room comfort refinement A 2317 CKAWUR) 107'1 Larp front 7om alenin idoiiii' garage I or 2 meals oldmnal home privileges DELKY HOTEL 1810 65: Rooms $3 ui 2 3 room fur nished suites St ui private baths truiisicnisSI $160 IereoiiilentghL east Cleveland' kmi did car: ront room steam $3 HAST (ILEVEIANI) lsf4Ta lor Rd: Lovely warm room tl 0 1 60 '17H Delmont near Emdidj Roojuj usjy btlicireasmiti tdrt EASt'clEVELANI) ihlou Terraw ltd: rom loom1 2 board BO 20 IS EAST CUIeVELAND "1 120 Thornhill Eu clid ear Room 1 2: garage MLN: 3 hake work in wearing apparel nil Xmas about $2750 advanced com niissb'u ho experience 4Oo i ipodronio Bl dg 50 Xmas folders cost 5ic sells for 8150 nthrr marvrlnuR values Cleveland Art 324 'iiiz ena Bldg H5o Euclid MAN htdp pie service collect vending ma chine: commission: 8299 rc fi 13 Jr' 'r tlollcnden Hotel $1 DAY guaranteed with liberal bonus sales work JliOu Euclid Room 24 I SELL 59c IUTE Xmas sigiis $35 profli 11G5 Chester rook: houseman drive CLIN l'ON sVE 3i( 2 or 3 roin fur nif lud or unfurnished umderu: fanit'U' ri yj $225 up 1(1119 Opnman Terraco: 4 5 0 twins: 824 Inquire Suite 3 EDGEWATER DR 11723: 3 and broom suites steam heat icolos: elevHtor iAixi': AVi'i 7oui7 Roautifiil 2 nmiii elevator crles LA ELAN 17 1 3s 1 "3 room steam lev loss redecorated t(Llnnuirijunltor lifton: 5 llAKEWOOb 1 115 'Riverside Rd: 4 moms 2 bed Irotit iceloss: shower LA IEW()OD 12 Waterbury Modern 4 AHN 13 IE AT siT ST LIVE IN WITH ECONOMY DOTED B01T0N' icelv furnished 1 2 3 mom aids rates daily $2 up weekly 812 up ninntlilv bachelor apt 815 up kilcheml apta s)l) up: excellent grill garage facilities and parking (' Xrfield 7li)O X'WAYllAli 107 ST apt hotel CEdar 3350 BELDEN HOTEL Comfortable furnislied cllleincy apis COMBLETE JIOTIiL SERVICE It 'lies from $85(1 week III 70 Si JIEiiilereoitllIHO clTfti NM A NO It 1T1 1 8 t'liltoii Blvd: West Sides most cmiveliiiiil nmdrtalely priced a 1 1 1 1 1 sL A 1 82J T1IE LAKE SH(iHEilv's iiiwst aid hold 125011 Edgewater lL Boulevard 42 1 1800 GEORGIAN HALL Near Euclid li spacious light rooms am pl closet splice icejpss strain worth your inspection 99 Sil CAR: (I BOOMS STEA Janitor or ED (H72 11 17l5 AT EL'CPIP Elegant 3 room front stiite like new Kch'ct eiiviroiinirii umal He nice 4 mniiiH biiu room 525 Key I2U('8 Superior EUCITd 733x8 ETON HLL Light altraethely decorated 3 4 mom su iri in(di rn 11 pmut block HMHM UlS: Newly decorated 4 mom feHitc janitor service very reason able Inquire on premise or Aihcotl3mi LAKirsHoRE BLVD 22(Mil 7l1: Brauti tul ruom Mcanu brighhitre: near bhuppim? venter excellent service Inquire on premises or ENdi coll 2399 LEE 10793 Beautiful suite free ioeloHS gleam heat iaiiilor EL IR EST' 1 1 H' '0 BI Near Eurbd bmtitiiul 3 room front ice less Meant Custodian SIL'ciTaiR 1 1229'21: IhiihV'5 room front suite janitor sa rviee Inquire on pre miso or Endicott 2309 Sl! PE rToR? 12929 corner Hayden: 1 5 rooms like EAST 24 moms bath: $10 $11: Hhl free iugirre 1 30 1 Addison West Side bN H'( kS: 5 room pace: garage $35 SH 13K3 5 5 NA I IE 52 2 DAILY ndvanred commission sell ing famoti Rcalsllk hosiery lingerie liirK tirs nt' 9 oprnhig permanent: no to vestment ik Hosiery lli podrome Bldg 5TeN (2) for steady sales work with pub lishing houe: no Jost limo special training given: good commission: Iran poratiuii paid Apply 932 Schofield Bldg EX thrift club and specialty salesmen: real proposition commission expenses paid See Bill Wilson after 7 11992 Bridge Ave 6 CAPABLE time study atnl efficiency man on automotive work mod opportunity for man who can produce: salary Box 2 I 4 3 Plai ii Deu hi LA KEWO0D Rd 1 393 Clifton Do iruii Hl rooni heat icrlcss garage LAKEW(h)I) ('IHinii car: 5 up and sun REE HEVf range garage Bo (DUo LAKEWOOD 4 fvrootn: HEAT hot water ICELESS M5 VjLl4 LORAIN I2n2331: Desirable 3 room steam heated Prigirtairn in a dor japhor service Inquire on premises or Ndi co 1 1 2399 25 3022 31: Completely rodecnraled 5 room suite steam heat janitor serv ioe $2759 Inquire on premises nr JiNWot 2S U'79: il moms sirum: newly defo rmed S3Q Inquire janitor MEN wiTh i'ruJ io frmii mine eady lonnag0 5(52 I ainor A re Employment Bureau Male CULLE(E Graduates 22 I ii i 1 0 0 Jr pist sab type 8199 Jr AeeoimliHits college gratis $190 $12 College grads sabs type know metals Open WILSON EMPLOYMENT 723 UNION' TRUST BLDG Houses for Rent Side CLI7VKLAND jlKlTl I Ard ui Ave: 5 rnum nnxle nir irariro 41 LVELAND TRUST DEBT MAIN 1WI EAIUWOOIP 13G1I down $30 2 adults A eaiws LI 2ol EAST I LVELAND: Slnvle ronm bath iluublo garage $15 Jones (JI RTIIX WP t'l it till Ml ri7T ronin sTiil'Ip 2 var garanu near seliuuls $lf KE 283 82 Supi rlor reciion: 5 rooms bath Xaratre furnace $25 8 111 Superior ri? iiii' h72 beautiful rooTiia down sou Hl of St Clal rt! nuulrn unst airs 13ll I 12i ST room lower 2 5 room thurlc S32 (I rooms $30 LI 1 bBJu Modernizing Loans THRIT SAVINGS LOAN CO 385' K'a lry Hirer Hr I'Lrarwatcr 288(1 reference jM ri iii I 11 1357 i)il ESS A LN LI US I NG a 1 1 erat ions xperienred at hoinn or out 11 or biitae capable peu I i I 2 1 5 1 1 8 Waist in Rd Map lo 1 1 el ph nr nnrreniaid oreign girl ex pcrlonecd reference I 3 04 tj fidUSEWOKk cookiiu day or week yonnir reliable wnite woman: eily refer cnees: a It fu lie trisc 54 HuflSEWoilK While 20 'miking gen eral no laundry: i it Side preferred SI 2 IKHISEWOItK: Competent adult or rm ployed ennplei proler pentiles 811 21 II 1 HOUSEWORK I hTp 'rleuccd' 18 stay nights 1 1402 Potomac East Cleveland HoUSEWOlik: General stay nights: cry neat enloreil referi'iire RE 045(1 HOUSEWORK: Assist also sewing stay II I pl 1 1 8 1 1 13 Plain Dealer LAUNDRESS: rate delivery Curtains 25'' pair HE 8511 LAUNDRESS: A white waslitnr lroning at hom*o Call deliver CE 21112 LAUNDRESS: (Colored) Tues and Wed: references 175 ear fare 11 1278 VI at home call for ami deliver It 2137 MAN1CIIKIST: Experienced beauty shop EAST CLEVELAND 1822 Vassar: lirgo well fiirnlslicd steam A ST I EV A s2 I le? rs lord?" nca Euclid Hast" I LK V'rilA I 185 I Noble ulT lu did Large front tbreakfasi) PO I) 1712 Nice ri)im steam heat: pri vale i nlraiicv Apt PRI Is Pl(i iSl'i'T: HOTEL (IRANI) Kt IM 8 $351 WEEK APIS $7 Shower and mb ilhs ree paiking ini'it Small Downtown Hind I SdLii' ar Euclid ice dean steam heated rmims $2 and up free parkin 25 JlilTf: Walk to town: warm uuiet room iowneUs Imme) $2: parage 55? HIS7 HiiU1 'WliHirer: Clean emu for aide 1 1 otnc a I inns phe re 2 oil lo SI it iVj indo Ei'i'llD NICE IB II IMS S3 mid 1 51 adull ini rlmiiG Illi Eudid: Lovely room in xtlo balh 1 heat: park $2 5n 71 1138 Large pleasant clean room ill adult hmiir S25n parage 81 2u3li? Cony 'front room closet fi re i I i vod 1 1 one I ia rlrni 81 21125 oft Eudid: Lovely warm 2d lino ronin: I parking 8 1 11)37: Room and loarti: refined home like reasonable references 8111 111: Real Ininic pond meals men cneh: emiceuial family iilmne 87 1851: A I tract ire room puii i home riiiiiiinp aterparngi pai kiup 1 853 Pleasant steam lioaled ronm lU 'tis: SI and Si 5( per day $1 week: $7 with bath: free parking 'HSTS' LAUNDRY DONE KE OLIVET AVE fh25 Superior car: ront room ior men 825'1 (JA 1 Li5 SHAKER: Attractive room private adult hnme Coventry station W'A 5185 West Side 23 1 1 iSea red aid idf road view: Large well l(irnilinrl trmit room private adult home SIL CLII TtiN AND 112 APT ATTRAC TIVE ROOM IN HOME WIDOW for liusiness woman bus ami ear stops BANK TELLER: 1 sires olfice work BOOKKEEPER: 20 years' i xpcrienee coiu peteni: good ferences yjl'Jil CHAUEUR houseman or any kind of work: will travel younp whim: 2 years of eollere: best references Box 237 43 Plain Dealer ('HAUEUR yardinau: experienced 12 years HEnderson bfllB 9 10 a CHE: Isleliss fast on sl' am table good ily re fere ice GA 12(15 1 COOK: Downstairs yard colored lieol city referi nee steady worker long time in 'privniB family Ml 7183 CUOK BU1 LEK Hlil'ino: ferem es Call Hl 1 1 pc el I 20 Ask i Lm i a iMs7iWAsTlit and order cook niplits Mllkjhix 13 Plain Jlaal' MAN Wants work Box 2 It I PI ait 11 1 at 1 1 COllPLE: Cmik diaulfeur: experien' ed: go anywhere Box 20743 Plain Dealer COUPLE: lmus' mau buibr refer cnees phine bi twcen 10 4 PO 2515 II 3011 318 Sale Houses West Southwest SMALL down payment buys 2 large singles tii lot 9nx 135 Clinton near 95 It vo in oiifl lioii' lurnm other will help tn nnv iho bnlaiiro: 1'Rlt'ED LdV4 The llealtv (Jo 3202 LORAIN IVB WOOUIUNR 1810 OUR LADY 'O PAR is'll Very lln brick hom*o in an wellonl loca linn largo Jot aitachl lfuhlo garage property has hero coninlnb ly rrimvili will conMider smaller bomn in exchange CUTTER HERSH INC 11 bnrtiin Av bphrwatcr RAW NEAR 14 I of Lorain: 7 ronni nn nincle 4 ld room un trarage lot 97x113 for only $5500 $750 down Inilanro bank mortgage THE KLARIIEUTI KAOAR REALTY CO 2 1 7 Lorain Ave WOmlbino 1U92 LIKE RENT" Nine 2 fnmilv with small ainclo In rear: rnd ncigliborbooil: both lioihes only 531)00: fine inveatmout CUTTER HERSH INC 11722 Loram Ave ULcarwairr 5050 3 'ini WEST BLVD: Attractive bungalow 7 romns hot unlcr heat $lOno down balance on convenient terms Hyman CH 7(9 or LA 9261 1 92s Society for Saving Bllg nenTorain All modern bungalow lieat point met inn throughout $Mnn or lm down balance one mortirage THE ALEX ODOR RELTV CD 3324 LORAIN U'E MELROSE 9116 It' near Demsmi: 5 ronm bungalow bath stile: gnrice good eomlttlou nice lot 82 (itlO Stint down RANK YOUNG RE tL'f CO 1( Hl A I NA ME 1 RO I 2G81 criulfiLAND AVE near John Mantimil High School: reoni single: larpe lot: $3(111'1 S300 down balim'i $27 monthly THE ALEX ODOR REALTY C( LOIIA I NA VE MELROSE til 1(1 IXiRaTSTa i'vk WaTri'it Rlcel ion Almost now 2 fatnily a romti suites: built in features: garage: nxiTPlIoiml buy THE ALEX ODOR REALTY CO1 Ttl 1 EraUl'8b Mhlrnse ni 1(1 117 ST near lmlra: li roont sutgle $330(1 S5ut) down balance bank mort jrh tfp THE KLARREICll KADAR REALTY CO 2717 Lorain Ayr UOodbine 1 292 (fn ST: Min'h'rn 2 family 4 roonia each only 7a9 $1 59 down 11 KADAR REALTY CO 2 7 17 Ln Ave I Jlx ModcnrlhKle with 4 bM romna large let: I sra rages S159 down THE CENTRAL REALTY Go 3292 LUBA IN DDDB1M 1b49 St near Lorain: 0 i snifilo lei'niR to iiiL A Houses Brooklyn Parma West Hide A innA I (l: AV KrTtl'BIA uff Uhl: Modern 5 ronm up gnrnge: reHisonthlOy ERN WALE 17111 off 7 mom hot li: Tooms phalli garago $15 aduHs UH 1519 AIR VIEW I garap $29 UL 1 SS7 GRA EAV7 8293: Spd less single rmns Lorain car available HILLCREST 3T22 of SUU: "tl room humralow flrcpkicc ararauc $35 V0r 12112 1R 5511: Shigin modern hardwood lhdh llnors: garage $35 SH 4299 LAKE a'VL 1 INE 'I RODM HOME Vhw of 2 Riiin Hot Wiit'T Heat 1 1 OW LA SHI LAKEW(Mb Lake Ave: rnmn colonial' 2 haihu rnrneted oil furnace Til bL A BSM EJ MUK) LAKEW ODD rt la 1 1 a rg sidc by bidc Rd from Delroil: flnq location ia rage mhilK LA U37B LAKEWOOD 1251 Dmiald: 5 rnem downJhmhed I 3d: rennvaied LA EW GUI C20 1 RU NTS RD ft racti I JJ1 69 BO 3IS9 LA EV( Wairar: 4 b'd room modern 1 de balh 2 irnrhires LA 3359 LAKEWOOD: Bunaiuw master bod rooms tile bHli McKinley LA4 31 th a LAKEWOOD famBy: 5 nmms Hove Ice less: ('lifton ear LA 17 Lb fTv EWOOD 2937 Arthur: Lowlv singlY vapor heat 2 garages LA 5512 LAKEWOoD 5 ronin sun iuhIhii $357: rrcoiiddioiied Ilanlimr LA 5(i24 nYvKUwiYdiY DETRui 'single Kt THE REALTY UP LA J)755 LAKE'XTiOD 1 1 fl ii ro i i a Nice 5 rumn lower $35 BO 1 I IS 5921 English ivroom tarage $10 MA 9272 RD (hhil brick single with double garage: 1 waler heat: S'h) HARRY 3184 25lh Si EUCLID 5(109 STONE HALL: LOVELYoL I Ri al ve room S35Q up EUclTd 1 0553: A 1 1 raci ive clean eily heal see to appreciate $350 Apl 203 OR 1 1 Y3T00 Eiiciid car: Twin beds baili 5 windows meals GL 1531 HAT I A WAY 1'51 1 Room roiivement $3 bo a rd nr ho 1 1 se keep i 1 ig opli onnl HEIGHTS Overlmik: Nnely furnibhod warm room young' man or businessk omun ri i leucs garage A 4131 HEIGHTS: Desinhl'e room every conven rnco quirt hom*o Exchidvc section Icjitlcnimi EA 3s02 evenings HEIGHTS: Lady share lovely room twin be 1 nud nessj a A Jj 5 31 1 HEuThtS 30S6 Soiuoi'ion: Adult home Pkujcmt ronins break fast J4 SS LEE AVE litOOt Large warm front room well I isln 1 with garage $3 milniY' REGENT HOTEL so Well furnished warm room i 1 1 nc a I ne a rJ 1 1 1 1 9(Y 1S02: Nice warm ronm adjoining S2A5 will nuv (non Jo see Hus 1553: Largo auraclivn room uexl bath: private home I Houuli buSy Y91Y 1 3 1 2 unwished rooms private liomc RE 1 81 93 1955 Euclid: Living bed room ad Joining also room with Klcipinpurcn H5 1221 near Suiorlm Nice room 10ITH iiMi Mlles: Exceptionally good 2 fRniily brick piictid right will no cept trade Hoffman 521 Guarantee THU Bldg upe Ho a l) 1 1 1 PRospect 5530 1152 1230 ST: 7 rooms and balh lot 59x130 make us an offer Hoffman 521 Guarantee Titla Bldg Superior at 11 9th PRospcct 5530 Near John Adams High: Modern 2 famIly 6 rooms each special $3690 Terms LO lts7 EDGEDARK facing Garfield: Beautiful 2 family 5 rooms each garage big lot now paint $5700 terms LO 1687 3 51 near Kinsman: Modem 2 famtlv Ole baths bargain term A 5S5S DEUK ER Slladvsidn 4510 Ys '5'R(KjMS uia BATH GARAGE SH 091 I fin 4427 off Memnhi: Modern 5 romn single iile balh garage IQ MA 921 2 127 3335 BraiOiful 9 rooms bath lower garage adults opru aflcrnoon P7 3252: LOVELY SINGLE if BATH ADULTS REERENCES 13S 3501 I room and balh: garage adults mihj $25: phono Berea 39 W(H)BiNE 4107: 5 un baih: TT7 Lo rniii HriiLe rnrs nis EV 1 490 LOOK AT IE PEAR 17 $1750 SJ I 5S01 Rent urnished Houses East Side 95 13(iS pear Superior: 5 nicely jur inshrd rooms $750 liable GL 0291 225 93 of Lake Shore: 6 ixiunw 2 a 1 1 1 ga ra ge 9 1 71 rveni ngs HEhlHTS 143R5 Superior: room: heat ireles AmiPro garage A 4492 JV HEIGHTS: Beautiful rurm home: all conveniences rrasmwlde A 651 7 WcsTside CAMDEN SOOT (3ark car: rncm single j'ompletc reasonable EV 1035 AL Rental Agencies emale Help Instructions EUCLID ACADEMY BEAUT) CULTUKE By popular demand wo open our 3d Cleve land locHtion al 503 Broadway The lirtu Mimleais io enroll will rerrivo a mitiplctr set of umL absoluiely free ENROLL NOW AND SAVE East Side Studio 1 U01 4 Euriid GA55GS Wrsi Sic'i 1SX0 25 Si PRosprct 3081 1 1 1 Sid 1 Bn ad ay A 1 1 372 SHORTHAND or typewriting nr bmikkerp ing night elassoH Mon Thurs $ti each 4 weeks WILCOX COLLEGE COM EIU Dujilie SiuareBldg DRESS DESIGNING COURSE Dny evc ning also alteration work Sch ol HH Bldg MA 0105 LEARN Compton etrr Shorthand Typing 6 moilh Shirt now CH 7121 BOYD SCHOOL Eno Pldg NEW RATES Beauty School MAEiJIAlR 19 19 dth St Cl I 8135 Situation Wanted Male A' VOUNTA ami oilier mgr DI experience all phase accounting rca smiible Box mill) Plain Dealer AUTO MECHANIC iruck driver chauffeur Houses for Rent E11U Side EIGHTH 3214 Tuiiamora Rd 3'aylofcnr: Singh ti ntireoraird A 1911 HEIGHTS 3211 Sycamore MayfiCld car: Toom duplex A I $35 A 1199 HETghTS 2975 Talur: 7 duplex A Inmlciim garaga i'tdmrd YE1 397M HEIGHTS I3UI Ucdarbrook Rdt Nico single double garage: $10 Lands i'O i i or rom LiV garage newly decorated off Luko open $10 EA 9320 MAPLES! DE KI)' bath nnwly decorated $20 (IE 001 5 MA YAI 1(71111)11 den: Beautiful rooms upGL 3109 sl LA Er729 1 7 Warring ton 7 rdmn' en lonial sing le maid's $99 A 54lis SH Ex'rpiimal nr mi al nd io upper i I css Jl idt rduci WA 082 5 SHKKR ornwiv: Single 8 1 1 i mid 8(15 A 4102 wade' paid 10926: 10 $7o Help Wanted emale mcod 21 35 in family i 1 fr rt 1 'c I 1 A 6272 IHHJHKWORK ExpeHeii'nC while girl mm I be good cook nn laundry rehr 1 'C $8 we LA 9 I h2 HOUSEWORK: 011 ng while girl also in ctuiluciionery Immo nights salary85S 95 JM JinUsEWORK: General' while good conk: 5 1 1 no 1 amid 1 1 1 1 A) 3 1 Hl 7 SALESLADY: Experienced acquainted brainy trad commission opportunity sieiuly ini'fcne: apply 4:39 Nu Dri Dis 1 1 i I tH 1 1 gj 1 1 9 1 1 1 un I inn Bldg STENdG RA pil ER Exi'ri iri red must hr able io lake dielnimn rradily al irr aie dh'iaphmie should hr quick al lig 11 reg to assist hi aecounling jlept Write staling age vducniiom experience salary expecird Box 3243 Plain Dealer "LDGERTON $9730 New lirirte 2 baths recreation inaulatnl xvo'idi'l lol A or A liJU fl ROOM sinsle in choice Height loca non nicely shrubbed lot st a bargain 'tLnli ro i7)8 evenings CIIDaIi TA YLUR: ine fl room iin heat nice lot 2 car enrags prlcx reduced to 8(1800 GA 8738 Nt 111 11 YTDN OST 7 rrmm tire bath 2 ir iraraw: largo lot MA S')I7 A 45j! evening SHAKER: Brfek Colonial Traynham Rd completely furnished: bargain for quickale: by owner WA 1833 CaTI1(13C young man wauls room ami board in ii llned lioinn: plSIlO desirable Box I sll'l I'lain lu nlcr Children Boarded Tit inn Drulff to lt that advtttiieu below be luemei by the Ihpt of Public Welfare of Obm (lloiei chihl tilth pjrcnti not licemed bvllt ROHM child under schoolagc best of cure RE 8927 Apartments for Rent East Side AMHLE8IDE DR21'JU overlooks lark: li rooms porch rcfciT'nu'vH 1 i i ANSEL' 5 (broom luilh new deco ra with bra $35 I 1 A2 4 12 ARLINE APT 1832 wTfluw hurt: Modern 3 rooms I ici'lvss slcamhcat S3o CARDINAL 152: 3 jooiuh steniu heat $25 Sec imstodlaii CAUNKgTe UI820: niom fronl near' a I to a i 1 1 1 ess SwJoa in reel ale cfiLtiNIAl? 101157(1 roi'mts steam heat Sifljniiitor DE1MONT iiM 2 room efficiency light i iii iti iii a i EAST 1517: Eicgniil 7 r7oiin 11 ball: overlooking park: redecorated I i lesa a 1 1 a I UK 111 EAST CIKVEIiAN'D lldcrwuod Ave 11155: $375(1 4 rooms and sun room a dor icrlrss steam heat 1 EASi'l IVvriiAND 1767 7'nge: 4 rooms steam I'X less Ubly reimvired 1lt) "11 1277 1 I'ayite ''Charles 5 rooins i'edruorntrL steam hct I 82 95 1533 (J large 825 up Vnj Help Salesmen Saleswomen NATL rnneern well esl in Cleveland want 5 A men lo contact executives average $5t weekly comuiissiou no eom pelilion sales managers podtioiis open oner 2 1 1 1 1 1 'podrome Bld gj Male Help Instructions ECIA I KITT A I 1 on Diesel Ear jest and best equipped sehonl in Ohio Theory and practical under expert mstriu torx Diesel imitis irv nt need of expertly trained engi neers I'raclieil extension course Day and Iilfht courses Visit nur school al I' nd our lasses or send for free copy of "Modern Diesel I'rovress" DIESEL lt ENGINEERING SCHOOL 1121 CENTRAL 1'RQSI'ECT '1123 "MEN WANTED DIESEL: We want lo mlemrw reliable men mechanically inclined to start Im medi tn iraining in litis vi' initv to in stall service operate DIESEL EN GINES tools fit rnislu Writo today Si I meek JJi Training Division Box 175 IditTi Lovely down? Lath rood furnaeo: redecorated: sarase: $26 HliinNGioN' 1622: 6 down reuecriraU A condition $45 ('Kerry Tins HA7EIDELL 31811 oil Eddv: 5 room balh no A 1 garairc: $31) 1'0 5211 ffkliJirn iloxhoro: Hrb colonial: IO rooms 'I baths vapor 1 1 5 YE HEIGHT'S St Ann's Lower 6 and sun rmimi Irani beat Mies Gates YE III115 HEIGHTS Jtoxlmro: AUractiva hrtek 8 room home store jer less YE 0870 TTkIGHTS 2832 Derbyshire: Attractive romn dmdrx strain YE 1111 HEIGHTS: room upper eilar laut $l( HAZEL MUiNG Airmnunt 7IKI0 ilklGIlfs atnii unt ear: Modern 0 rrnmi sins In $05 Mis arrell A (1101 Hi 'lGHTS: Noble Max field wellmi: 0 sin A' 1 go od omtllio $5t 1'0 (180 IiThGIiTS: spai Tims room 3 bath near grade high school A 1113 i)00 AirMOUXT BLVD Brick 11 rooms 3 baths excellent work manship ami finish throughout or Appointment Owner Mb (78 VOYENI'RlTlD near Larehmere: Beauti ful room rceldtnee on a lot HlOx ltlt: priced tn sell: bmk terms will trade I Hodman 521 tuaranleo Title Bld 553H sHAKKIv rttivle 2070 Oanlyn: Beautiful English brick excellent condition: 10 rooms 3 baths library and powder room: si" clal price 0PENJ) Al LY 2 8 3D5 CHADBODRNE KD Beautiful 4 bed room single: double sa rage Ini RllxlStl small down pavtnrin balance easy lerma CHerry 2S2t bHAKElt SQUARE 2 family fl romn stn es attached garage tiil ft lot: handy fo everjThmsi priced for ini' sale lO 1231 tYJLD NOBTE SECTION 4 bed i 'ioiu siiicle breakfast nook: loti5x1ifl down payment only J5e a roll and up 25 years' extierienee CL 31118 HotbMtmHi eiiitiiniiiiiiiiimummiiiiimimilmH'tuimtiiHmlimiaikiiWi'flKMnmuiMIHIMMIIMn Help Wanted Male 8 AL 6 KM AN Mile line or full time rily IpikIr lurntRlUHl advance Bux 11738 Plain De filer SALESMEN: Side line wilh rst vlirntelr rallinw vii ready to cur Htures with out maud mg Hite of Ulcvvlaud inado mi led dnf ises Box 1438 Piaui WASHINGTON BLVD near Taylors 7 rnnna strain heat 2 car garage a real buy with reasonable down balance bank mortgage Hoffman 521 Guarantee Title PJd Superior at 9 th PRopect 553(L NEW HOMES Latest in ronsiruchon: moderatly price I I551915BG I ELDAMERE AVE Off lq Rd ou Hi of bcotisdale RESERVE UNDERWRITERS BQ5 Sweiland HlU MA0327 silVerk5iuway SCHOOL A roomy 4 bed oni single near chnob churches and irnnspurtahon Hnlv SlloniD JOSEPH LARONGE INC Ccdfir Lcp Theater Bldg A 2535 SHAKER HEIGHTS NEW BRICK 3 bed worn wiwmg room 2 Hl' baHi on 2d room and hath on clnh mom insulated PRIME VALUE A 11(139 12U30 CEDAR RD $7500 Heighu ingc 8 moms 3 itbs: small down I'aynicnt bilanco Jlk rent fail Allen Grivlcr MAin 1 (115 cl*tON 12125: LARGE WELL UR NISHED ROOM VATE BATH steam heal 3 floor BO 3373 4W 13iT(3Board' attractive: in el I a piioiti ted home 1 2 iH'nUpnien cl*tON ibititi: Lovely home front room private ent ranee steam parking phone CLTiiN BLVD? 10712: Large light front private home bus car man ('LITON J51H5: Warm frontin' other roomers num: earn go LA 1128 DETROIT JH1J4 Ant 'Ill: Steam heat: 1'rivalo siiiclo or slu*tlio room 1 or DETROIT TerraooDu: Warm front loom iii'iii $250 LA 5 1 5 It RANKLIN Blvd 7120: Hiib Di Itiiit ear: twin or single slf am: L2 EV fillfitl It I it SO A El I OT EL DETROIT t5HI Nice clean sinule donble oumsJuilej service $150 week up lit i 1'3205 Detroit: Law "ill jnriiilied room couni rliiig bath wIO slmwt sl' am TA lxEttoill) 1258 Belle D' trod Glif'tnn: I 'rou room I 2 I ntelt Is 1 LA 1742 LAKEWOOD 1 I 10 Iti'inn wood Detruil: Large warm froiilmin3Karag LAKEW(iou71 liis Murl'jwe: R0111 steam $3 Id! meals relined adult lionie LAKEWOOD Mai lbwc: ront iri vale bath entrance garage I'lioiia LAKEWOOD 15(12 Maw Warm front: 2io other roomers: garage LA 5121 LA'KEWtioD 1241 Westialre Ave: Lar ze root 1 a I I di 1 It Im if I A 8183 LAKEWOOU? 1525 Clarei'ti: ront room men Is ELJl 0M man LA '1185 LAKEWOOD? 12811 Nielinlstm: Refined linmr garage LA 4231 after 3 MARVIN AVI'i 3505: Nice room kitchen use: own entrance: hot xvater heat BLVOmD'OIA Detroit car minutes I Square: Warm: $3 EV i02 WEST BLVD 1'I3II: Waim room: lovely hnnic I let roi 'll 1 1 no ca IVO 4 8J WEST'BLVD Warm rmiin: garage nr nj( lillnn ca reaS'itinbln phoiic WEST BLVD uno near Det'roTt: Warm lit INP romm 3 EV 2007 Sil 2253 Imriiin Clark car: comfort able Iron str am $275 4088 120 3540: 2 nice rooms home priv ileges lading or men: $250 garage Lorain ar Warm pleasant adult hnme SO: 1 2 CL 4if 11 1 Rent Housekeeping Rooms East Side CARNEGIE 701 II: Largo room ro dri'oi iitetfi $351: 2 $1: phone uarklnc CA RNEGIE 31 15: Lovely steam iarki 1 tg reflecnfated Sl5t) SB EAST "CLEVELAND Lockwood: 2 ronni sttili MU 722 EAST CLEVELAND 1820 Knowles: 2 rooms own uath imlramre ED 0211 1 55 fU87 llot' Wlioiier: 2 3 room i les clean cotnfn rial In lir 1838 near Euclid: Nico room $250 $3 shrepiiic $1: nieala parking G5 1533: 3 front "Timlin free light 1 ain 2 bed non 1 a $5 5 1 1 1 a 82 182 bus slop: room kHebem water ranirej nirking SB 13311 Superior car: I'leasanl front an I le ga rage ren 01 1 able 87 1 85! ui'hd: Warm attractive 3 ronm $750 01 le $1: lavalorv Kara re 83 1785: Redecorated 1 2 rooms water siillable 2 3 S3 11: parking 10 1807: Clean 1 room kitcln net water first wn entrance udtilt I l'J3l 2 LARGE MJM 8N I EL UItNISHE luU 1)0 2105: '( room siiite 1 at floor al fro it um ilng wa 1 er 100 2050 near Euclid: 2 small rooms kit lien lean) I ir it it let 107 "2(122: Warm lioiiseki rping room etiliable 1 2 I parking LAKE SHORE BLVD: LanrTlrotjt living In a dor ititclien din tie H255 1'ROSrECT 3211: 2 room steam running Wat er: park 1 1 1 1 1 50 TEACHER will share not In private home with biulnesa or professional woman East ('lnvelnnd oft Etti'lul I'D IP2 West Side CMlTliN 11022: Larga front studio llv ling room and kitchen LA 745 1 It cl*tON tlifi: 2 RoM 17'1 1 II ENET ELE88 OWN BATH 2DMHHt DETROIT lOliwi: 2 roimt tote and batli: also rootn sullr and sleeping rooms RANKLIN 11815 Large aiiite S3 150 ren 1 1 1 In a resellol: parking LAKEWonl) Morrison: Large front use kilt hen: 1 atlulla LA "311 TilXIK 22 2 rooin kitchcnet private brat light gas 251711(17 1 2 3 room suii' trewly orated modern steam $314 $5 4R IS29 rnnt 2 room puIH up: irdnr vIulHi 5 a Kfh ijrlriut qir am lit ruoiu iuiit complete tUam adulti pair we (9 15 leaning A NURSE: HoppHal trahiintr private West Side prrfciTi'd LA 5569 NURSE will jrive inuiinirnt nny casr: iny home or vnufe irayrl EV 4499 NURSE: Practical nilvale or Institutional A 1 reft rence SI I QKIJRUKI work tspimr: hih school gradu Hte Uyininff for rx iicriem in ore i inn nri I ry 1 29 rccepiioiUHt tybimr general flier rx RE 8349 PBX liliiur (hniiffeiir! Will go soul very rd I a bln EV 2979 $WPruHBOARU (i)MTilor: experience mure than salary: neat nllractive Bux 9740 Plat )t a KNITTING at home 35c an hour BQ 9897 It TYPIST: Honor graduate general office aleil Box 27343 Dea 1 EgMPEOYEU pirl room UM hi I ANY GIRL needinir Trlendlv Rervioa writo Salvation Army Home 1881 Turljcuaon Dr or mil In nerwnn Homes for Aged Invalids MAIK SANI'I'ARDIM: Gr idtuilo nursrs: aged mid invalids of all l'l food and care low Hile LA 3723 LOVELY PRIVATE HOME Professional day night care Best food Reasonable 1 420 Ansel (I A 4 1 BEAUTIUL SPOT: INVES TIGATE BEORE YOU DECIDE: DIE 1 TION 2221 Chardon ltd KE 3028 EVERY Uonifort provided for hai'pinoen uf aged invalids or cunvalcsoenre grad 1 1 a I nt rso die 1 Ilian CE 1 1 17 NI USE care good food steam heat front rooms low rate CA 124! tv fioIP OR INVALIDS EXCELLENT CA RE 1 381 NICHOLSON LA 85IIII SUNN V( REST: Cheerful twin single rooms PENSION OLKS: nurw' HE 3(111 MW I I A 5 II Rent Rooms and Board East Side ANSEL ROAD f5s 'GArfleld ALSO DEVON' HALL 'Cltih hold: chcerf ul nrwlv drcqrared rooms Invltlmr lounges pomilarpri' ed uirmit free parking: Wane Park car or Hough Ave hti wreklr rales SI 51 tn Sin per person: daily $125 to $3 CAMBRIDGE HOTEL Home for Ba hclora 1837 Iff Cheerful moms running warer showers large lobby: steam: gangs $250 UAHIVON: Large Intel room fi bath 1 or 2 nntali optional GL rr Nil I 1 tv vl ii I ir A Zr 1.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.