The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY EBRUARY 26 1950 TO MAKE YOU Mitt Ren' Mih Lorraine Mm La Varne WEIGHT CHARM BEAUTY REDUCING SALON POISE 0 wl Ail XCt Al LV 1 1 111 lid well known story grips and enter toinc itc cnor tat avc (rrtm TTrM i 1 1 BUYERS ARE PLAIN DEALER READERS LORAIN ULTON 340wOuXA'' NORVAL worn what a show SOUTHERN VI RINE Hardy 4 CLUB DANCE CLASS 8315 Euclid I 1 JI i LIBERTY I MEMBERS CLEVELAND MOTION PICTU EXHIBITOR SA 0 I AT I ON AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER TODAY JANET LEIGH JANET LEIGH ORSON WELLES WENDELL COREY WENDELL COREY Slenderizing Apparatus William Demarest Supervised Exercises Coll or Writ for detail Training for Teen Agers Business Girls Housewives on son WELLES Janet Leigh 14NET LEIGH Personalized Makeup Modern Hair Styling ree Personal Analysis New Personality New Confidence CH 1646 A 6160 Phone 4125 EVerrrren 7313 BARBARA HALE Barbara HALE Studio Haun 10 a to 10 To you So join William DEMAREST PARKS Exacting Script Cinches Success for PAUL PRICE CHRISTIAN II ARTHUR DANCE Shock Story of a Vicioui Racket ROBERT ROCKWELL BARBARA ULLER 'UNMASKED' SINGS Todd Cited Richard Todd British actor who portrays a costarring role with Ronald Reagan and Patricia Neal in Warner Hasty has been nominated by the London Daily Express as the best actor of the year in a tie with Alec Guinnis Todd shortly will begin his leading assignment in Strike from the novel by Mar garet Echard to be produced by (Color by Technicolor) MATINEE ONLY Gn Autry Champion "RIM THE CANYON 2i Near dark ON 505G DOORS OPEN 1:00 Scrun'x Newest Weirdeit Shocked NEW HEIGHTS HORRORI NEW THRILLS IN TERROR! LON CHANEY Strange Confession "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" DOORS OPEN AT SHOW 1:30 Kimmr mid ium jtsi 11 ion "HOLIDAY AAIR" CATHT ll'IHISMIL AKII mUVGIK HURRY! HURRY! this special will Hours 10 A to 10 Sat 10 to 6 NOT LAST LONG Walter Pidgeon "RED Robert YOUNG into a funeral pyre after his in tended has sold him out to his enemies he is given no seemingly special strength from above When his own people turn him' over to the Philistines he does not call upon God for strength until he stands in a narrow defile nor does he attempt to break his bonds until that moment Nor does he just happen upon the jawbone of an ass A dwarf jester has been nipping at him with the animal's skull using it for clowning purposes Then when abulous Johan Story BARBARA WILLIAM HALE DEMAREST JOHN GEORGE HODIAK MURPHY DENISE PARCEL mx it 1 RACY "ADAM'S RIB" KOHI RARHMCA SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN BARBARA WILLIAM HALE DEMAREST Ql I A 7 a I in Mitchum Janet Irish rnrfrli Corey "HOLIDAY AAIR" it Love and It Lovely arley athy O'Poniirll tn "THEY LIVE BY NIGHT" A Story ct lIol Rod Tern Agent Uving on the Razor Sharp Edne of Danger Cartoon and News HEY IKK IV Hl HOLtDAt LYRIC REGENT Matin WUIIH JOHN GEORGE HODIAK MURPHY DENISE DARCEL ALMIRA Doors TYRONE POWER Buckeyeat 1T5 WA 8330 WENDELL COREY CX1 1 SO JOIN AM ARTHUR MURRAY Continuous rom 2 Barbara Hale pass before the story of "Samson When he' turns the wedding feast and Delilah" is told so well again! COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR Plus SELECTEDSHORTSUBJECTS SHOR nd L1 Share Blvd Doors Open 1:30 Show 2 Barbara Stanwyck Van Heflin James Mason Ava Gardner SIDE WEST Mattma Only at 3:45 Ron Randell June Vincent LONE WOL AND HIS LADY SINGS (COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR) Cartoon Novelty World News SHAW HAYDEN Matinee Today Continuous rom 2 LARRY PARKS BARBARA WILLIAM BILL HALE DEMAREST GOODWIN SINGS ETHEL PETER BARRYMORE LAWORD YOUR CHANCE to get ballroom experience and confi dence while you learn the latest steps Join an Arthur Murray Club Dance Class and see your dancing change from average to expert easier than ever now too with Arthur amazing discovery "lhe irst Step With this step have the key to all dances come in or phone now and one of the classes THIS PROGRAM GUARANTEED To Entertain You I Everyone who has seen if soys PARMA open ROBERT MITCHUM "HOLIDAY AAIR WALTER PIDGEON "THE RED DANUBE" Alt niu a st REE PARKING UlUnAMECD 13931 Euclid GL nmUAlncCn free parking ROBERT MNT WNDEU MITCHUM LEIGH COREY "HOLIDAY AAIR" RICHARD ATDREY CYD BASEHART TOTTER CHARISSE "TENSION" 2163 Lee Rd A 8232 REE PARKING WENDELL CORY "HOLIDAY CATHY ARLEY HOWARD O'DONNEL GRANGER DE SILVA LIVE BY NIGHT Cathy O'Donnell arley Granger LIVE BY NIGHT VIMC Willoughby Willoughby 25T6i fine PARKING Matinee 2 Star Studded Motion Picture Achievement! VAN JOHNSON (Continued rom Page 21 D) amazing skill as screen story teller after reading the script than I was conscious of it during the sights and sounds of his wondrous Samson and Delilah" Each scene can be studied here while the emo tional impact of the film in the theater prevents that How long does it take to pre pare such script? (It would take several columns to discuss its many sides chiefly the way the scenes are dovetailed each building exact ingly into lhe next) and Delilah" script was begun by Harold Lamb (he had written the script for in 1935 It was shelved Although DeMille had made box office and artistic hits of three other Bible Ten Com mandments" 1923 King of Kings" (which he rates as his great est film until and Deli 1926 and "The Sign of the 1932 Paramount talked him out of another Biblical story after Crusades" But he never completely gave up his idea of doing and De Huio DeMille 1 YEARS AGO DeMille no longer could resist the Samson call" Phil Khoury able press representative tells me treatment was dusted off placed squarely on huge oaken desk at Paramount fjtudio The lectures began Writers don't write for DeMille exactly sit and listen to DeMille Then they retire to typewriters The next day they return to De Mille with the nervous hope that they have down on paper what the old master wants on paper Nine times out of 10 they must go back and try again and again nearly a year these lectures to typewriter to lecture sessions one a day as the script 'Samson seeks a weapon he uses the took form in slow studied progress jawbone because it is the handiest 'Eafh word sentence motive club emotion nuance was analyzed with I Divine intervention via the dark Use our new Pay As You Go Plan You now can pay as you go at Arthur or just a small weekly pay ment you can get the famous Arthur Murray dance in struction Andy Pandit Woody Wvd i it 1 1 i ph bu th Buckeye Door Open 1:00 PM SIG0EST LAUGH SHOW THE 1EAHI I BIG LAUGH 6 ABBOTT ond COSTELLO "KEEP 'EM LYING" ABBOTT and COSTELLO in "RIDE COWBOY" STOOGES In "DUNKED IN THE PETE Laugh Special TECHNICOLOR CARTOON "LONESOME MOUSE LAUREL and HARDY In "ME AND MY We Guarantee Thin Show Will Maki You orget Your Trouble But Cannot Be Responsible If You Split Your Sides Lauqhingl cilDtrpinR 85 thaiY OUrCniun raihaulxe in Also ED fiWNN ININ RISP end LASSIE In to LassieNn (Technicolor) Till 1ft LI Union and 105 Ml 26fl I lUli Jeanne Crain Ethel Barrymore "PINKY" MILION BittlE VIRGINIA MAYO Always Leave Them Laughing Matinee Giant Kiddle 6 LITTLE ORPHAN HATCH (Jl 1ROVRLS DROOPY OUT OXED MLL I' KING JOE TERRY TLNE UNION SQ Robrf Mitchum Janet Leigh KNICKERBOCKER By 2 Smash RING RED CKIhSBY AM AIRE "HOLIDAY BARBARA STANWYCK Celebrates his kNIVES4gy TEACHING DANCING CENTER MAYIELD WILLIAM LARRY DEMAREST PARKS II im unini uuiun THREE RUSSELL HAYDEN JENNIER HOLT LYCEUM 575 I (hR In JAMES OLBLR Cl RWoOD'S TRAIL THE MOUNTIES TOM and JIKR OarU)on Utejfew UtlftUT EurHlHts al Cm entry nCIUn IO Ample ree Parkins A 2203 LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE SINGS Color by Technicolor PGGT INN GtRNK LON MCALLISTER "THE BIG CAT" (Shown Matinee Only) HILLIARD SQ Ma DOORS OPEN CONTINUOUS JOLSON SINGS At ADDED MAT HOPALONG CASSIDY WAR" AT 400 0609 JANET LEIGH the celluloid gods formed all of them He has pictured those of Sam superb drama which in spite of its! tlwiA I I al 1 ir met I 11 uule iUev ej irpnr naV ciirrea all within the scope andtxains ns spectators irom DeMules power of one man of extraordinary own voice on the opening sound I strength who obviously did carry a track: to 'Olive Deering)! divine blessing i final grieving speech: When Samson barehanded goes! "His strength will never die i after his lion DeMille has him Mcn wil1 his story for to Delilah that is a young This is not said as a boast but to not inconceivable I proph make the killing within the range es that another 1000 years will of a mighty man Pass before the story of ened sky the lightning and thunder and the raging wind used here also as an accompanying dramatic storm build up the power of the scene Ererr Oetail Planned THE SCRIPT is so tight so com a high degree of literary vengeance pletly exactln8 in its budding As one writer put it grimly half iii Delilah that at some later time I a through this bloodless Via Do intend to go into it further I lorosa 'We're not writers we're i In every detail it has been I trained jminutely planned That goes right' is no expected change inifd" Jhe scrj)pt technique (for writing DeMille rlck masonru dUut talll ng IHCt amenn ichnn ka hacrirtc jsLripij ueMiiie has used this formula with towering success for years and writers who join him are usually prepared to operate with a minimum of literary inde pendence This surrender is made up for in good pay and a long pe riod of continuous Miracles Made Easy THAT accounts not only for very tight one man scripts but also in this case for the as toundingly simple story of Samson Sian Oliver PARDON US" Added Matinee Giant Cartoon Carnival Polka Dot Puss Nutty Pine Cabin KniHk Knock tn the Hmy Pre Hykt(rka) Manreyh'Hndel Harr Ki a OR 398ft Barbara William HALE DEMAREST JOLSON SINGS Color by Technicolor VAI 82nd MLC show Starts 1:15 Queen ot Technicolor Adventures! MAIREN PALL VINCENT OHARA CHRISTIAN PRICE "BAGDAD" Dinner Cartoon Buster Keaton Also Matinee Tim Holt In In the Saddlt" Al SO "AnVENTt RES SIK YORKTOWN ree 1000 Cars LARRY PARKS BARBARA HAU JOLSON SINGSAGAIN Beautiful Color by Technicolor Also Shown at 3:30 Matinoo Only "Wile!" Bill Elliott at RED RYDER and Bobby Blake at LITTLE BEAVER i "VIGILANTES DODGE CITY" ftftMMftnftDE 152 Lake Shore Blvd UUHinlUUunC iv ITS! ree Parking Vincent Maureen PRICE OHARA Mat Only: Bill Elliott THE PLAINS' Stooge This Is America News Spec Kiddie Show Next Sat at 2 eaturing milriff of LA Pius Cartoons CORLETT MMLNEL TOHAY! MAR'llNCi AT 2 The New Johon Picture Starring LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE 'JOLSON SINGS AGAIN' Color by Technicolor Walt Disney Cartoon Sport DENISON SQ Ht3lson AVE' JOHN WAYNE JOANNE DRU Wore a Yellow Ribbon1' In Color by Technicolor GEORGE RAT ELLA RAINES in DETROIT LA1622Dett01t Me DOORS OPEN 1:00 ive Great Stars in THE PICTURE WALTER PIDGEON ETHEL BARRYMORE PETER LAWORD JANET LEIGH ANGELA LANSBURY RED DANUBE OXES" Plus Giant Kiddie Show Matinee ROY ROGERS THE KID RETURNS" 6 Colored 6 AMBASSADOR I2ror SHOW STARTS AT 2:00 DOUBLE COMEDY LAUGH RIOT Shown at 2 Imagine the embarrassment when the stork shows up among the wedding guests BARBARA HALE ROBERT YOUNG MAKES 5: 8j36 AVAI ftM 131 N'ear'MIles WA 0520 AVALVn free parking MATINEE STARTING AT 2 GENE RICHARD CHARLES TIERNEY CONTE BICKORD With JOSE ERRER "WHIRLPOOL" Plus "KLROY SportsHOLIDAY ON SKIS" Bugs Bunny "THE WIND BLOWN HARE" ADDED EATURE MATINEE ONLYI ALLAN "ROCKY" LANE "WYOMING BANDIT" STEVE BRODY STUDIOS 404 CAC Bldg 0E" 1118 Euclid Ave Stallrr LINCOLN EVELYN KEYES "RENEGADES In Technicolor RANDOLPH GLENN CLAIRE SCOTT ORD TREVOR PARKS SINGS In Technicolor Alao WALT DISNEY'S "SEAL ISLAND" Matinee Only JON HALL RANCES LANGORD DEPUTY MARSHALL Na Advanca in Admission Prices 15504 Madison Ave AC 2977 LARRY WILLARD PARKS PARKER Bl HAnnci ri 4414 MAUREEN OHARA "BAGDAD" ftDAUn 7028 Broadway id! UnAnU Doors Open 1 Show at BOB HOPE RHONDA LEMING zrMtiBM etMwawi a danwnif 1 1 1 rAnirr Ks(tK GREAT 'they live by night" Norwood liia Newc and unnirat HH! IHNM KH: Al II ME7tK INSPECTOR GENERAL" In Technicolor tlt Mnrv Cartoon Ahn Matinee HOY KUti iUx and I KKtt "SAGA DEATH VALLEY" OLYMPIA E' Ml'O354 MAUREEN PAUL VINCENT O'HARA CHRISTIAN PRICE Color by Technicolor itioge at rarK ree TU ft 0600 l30 Performance 2 no JANET WENDELL LEIGH COREY AVAU I AVE Stop 65 Lake Rd AVUl LAKE ree Parking 1200 Cars Doors Open at 1:30 Show Starts at 2 The Pulitzer Prize Winning Novel Becomes a Vital Very Great Motion Picture THE With the Prize Winning Performance BRODERICK CRAWORD DEAftLI PI ICE 19290 Detroit Rd DLAUn vLirrEDIGOO ree Parking Larry Barbara PARKS HALE SINGS Color by Technicolor At Cartoon Latest News Sport BEREA (NEW) ree Parking MATINEE 2 MGM'S Stor Studded Motion Picture Achievement! VAN JOHNSON and Hhnwn at BROADVUE YOU CAN'T AORD TO MISS! The Rest of the Jolson Story LARRY PARKS JOLSON SINGS AGAIN In Color LATE NEWS CARTOON NOVELTY Mat Only Gene Autry 2JHE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS" CAPITOL ron DOORS OPEN 1:15: SHOW AT 1:30 Here at Last! The Rest of the Jolson Story NEW MUSIC! NEW ENTERTAINMENT! In Color by Technicolor SINGS STARRING LARRY PARKS Plus THE BEAD END KIDS In "MILLION DOLLAR KID" Shown Matinee Only at 3:40 CARTER cTiT GUN CRAZY TEEN AGERS ARLEY CATHY GRANGER LIVE BY TIM HOLT IN 'STAGECOACH KID COLOR SERIAL CEDAR LEE ROBERT MITCHUM Lorry Barbera PARKS HALE No Advance in Admission Prices MADISON (NEW) MAUREEN O'HARA VINCENT PRICE Color by Technicolor At ALSO SHOWN MATINEE ONLY JEREY IYSN MARTHA SCOTT "STRANGE BARGAIN" At 2:20 5:40 1 MALL A DOUBLE THRILL BILL Marla Virginia John MONTEZ BRUCE HOWARD Mad Killer on the Loose at With HURD HATIELD JEAN WILLES "COLOR CARTOON AND MAPLETOWN Montrose 1320 CLAUDETTE ROBERT GEORGE COLBERT YOUNG BRENT OR WILLIAM ELLIOTT ADRIAN BOOTH ORREST TUCKER ANDY DEVINE "THE LAST BANDIT" TOM and JI REV Cartoon Latest ewi Ample Illuminated Parking MARKET SQ Matlnre 1:30 I BIG ACTION 2 "JUNGLE MAN" "JUNGLE WOMAN" Color Cartoons Chapt 14 "RIDERS DEATH Plus a Surpriia Gift to all Children Attending the Theatre Before 3 MARVI ITIHniCL Show Start at l45 BIG UNITS Of UN ANO LAUGHTER JANET non KT WfMim lKHII niTITIIH co*kIV "HOLIDAY AAIR" BARBARA ROB1 RT BILLIE HAL VOL Mi BLRKE BABY MAKES J3 Prkp 14 VSealhercd 7 St MAYLANh Mv'lfw Rd IHHILMnU Hillcrest 1500 MAUREEN VINCENT O'HARA "BAGDAD Color kr Technicolor Shown at 10 05 ALSOI MATINEE ONLY "TARZAN TRIUMPHS" Shown at 2:00 and 5:10 Parking fa r1 0 0 0 Car 8 MILO INGRID The Surprise Picture Aglow with Warmth Alive With Laughter ROBERT MITCHUM HOLIDAY AAIR EM AID 7606 st Clair Ave CvLMIn Thrill Story About the Men Who Guard the Mail! WARREN 1MTUGLAS AUDRET LONG Office JOHNNY MACK BROWN WEST WYOMING Added Attraction! LALREL and 1IARUY in 3 STOOGES JOE McDOAKES Comedy 3 Cartoons Also Matinee PATROL CMDACCY Euclid Avenue LIHMHVWI MA WALTER PETER PIDGEON LAWORD TiLASfSES 4 PRIVATE or ADULTS and TEEN AGERS III ftAUC 1 ENROLL EARLY The size of the I I UANUC classes are limited for your bene? I CCCftklC fit ADULT Classes start March 2) BLtdOUniO Wa'th 4 I OR ONLY DI AY rLHLR gl 4572 LARRY "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" jin Technlcolur) 1 17 and lluckeye Rd 6017 Today! Starting of 2 JIM I El II LEtuH LAW I ORD "THE RED DANUBE" RHHSKD AIHRIY Clf) Hili JOI UR CHARHSr Bugs Buiifiy HE RIGID HARE" RIALTO W' i51h Brlllse cu 0342 (Two Alt Timo un Mutlcal Groat I BING CROSBY RED ASTAIRE (Musical) (Comical) BARBARA STANWYCK HENRY ONDA "LADY EVE" (EXTRA COLOR CARTOON) RICHMOND THE REST THE JOLSON STORY AT OUR REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR SHOWN AT :50 MATINEE ONLY CARTOON CARNIVAL RIT7 R78 Mat Doors Open 1:30 LARRY In Beautiful BARBARA PARKS Color HALE Jolson Sings Again "RUSTY SAVES A LIE" At the Matinee Starting Next Wed and Thur Laurel Wreath Dinnerware Absolutely ree to the Ladies No Service Charge RIVfKlnr 3rln 'A River Dr niicnuiUL or 2780 rek parking SINGS Color by Technicolor With LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE Added Sports Cartoon News "CANDID MICROPHONE" 2 A A De oi 11 6 1 St nUITIEdlEAU BO 7300 PARK REE DOORS OPEN STARTS AT 2 No Advance In Prices LARRY PARKS in JOLSON SINGS AGAIN Color' by Technicolor eature Times 1 0 M4 I DC 0 lA I k'inwnan 1434 IlTlrCniHL Te Hard Hitting Story of a Man with a Plan of Revenge! RICHARD BASEHART AUDREY TOTTER "TENSION" A Truly Grent Suspense ilm One of Those Sleepers! Dn't Sev We Didn't Tell You! AND ON THE SME EXCITING 8ILLI George Ella Pat RAT RAINES Live Love and ight In a Game of Death In JENNINGS Georse I't blirirn "A DANGEROUS AIUIIKY TOTTU Kl HARD BASEIIART "TENSION" 1241'2 St Clair Ave SPENCER KATHARINE TRACY HEPBURN "ADAM'S RIB" ROBERT JANET MITCHUM LEIGH "HOLIDAY AAIR lAWOKD "GOOD NEWS" Technicolor Mat Only Capt 8 Dpors Open 1:3 0 Show a t2 0 0 MORELAND ROBERT MITCHUM "HOLIDAY AAIR" CATHY 0 D0N5ELL ARLEY GRANGER LIVE BY Cartoons and Chapt 9 GAL4HAD1 MT PLEASANT 3M5j0 st Matinee Doors Open 1:30 Show Starts 2 PM JOHN in Beautiful JOAMNE WAYNE Color DRU She Wore A Yellow Ribbon JEANNE WILLIAM ETHEL CRAIN LUNDlu VV BARRYMORE "PINKY" NEW BROADWAY The Rest of the Jolson Story LARRY BARBARA PARKS HALE COLOR LATEST NEWS Cllftl Euclid GL 3034 CUwL ree Parking Ethel Barrymore DANUBE" Barbara Janis HALE CARTER BABY MAKES COLOR LATEST NEWS E7E I A 7007 Superior HE 2071 EACULA SHOW STARTS AT 1:00 MAUREEN O'HARA VINCENT PRICE "BAGDAD" Color by Technicolor Shown at MATINEE ONLY MARTHA SCOTT JEREY LYNN "STRANGE BARGAIN" Shown 5:45 CAICMnilUT airmount Blvd at rAiniTlUUH I Warrensville Center ER 0818 REE PARKING Matinee Today Continuous from 2 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES The Rest of the Jolson Story New Tunes of the World's Greatest Entertainer! LARRY PARKS BARBARA WILLIAM HALE DEMAREST Sings OLOR BY TECHNICOLOR EAlDllCU Lorain at 220 ED 4122 Ain VIE TV Parking for 1500 Cars The Picture That Has Broken Every Box Office Record The Rest of the LARRY PARKS SINGS In Technicolor Extra! TOM and JERRY Cartoon News GARDEN WMt at Clark SH 5267 Doors Open at I Show 1:15 The Rest of the Jolson Story REGULAR ADMISSION PRICES LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE JOLSON SINGS AGAIN 'just behind Samson when he begins the destruction of the temple Here every stage direction the crash of stone by stone is set down on paper by DeMille No picture with such a well wrought convincing script could fail and and Delilah" has been the outstanding box office picture within Playhouse Square this season I The reason for that is more than its lush qualities its gorgeous color and its unabashed sex tame beside which is at once theatrical and en lthe original story that is also be tirely convincing on the screen De cause DeMille created a definite) Mille has left no screen miracles to superb drama on paper before! He has per no o' er snot a scene I Then he created a definite and' (I (LQjy Jo 63 HAVE THE PLAIN DEALER DELIVERED YOU if DOOR EVERY MORNING lOoth Loraia CI 4004 Open 1:30 Show of 2 WANDA HENDRIX PRINCE Color by Technicolor Matinee Only ABBOTT and COSTELLO in "WHO DONE IT" No Advance in Admission Prices CURVED LeVnd 'Kinsman LO 9000 JnHBtn PARK REE Matinee Larry Parks Revival Hits MARJORI REYNOLDS INN" lllSK ONHA JADY EVE" LAK 226th Blvd RE 1700 Doors Open 1:30: Show 2 Larry Parks Barbara Hale JOLSON SINGS AGAIN Color by Technicolor eature at 2:1 0 4:05 6:00 9:50 LASSALLE 85 KE 5572 Matinee Today! Starting of 2 THE NEW JOLSON PICTURE STARRING LARRY PARKS SINGS With BARBARA HALE WILLIAM DEMAREST Color by Technicolor Plus Corned vColnr Cartoon Sports "BAGDAD" In Technicolor DE4D END KIDS IN Matinee Only suprrior lus GA 2222 William DEMAREST Copr Arthur Murray Inc MURRAY STUDIOS 1515 Euclid Ave 13910 Cedar Rd 503 Broadway Lorain Rhythm Cults Exposed Crimson Canary MATINEE ONLY 6 Technicolored 4 STANDARD' THE MIGHTY TARZAN With JOHNNY WEISSMULLER A Wltord with Hh Whip and urious With His ittil Whip Wilson THE Leon Errol In "The Spook Speaks" "SIR GALAHAD" Serial cThnir toaiffl te aiurm 2so Tyrone wanpa RUWKK HENUIUX PRINCE OXES BERGMAN and WARNER BAXTER Had our ACTHR Hough 84 ppy 4306 Warner Rd BR 6446 Av I Un ree Parking CE 6077 lltA Matinee Doors Open LARRY BARBARA BALE upen iju ii iM rMJ 2 2 JQLSJN RANDOLPH SCOTT JANE NIGH ClklC AAlkl" 'IGHTING man THE wINvb AvAIN EDMUND CWENN DONALD CRISP (in Technicolor) CHALLENGE TO LASSIE" RIDGE opn T57 BEDORD JOHNNY SHEIELD LITA BARUN "PINKY" Bomba On Panther Island 7ed'Tot and Git Along Mule! Gene Song Hit AND BLUE Adventurel 4 Plus ftEMB AUTRY and llLChagt ADV ENT I RES SI II GENE AUTRY and CHAMPION RfiYAI 12222 Madison Ave "MULE TRAIN" R0YAsLmcy Added PATROL vs SPY HtTBUKN COLON PARKING "ADAM'S RIB" I The Rest of the Jolson Story siuinri i LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE "BOMBA ON PANTHER ISLAND" "JOLSON SINGS CTIU WH Bedford oHio (Color by Technicolor) I IUU If CLf Bedford 177 DOAN stTentnc Yes As Big and Great ZURITA Thr Body Beautiful I Ac Thov Cnu 16 lei I I MARRIED A SAVAGE" 4 I MAKKItU A bAVAtzt Bft pARA0E op W0RL) WAR "REAKS' VAN JOHN RICARDO DRIVE IM bast JOHNSON HODIAK MONTALBAN GEORGE MURPHY DENISE DARCEL DRIVE IE EUCLID AVE AIRVIEW OUTDOOR for Season STORY 50 GUYS AND A GIRL I HALTNORTH IITUEV I llE TCI CMCUC Television in Our Lounge I IE I LIVE I CLCntVY 241 Euclid Ave MA 8877 BY NIGHT" RAIL CRASH KILLS 29! Doctor's Trial Opens in Mercy Killing MICHAEL VIRGINIA GREY HpARS QN "THE THREAT" Other World News Sports Roundup I 1 nK" 1 1 IIDTnUU 10 5 4 5St Clair Ave unilRUTQTU 1822 79 UrlUWn GL 4535 free parking nuuunl3 I HE 8320 The Rest ot Uie Jolson Story! BRIAN DONLEVYKOTHE LAMOVB larry PARKS BARBARA HALE "LUCKY STI" SINGS 1 (Color by Technicolor) UADIETV 11815 Loratn Ave IflNP Kinsman at Er 71st VU 3 3090 VAnICI 1 OR 7494 wore BARBARA STANWYCK VAN HELIN SIDE WEST I AD A 111 MILTOX BERLE Added Mat Only! LUnMin Leave Them tiAAiir WA 3400 Rocky Lane IN SANTA yQyU REE PAPKING Plus2 Cartoons Short and Serial A MEDINA Mea'M larry farks barbara'h ale 'JOLSON SINGS JOHN WAYNE JOHN AGAR 'Color hr Technicolor) Hard irhtlnr Marine In Add4llML IW0 Have The Plain Dealer Delivered To Your Door Every Morning MEMBERS CLEVELAND MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITORS ASSOCIATION TODAY AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THEATER.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5873

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.