The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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Gem al horn Otiher'TielpI structural' iron enced on power sewir stitchln hourly rate Plain Dialer Sherman Clothes 6101 Euclid Experienced: good GTftTS to operate switchboard iv week can Mis Lakewood i permanent posittoi Represent national mfg draw plus commission' ca Box 43M lam Dealer nprinnrod in frilini? 9 piecework Bishop Prod 7512 Carnegie Good salary rox ViOUSEVORlx General 11 home small home Call PO 7638 flee work: steady: MS Braun Art ff St Clatr A tin Pvrmt'inr'i also need typist Mid UMS Madison permanent: 5 Mr days! typists 3900 Euclid ikaw 4th floor LAUNDRY cUsning: white: 3 da week: nM refrnr roM wee plus piecework rates among highest in city Meister's 2044 Euclid SEWING MACHINE OPEhATGS'ITExpe rienced steady highest bonus Max elder 811 Prospect Room 310 SOWING MACHINE OPERATORS: No ex perience necessary: hourly rate Mintz Awning Snade Co 8712 Hough are SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Steady hourly or piecework basts Memorial Grass Co 74'X) Stanton CLEVELAND PLAIN DEaLER MAY 20 I94S 0 salary downtown Apply Smayda's il office: ry commission 701 1 nader Duchnn Heal Estate cenerni neiti store salary and commission Woodland Store EN 16l2 SAT ExaN Saiarv expenses Apply let ter only I nited Motor service Div Gen Motors 4712 hestcr ave must know nwsHint rwvitirtn )' BO 3331 VT0S1 A 40 sxK generaltauiwnrk like children: 20 miles out modem mJ ary Rex 15647 Plain Dealer WOaEST Tw MeWnTJnr WHns TSwIy rate Climax Industrie 2OsO OMAN Children's nhoto studio inter view mothers no experience necessary: LAUNDRY WORKERS: Men or women: hourly rate Huron Road HosoitaL 13921 Terrace rd LACNDRy WORlcER: Cirh uxnwa flight clean work: no experience necessary: hmiriy E' while" 1nr (hit work ironer: hourly piecework after known food products home economist: some travel salary Box 3856 Plain Dealer T)RlLt PftRftS rate: days Murray Sound System 3910 Carnegie rate The Cleveland Pneumatic Aerol Incti 20001 Euclid ave DRIVERS: High earnings: 21 to 45: good character and know city commission 2020 3d GIRdt: No Sun or later thia 7 18 years or over uniforms vteadyihourly rate 406 Terminal Tower KIiEVATOR "OPERATORS: 18 25: white: gpod hours and salary Room 15 Na STENOGRAPHER: Permanent: grind op portunity fex A nn rii SiENoGR ATHIC pniiUrm: inwrtlrg VX led wrk exenitixe office salary Una HEL MALI 1 1 st are I ES Referral or part time locaf ev perienre: lot and farm work permanent salary 991 The Arcade St RVEyOR: Experienced on precise surveys salary steady Room 500 1404E9st TA BU LA alur experienced: salary overtime Cle veland Pneumalic Tool 3763 77 Presser: In repairing and pressing men's garments high hour ly rate Apply 324 Superior East TauYmXTT: ol lumber yard postwar! future: salary open 16530 SL Clair KE 2400 Mr Brown HELP MALE ix Must Hate USES Referral STuSENTS: Summer work light and varied hourly rate state age educa tion Box 30745 Plain Dealer MAN to liearn to manage delicatessen dept salary and commission postwar i vsge 2 16 Euclid MAN: With engineering and grinding ex pedience for bales work saiarv and cornmissipo Mr elber yjA 3270 MAN: Whjte general work office bldg hourly rate 2010 102 cor Euclid AID: work one adult Telephone GL 1 1O) Downstairs (white): country home go wages Cal I MA 6020 1 MANAGER Excellent opportunity salary discussed at interview or appointment call MA 51 81 SKRSTT assistant mgrs? salesgirls ready tn war: excellent salary bonus 14629 St Clair or rail GL 3442 ASSftUSft 2 beauty operator excellent salary Helen Milner Inc ShakerSquare SK 0220 MILLINER: topyist Tor exclusive mil linery hnp salary apply immediately Lewis entonl31qEuclim MILETnERY MANAGER Also salesladies experience necessary: salary Dixie Sample Hat Shop 2058 4 st IM EOS RAPJ i OPkRATGRYTyping nnf required small office $100 month 442 Terminal Tower CH3468 MULTIGRAPH OPERATORTxperienced for letter shop permanent: salary The I) Robinson Co MA 7149 r' NURSE: Undergraduate for small insti tution Yuli maintenance: while: excel lent salary KE 6110 Vnrk in blueprints: day or night work: hourly rate LMfgj2()13 65 RAblO MAN: Expert: car and test equipment: salary and commission A i Rad in Service 1 1 Di 15 REAL ESIATE SALESMAN: UberaT" com mission drawing account Edgewood IaPy Co AT 1331 RTAL Estate SafcsmeKr' Experienced "full time plenty leads listings: rommission A Gall Realty Co SH 4220 work Lail chef CL QORO Lakcwnod West Side: commission bonus A Ri IRlTt? SL i'etcnl in fnrinch nrs ovrw la jrit V1r wle lj? IVitrnit hence neessarv' high hourly rate 2139 Hamilton LABORERS: 5T Kour" weefe hourly rte Apply factory rft'ice The Acorn Refin ing Co 8001 ranklin blvd rABOKETTf: for cratinz ami full or part time good hourly rate with overtime EN 2391 LABORERS: While: steady work: hourly rate time and half foa overtime 744 Vnion Commerce Bldg LABORERS machine operators experi enced or beginners hourly rate Oster Mfgt 2iK7 61 atCarnegie LACQUER tor" lighting" fix' tures: hourly pate Weber Brass Cu 3314 Paynejave EaTTI HAN small' chine shop: postwar hourly rate Cham pion Rivet Ca 108 Harvard EaTHST helper and' la borers hourly rate plus bonus Com mercial orgings 3709 91 st LATHE Milling bench hands A tooh room experimental postwar future: hpu rl ac Doug a 1 RA 6600 Eat IE OPE ATOR57Kow vvurklng: 4 hours doy or night: hourly rate 5109 Euclid 8 to 2 a Mr Holz 7 dry: No experience: hourly plus piece ivnrk Ohirt Overall CVntral T77v a RCt a nrre experience unnecessary salary rommis sion cole Shoe Store 410 Euclid COOKIE salary Rocky River Call ED 2738 i SILl4 PRESSERS: Experience not neces sary: hourly rate 14024 Aspinwall Su nerior E140 ear SODA OUNTAIN GIRLS: Day or eves salary meals uniforms Howard John sin's 905 Lake WO 6700 STENTAPnER Motion picture industry: salary: 40 hour post war Universal ilm 2342 Payne ave ST ENOGRA PI IER Ex perienced 5 (fa week salary Call Mr Ralener PR 3740 5TEN0GftABHR Txriehc' for" eral office work: attractive salary per maneni nox oiixjw STTvAOp a Piib 1 imfwar future: 5 dav Buher EX 2730 5HfNoG iiApnER General office anil shorthand experience good salary: give details B0x 22763? Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHERS: Excellent positions permanent essential industry: salary T241 W63 cIeriGpermawnt emptejment: hourly rale Preciawn Cast IngSt 12600 Berea STNOGRjnkR: brokerage' per manent wii linjr executive advancement a Ury Box 22563 Hain Dealer HBLP MALE lul Hal GUARDSTjSiveRS Citizehbhh'daW hourly rate: weekly guaranty Box 7051 advancement for right men loon Plain Dea ler HOUSEWORK: General no cooking: stay VM li X' T7 OZft HOUShvvORK: Stay general own room anti pain: reierence tAlba 4 relanu ciasse Terh 4707 EL ANT HM A IE LEDGER CLERK: Experience unnecessary: salary: advancement: 40 hours also man clerk Leader Bidg MA 5600 MAID White upstairs work country es tate: 30 minutes downtown Cleveland 0 MATI5 Permanent to "4:30 weekly salary Hotel Belmont 3844 Euclid ave ItoUSgWORJt: oof SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS: Experi wages Shaker rapid WA 9116 enced on power sewing machines light HOUSEWORK: General no cooking: stay sUlfhlng rat pR own room bath: near bus line Ve 3369 SEWIng MACHINE OPERA TORb: rmr nprinnrod in 2 npAdlt marhinpl iH'ucrnuAA oia xmeiai uvvn iwin niu: a I piecvwOTK msnup rrou vamegie SHIRT PRESS OPERATORS gencral laun i kiiis ovnAripnrw hnurlv nine niooa VhlteTkerierai help with gMp'c virlv rjtv Xtl UflllUlt MI TV ttNTTVO'RTTT General part time nours 1 tn hourly rate PR Q33 CXTSR: Experienced: highest hourly EE mITTn kea 1 1 nT Sa A I Coum ter experience: reference: salary ex reliant opportunity 746 Wondlnnd a'T snon iax: Hourly rate 43 xj'Ornr ale routYRV tAftXl wifi give rwmanent em riojment: saUr: experience not nents ary regular hours MU 4222 referenea riurdl hourly rate Sidr IVntlae 11723 Detroit Call 213 Rockefeller Bldg actory uTTlTTy'tr'a inEEs Wonder ful opportunity huily high morale The Aetna Rubber Co 815 73 a CTOR 18 30 white light packing: essential food co: hourly rate overtime oterson Nut 1965 66 ACTORY help: general: full time sum mer jobs: good hourly rate overtime Cleveland Chain Mfg Ml 5445 ACTOR YIELP: Light clean wflrlc' no experience day shift: hourly rate over time Dih Mfg 700 82d IIELPTEirTssemGly' VJiTc: g'Kd hourly rate: permanent also nart time 118 St Clair ACTORY WORK with postwar future: good hourly rate overtime no age bruit Donley Paint Co 3559 71 A CTOR WORK General hourly rate no experience necessary Cuyahoga Spring Co 10252 Bereard ACTORY WORK: No experience neces sary hourly rate piecework days Ncl son Machine Mfg 7609 ra nd ACTORY WORKERS: Machine or hand: IS to 40: hourly rate plus incentive earn ings Wolf Envelope 'o 1749 22d ACTORY WORKERS: Excellent oppor tunity for willing worker now postwar: hourly rate Bud Radio 2118 E55 ACTORY VVORRTTight packing weigh ing no experience salary Restemeier rotaTo nip wooanin ACTORY WORK: Alert ambitious girl salary overtime and incentive pay Artex Green 1667 40 2d floor ACTORY: Steady: light work: hourly rate Apply 4th floor A Table Mat Co 2130 Superior ILE CLERK: Permanent nn experience necessary postwar work: salary Bow man Products Co 6853 Broadway ILE typLst: Experienced: perma nent 48 hour week: salary Carborun duin Co 1150 3 CH 2591 lEfc CiERk Typjst: Permanent: excel lent opportunity salary state full de tails Box 28241 Plain Dealer ILE CLERK typist: Good chance for be ginner prefer young girl: permanent: salary 1268 Union Commerce Bldg CLERK typist typist clerk credit correspondent cost clerk key punch: sa lar Parker Appliance 17325 Euclid INISHER: Men's coats good salary steady Slavin Tailors 423 Euclid ave RE A A PH and policy writer: good opportunity Hex 23133 Plain Dealer ITTER: Must be thoroughly experienced coats suits dresses: permanent: exccl lent salary 1607 Euclid LIMJR INSPECTOR: Days hourly rate small precision parts arnan Brass 1 104 Center st near Superinr 9 LORIST: Experienced: West Side com pletr charge: salary ED 2662 eves CX)D CHECKERS AND SALAD GIRLS: Salary Apply Chef Wade Park Manor Hntgl OOD CHECKER CASHIER: Downtown: salary: no Sundays: experience not necessary 1111 Chester OPELADY: Experienced: government spe rifiration: hourly rate EN 1775 OUNTAIN HELP: Colored or wHtej days nights meals uniforms: salary Allerton Pharmacy 13 Chester INISHER Experienced steady job good salary reedman Bros 2nd floor Wehb Ball bldg 1110 Euclid GENERAL CL ERICA 17: Some comptome ter: for cost sales depts: 54 days sal ary Vlrhek Tool 3001 87th MXl exclusive club: no laun dry or heavy work: full maintenance salary Mr Blanchard HE 3220 WORKER: Eight record keeping some shorthand essen tial: salary: Pl 7300 GENERAL OICE: Young lady for re tail store Shaker Square: full or part time: salary SK 2400 OICE CLERK TYPIST: Some bookkeeping 5U day week salary postwar position 1423 40 GENERAL OICE: Essential now post war future: salary overtime HoUtream Heater EN 1300 GENERAL OICE: Typing necessarv: hourly rate time and a half over 40 hours West WU 5620 or WO 1059 (TENTiaL OICE Permanenf position scary Truck 4400Superjori Mr Millon GENERAL OICE work: hourly rate: or salary: 1 girl office Sebolt Machine V' ft A OICE WORK: Experience unnecessary: steady hourlv rate time overtime Ritmore 1220 6 SEnYral oicEl TiHeHtmn experience bookkeeping helpful: salary Ml( oeiBR Baker Euclid 9th GENERAL OICE: key switchboard pay oil typing: 40 hour week good salary Oxford products 1729 22l GENERAL High school gradu aie permanent 1 girl office salary Mr Toth 222 Superior 2d floor GENRALTiICE: Permanent position days 1 girl office salary Automatic HE 0513 (ENERAL OICE CLERK: Permanent Postwar opportunity salary Birth's Ac cessories Inc 2202 Claik GENERAL OICE VVORKW HSht ping: postwar salary if ioki GENERAL OICET)RK IJgit dicia tion good typist salary: resident of Brooklyn Parma preferred 8600 GEN ER LTjI CE train for specific line of business: permanent salary opon box19233 Plain Dealer HO TEbb and supervisor "for WestSide restaurant salary Box 31345 Plain Dealer TObThSS: Restaurant salary no bun or holidays Gazelle 1132 Euclid HOTEL MAIDS: Permanent positions salary: no Sundays Commodore Hotel EMrlid ave at Mayfield HOI EL Si A I DS No Sum work salary steady Apply housekeeper Haddam Ho tel 19510 Euclid TTulEL MAID: Salary no Sundays Reid Hotel iTospfCt TiO EL It 66m LERKT Experienced for iront oilice and 4h hours salary Hotel Belmont 3844 Euclid HuUSLlfOLD In" coun try single couple colored white: child no objec tion CH 6664 or SK 3436 HOUSE KEEP ElT "No vy Cleaning no laundry plain cooking no children $35 week EN 8100 HOUSEKEEPER: Couple to worlc in room mg apt: 63 Eudid rooms and sal ary Apply 0 1 1785 93 country home 2 adults: excellent wages no laundry own cottage MA 3800 Ext3M HOUSEKEE'PER: Capable: aged 50 65: for 2 adults: will be a home with satis factory salary 1818 86th GA 4259 Housekeeper: 2 adults 1 mile To Berea: electric dishwasher own quar ters: salary Berea 3229 nUPsivKE EPEIT: General: adults stay nights or go home: West Side good salary LA 7145 HOUSEKEEPER: "New small home iius band in Mrvjce nu laundiy own room EV 381 HOUSEKEEPER: Plain (wkink: no laun dry: adults: good pay: stay notional 1853 Compton A 8989 Hf)t 7'nmnpfpnt for ponpra! I cleaning good salary YE 3740 HOUSEKEEPER: General housework stay optional good salary Housekeeper "5 days week 8 to 4 salary GL 5834 after 4 HOUSEWORK: White "under 30 general and plain cooking iew home all elec tri i tchen $25 ED 1783 HOUSEWORK: After school and Saturday small apartment WA 5444 2910 132t near Buckeye HOUSEWORK General no miking no laundry own room bath: on Heights car line salary $25 3315 ROUSE WdR Ki General: no cooking: "no family laundry: stay or go home A 46bj JIOUSEWGrK:" Light duties no cooking no laundry assist with child good home good salary WA 2445 HOUSEWORK: 3 adults: no laundry or heavy cleaning fine living quarters and wages: re ferenees A 03J9 HOUSEWORK: General: no laundry good salary: 3 in family near rapid: no Sun days WE 9931 HGUSEWUrK: White? stay flio laundry: only light housework assist with 2 chil dren JL319 HOUSEWORK: No laundry or cooking: 2 adults child: nice room bath on rapid good salary reference WE 2835 HOUSEWORK: White or Japanese Amcr can: no cooking no washing doctor's JJ25 WA 4376 HOUSEWORK: General' no heavy cleaning no laundry small family stay good wages YE 3860 HOUSEWORK! or girl general assist with child no cooking or heavy laundry L0 Q77Q Ro SEKVt after school smalt apartment no co*cking qt laundry: must have reference GA 0721 HOUSEWORK: Light no laundry: cook ing optional assist with 3 children good home salary 3493 HOUSEWOrRT Experienced couple desired: A city references: highest wages Call WE 2710 OU W'OR No cooking no laundry a or go home $20 a week WA 239 HOUSEWORK No laundry nu cooking stay: own room $20 LO 3775 i TRUCK DR I VERS or city and long distance work experienced hourly rateJohn JKlann Trurking Co 1225 Allen TRUCK DRIVERS: Experienced for lum ber yard: steady hourly rate: overtime orest City Material 179(13 St Clair DRI VERTIourly rate? Anier Bros 445 Woodland TURRET LATHE OPERATORS: Day or night shifts good hourly rate plenty rtime 8 la ushild Mfg 1401 9 WAStlERS paper cleaners experi enced uhiteh i gh hourly ra OR 1644 A iTE 1 if) SEI I LPTI anT sRi pp mg Ex perienced on pelt oleum products: 48 hours hourly rate Mr Dawson 2816 37 WAREflOUSH TELPER: Hourly rale MadNon Equipment 5405 Detroit WA REHOUSE LA'ftUEEftS: Part t'imeTl or 5 hours daily between 7 a 5:30 hourly rate HE IbOik Waging $1315 per hour rermanent 2781 Mayfield rd WASHMAN AND WRINGERMAN: Salary or hourly basis: no experience necessary W'A910a Nights il to 7 a 7 days hourly rate overtime: essential postwar Box 2955 Plain Dealer WELDERS (2: Also filter experienced tigs fixtures: high hourly rate Inter nafionalAvtation2915 Detroit SU J050 WELDERS helpers laborers: sheet metal and structural shop: hourly rate uund ry Equipment 1831 Columbus rd UTNDOW CLEANTRYriencedi rate Apply Erie Window Cleaning 2108 Payne ave Room 201 PR 8186 WiNboW hour time and half overtime plus vaca tion sick benefits CH 2l(Xi WKlDWOR KERS': Ex servicemen' glazing? general storm sash no experience hour ly rate SH 7000 8226 Memphis W50I) WORK ERS Any type cabineimak ers carpenters assemblers: hich hourly International Aviation WO butwh ftuObWOkklERb and handy man: Hourlyra a 11 a 6 pod land to tt) hours over time over 4 hours per week hourly rate Goodrich 1W3 Hamilton HEL EMALt HEL EMALE BOOKKEEPER: Small downtown property i "OPERATORS: White: salary? UldlldKCl Ilcul HI III lUil llltllNC JUdy week $35 1372 6th BOOKKEEPER 5 day week downtown: postwar security salary MA 7888 Eves Sun WA 7686 INSlCTCftr'G'oda 'Hourly rate? Apply In poison 2163 Chester Red Rock Bottling HEL MALE Must Have USES Re ferral PORTERS: Part time salary Apply fanny armer Candy Shop 224 Public Square between 4 6 PORTERS and bus ys: Days or nights gnnd salary meals uniforms Apply after 11 a Chin's 1()613 Euclid rORTER: Days no Sundays salary Ben dvr Bar 2011 25th 1 PORTER White or colored 40 60 $33 mealsLA 8006 8 10 J1L PRESS EEDER or Miehle cylinders steady work with overtime hourly rate Tower Press 1900 Superior PRESSER: capable managing dept and training help: salary or huur ly Canton Box 29547 Plain Dealer i'RESSERl Experienced: steady: good hourly rale Apply 8007 Denison Eagle 1 Dry Cleaners ESSERS? 2 'steady work good 'hourly rate Auburn Cleaners 3 09 Broad vil'w rd PReSSER: ExcellenUsalary 5 days steady? Call 41881 8 a 5 0 in nr write De Lu xe Cleaners Conneaut PK SS lfTToo 1 i hourly rate? steady Ilol iywood Cleaners 12y9 Blount rd Rocky River AC 2601 PRESbBR Experienced steady work' hourly rate Miller Dry Cleaning 5222 Lorain ave ME 1798 PRESSER: At once postwar $15(1 hour lo right man Sani Systern Cleaners 23 nnt st Berea Berea 57 13 PRESSER: Expert reliable: steady lob $130 per hour 7315 Kinsman DI 5162 PRESSERS Best hourly rale lixjJ? Madison ave Pft ESSERS: Steady good hourly rate' 5415 Pearl 7100 PRESSMAN: Miehle small shop hourly rate steady work Box 28453 Plain Dealer PRESSMAN' or helper: or Miehle: days: postwar hourly plus over time ShelbjL PaperBux 119Ul5Iadison PRODUCTION buttling dept large brewery hourly late good spot for du abled veteran Carling 2 Vk5 93d PKOJECT ENGINEERS: Steel mill experi ence permanent salary Lis SH 470U Lines Laughlin Steel Co PUNCH PRESS OPERATOR: Day work hourly rale and overtime The Auei Register Co 3608 Payne ave PUNCH press operators shearmen ship ping helpers 72 hours hourly rale National ormetai 6939Melta PU'fTCH PRESS OPERATORS SmaII pre cision stampings: hourly rate Perfection ituoucis to yoiu ueecn ave CNCIl PRESS OPERATOR or" small shop houily rate Outdoor Lighting Mfg Co VKlp Etieh 1 ave I'AINTfeftS: Permanent job building maintenance salary See Mr Crandall 925 Guardian Bldg AUSTERS Industrial and residential: hourly rair AC 14 12 A1 tfTER dRfcM A and painters union wa ge 48 hour wk 6 1 22 AINTER for generaPmalntcnanc work sa 1 3 ry Bel den Hotel? 1 1 '3 0 PainTErI Wesf: 6 days union: best rate SH 5324 pAlSTrERj Inside and outside: union metal for precision castings hourly rate BriJ co Realslrted: salary: Wrat working condition: veteran civen orei ereno Alan Prog 24m ES rHARMAnS'Oiin time eool salary Rex Bill dint Co 5o anH Payne a HIi5TOi RArl ifcR WusTrial bhoratnry good salary: modern equipment Call WAITRESSES: Experienced or inexperi enced air conditioned store: $27 ner week Walgreen Drug 1140 Ehiclid WAITRESSES Excellent tips uniforms and salary Southern Bar Que 1747 Euclid ave WAITRESS: 8 a to 5 mY also part time openings: ne Sun good salary Restaurant 62 Old Arcade WAITRESSES also short order Good salary meals uniforms no eve or Sun Squire 1371 Ontario WAITRESSES Experience reliable for sandwich bar and restaurant sal ary 6501 Detroit ave i WA ITR fiSSES Colored permanent good salary meals uniforms pleasant epndi ions CrosbyLs 10505 Carnegie Waitress: Salary tips" Woodland Steak WAITRESS: nr wnrlrf knurtv I iM A A WAITRESSES: rieasant working conch ton sj good salary and Ups 8717 Lorain WAITRESSES: Steady salary good tips SeeBee head waitress Hotel WAITRESS: or days salary Hungarian Restaurant 4201 Lorain ave WAITRESS: Salary: 6 day week ahler' i Lunch 9213 Kinsman rd AITRESS Experienced no Sunday's orholidays: salary Apply 11622 Superior WAITRESS Experienced salary 118 Detroit WAITRESS: Short hours 11 5 salary? 1609 21 st PR 9173 WAITRESS: Experienced nights hour week: $30 10105 Lorain ave WlAREnOUsSr Truck Drivers "TBssentiaT: day or night: 21 35 salary Railway ExpresgAgenc 27OQ SL aair JAPANESE Amencan Room board in exchange for light' duties salary for extra services on rapid LO 2944 WHITE or colored for light wort laun dry hourly rate Appiy ready to work Pioneer Linen Supply 3611 Payne ave GIRL to serve ginger ale: no Sunday or eves: hourly rate Vernor 7501 Car negie WtiMEN: White need 40 to peel pineao plest good hourly rate Ohio ruit Prod ucts Co? 2704 34 YOtNG lady: General office work cisier rapid at figures salary 5H days Box Plain Dealer YOUNG women for telephone and tele printer operators hourly rate: easentiai We5tnt VEion 400 Rose Bag GIRLS IS IS years old: good salary: file clerk ticket maker or learn to tew ary and jt'pmmissKjn Apply 1971 65 MAN: To work in shinning room hourly rate Annly 13114 St Clair BOY: 16 or over? part time pleasant Mock work: good salary 1280 6th W0 COMMISSIONS: Contact home owner full or nart time 6502 4 HELP AGENTS TU'ST out! History World War II huee volume authentic text: official photos Riverside Book Iowa alls la PATENTED gas saver crankcase ventila tor: one model fits all cars nuarHnted Victory Mfg Co Massena HELP SALES MEN SA IBSMAN: Ohio Pa MichJnd many accounts A leather: gift line: com mission Box 609 129 Broadway New: York 1 SA LESMEN: Calling on drug dent stores: fast repeating umular priced shampoo: commission Saf Laboratory 33J0 Hals ed Chicago 1 3 DISTRICT MANAGER? direct sale of paint maintenance line: drawing account and over writi ng Box 2364 1 ain Deale MAN or woman llawleigh route of 150O families write today Raw leigh's Dept OHE 1Q4 SA reeport III cO i rt i ci orLii kit luiiier irTziLiit sumii iiivpts i rests lira jifn 'hi nr leather 923 Belmont Chicago 13 SALESMEN Home study courses draft ing bldg construction air conditioning fit? 2OQO Michigan Chicago III SALESMAN Gantact accounts dealers Cleveland drawing account com nussion MA 4700 Air enVilila ms SALESMEN: Sell surplus listings busi nessmen 553 So Western Lxis Angeks EMPLOYMENT MALE MEN 16 35 nr veterans: tree trimming essential Davey Tree Expert Represent atiye 6 Employment 1242 3 CLEVELANDVocationaj MA 6700: Pro pnsa! engineer $9000 production mgr $2tX office mgr furniture RLUIM Ingails Guardian Bldg: Works accountant S5U0 salesmen 8250 $3(Xi: dyglgners draftsmen timestudv Savings' bldg MA p63: Plaint mgr brass open: research instrument ma sales engineers open BAL ERS PR 8100 "Sales electric power $400 accountant young $250 buyer mail order to $450 ost mgr $400 A QfS EncTTnEE Must be familiar vith injectors: 6000 Cleveland area Asxoc 615 Sw Hand bldg MELRA Oliver 89 Guardian: Develop! mem hi sales adv mgrs publication editor draftsmen buyer WILSON Employment 723 Union Com merce Bldg: Heating ventilating en ginccrs S500Q up: accounts relocate 0867 6 )0 time study methods pre dures U50 $750 sales engineers 350 SALLS mgr technical $4800: Industrial sales $LdOO $iO(XXK office mgr io 35 83600 Bell CH 4500 7E(TUNTC7CrwetlanX PR 0240: Design San Antonio steady many other ODcmings better than ever before AMERICAN Williamson Bldg PR 775: Export speak Spanish $405: artist: cost mgn $450 accounts to 500 ENGINEERS designers draftsmen Cleve land Engineering Agency 2132 9th MALE INSTRUCTION APPROVED for I training? Cleveland School of Welding 2261 14th (al Carnegie) PR 0032 I GE A TJN? air conditioning re pair installation: spare time training free facts Box 2764 Plain Dealer AVfXTlONf Mechanics School Approved by Government and Veterans Adm uenerai Airmom Atrnort i bhix) LEaRN' barbenng: BIr demand cau Aiuier college 8rj rrospect MA 8070 hA time 3 hourly rate all HE between 9 a and 4 weekdays only for zork' hourly rate WiftUlloiaiJJatteryCo 216 131 st ram hammer good working conditions hour Iv Browning 16226 Waterion rd HANDSCREW OPERATOR: Hourlv rate wRh overtime Bishop Babco*ck Mfg A NTS LT KTft stock" attendants and lahoi re: hourly rate Cleveland Pneu matic Tool 3763 77 tnNtproOL SACES5tEN whh can sell hardware and industrial trade: immedi ate delivery Bnx 2464 Plain Dealer HELPERS Lea rners Essential hourly bonus: high earnings Valiev Afould A Iron Corp 3900 91GSPTT AL WORKERS: Orderlies? "porters kitchen helpers: salary room Jtteai8 3 A 2a4O Ljnp 5 HOTEL CLEftR: good salary I or salary and iwm Apply Gillsy Hotel 9th st HotEl maintenance man fixpcH permanent good salary See Bolton Square Hotel Carnegie pfl vate country club: salary room and board Call EV 0826 HOUSEMAN: GxhL steady hire hours gonj salary Hotel Sterling 30 Prospect LB OPERATOR: Capable of wiring own board: advancement: salary Cleve land Pneumatic Acrol 2000 Euclid NDUSTR i'A LENG 1 NEER PlahT layout methods standard consulting firm sal ary bonus Bqx 1556PJ ain Dealer INDUSTRIAL SALESMAN: To carry side iine drugs: established company: 15 commission PR 1926 INSPECTOR: Tools gauges? hfgh riass man hourly Box 1356 Plain Dealer INSULA TION SALESMEN' and promotion: Experienced in sale of insulation sal ary commission 0391 today rST EST I A Ex servlcemen opportu nity with loan co: salary) car allow apce 13729 St (Talr JANITOR: Steady work: fuH or part time: hourly rate time and one half for over fimp Jnmiire516 Bnlkby Bldg JANfTbRS: Steady: "hourly rate sick (benefits vacation 2100 741 7 PUNCH PRESS SETl'P MEN: voj'iiviv iunr utw 11 uiHtr ihujii hourly rate Empire Bldg 11 and Walnut MA 661 JANITOR and elevator operator down town office bldg: hourly rate plus Euclid aye Ifixim 225 jANITGR: Downtown office building salary Apply 1213 Citizens Bldg BA OICER Good "sized bank northern Ohio particulars first! KITCHEN salary steady (75 al U'ftrlr Pall rhaf Cl? Hi QO i Lht (M MJ SI oi'ltr 1 jirilissiUJ inJlIUS pleads Mr Woods 14417 Detroit AC 5110 REA ESTATE LESMEN: Brooklyn West Side Parma area communion 1 Uou Kraft 147b 35 SH 12S0 Sat eve RE EIV1NG DEPT iSSiSTANT: Posl war job in essential industry: hourly rate Tremco Mfg Co ft701 Kinsman 'REINERY WORKERS Postwar opportu nity hourly rate Apply 8 to 5 Standard Oil Co Ohio 3803 Broadway RERIGERATION SERVICE MAN: 5m mercial experience hourly rate postwar a rdel la Bros 39J 9 Payne helpers cold application hour ly rate YE 4558 NUL A 'IT ON aTAVIAN? Highest commission paid Becker Roof ing Co 7210 Lorain WO 4422 RUIG 1 and polishes machin ists: Hourly rate: postwar future James Heintz Co '1738 1 11 A ES ENG IN or Cleveland office knowledge ot machine tools essential salary and commission Call SU 03(X) rang man not subject to draft salary Dickey 1 a ler 103G2 a ison SALES 40 by 1 midwest electronic manufacturer Box nrrv riaiii izccuti LATHE and turret lathe: Day shift uSIsa'LES home hours: hourly rate: excellent postwar! office engineering background: perma Ealas Collett Mfg3800 Woodland salary Box 7251 Plain Dealer LAUNDRY SALESMAN: Good est roue I SALESMAN Redwood combination storm salary and commission postwar (ityi sash: permanent: highest commission: Laundry Co 70(12 Kinsman 1 car necpssnrv ct 42on Man to help in aALEbMAN: Young nun salary and commission Appiy Mon jul' ro iu ia sales and safety rar if qualified m' nnon a 'nn man mo is one of those opportunities you read a nouy ci mimis Mon or salary pit 7b5l) a Miri sALtftviAA tuiai esiaie cmnn nrawins awni ni OIOC 11 bMtUJ TTMirsTCr man permanent foundry machine shop stampings A Carter Geneva and helpers? Steady hourly rale overtime 7928 Broadway MI 8678 HE 631 6 1 TIK5? RS furnace men: Hourly rate 7814 Madison WO 6116 TOOL DESIGNERS: ine postwar oppor tunity: national organization: salary Iron ireman Mfg Co? 3170 106 TTiOL DESIGNER: Salary plus White Motor Co 858 79 Tot xL I AKE it War work postwar: hourly rate overtime ideal conditions The Reda Co 2530 Superior TOOL AND class hour ly rate PlaMies Mold Die Co 1963 JI 66st EN 2793 TOoE' gaTJge ji akerS tooT riKim lathe hands 1st class men: high hourly rate overtime Winslow Mfg 2216 9th TOOL or machine "designers? checker le tailer high hourly rale overtime Mc Kinney Tool Co IV 2300 TOULMAlCERS: On jigs an3 fbJures 100 war work: high hourly rate Austin Tool 1859 63l TUoLMAKER: Day night postwar oppor tunity hourly rate bonus The Apex Electrical Mfo 1Q70 152 TUKirTfTDlEMAKRS: War work post war: hourly rate Precision Castings 12600 Beiea rd BO 21 14 TOUL OR DIE MAKERS: War woik? post war full pan time hourly rate Tool Die4611 13VDI TOOL DIE DESIGNER: Capable estimat ing job assist foreman in routing sal ary Box l3551ITain Dealer TREE "Experienced or willing to learn gleady work hourly hate WA 73 Ilk DRIVER and warehouseman: Steady work: good hourly rale amous urnace Woodland SA LESGIRLS who like classical music sell phonograph records permanent posi tlonsc salary TheMay Co SALESGIRL for record dent: salary Lyon Healy Music Store 1005 Huron rd Experienced: dresses suits? coats exclusive clientele permanent good salary and commission Rella 10445 Carnegie SA LESLAD also Experienced good salary commission ladies ready to wear Chic ashion Shop MI 1030 SaIESLA DI ES Various depts salary The Bailey Co downtown Lakewoodslore and Euclid al E' 101 SALESLADY or salary paid vacation Apply Adams Milliner5 712 Euclidt SALESLADIES for baby and linen shop a experience necessary good salary 8i 19 uciid ave Saleswoman for corset salon: good starting salary and commissions Lind ner Cqjr 133lEucid SALESWOMEN Various depts good op portunity to advance: job security sal ary bonuJV Grant 240 Euclid SALESV9OMEN: Yard' goods "liome fu nishings garden supplies: full part lime sa I at The Higbee (Jo 9t floor SALftSWORK: Learn dietetics salary commission sales experience remont IVoducts465 JheArcade MA417L SECRETAR Uow'ritown'lh surance branch office: permanent sal ary postwar future MA 0789 SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER: Assist dept head high hourly rate Designers for Industry 2915 Detroit SECRETARY DICTA PHONE OPERATOR: Permanent position: salary and over time The Cyril Bath Co HE 8975 ETARY automoti ve experience: sal ary slate qualifications and references Box 19655 Plai Dea I er SECRETARY: Permanent position: ener getic young lady salary advancement 40 hour Phone MA 1931 SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER Perma nent postwar 1 girl office Hanna Bldg salary Box 26850 Plain Dealer SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER: Experi enced advancement opportunity salary Westinghouse 1216 58 SECRETARY Shorthand and Dictaphone permanent: salary Otis Elevator Co 1375 6th SECRETARY: base pay $159 month: wmrk 44 hour week Box 20763 Plain Dealer SR? CLEftKS: Able to handle important detail: shorthand necessary salary permanent 1328 78 SEW INcTIACHiNE OPERATORS: No ex perience necessary: hourly piece rate with nuprfimp Mint? ('a 191TV Vii tiH SEWING MAClllNE OPERATORS on WAITRESSlary tip dresses: 48 hours hourly rate piece 1 Woodland tir a TTn worg oouineq ia vetron Swi n5machine operator illouny raT 8R I i 1 1 Tn PL rT ishers piece work Cannon Tailoring 2 and st Clair CAETERIA COUNTER WOMEN: No ex rerionce no age limit hourly Apply loffman I' is rA i era i ve rs i I CAETERIA MANAGER: Industrial? East Side full responsibility: permanent sal ary Box 279)6 Plain Dealer CAETERIA MGR with references: West Side good salary ('all Mr Mears LO 6889 today for aopointmnt Calculating machine operator rapid tJTists others salary plus over time Ilertner Electric 12690 Elmwood CAMERA and dark room eTrls work nights: short hours: will train: salary Ca IL WO 3689 CASHIER for large downtown store per manent position good salary Chis holm's 2937 4th st Day: or nights''no Sun meals? 3250 week Allerton Pharmacy 13 and Chester 1 CASHIERS and clerks: Steady positions: weekly salary The Standard Drug CoJns St Clair CASHIER: Good salary and meals Apply after 11 a 3048 St Clair or 292 Lee rd CASHIER: Settlement clerk essential in dustry salary National Biscuit Co 715 Carnegie A SHI ER? TYPIST: Postwar position 7 nuiun wtu xi us iiui i uuou g0 CHEMIST "To head local research library iiuiaij hui uoaniiicii ouiaj Box 6751 Plain Dealer CnnrOLATE DIERS hand stringers: ull or part time hourly rate See Ba ker Sun 12 4 Hoffman 10522 Cedar CTIOCTiLATE DIER: Hourly rate: TuTt or part time LI 9629 CLEANING LADY for offices full or part time 5 eves a week: hourly rate Ap ply Kraft Cheese Co 21CXJ Lakeside CLEANING WOMEN: $26 week for 48 hours hours 430 a Apply Mr Buell Keith Bldg 1621 Eu did CLEaNINGWVOMaN: Office' bldg 5 to I a white very good hourly rate 1 er9J I uron rd Room 604 CLEANING WOMAN for factory offices steady job: good hourly rate Ballonoft Metal Products 1820 37 WOMEN: Wfiite: ottiee bids: night work: daily rate steadv work Wina mson Bldg Public Square CLEANING WOMEN: or office bI3g nights hourly rate overtime steady Room 46 Terminal Tower CLEANING WOMEN: Steady: part full time: 55c hour overtime sick benefits vacation qj 2100 744 Union Commerce CLEANING White: full or part time salary or hourly rate orum Cafpteria 2ik0E 9 CLEANING: Wed Sal while? 2626 CL A laundry washing walls SLOP per hourHE 6726 (LERK'AL mueprm machine operator essential industry 5i4 days salary 3219 80 MI 4560 CWl 1CA LIIELP stenographic openings: salary postwar ure weinbergerj)rugl 845 CLERICAL typing and general office work salary and overtime The Ohio Mechanics Laundry Co HE 9303 CLERICAL: ung ladies wl th or with out experience salary ft A 0s bo rn Co 1 54 lE 38 CLE R1CAL POS I TIG 5T? Typi ng essential: chance for beginner to learn general office wurk salary MA 0325 CIERICA TY Pl ST 3 day week? essen tial postwar good salary Euclid oods ME 3000 or MU 9279 Sunqay evenings GELr KOor 8hop pleasanT post war position: salary downtown East ruue openings tucim Ct i R' necessary si SALESMAN (leveland ptcpnf ia I SALrobMAfT for machinery and supplies: salary or salary and commission Box 10 1)! I lain Dealer Age 25 3a r'ntart rot all growers salary postwar future Gen eral MiilsI nc A JJ SXXhbMAN Hos pi al i za ion leals Llnfa gible experience preferred: advance com mission 9y( nton ommeroe Bldg SALEbMAlT: West Sider gocxT hours: steady: salary no experience necessary me frm SA CEsMaT?" Earn year orover Commission basis) Mr Spencer Room (02 1514 Prospect 10 11:30 a SALesMAST? Direct sales: 1 call man $vcn0 commission per sale Box 5ooLHa inDea ler SALESMAN: storm windows? manufac tured locally exclusive territory draw 5')(3BrcadwayJ! Retail electrical store wifi tram salary: give complete details Box 6651 Plain Perrier SALESMAN: Nationally advertised local and state car drawing account commission MA 85li3 SALESMAN JR: To learn 'chemical busf nesx: must have good car salary $200 month Box 28346 Plain Dealers SALESMAN crLLECfOR? gas plant serviep to restaurants hotels: salary commission 308 1514 Prospect aye SALftSMTN? nares 'sa I and com mission excellent opportunity OhioHraUng Supply MU 0161 SAIESMEN district mgrs? commission Ohio Ky International Tag W1L Hanna Rlrli MA H'WJ Sell industry hospitals In 1 sldutions: big volume liberal commiM JYPyaLt 2061 Plain Dealt or growing concern contact hotel nstaurant trade: salary 5 day weck Box '3235PlainDealer SALESMEN: Nationally known foods young men pielerred salary car fur nished Box 24563 Plain Dealer SALESMEN: Unquestionably tile meeca of educational programs seeing is be lieving rar 1701 (J Bide SALLsmTcN: Test combination window on market excellent commission Peerless Construction Euclid SA MTiN or deodorizer: and vicinity: commission new territory Box 28053 Pla i Dealer SEES "he ESKNTATi Experlenred in bronze and steel bushings salary and commission Nall orme la I Co 6600 elta ave SCREW MACHINE OEraTSrS: Tool and diemakers tool crib attendant: hour ly rate Carpenter Tool WO 1776 SEcVjND cCxjK pantry and kTtcHen help: salary Apply Chef Westwood Country (lub 22625 Detroit SECREtAkY nut afraid to work execu tive future state qualifications refer encex salary Box 869 Alliance DRIVER: Steady: essential: must have references: union scale Dutch land arms Inc 1829 E55th SERVICE MAN: Personnel counseling: give war service experience education age base overtime PO Box 5579 SEUVKg sTA'fON ATTENDANT: fiv perienre: full time salary commission 3471 Lee rd LO 9851 SERVICE DEPT CLERK: Essential imius try a 1 postwar opportunity: salary Box 1655 Plain Dealer SHEARMEN: Experienced hourly rate: bonus postwar future Cleveland Co Operative Stove Co 2323 67 SHEET MTTACTfElTlANIC and layout man postwar hourly rate and overtime Sheet Metal Product Cn lWE 3 70th rHiPPiNG cLERK: With or without perience: hourly rate overtime perma nent advancement PR525 STUMPING CLERK: O1 train: veteran JI referred hourly rate Consumers Rub er Co 13K Ontariost CLERK' ftuikHng materials: Rood opportunity lor ex serviceman sal ary St Clair Cnalt SHIPPING CLERIx? Postwar security: week salary Remington Rand 1240 Huron rd Mr itzgerald SHIPPING Long hours: hourly rate Apply The Hill Acme 64u0 Break water ave Cleveland SHIPPING ROOM HELPERS: (Male or female) hourly rate Chas A Peter son Co 917 Carnegie SHGE MAKERS and shoe dyers xpert enced: salary Apply Shoe Repair Dept The May Co REPAIR MAN: ftxMericnrcd: high salary Standard actory Shoe Repair 14707 Detroit LA 6550 Sllf iEaTjESM A Experienc'd good sal aiy permanent position Apply 11618 Buckeye rd SHGE SALESMEN also xTterans: Excel lent future good salary commission Sh Store 226 Euclid ave SHU HELPER or part time hotir ly rate Clawson Bals 1974 55 HE 5213 SiLK Experienced: good hourly permanent postwar job Summers Carnegie at 63 SILK SPOTTER: Good hourly rate Apply WEI DER: On small parts in small shop hourly rate Marvel Window Cleaner 5(X)5 Euclid SPRAY PAINTER and helper: War work hourly rate Mr Sandel Merlam Instru ment Co 10920 Madison AT 1100 STATONAftY KnCiNEEr': TJ'cens hourly rate Chase Brass A Copper LTOCls CLERKtTlne working conditions I saiarv advancement Royal Typewriter I II! t'J 1 a t'aI me advanced jin SH yXil IfhSi STO IvCOtJNTER CLERK Ex service man its io i time bonus Williams A Co 300 Per KmEnT lUndle woolen piwe' gwxts: postwar security: advancement: hourly i rte BetedL HELPER: No necessary hourly rate: 5 day week Wm eather Cnt Caxtnq Bldg gJ2 Huron MAN: assist nerd: good hourly rite mrala Arnlv jEPaY mw: Lewi Stovt Service Cp 5311 Hamilton u'liuuu mitr ge 812 rrosnecT MA W)7(i iN BARi5rRTNu: Men and women land Barter Crtjece 322 Superior iiuSkA i iuN j'veian3 Classes tioYs: 16 1S for mail room: full time salary plus overtime Ihompson Prod ucts 6410 Cedar 5L1N: 93 Miles area rnnvestiiza ting alarms from home at night car andphone trip fee 7856 I VETERAN or elderly man for stockroom hourly rate overtime Ohio Ball Bear ln8 6p31 Euclid VE Mechantca ability steady jobs excellent postwar: hourly rate Brila ollelt MfZl u38d0 Woodland VEIERAN World War II: I ravel in adver tising campaign to $4 an hour com mission Apply 9 a 1M6 Terminal ow er 60Y? whi io" work in tire shop: hourly rate Mlles ave Tfte Co S830Broa dway DI 7313 PAINfcSV ILLk resident: I a 1 "rw sHion Sbo 8100 weekly salary commis Sloi Nelson 36L Chester STAN or restaurant stock room work? salary and meals references required A 1900 KfkiT: Stea dy work ma king cohialnera hourly rate and bonus: postwar Gon talner Corp J2492ftyclld A 1SHELT metal man sand blaster? a Iso labor nigh hourly rate overtime federal Aircraft Co 1869 prospect SfAN: Dairy nlant "ome experience: gxI hourly rate: essential postwar work inocurJairyjJJOOU Woolland MAN to learn shipping receiving and warehouse operation salary Geo Whalley Co 50r5Euclid TTANDYNIaN: Any agei for odd Jobs around building salary Clifton Manor Hotel 112 and Clifton blvd EXrsE rVTCEM EN Outside work war future: salary while learning Won 1er rea 1 1 434 Superior HIGH priority work: actory JoSs war: good hourly rate aays nights Cleveland ontainen 6303 Barberton BANDY MAN: To work in furniture store: returned war veteran salary Kurtz 310 Prospect LltVELAND Electric Illuminating Co Lake Shore 70 of St Clair Helpers combustion Jest hourlyrate 5lAN for inside dairy work experience noi necessary union wages Appiy at 11616 LO 009L IVEIERAN: 23 35: college mechanical en gineering: industrial sales salary Bux 9M3 plain Dealer imV'TORirCENTRAl i lair Switrnmen swit htenders mcchan Ks Jalrs: himrly daily monthly rates ME5I for simple carpenter work: essential: hourlv rate pays io week IndependentLumb 196'30 Nottingham rd MAN: ood store manager: 4 hour evening shift: salary permanent postwar Boxsy)( Plain Dealer £tASS A turret lathe operators hourly rate 69 hour week Barco Machine Prod Uris 1975 I BISCTTaRgED Veterans wanted for per manent postwar positions Apply at Plating Co 560 1 Cedar a vp ELDERLY rnaru Touhload freight good salary days: secured future Geo Klein ewsj2421iarnegie EXPftftl EN C1TD 1 apanese Cooking gen eral: or Japanese counle Akron rair Jawn district Box 2164 Plain Dealer VETERANS: Postwar: mfgrs molSed rub ber goods: hourly piece work Rubber London rd at Euclid SrEN: 17 to 35: secure your postwar career in airline work hourly rate Apply United Airlines at airport 9 to 3 MEN: Urgently needed for Postwar jobs with good luture modern meat plant hourly rate MAN: or orderly Institution: no experi ence: sober good salary room board 736 Lakeview GL 8460 DIsi'TTa KG'S Ser vTcemeh A small loan company will train you: salary and ex cellentfuture Mr Marquart PR (li ather Baker's Victorian leads furnished renewal plan: top commission 70 1 idelity Bldg 9 1 2X VETERANS' (4851? Circulation dept $2 $4 hour after 1 hour: commission IQ1 Ninth Chester Bldg 8 9:30 a VETERANS: Investigate no experience free to travel salary expenses advance ment TlMCltizens Bldg VETERANS for order clerks? Industrial supply business hourly rate Pattison Supply 777 Rockwell MA 7320 EX sErvIc'EMAN: Jr sales position: per manent postwar opportunity salary bonus Berry Const Co 7704 Carnegie VETERANS: Make Sfe to start no expe rience necessary postwar advancement JhomMcAnShoeld02Eurlld YTiI'NG man: 16 or over to work in sign dept: will tram: 40 hour week: salary Plug' 9 Uteide MAN? or commissary and moat dept: steady good hours: must have driver's license salary 2729 Prospect VETERANS disabled: Stockroom clerks: hourly rate: no walking necessary Ohio Electric Mfg 590lBellford Mfthhovs veterans: 6 day week hourly or weekly rate light manufacturing Steelwood Products? 1364 47th MARRIED MAf: Care for animals small farm: separate living quarters: salary Bnx 27150 Plain Dealer MEN: Postwar johs rotating shifts? hourly rate 20 increase 30 days plus bonus Etobeckmun Co 3301 Monroe 1IVSKY young men for receiving draft status not important: hourly rate Auto 1 we Parts 1854 23 PR 1520 ELDElfLY MEN: Light bagging bundling packages in laundry: no experience hourli' rate Menk Bros 643 E1031 dUTSlDE Inside work available: critical work: hourly rate Railroad Re tirement Board 105 St Clair TOUnG MAN College education? invest ment real estate career: salary bonus Carlton Schultz Keith Bldg PR 0520 organization vet erans to service office equipment sal ary Box 6763 Plain Deafer young street nKntn no experience commission Call in per son IKS jdetlty Bldg SEN: Part time evenings: light factory work: hourly rate Restomeier Potato Chip Co 2435 Woodhill VEYE I IAN? Ser vicing installing burglar alarms: hourly rate Morse Signal De 5606 Euclid StEEt warehouse has openinK? alert young man inside sales: will train: salary Jos Lakeside KtAlT: White tn take care of saddle finrse: experience: steady work salary Cavalry Pultho 25iX) l'UMh RV 1 wMirlyjKfAN: Colored for navy mess kitchen ana amirs rem salary meats uni forms Mis King 2ftn 165th operate ter we will teach no postwar layoff: steady worker salary CE 51 SINGLE sober honest: hotel cleaning minor repairs fire boler: room 125 a month references CH $866 VDUNd man with Iniijative for lineman training: arv MA 340b at siuny pias HELANHEMALEj A "STATEMENT of AVAILABILITY" required from the applicants em ployer or Employment Service if the applicant ts already employed in an essential industry ABSTRACT CLERK: Must He accurate: good salary apply in peison 611 Hip podromp Bldg ACCOUNTS CLERK: Small East side nf fire some typing 12a hasp overtime: excellent future HE orli) CLEftK: Exper Iroced or will train postwar Euclid 0: KE wAn Mr Gnndrlrh ADMITTlNi CLERK and fire work some bookkeeping: salary perma nent 3300 Mrs James AGENTS: ull or parf time: commission we finance 1)12 Erie Bldg ALTERA! ION SEWERS no ana trousers steaqy Davis 3U Euclid XLfEftAI iON: ull or part timoi'shaker excellent salary LO 798: YE 8619 XitTKnITce LIANS Requires neatness patience: hourly rate Microfilm Corp Bbl power ASSEMBLERS inspectors machine opera tors days nights hourly rate Monarch Aluminum 9301 Detroit XSsEM bEe "electrical instruments clean light work: hourly rate Hickok Electric Instrument 10M4 Dupont Eleclric clocks: postwar luture good hourly rate bonus Elec trlcNeon Mfg Co 2480 r2 st XbSEMBLERS: Will teach beginners hourly rate overtime Brush Develop ment Co Perkins ASSEMBLE ftro he I pc'rs? sewing "macMn operators: No experience hourly rate overt ime bonu a As trup Co 2937 25 on electrical Instruments clean light work hourly rate Hickok Electrical Instrument Co 10514 Dupont ASSEMBLERS: 18 45? light work? days? 48 0) Mt hours hourly rate: automatic 8 1 es Muc Iler Electric 1583 31 ASSEMBLERS: Steady work now anti after the wart salary Progressive Laun dry 13402 GJenside GL 3310 ASSEMBLING girls Tight factory work gMd hourly rate luorescent Equip ment 'j7( Superior ASSISTANT (OOK: Cooking and counter work variety store restaurant salaiy Kusner Bros 1'120 ASSISTANT'S! UPPING CLERK? E'xpcr? enced in wrapping garments: $30 week Box o8)L I a i Dealer ASMS! ANT to aivouhtani': Permanent some typing gn office: salary A A Mfg Co 1053 152 ASSISTANT rapalde? for central coni jl office experience not necessary salary Apply The May To 1 1 0RS? clerks typists Tor postwar work: siilary Box 33250 Plain Dealer HELPIRS: Part time? hourly rate 4749 Hough HE 1614 CLERK: Willing worker: fuiTor part time good salary 1U10 123 UL 7311 BAKERY (T I (len ra work full time? good hourly rate Bakery 24 and Lorain 6aIErY HELP: Pleasant workTH'ays no Sun hourly rate and overtime essen tial Acme Pie Co 3747 Carnegie liAKEftY SALESWONfEN for bakery full or part time: salary Apply employ ment office The Higbee Co SAKE WdM EN postwar security good hourly rate Home Bakery 14325 Euclid BAK ERY WORKERS: Steady union hvur ly rale time and half overtime days ApplyWagnprBakeryJ)lQfL Toth BAKERY WORKERS Steady: hour iy rate time and half overtime days Apply Wagner Bakery 910 70th BANK TELLER Age 21 35: East Siffe branch: salary Apply Central National Bank 308 Euclid ave BAftMAID: week day weekK Harris Cafe 2240 ulton rd WO 9559 Bar Al a hoard and sal a ry Royal View Tavern Ridge and Royalton rds Roya Iton 3811 BARMAID for eves neat reliable sail ary Apply after 4 3809 Denison BEAUTICIANS: Permanent waving exDe perience also hair tinting expert: salary Budget Salon Wm Taylor i Son Co BEA I Cl AN: $50 com mTs sion" a ageross $40 commission nn evenings steady postwar ER24443VA5911 BEAUTICIAN: Good manicurist and sham poo girl salary and commission Emmett Hair ashion CH 2796 BEa UTiCI AK? 5 days: excellent salary Call PR 6211 BEAUTY li cense to take full charge: salary Jeans "Beauty Shop 14'236 Euclid Beauty OPERATOR: All around experi enced: $1 per hour Louis Hair Designer 10622 Euclid ave BEaUtYOPEBaTOR: All around: 1 day off salary commission GA 4168 BEAUTY OPERATOR for hotel beauty shop salary and commission CH 4480 Pt ST Hours 5 to nw? night permanent postwar security sal ary Call Mr? Lamb PR 6640 BILLER: Moon Hopkins Ditto machines: no experience: salary: permanent post war security Mr Bitterman CE 8760 IHtXrxCCLEiiK West Side: ex peiienee not necessary postwar security: salary phis overtime BO OOM BINDERY GIRtnisht stitching hourly rate overtime: postwar: est 45 years MacDonald Mfg HE PS35 BOdKKEEPER Typist: Experience unneces sary postwar security: old firm Harv ard 71 area salary MI 4976 EX5KKEEPER and typist: ai office: pleasant air conditioned office: good salary nellaCoJO45Carncigie BfiOKKTiEPER Pull charge small office excellent postwar opportunity: salary Elsia BsaJ EOOKTxKEPER At least 2 yea experi ence: saiarv Cuyahoga Stamping 10'201 Harvard Mrs 6rzech DI 8 100 BOOKKEEPER for Burroughs machine: steady work chance for advancement salary CH 400 fifklKKEEPER TYPIsT: Permanent po sitlon: salary CJcveland Concession Co qiiffl Typisl: Good salary: 44 hours EX 1020 tiOOKKfeftPER: plst: General office work: take orders on phone good salary ord Coal Co GA 32 BOOKKEEPER: Experienced: handle re sponsibilities: real opportunity salary Box 229X1 plain Dealer feCtOkkEEPKR: Permanent position: good salary: adx'ancement Bassichis Co 2123 3d MA 41S1 Birl nf COOK Excellent salary 15207 St Clair TokT some downstairs stay on air mount cai line YE 0253 COOKS cou ter help dishwashers? bus boys: Good salary Montrose 703 COOKING: Downstairs: white? salary nice Shaker home Call WE 3746 COSMETICS GIRL wanted by nationally known manufacturer: salary and com mission Mr Neisv inter AC 3112 COUNTER GIRLS? orsandwich meals good salary all shifts 10 a II Systems 5501Euclid COUNlR GIRL: "Good salary Cottage Grill 11609 Lorain ave UR 9665 DAYWORK: Reliable: every other Mon or Thurs 4 room apt: personal laundry only like to trou YE 0292 DkMUNSTRATOR: large Cleveland dept store exceptional oppor tunity? salary Mr Wood MA 3796 bENTAL ASSISTANTS: Experience not necessary 1 full 1 part time good sal a ry permanent MI 0057 WNTAL ASSISTANT: East Side rience not necessary salary Box 31445 Plain Dealer DICTAPHONE OPERATOR: Permanent position: good postwar opportunity sal ary Ameri ca nOi Pa int Co DI0913L 51 CTA PHONE OPERATOR: Experienced essential work with postwar future sal ary Joseph ft eiss 2149 53 KT A PHONE OPERATOR: Permanent position sola ry oVg day week 5160 DIETITIAN: Children's camp Painesville good salary: June 15 Sept 4 WA 4351 or Camp Wise 13512 Kinsman DISHWASHER: Salary meals: nn Sun days Apply after 11 a The Tavern 1800 11th DISHWASHER: White part time gxh: honest worker: Mon off: salary meals RA 1010 after 12 except Mon HEL STrNOGRAPHER SECftTXftY Perma nent: salary lunch: advancement Lab oralnry Mt Sinai HospitaiiJffiQ ir5 STeNuGRA I 'TTKR Experienced expand ing downtown office advancement sL a ry Box 13153 Plain Dealer STET5GRAPfiER? Experienced postwa? salary Apply before noon Pilsener Brewing Co 65th Clark TKNCXIRTpHEft: Law S3a? week: $110 month to start: good oppor tunity MA 7823 enced: salary Arcrods Corp 443 49 st MI 8i90 STE NGgra Light eiri realestate office salary 6007 Euclid Room 3tJ4 Call 2 to STeNOGR A PH ER jr permanent? hour week: salary Apply Royal In snranre Co 111 3 Williamson bldg ENOGRA PHER Jr? varied? interesting work downtown salary: permanent l(Wurweek PR 8 fog irestone STENOGRAPHEft CLER Permanent sal ary and overtime progressive publishing house West Side Mr Charpie CL 2930 STKjNodRAPnEfi: General office? lgir) office downtown: permanent CH 0687 or Box 1355 Plain Dealer STENtV A PI ERj'Cenerat clerical: per manent postwar security salary Cleve wJantL a 1 1 ve Stove Co HE 471 jr? general office worlc day week salary: permanent position 809 Hanna Bldg MA 8337 STfcNOG A PH for real estate office no experience necessary salary Call L1518 or BO 9369 STENOGRAPHER: Morris Plan Bank: real estate mortgage experience helpful permanent salary 921 Huron rd "'Varied? fnterestinH w'ork: branch sales office 40 hours 5 ays HE 4921 STE N( JGr A Pill opport un 1 1 postwar rapid advancement salary overtime aMiss Gorman CH 5300 STENOGRAPHER General office work salary Broadway Harvard district Ml400 OGRAPHER Generaf clerical: Penna nent postwa? security: salary MillcraftPaper Co 1927 19th STENOGRAPHER: Some dictation gen eral office: salary Stewart Bolling1190 (5 near Bessemer MI 2850 NOGRA PHE sr or jr permanent 38 hour waak: salary Apply Royal Jn Bldg STENOGRAPHERS (2) Postwar positions in motion picture industry salary Para mount Pictures Inc 1735 23 TYPIST: EorTelSil office small manufacturing plant dosi tion permanent: salary DI 8900 STENYjGRAPHER Also typist openTng' Ysf Manent Call Ehi STE NOG A HE Permanent old est firm congenial coworkers postwar: 8ood salary CH 2960 OCR A PH Permanent girl office: good salary The Bassirhis Co MA 4181 STENOGRAPH small downtown3 office state experience salary Bnx 28446 Plain Dealer STENOGRAPHERS 1S 30: satarvT Apply in person National City Bank Euclid STENOGRAPHER: Monthly salary: posi war security The Koehler Rubber 4 Supply 3hho Carnegie STENOGRAPHER: Law office expert enced salary Box 29146 Plain Dealer SU PER VISOR at hotel 'desk stenographic experience: 40 hours sal ary Box 15730 Plain Dealer TEACHER: Real estate office Sat Sun summer vacation no experience salary Box 31355 Plain Dealer TELEPHONE OPERATOR'S days relief: clerk 4 days fuU time job salary See Mr VValkor fzxtal Piim iasi TELEPHONE OPERATOR: General office hu nuuis salary 14SU is zi corner Superior PR 2800 TELETl ION SALESWORK: Girls worn en: full or part time good salary I ox 328 Euclid Miss Quirk TELEPHONE SOLICITOR: own home: make appointments Mr health accident Ingtirnnro calocmon' enlnru COM TUTOR to prepare boy fen 2d grade: out U1 grane nouny raic KE 5120 I and small switchboard: 5 days a week salary PR 2970 PI ST EY OPERATOR Steady work: 54 day week: hourlv and overtime 1799 Merwin MA 9477 TYPIST CLERK: Postwar hours :30 4:140 salary Miss Meehan 5(0 Buck eye Bldg 2082 4 TYPIST: Experience unnecessary willing to learn Ediphone: postwar security Hnrvarrf 71t aro i XfT tIGto and general office work str ady employment salary Murray onio Man Ufa during Co 1115 152 TYPIST Experienced: day week: salary 442 Terminal 1468 TY Part time evenings full time days hourly rale CH 664S Marford ri Ma I 648 Huron rd TYPIST: research and statistical dent 44 hour week: salary The Penton Pub Co MA8260 TYPiST Rcceptionist light shorthand: ad vertising permanent postwar down 1U ly' V1 NV TYPISTS' for interesting steady work ituuuy raie AccuraieParts Mfg Co 12435 Euclid ave IST ECE PT 10 1ST Small board permanent: salary: 5 day 4h hour week West Side MA 4247 TYPIST: To act as receptionist handle money' permanent salary Apply 622 Keith Bldg 11 to 8 CH 6284 TYpIST CLErR: or pricing: good at fig ures postwar future: salary plus over time Call Mr Shaw EX 1133 TYPlS3' to personnel man salary Kemet Laboratory Co Inc 11901 Madison LA 4000 Mr Stevens TYPIST: Some shorthand general office: prefer beginner steady salary Box 9( 1 yl Plain Dealer To learn bookkeeping machine old est East Side co salary perma nent MI 1170 1ST: Responsible position insurance ui uuwnwwn oay weex good salary Miss White CH 2764 TYPIST Dictaphone operator: W1T1 train? permanent salary 5 days 40 hours Mlnnaunnlis TJAnnvii'all SVWI securTty ad gm hi salary iviau onerwood Sfin imo rH XIA 71in TYPIST CLERK: Steady? 40 hour other Sat off downtown salary orest Products 205 St Clair TYPIST and clerks: also calculating ma chine operator 44 hours good salary Cla rk Controller 1149 152d TYPIST stenographer mimeograph oper ator messenger bookkeeper: steady: downtown CH 6360 PISTS: Day "or evening work piecework with guaranteed hourly rate Tolk Co 113 St Clair TYPIST: Permanent postwar downtown position: salary Phone PR 5717 STS: Hourly rate Advertising Addressing Co 21 0 St Clair TYPIST: oreign saleswotk: permanent1 nosition: salary Box 27350 Plain Dealer UPSTAIRS Gift ine home: excellentwages own room bath: have 2 other dom est ics Chagrin alls 7121 USHERETTE: ull time neat appearance: salary no experience necessary Apply af 1 1 1 1 Telenews Theater UsiiERETTfcS: Part or full time7'stea4v? salary or hourly Apply Park heater 105tn EucUd USHERETTES: ull or part time salary? ft Palace Theater WiAITRESS part or full time: salary meals uniforms Neddels 1836 Coven try rd A 9884 AITR ESSES Counter grille work I ex perienced: salary day and night shifts: salary meals Hull Dobbs 11423Eucljd WAITRESS Experienced good salary and tips: no Sun or holidays 225 St Clair Hl GV! school girl for generalnUice woHh CviZtRED heir wanted: Salary Awk Vt rrtfifrywygnift LX1ERLY woman: LJrht Musework rare children 8 and 10 a day wk VKp fitftt': or wk morf stes4y Yrkt CH HOUSEWORK: $25 830 3 adults stay no laundry heavy cleaning A 5250 INSPECTORS: Day or night: experience not necessary: salary uniform Persun nel Office carter Hotel I AN i re and casualty agent re quires experienced stenographer for gen eral duties as only employee pi 3845 INU ANt'E" Typist salary 3bw mown location steady MA 1905? I ENTOR and record clerk: Pleasant surroundings 5H day: hourly plus over time Grant Photo 18915 Detroit JR STENOGRAPHER: No experience necessary small downtown office: sal ary MA 0269 KEYPUNCH Operator tor cost dept: experienced or will train: pnstwgj fu ture: salary overtime MI 2312 KITCHEN HeCP and Dikwasher: White steady work: good siua 1382 Hayden aye Hayden Restaurant LAU NDRESS' AID? By young Yorlc couple in orest Hills bus and car: pair of tow heads under 3 A 8407 EWXPrY TliXi KRS: Uhite pT colored no Sundays pleasant nwktnt condi thms: salary Hotel Statler MA 07M) Miss cLrtftK i or "small real estate and insur anre 'Onice salary typing ability le quired Gladstone 8201 Euclid CLEftk: I5i cleaning no experience nec essary high hourly rate Whitehouse i leaners 122 superior CUERtv Accounting dept youngVdvchance lu learn cost system: some typ ing salary West Side ME 1330 and Managers: Dry cleaning stores experience unnecessary: good wee I pay phone A 4U3 i CLERkS: ull or par experlenir nol necessary salary Apply Doan Cleaners 1 j32ouperior 1 'ermanenl? Tafery ptus overume good working conditions Sun Oil Co Mr Arthur MI 6700 CLERKS 1 1 PJhTS Permanent portions? salaiy plus overtime Willard Storage 1 I in £ai ti i 4 4 qi'iimih yr CLERK downtown office good I word keeping tynii environment: postwar future: salary with I Brusn Beryllium HI ovri uiiitr ai a oaj Bin CLLrK: "Good typist: nt7ort unify Tori beginner essential ppsiwar salary1 RriKh I aliATH tnrins HV salary (LPRK for dry cleaning dept: good sal i ary sieaay position Apply employment office The May Co CLERK Soine" typing: accurate with fig ures salary plus overtime Hertner Electric 1'2690 Elmwood CLhRKb: Genera! permanent: 5 days salary also need typists 1900 Euclid MA UifX) Miss Brokaw 4th floor Isxcellent opportunity to learn credit business: puatwar salary Bing 51 4 Prospect eErR I YI'lSl: future: good surroundings salary Wo luuu fur ap ixjintment 1 IST? General office work" good salary plus overtime: 5 day Gen era? fchytnc co iso XfRKS: Several permanent positions: salary The Pi intz Biedeiman Co 1974 61 off Euclid COCRKS: or 'general work? salary permanent postwar future EN 0772 CLERK: Good typist: steady: nonessen tial salary HE 2235 Line 3 CONiTTOMETER 01 Experi enced: excellent postwar outlook: salary overtime CallMiss Erdriae DI312tl CoMPWMIETER OPERA TOR Some ex perience necessary salary Miller GoldSeal Dair HE624'2 rr6M ETER OPERATORS Clerks typists production clerk: blue print girl salary Osborn Mfg 101 Hamilton tOilMOjlETEU OPISRATOUS: E'wVT not necessary peimurwni: salary Wm Tiiylor Son CUM PT( )'M E'i Eft UPEK A TOR Pei manent position salary: postwar Standard Brands Inc 722 Bolivar rd MA 7222 COM I UTE I I A 0 1 ts (Iriks typists production clerk: blueprint girl MalaryOsi)orri Mfg 54Ui Hamilton COuK: Meal and vegetable permanent no Sun or holiday work: salary Rus set Cafeterias 1258 Euclid C(OK: Experienced for small family 1A miles east Public Square references Box 32953 Plain Dealer CCXJK: A capable "manager for private family pleasant surroundings: other help Call YE 2165 Tuesday COOK and Jownstnirs work whltp on car line $125 month nice room refer ences YE 7700 CC)K? AYliite: experienced cleaning: stay 2 adults 2 boys: lovely quartersgood sa 1 a ry WE 5000 CooK? White experienced: country no laundry other help in house: good Willoughby 406 "reverse charges COOK: Hood plain: clean reliable "small institution salary Rocky River? ED 042(1 CtiOK light lunch thru din ner: 5 days: home nights $20 week? airmount ca YE 9230 COOK and downstairs: ho laundry or heavy cleaning: IO a through dinner references LA 8554 COOK: Meat and vegetable: small resort hotel salary and maintenance Cottage Grove Inn Madison "Housework no laundry or heavy cleaning: 3 adults at rapid stop SK 2192 COOK: Good salary KefteybCafe 3912 Payne ave EN 9845 COOK: 2 adults in family: excellent wages own room Call MA 3800 Ext 320 shop hourly Roseman Structural Iron Works 3229 'E Rdth DI OHIO TARXTRS fnr rin A mv I engine lathe radial drills: hourly rate nrinritv wni IV X77I1 LINOLeVm LAYERS JaW8e'ia ly SALESMAN Capable mat nveruin? neu uioia jh ilth Seuhcnvnte Linotype OPERATOR? Cnmbinat1onmJn preferred: hourly rate union shop Rnhme Bljnkmann MA EIK01 YPE OPERATOR: full time: afwi part time man day or evc hourly rate 7 3 Ca xt I Era I A i ON MAN: Oxxl Alary Cail KE 9S5S Er'MffER: Var3 anti tallymen experi enced hourly rate overtime sieady orest City Material 17903 St Clair EWSEITSa rftean experience! farm buddings cottages salary blaster Craft r7Q(i Broadway 4 MACHINE DESIGNERS: Experience heavy metal working machinery salary Box 3215Q Plain Dealer MACHINE HANDS: Exper icn red urret lathe drill press miller: hourly raze 59 hours 1660 I layden ave Via CHINE shop laborers: Long hours hourly rate Apply The Hill Acme 64(H) Breakwaterave Kt A Cl Tin TTPE A TO other general factory help: Essential: hourly taleo vert ime a erft a la Co2 1 68 Machine REPAIRMAN: steady: days: permanent: hourly rate plus overtime ThcPipe Machinery Co u30 7Q MACUfNHOP TRAINEES: Both shifts good hourly rale plus bonus Johnston ft Jennings 877 Addison KiACHrNT snrJAN? around me rhanic good hourly rate postwar Edw Daniel Co 4115 St Clair SfATTHNIST or auto mechanic: Part or full time: hourly rate Yale Auto Parts Co 8819St ClatE KfAcl*tNIST 55 hours 5 nights: also a borer and sweeper (dav and night)hourly rate MI 5252 JdAlNTENANCE ENGINE Experi enced: salary meals See chief engineer Hotels Auditorium 6 St Clair fAINTENiXNCk? Machinist 1st class: hourlv: postwar Newburgh Machine Erne t37 £iJ06xE 105 rar off Dupont lxrr Kl A MEN Modern? casting plant 7 day f*ck: hourly rate Briggs Mfg Co1225 Taft MANAGER or assistant Kluga 5c to $1 store good salary commission advance ment 15432 Waterloo rd IV 3393 KIXNXOEgEN'T (WSVCTaTW MAN: Northern references expenses commission Box 593 Plain Dealer electrician? slock boy main tenance dept inspector: will train huur Jy rate Ja hr lei Co 1 107 40 KlETAL SPINNERS and apprentices: small work: permanent: hourly rale Phil ink leyl 'o 9205 Detroit KTl EK I TiT? Retaii West Side: per manent salary AC 66O KirErrTLAN'T 40 years: steady hourly rate days: will irainMeyer Dairy 3055 63 KHlXlNG MACHINE HAND: Also wood and metal patternmakers: hourly rate Wellman Bronze 6017 Superior KnLfWkiGHTS electricians carpenters first shift: hourly rate overtime Weath erhead Co 300 13 MILLWRIGHTS and helpers 85c to S11Q hour 34 hour week erro Machine oundry 31 55 66 KiTEL RIGHTS and tinners for main nance motor repairman hourly rate National Malleable IDoiM) Quincy ave KRillt MAN? Some cleaning salary: room board laundry Windsor Hos pltal Phone Chagrin alls 7347 Kight MAN White or colored: retail store: work includes cleaning salps floors sa lary McCrory's 5UU Eucl id CiICE Over 16: position with future: salary plus overtime Republic Structural Iron 12 Ml 53 OPERATOR for die casting machine post war security hourly rate Molded Products 6808 Carnegie EN 7834 fACKLftS: Part time nights: hourly rate Chicago pneumatic TnoljCo 1241 49 si class mrn nourly rate 8307 Superior 'AINTERS: Union mechanics The Cornell Co 1332 117 a INTER anH'aperhanger: Union scale? 6 day week? GL 3964 aINtERS bldg mainte nance salary Apply 1316 swetland Bldg aI NTEfi'S: Interior and exterior: union scale Lane ftarsteit4liyEuc1id PAINTERS: Industrial ana days union scale Allen Hays Paint ing Co Gt 2010 EV 4fXJ a'INTErS: Helpers marine rate nlu overtime steady Stadium Boat Works foot of 3 aINtER'S' Vnion scale gond mechanics rain or shlng Bescherner IncJ 3X)3 Dover ave SH5586 PAINTERS (2) "union exterior and In trnor only first class hourly rate 48 hours 5ck BO 6317 AlNTfiRS! I have the best job in town for A 1 boatswain chair highest hourly for hotel: salary Apply Mr Brazier Wade Park Manor Hciel XfiCVm'fi Aft Experienced11 postwar posiHon salary Mr Gemer tearo 1021 RwIM fT 1 1 vrip vvnn hotel laundry: salary Apply hoti keener Wade Park Manor Hotels NURSES: Supervisory living accommoda tions available: also part time: salary Call HE 8580 NURSE for 4 month infant from June 4 on stay nights or go home reference Box 31152 Plain Dealer NVrsEI Practical to care for infant? WE 3397 KBrSEMAID: Colored upstairs work 2 children: stay nights: good salary ref erences ER (X222 9 to 12 NURSERY amily going to seashore for summer must be experi enced references Box 11 Mentor UrrME clerical: Good salary postwar security Western Electric 10101 Wood landj OICE GIRL: Some typing experience not necessary small office good salary apply in person 10020 Carnegie OICE GIRL: Growing company steady good future 1 girl office general work salary Box 4163 Plain Dealer OICE WORK: postwar salary See Mr Grover 8 11 a City Material ft Coa l8ip0 Bessemer I89Qi i OfICE HELP: No needed: wundetful future we 'will leach you sal ary overtime Mr Holm EN 3745 OtTICE MGR pTone orders pricing typing: steel warehouse East: salary Box 32950 Plain Dea ler ClICE Typist stenographer messengers general clerks: salary National Carbon Co Inc 117 Madisnn OICE HELP: ile clerk 1 typists 2 peimment salary Tinnerman Products Co ME 20p() Mrs Neal OICE HELP General clerical: Tiler authorier: salary The Halle Bros Co niCfT wORRTTfeneral 41 hour xreel? X27 6408 Eucl id No 205 OPERATOR for music dept 26 36: rotat ing shifts till 2:30 a salary bonus nostwar security2005 Prospect ORDER ILLERS: Stockroom work: 54 day w'eek: hourly rale The Geo Worth ington Co 802 West St Clair a NT RY EN meals uniforms steady employment: no Sun salary Stouffers 1375 1 id 5th floor PAY RCLL Cl iTl to 35 experienced permanent essential salary overtime The Harshaw Chemica CE 6300 PHYSICIAN SECRETARY: Typing ac eounts assisting: salary YE 0476 PRESSER Silks full or part time: $125 per hour Swiss Cleaners 20145 West feke ra AC 4408 PRESSER: By hand: experienced in wear: good' salary Arnell Co 13834 Union ave WA 4284 PRESSER: Silk finisher: permanent hour ly rate Lee Heights Cleaner 2145 Woodhill RA 2148 pH ftSSER Experience steady good sal ary Stone Dry Cleaning GL 9226 ftftSSERS: Silk experienced steady postwar: hourly 8326 Hough ft SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR: Experienced: salary meals Hotel Aller ton Naval Barracks 13 Chester PT 6PER A TO pleasant place to work Mount Royal ARartmentHotel Call HE 1430 Bx: dENERAL OICE: Pleasant working conditions: East Side conven lentiy located war plant: salary HE 2370 OPERATOR and file clerk: 40 hour week salary overtime Atlas Bolt Screw Cn 1130 Ivanhoe rd Operators for sEr? pie section sewing excellent piecework rate Lampi Sportswear 2570 Superior ft aCtIGaL uu housekeeper for elderly lady: salary BQ378L and promotion "salary ac cording tn ability Write Bray 7910 a ke Ap 2 Ci 1 2 1 PUNCH OPERATORS: Will train: good hourly rale' postwar White Sew ing Machine Corn Main and Elm HjncTi tress Operators: SiaTe or female: piecework hourly Columbia Metal Stamping 11900 Harvard RECEPTIONIST for studio sajary Apply 41 Arcade RlxfUfTELEfHONE Operator hd general office hourly rate National Tool 112(X Madison SXLAD Salary? The Continental Ca Cl 1651 6: SALAD White or colored? salary Sow Dining Room 6705 Detroit LftsGiRIz3ixperienced selling dresses coats and suits very good salary plus commissions Burt's 1101 Euclid SALESGIRLS: White East or West Side dress shop full time good starting MA 8711 ready to w'ear and accessories: good salary and commission 734 Euclid GIRL: Experience unnecessary good salary Apply Miller United Shoe Store 57 39 roadw ay SIVTXsTTlRLS: attractive for new women's shop salary Hathaway at Shaker Square LQ 5 4 06.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


What happened to the Cleveland Plain dealer in 2013? ›

In August 2013, The Plain Dealer reduced home delivery from seven days a week to four: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It continued to publish an edition seven days a week that is available in electronic form at, and in print at stores, newsracks and newsstands.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

One of those that submitted a bid was Industrial Commercial Properties/Cleveland Superior, LLC, which now owns the former Plain Dealer building.

What is the history of the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The Cleveland Plain Dealer was founded as a weekly newspaper on January 7, 1842 by Joseph Gray. By 1845 it had transitioned to an evening daily. Joseph Gray died in 1862, and his paper was controlled by a series of editors until Liberty Holden purchased the paper in 1885.

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How much is the Sunday Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Who was Thomas Vail Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Vail (b. 1926), assumed personal direction of the Plain Dealer in 1963 as publisher and editor at the age of 36. Vail revitalized the Plain Dealer by hiring young reporters and supported more Democrats, giving the paper a vigorous non-partisan stance.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

How often does The Plain Dealer come out? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. These times apply to most counties. In outlying areas, times may vary. 3.

How do I contact a Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Can I read The Plain Dealer online? ›

Once you login, that day's edition of The Plain Dealer will begin to load. After several seconds, you can begin reading as the remainder of the newspaper is downloading. Once the download is complete, you can read the entire newspaper, even offline and on the go!

What happened to the Cleveland press? ›

Citing the depressed economy and consequent losses in advertising, however, Cole announced the paper's closing on 17 June 1982, and the final edition appeared that afternoon. The former Press plant was demolished to make room for the North Point office complex. View image at Cleveland Memory.

Why did Cleveland decline? ›

Why has Cleveland Ohio declined so much? Many whites and middle class people continue to leave city life for suburban life. Even some of the closest suburbs such as East Cleveland are being brought down too. Much of the decline of Cleveland has to do with the deindustrialization of the city.

How much is a subscription to the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription. You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 216-999-6000 or by visiting Can I get a subscription with an introductory offer?

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.