The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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UUD OWORKERS DEATH NOTICES for Next Da Issue Received Until Midnight EVADE QUESTIONS USES Reports Reluctance Willoughby to Discuss uture the others concerning their plans Others in the class overtime schedules Reno air force veteran home ARTIST OUND BEATEN director of WMC said last nightl The son a native of St Clair Mich Casteleln 64 year old Belgian naiut I 1 house CEILINGS TO GO ON RYE Under ARMY BEE SHARE LESS OaGETa it upen au'Rm hi SEP I IC TAN KS Carpentry Masonry Chtmnos Jni3JQ Step Roofing Tinning Reinforced concrete: drihrrro and ind plastering wuick service quality PRO'di 4 SERVICE CROSSWORD PUZZLE $7 Trucks for Hire 5o rails the 4nwrg sea Low High ro 73 St Lou 73 cl Ste Marie 59 5 Tamna 68 90 Toledo Washing Machines Repairs mh a ill livery East reasonable A 9113 those who gave their lives tor their country from high school and the Univer sity of Michigan The Start tn the noticei below denote 7 1941) they were not resi of the area in which they had working the total number questioned their tax i graduating classes of all high 16 Press 19 Overhanging roof parts 21 Calyx leaf 24 Invigorate 26 Pens 29 American 31 Up to 33 ilters 35 Change 36 Dirtied 37 Dispatch Belgian Painter of Beautiful Wom en Slugged In London Studio LONDON July Ernest 39 Vestiges 40 Stitched 43 Oozes 46 Prevaricator 48 Infrequent 51 Masculine name 53 Cardinal number 56 Mystic ejacul*tion 58 Prefix: of 73 S3 0 SUtioa Loe A cellMiami MitaastVaA New Orleans New York Pittsburgh 69 sn 73 70 Anderson Reduces Percentage as Marketings Increase Urges Boosting Population to Assure Thriving City Shake Off Questioners Probably the biggest layoff to Secretary of Agriculture Anderson acting upon army recommendauons today reduced the portion of beef which federally inspected slaugh terers must set aside for the armed services largely because of in creased marketings Effective July 29 the por tion of army styled beef will be re duced from 25 to 20 per cent and of utility canner and cutter grades from 65 to 55 per cent of the pro duction of such slaughterers No change was made in the 20 per cent of kosher beef produced in the northeastern states which is set aside ertical 1 Roman mantles 6 Variety of quartz 11 Optical illusion 12 Spanish rope 14 Upon 15 Networks 17 Measure of surface 18 Employ 20 Varieties 22 Greek letter 23 Blast 25 Short letters 27 Roman coin 28 airies 30 God of the 32 Grecian seaport 34 Shower 35 Declares 38 Latvians 41 Behold! 42 Merchandise 44 Progenitor 45 Sesame 47 More normal 49 Legal science that the statistics gathered concerning the plans of workers represented such sample that they could not sidered to indicate a trend These statistics are interesting however In six major layoffs in Ohio and Kentucky involving displacement of 1979 persons USES representatives talked to 955 Of that number 632 said that prior to Pearl Harbor Day (Dec dents been Of 559 said they did not intend to change their area of residence Out of this number 315 reported that they were going to look for new war jobs Only 14 all women said their future lay in full time keeping A REIERRAL CARD from the Employment Service is required for all males 17 and over except for priority companies and other agencies given special permission by War Man Power Commission Printing 50 Charles Lamb's pen name 52 Notions 54 Symbols cerium 55 Purpose 57 Gloried 59 Units of weight 60 Genders Horizontal 1 Superficial adornment 2 Correlative of either 3 Pike like fish 4 Grows old 5 Surgical thread 6 Praise insincerely 7 Note in the scale 8 Masculine name 9 Precise 10 Scotch plaid 11 Rodent 13 Pester A 1 HfMEDliTE R'VTC E' kitchens bathrooms atucs recreation each fUUIlls CALL AT 3757 ANY tu'AUr 13 $4 to $6 wide crv Yq ITRNACcteaning and it naccs thermostats iei ISI si $3 59 0 HOURS Low cht A Co Inc Eves YE 4610 1M Crop Will Be Brought Price Control WASHINGTON July 25 The Office of Price Administration announced that the 1946 rye crop will be brought under price control It also disclosed proposed ceiling prices These are being announced now OPA explained because the Price Control Act requires that growers be notified of planned ceilings at least 15 days in advance ot the normal planting season OPA said the proposed ceilings for rye one of the few major grain crops that has remained exempt from price would reflect at least full parity to growers IN MEMORIAM Kt'HLMAN William in loving memory of our brother who passed away July 26 1944 We often sit and think of you And speak ot how you died lo think you could not say goodbye Before you closed your eyes! or all of us you did your best May God grant you eternal rest SISTERS ANNA CROSS ELIZABETHGKLY AND HATTIE SCHRYER LOWERS LURAu DESIGNS DISTINCTION JUST CALL JIA 7900 CAKNtClE 12310 SUPERIOR Accounts Invited OPEN EVES We Telegraph lowers HELP MALE in industrial centers like Cleveland is being sought by War Man Pow er Commission officials here They have issued instructions that whenever notice is received of the impending layoff of 500 or more workers in a war plant the Cleve land United States Employment Service office should arrange to in terview the displaced employees pift diiu a LV uun Lj anu vul refer as many of them as possible A chie of lhe CIeve to new war jobs and to question land OTdnance dislncl A A sBcr i nkl A HP A 0895 Powell Printing Refrigerators Service Repaid actory Authorized Service KELVINATOR LEONARD Cu rantred rebuilt GRUNOW unit APEX NORGE CHOSLEY TKUSCON orU tarinry parti used SI PEKIOR APPLIANCE co IGyq Tinning Phillips the Roofer Cleaning naintinff rrnairina mtf pynri worm laih ters roof repair of kinds re "iXsTral UonTRAcTOKS coating caulking siding etc Brtrtw'1ArkkwuT alrhi11 GA 2593 GA 7020 tiNning and roofing work: hh clay work 35 vearf Gutters Cleaned and Repaired REE ESTIMATES nr rmi TTKMNG GARISH CONSTRUCTION CO BO 2726 Even JA yWH Gutters Cleaned and Painted Roofing and Siding RA 9527 KQPEJNQ Chcral repair ot'ail Tandi" SHEEHAN ROOING EN 1935 Soda ountains Repaired Rebuilt SCbA OCNf AIN and Ice cram cabinets repaired and rebuilt new STEWART A CO 4 108 paqway BR 1055 Storm Windows actory a you combination windows I and screens interchangeable from inside your house 24 months to Day free estimates Vi EATH ERPROO CO MA Buy fmm actory COMBINATION STORM WINDOW CO REE ESTIMATES MA 3273 GL 3969 A rrrMu Jnlrrtor ar exterior painting and deco rating: lm! and nil Eve I'R 7331 Tf piumatef frip reasonable GL i AlSTlGr paper hanring tone Immediate ervw 4359 PXpRT ainting Hid ft CL A TI walt washingwyHjwrrlt paper GL Tiru pfssombj i nos umi (Al ER cleaned wall KemToo rare' experience WA (KVI aI'TI'T' KIT? Ill Ss and haTf K'r 9'J'CK service S'A 2522 Sewering EXPERT ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING Save mnneyi GUARANTEED noik Maur Ime liutalled without Juries A A A Meet Hr Sewer cleaning Co Call Anytime CE 5555 Asphalt Driveways AspTialt Driveways RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL rAKainu AKrAX rlv HOT OR LD MIX sn EXPERIENCE MSTLMAIES MA Lawn Mnweri Sharpened Repairedtl hanneir ra 10M Pirkrd up and delivered 7S10 Cleaning thus sailed on the lakes during vacation laid off a small be con nza cr Cnfnmi! DIE SETTER: Small presses postwar fit n)'i'y 9 ture hourly rate bonus overtime Elec CONVERSION Mfg 1973 61 Rl oxperb'ncpd uir al veteran nouriy utHiier Hl IA 1 Munvar £Elj793PP': A Non Profit Aoriatfon MANY LOTS AVAUvABLE AT LOW PRICES AND CONVENIENT TERMS Cr Our Entrance 3i7 25 iTS SMART TO SPRAY' new aarmentx immediately with Arab Olorl Main prnn( jrmrrf against moh damage rr rardteaa of freouenl dry cleanings The Ha1e Rrni Downstairs Toilet vN and after this date will not lie re sponsible for ht mnirurlei by any one other than myeelf Alfred Cnrurliano 2 rti 0N A Np after thi date will not reaponnibie for debts contracted by any one other than mywit Louis Self 2410 Mar avc rsrwr your valionialnrfKeamnunlaYn: swim and fih all you want bring your trailer or tent to Rnekv River Valley 2eek SO DRINK Stop craving secret: use INNEBRIN Krejci Drug 2Vn fvin aLsIj TETT9 repaimr wKHe you wait DR SLEMMONS ARCADE MA 9721 CRYStAfS14lUrY0trWAiT' ShriveHr lv) OM Arcadtj Euclid 4th crwforroc rations Stronfsvtjle 415JU MAp5 51 ST'OrT STTTRIS Any size collar sleeve KLWN rt wiihamson BMg ma 6221 AEHOnCA nilE 1541 ModelTacen at AUTO BODY PAINT MECHANIC: Its nf work steady flat rate Ulen Motors Clair XCtO rlECHANlTt spray men feruTp'r men hourly one and half over 40 postwar Spang's 2911 Barker ALTO MECHANIC'S ine working' cnhdl tlons fUt rale The orest (ity Motor aenerou flat rate Ilewitt Chevrolet Jne uHid XvJ 51 hC1 A 1 I Hgh flat rate "ex cHh ht bonus rl up permanent Geiger SM 20! fcurlM XUTO MECHaMC: lligh Hourly or rate Hale Zupan Inc hrysler riym aLthh J'yis Detroit po aitfc PA LNTINSNfj iaSclnu GL 7 MT i rnrrTSB ARD DEMllATl NCTTnrerrw by expert Quick end accu ret srTMce reamnable A 7o9VAi PAPER REMOVED" LOST AND OUND ADS may be placed any time between 7 am and midnight for the next day's issue CALL MAIN 4300 BILLOLD LOST: leather old style Chas McGee Memphis Rlde rd bus or vicinity Sunday liberal re ward CL 0049 16604 DearJdale BTLITOLD' rjsTT 8 meatherTT'uly 17th Chagrin alla Chesterland pa oers useful only to owner Please mail tn address In hlUfold BiTLOLDtdST Black: vicinity" Suciid 55 Monday afternoon: keep money please return others HE 4133 BRACELET Lost Gold Indian design oo links In vicinity of Terminal Station sentimental value reward BO 4086 BR LOST Con talned music? vicinity Lorain 42 July reward Call IX 6T74 Mr Szabo A RA LdST rookside Park: Agfa rehot RA 2971 rewa rd CCTKTR SPANTEU LOST: Slack clipped: license 27M6 reward OR4125 DOG OUND: Black short haired very fRI'E Cleveland Trinidad Paving Co Asphalt ri veways KfcJSiUlLNl IAL I Y) 1 wa ail A 7474 nt All K'Jl OftlVEWAYi mirkm hot mix Awnalt Construction Co YE U63 or EX aspoait fjpnTavr residential ZOfiEJjRIVEWAYS Brick Laying BRlPK RpniffS Tlrblccl Chimney etc LO iTHl CTIMSTYs repaired and rebuilT bncVjvint ng wre RrrzgnfU Bolldlng Modernizing Repair ROO'LEAKS'REPAIRED Repairs at low at Roc rapaced ooh a specialty Siding Repairs Siorm Widows Wod Guaranteed CH 4I2 WHITE 8LDG CO lcrman Son Const Co 9119 21 Kmman d7674S GENERAL CONTRACTORS Ranting stdmt tiling Modernumg bathrooms urnace garages home re pa ire Uork E'l 32 rars PR 674 rn4n Men Wrd LveS BARBER: Steady: salary and eommliwlnn: gol woikina conditions 21934 Lake Shore blyd BARN STa Gootrkalary I nilgrdvePJJ neat and courteous: extra work only rAsip BEA UT1 CT AN Tn manage beauty salon" sa lary Apply 2O2M 6 BILLING CLERK or typist: Permanent: salai? overtime: 33O BO 'HnDER full or part time salary or by Duke Motor 32 17 Liraln BY SID ELSNER Th Joseph Devney plan for civic progress of Greater Cleve land has been presented at Lakeside Avenue Courthouse Ray Miller organization Re publican who wants to be mayor talks up the Devney plan as a cam naicn issue You may say that in favnr at IL Miller sain fact I use some ot his material in my Devney a deputy treasurer wrestling with delinquent tax prob lems the last 11 years thinks he knows the way to make the county $30000 0000 by eliminating bad land values and increasing good He presents a very simple solu tion: Increase the pop ulation This would be done through a Civic Progress Movement to Pro rosEH devney mote the Growth and Welfare of Greater Cleveland The movement would pfomote an enterprising home owning beauti fuL cultured law abiding commu nity all set off in bold face type in the plan which is copyrighted and summarized by permission: County is allotted for 2000000 people It has 1250000 There are 160000 lots vacant Taxes and special assessments are delin quent $75000000 uture specials amount to $35000000 more Thou sands of lots are forfeited and auctioned at 15 per cent of their value These distress sales tend to destroy market values and require those who pay taxes to near burden of those who do not THE SOLUTION the population Cuyahoga County and enhance demand for vacant nrooerty the declining trend continues our population will decrease and values will decline If the county can be made to grow values will increase Ten per cent fluctuation one way instead of the other would amount to $300000000 METHOD PROCEDURE Initiate a civic progress move ment to promote the growth and welfare by undertaking to build the A A Hl 'W AX AM 1111 11 I 1 IX 2 AVENTpLASTERING GA 491 atucuv aunes service Plastering stucco patch wOriT GAGUARDO RA 4M4 anil 'Tn CI1 POWER sprarnre tandseaniny juf EXPEPT washer repair nick up and Je tery etc CL 65S2 YE 7626 OP Uvery: East reasonable A 9113 gale Call KE 3279 LOST AND If AIDS uirk ree niljnalts HA term Any where vvithin 30 mlki of ClevHanJ ALLEN (INSTRUCTION 231 Wnodh i II rd CEJ? UM Siding Roofing Storm windows Guaranteed work at lowest prices re estimates Easy terms CALL CH 5541 garages SpectalHti fn concrete block or frame con struction on poured concrete foundation Home A id Conitrurt Co MA i23L GARISH CONST CO husband of Wandla father of Leonard Conrad and Roy A brother of Gustave and William riends may call at ilium' knnarji itnmn where services will be held riday at 3 BIEHL: August beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee Dahlke brother of Ida oote Mrs Carrie Hawk ot Pvcono Pines Pa Adolph Kaufmann Mrs Gertrude Arada anti Mrs Katherine at his residence IWl 131 st East Cleveland July 23 riends may call at uneral Home 15317 Eu clid ave comer Shaw Services Satur day July 28 from Gethsemane Lutheran Church Yellowstone and Noble rds at 3 30 BOESCH: Marruerlte (nee Luehrs) wife ot the late Henry sister ot Paul I sun! nf Ar tH I imhre II i I and rederick Kistner Tuesday Now at Edw Cochran it Son uneral Hume 2327 Holmden ave where will be held Thursday July 26 at 2 (ormerly of St Charles ave Lake wood BOOMS: Pfc raneis July at Dieppe rance beloved son of Edward and Anna brother of Lieut Robert in Italy and Edward residence 1D403 Co lonial ave Memohiil mass Saturday July 2S at St Aioysius' Chuxcn at lo a Bl'iHNGER: Minnie wife nf erdinand mother of Mrs Ethel Baumgartner and grandmother sister ot Mrs Lena Ginwnel Mrs Ann Crane Mrs Alvina Berg Mrs Elizabeth Hahn Mrs Ella Pratt Mrs Ruth Haase Paul and Wil bur Kulou: Tuesday July 24 1945: resi dence 15776 Euclid ave riends may call at (Carles Melbourne 4 Sons 12737 Euclid ave where services will be held Thursday July 26 at 2 BELLAS: Samuel Charlev beloved hus band of Margaret father of ElM Reel and grandfather of Jean and Richard brother nf the late John A and Ethel Hicks at his residence 11108 Baldwin ave Ejs Cleveland riends may call at Abel's uneral Home 13333 Euclid ave near Shaw where services will be held Saturday July at 2 COYNE: Michael beloved husband of (he late Helena father of rancis Mrs Kathleen Lnrmor Mrs I oretta Steverding John and Ted the lite Mrs William Thomas and grand father Tuesday July 24 riends may rail at the Hynn roelk Ct uneral Home 13104 Euclid ave uneral riday July 27 St Church at 9am rnms free OlyrrL wte cf the wue rreu a oewveo mniner or tzuita Sabetta Seaman Arlington and Pvt Vernon JL: grandmother and great grandmother Services at Rennelt harer uneral Home 11212 Euclid ave Thurs day at 3 Burtal Riverside Cemetery Kathren ManaM 332OS Uke land blvd Willoughby age 20 years: darling daughter uf Mr and Mrs Grant sister of Reed firm Cabin (rani ei Grant (Okinawa' am! Robert riends rendved at the I aw nnce McMahon uneral Home 70 E'kIkI ave Willoughby Services ri day a Immaculate ConoepOnn fhurch Willoughby Interment Bedford heroism in the invasion of southern rance A Shotwell as sistant chief of the field branch UncAna lirtitea IT KtSPCIfll occur since Day in at Cleveland Ohio Michigan Kentucky region Cairnes district was at the ord Motor Willow! engineering officer and Holt Run bomber plant where the labor commanding officer of Cleveland force was cut in a couple of months Manne Hospital to zero As thousands of aircraft Lee Howley city law director workers there walked toward plant once a lake seaman repre exits with slips in theirpented Mayor Thomas A Burke hands USES representatives were' One guest steamship executive A on hand to see how many would Reno of Shenango urance Co accept referrals to new employ had with him his son Maj Edward menu But what happened was that so from Italy few ot the laid off personnel would Capt head of the en take time to discuss new jobs engineering division of the Coast even indicate what they intended Guard Academy found ready con to do after taking rests that as versation with steamship men who signment of the USES interviewers knew his father the late Capt to the bomber plant soon ceased to I Richard (Dickj O'Connor who be worth while sailed lake ships for the Hanna John Thurston acting regional Mitchell and Interlake companies ACCOUNTANT SUPERVISOR: With 10 Ivars recent public experience Box 23Pl Plain Dealer ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPER? ull cnarxe ot txwks: essential industry: eood Box 24759 Plain Dealer AERONAUTICAL work millwrights coal passer stuck handlers nouriy rule Parker Appliance Co 17525 Eucild ROOM OPERATORS? Critical worn: permanent: good hourly rale over ume Industrial Rayon Usui Walford APPUANCEiEPAlRMAN: or" Dart lime hourly rale CL 9540 AK 111 Inc URAL By es A ll ill hOi 'irok i 1 I i 1 r'1 Ublishod architectural firm in Ohio Immanent Box 17264 A itC draftsmen lathe men many others no cutbacks od hourly HL Machine JJ451 Chardon rd ARC WELDER: or production wcidingl high hourly rale good working condi Hns 2120 19 st AKTLnT commerce! experienced layouts design lettering by mfr: postwar QJoj8sul11lain Dealer ARIlsTS: Central Ohio: lettering essen tial state age salary expected submit Box 22 tM Plain Dealer ASSEMBLERS Lathe trill Dress oper ators inspectors material handlers: hourly Hdiaul ic Equipment J10Q 222 ASSEMBLERS Men: hourly rate Percen tage and overtime postwar westing houv 1216 68th st ASSEMBLERS or air compressors and lubricating equipment: hourly rate Air 'mpressof ot MJ tfr ASSEMBLERS punch press operators Idooier veterans only days overtime Auer Co Paine ASSiMELY HtCl kliS: o3 hours essen tlal hourly rate Truck Engineering jp Detroit car ASSISTANT SALES MTTr ExoMiter unuuai opportunity with growing con £tf rUjnlUalsr 19551 iMain Dealer AUDITOR: Nights (man or ex iHnened jpmhJ salary: meals at cost See Mr Griffin Tarter Hotel ITTOMTrre VETLT MEV! 69 liottrevk 5 years experience hourly rate Hitrco Machine Prod 1Mi5 u5 7TC1 OTffiEY'A ENlEjrVANfniT? est salary paid tune over 4U hours ihlo Body Go CE 9nn al workers painters steady: hourly 'H5 Carnegie HE B2W XCPrO BOftY 5IAN: High hourly rate: steady vacation with nav (vsler Por Superior CA 7733 AUTO BODY ENDER MAN: High salary: 4k nour week ttme and one half over WiBnmnlre Chevrolet 1 2iyulMrpL XUT 6 BOoyfLN? mechanics Make over 31 MJ a week with us flat rate See jdcOjnpGi Pontiac NAM Ira1n AlT BODPENdIlH MLN: me shop: high hourly rate and overtime Quality ktl Carnegie AlntfPODY EEDER MtTalko Dajnt en high hourly rate and overtime Carnegie X'KTBOm'fXN Yu hT ahtip vacation with pay percentage Tillman Mutor Co Mr ox Ul llbH 1 xVToonY'XfrtLiiodo'riSiHt: mg earn iliO a week piecework: Today's Weather BUREAU inndd with moderate temperature Expected gnperaturea: High today 85 low tonight forecast Uw moderate tem pera lure MTElROIMllr4L REPORT rn Iobowirit da: are furnished by th Weather Bureau Cleveland: July 25 1345 "a 2 8 2 s2 29 SI Temp (wet 71 Humidity 7 Precipitation 0 TEMPERATURES AT STATED er of beautiful women was found seriously beaten on th head today The cadets were ashore yester in his studio fn the Hammersmith day to tour the Cleveland Diesel section Division of the General Motors! A woman tenant of an apartment Corp and isher Aircraft Plant Nolnear the studio hearing groans dis 2 They danced last night at West lcovered the painter lying in front wood Country Club The Macki of a just complete'd portrait His naw arrived here late Tuesday and condition was described as serious leaves early today for Buffalo to Scotland Yard began an investiga wind up there the 30 Casteleln gained prominence cruise I in the 1920s for his portraits of Soogee mascot on the Mackinaw Pauline rederick star of the silent! gave birth to six pups on riday films and other women T1w I vvaxj i (itivA inwj oip uuuijj iuuc all right in their little room inside1 the ship's prow The crew hopes to keep a male pup aboard as co mascot Soogee whose name Is nautical for scrubbing is just dog and orown color I wo pup arc white indicating she has a friend of that color ashore In Chcborcan Mich home port of the Mackinaw cf ibenriencr ot temp? tNs'nw'io'date! the IT EB NM AUTO MECHANR Experienced: full or part uiw salary or by iub Duke Motor hourly rate overtime oermuncnL Autocar I 6Bt xi irofmixTn rr rhnTwii7Qduct ar8 hourly rate The Ward Co 870 MmnnNr'AIl around: top Mdary QM 1 1M1 Progjerl Jutrj TCTOstoi efw rr meed sod future hourly rate Auto motive parte Un 21 PR J52) xriorrnTriAVi exim? psrwar excellent hourly rata Zahner ARTS MANAGER Big wpor tunity fur right man: salary McCulloch Pontiac Lqrm aMu lfbll EkS and earn" 15 weekly Mr Joyce Goodrich srr5 Prrpcrt XI7O REPaIRM era! Motor dealer aslary confi dcntiaL Box HX5 Plain Deader AUTO WASHER teadv salary McCul Jo J'onttac Iwm Ixirain BIKf! mOirELTmtnckere and wrappers hourly rate National BAKER or helper to work in cake dept da hourly rate UrbtL 1106 Carnegie BAKER All around man: salary: apply hake ah'rp nights unkm hourly rate WkqjAkkjnZtQu 1N (heater BARBER: Stea od guarantee and commiaaion Kallagher 2776 South MorcqndShaker Square rat? plus overtime steady portunity ME 6300 DISHWASHER: Salary no Sun days Apply 11 a tn Tavern 1800 1th BfSHWASHER: White must lie sober evtMrtennd no nlghts Sundays hnen meals $35 week 1659 Rock well DISHWASHER: GochI salary Apply Little Spaghetti House 9Y2 Euclid ave DmWXWTTSferyrineals wimaneHE 1050j (arrygie Sylvia MiMred' Ypsilanti Mich: ml ICn cvwxb grandchildren ndayzJuly 23 ronds may call at the Ztehm fn East Cleveland uneral Home 1VV13 urbd ave Seolcra Thuradav July 2 a N) a 7 Midnight 76 Highest temperature Wednesday 90 Highest temo same date last year 86 ro uwxjuuic rux Lowest temp same date last vear Mean temperature Normal temperature Accumulated excess snre Jan Total predp 24 hrs ended 8 0 Excess of vrin this rrA tn is I Accumulated excess since Jan 1 2 43 Accumulated total sirxe Jan 1 2165 Accumiated Normal since Jan 1 19 22 TEMPERATURES AT OTHER CITIES DiaiKKl Atlanta son Buffalo Chartestoa Detroit Duluth Erie Jackson vtBe ALMANAC OR TODAY Sun rises at 6:13 a sets at 51 Mjn nses at 10J8 set 41 a HELP MALE Must Hate tL Referral BODY ENCER MAN? Eves "time: uiMnrat ujiiui waxes neriz irive ur be'T Stations 1938 21 CH 4400 BODY ENDER MA painter: Our men are earning 8125 a week or belter on percentage GJi Euclid LO BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT: General of fice and typing salary age 25 40 10308 Superior BOPJNG NULL fcULLARt) days: hourly rate desirable 5114 Hamilton ave BOWLING ALLEY MANAGER Nights salary Shore Bowl 224U0 Lake Shorebivd KE 7100 Grown and Setup Man ur new Model hourly rate 6111 Barberton AT 27y0 BUS boys 1 6 50 good salary meals Dwight's 1 133 9 2d flour office alsoEuchd Beach Apply 11 to 5 BUS BOY: While salary 4213 Euclid CABlNE'i MEN or store fixture work: steady: good hourly rate plus overtime 1026 Superior ave CABINET MAKERS: Bench men ma chine men steady: salary 3614 Euclid EX 0259 CABINETMAKER Experienced in store fixtures steady good hourly rate Alpha Store ixture Co 2482 9 CANVASSER: Middle aged man: salary arm commission APPiy mornings uoui Miles ave CniMfiL CORN CANDY MAKER' expert salary or hourly rate 16uu Woodland axe 4th floor CARPENTER: Must have transportation outside work hourly weekly or piece nrlz cfunlv CH 11 CARPENTERS 3 and 1 foreman steady 12 months a year hourly overtime Midwest Acoustical Co MA 0031 CaRPENTE RS: Inside work steady: sal ary 3614 Euclid EX 0259 CAR young man who has ability to work up permanent hour ly rate beo(J KmsmanGA2323 CENTerTESSTRINDER: oper ate: cluse lollerunce hourly: 69 hours postwar Barco Machine 1975 65 CHECKERS Production control: ntgfiest houry rate will train Cleveland Graph lie Bronze 17000 St Clair K80 72 CTTe fcxpeflenceifr goo3 salary? 21 1 Woodland a CHE? 7 a to 4 no Sun or holidays salary 521 1 Perkins ae CHEMIST: Lead smelling and refining state salary write details Box 16330 Plain Dealer CHILE 5iite experienced permanent reference: state salary Box 27061 Plain Dealer CIrCVLTrTUR NTTHTl N'DERS needed at once day shill hourly rate Personnel office National Too! 112o0 Madison CtEPKjl man branch office: must type do light shipping 40 hours salary good futuCl "J41 A Tl PrOfi Krint idnnii! nnlv: Pktiwrl enred: good salary IfMil Bryant up CCTVELAND AUTOMATIC and turret lathe operators: good hourly rate Dost war Benco Mfg 1557 27 Eltb: "Company owned trucks: steady work union rates kietier Coal COtTJBO vv il lvu wit COAL TRUCKER: West Side al! or part time: steady tonnage basis LA 8450 CrMP)3lTOK Stoneman: Earn over S4tX5(5 year high hourly rate permanent po sition Bond Printing MA M1L CGMl'CKl make up man: trade work: hourly rate over the scale erlmuter Printing Co 19b) 66 CCkKS Colored: good salary meals uni forms: nopy after 11 a Goldin Dragon 10613 Euclid Experienced R(m1 salary: pleasant working conditions Apply to Mr Griea ma nion Club 2 C()OK bus boy's porters: salary meals uniforms Sw Mrs Huner red Harvey ijninnlerminal ClK)K: rlxierlenced: ie 6 tays hourly rate lhe Oliver Corpj19iil0 Euelifi KE 1300 CfxiK: Good salary: night work 6 dav week Showboat 3242 Warren rd CL 51 0 COOKS: SRori border A 1 opportunity for airrtuy men excellent salary vwigriis floor QWfe tlll CGoK: 21: also fry cook 565 week Ap ply chef Westwood Country Club ED 5120 All around mag steady wi3c sal ary laundered uniforms furnished Em ployment office he May Co Co6K: Pastry "plea'ianT work salary mcah Mr Exb steward's i re 1 lute I 1 oHen Im COGKS 2i: Top salaries day Week Chef Vincenzo's Spaghetti House lllUO izirnln 24 for country club: stead ary and mals Call the chef A 7920 COOK: Short orde sober: fi day: good salary and meal 3211 St order): Salary AiipljTAMilte Shop System loratn and ulton CENTER SALES ClErK: Typing expe rience salary permanent i du Pont Npmniin JL I'n PH 7MO1 Kir Annin OPERATOR jverhead bridge hourly rate Plus overtime Jus ttyCD A Son 5411 Lakeside CUSTODIAN HELPER: WhiTe nice room hoard and salary: must ba sober and reliable WA WW CD DIAN hfa in enan ref ulT timegond salary 6 rooms Inquire 903 Public Sn ar I I a 1 CUSTODIAN: General maintenance: full time reliable salary Mr Calms Euclid Euclid CPS'OfMAN: 4 rWmx and bath and sal rfEWfAN 1 A raxcr InCj HI 621 3 CU I irniourfy rn or es i yTiof binding Co a xhq ffldg Hairy eMPloYeEs at we Steady jo hourly rate advancement: vacation The airmont Creamery Cptl 231(LWu17ljjt EiscnHal industry: 5 day week 48 hours time and over 40 hours Natl Bigcult Co 8226 Wood Tools Jigs fixtures: $ood hourly rate overtime postwar While Sewing Machine Cnrp 1231 Main DKsidNCRS Dra tumen Mechanlciir structural experience: Um hourly rate Atme Engneeying Co 3 783 11 DESK CLERK: Know towllng: nights good personality: prefer veteran good starting salary Box 10756 Plain Dealer MEN tool diemakenr hourly Electric Vacuum Cleaner Co 1734 Ivanhiy Y)lK MAKERS shaper Hay or night: high hourly rata 1934 St Clair MA 4651 DI MATxRR: Expert small sh'np hfcK hourly rate overtime if desired Johns Eng i nee i ng 4617 Rayne ave WORK: high class work 35 I experience GL 0734 or EX CARPENTRY GENERAL CENTRA CTINp AND REMODELING REE EblT MATES yiL 4572 CarpLstry repairs remodeijng A Const Co ER LO cniMKEYana repairs opjntlne caulk I rg wa erp roo 1 WO w29 Carpet and urniture Cleaning CARPET and upholstery cleaned" your Home jeiirs rAvrutuvc rovr rsriM ater HE 9014 CARPETS AND aReD in your home BARON method Quick service AT 0284 'sh*tarpet cleaning in your Home ree Estimates CH 15oJ CpnULSTERINtUCLEANEp Expert reasonable WA b63o Concrete Work Driveways DRIVEWAYS retaining wair floors etc waterproofing colors Base A ord OR 8400 CEMENT wnrk ah kinds: 25 expe nence: work guaranteed easy payments arran ged Joe Nero LO 4199 sidewalks steps chimneys repaired terms: speedy service Carroll Cement Contractors OR 4 'k) TONY OCCHIONERO CONTRACTOR 1967 120 SW 2764 CONCR ETE DRIVES water pnyfing ready mixed concrete WD 2167 SLAG for driveways 6 tons or more Si a ton: we spread it 511 69U8 CEMENT work airvinds: driveways and sidewalks: free xt mtes WA 3248 1 Electrical Wiring Repairs LE CT I A ung retiring commer clal residential: reasonable: licensed electrician 11022 Superior RA 9 4 ELECTRICAL WIRING REPAIRS Reasonable: licensed Eves PO 2246 urnace Cleaning Repairs HAVE YOV A CRACKED IREPOT? Avoid big repair or warm air fur naces get a TAPER LOK fre brick Un tag: prewar prices 51550 up CLEVELAND IRE BRICK CO 2475 9th PR URNACE and chimney vacuum cleaned MHinnii HMn ff irv wipe service an aoo it 1 rTair7 iww fiir HE 6316 any time Gas Ranees RANGES repaired and connected KtUULAlUK AUIL81LU GA 5215 Home Insulation nPtATTO? by Spedalirts A TRW A SUt A TK CO 2332 Stucco MASONRY AND PLASTERING REPAIRS AVENI CONSTRUCTION CO RA 3547 ENGAGEMENT RING LOST: Sat mnrn ing 25 Denisr'n reward RATERNifY PIN I6ST: Pni Delta Theta shield with diamond center out lined pearls and rubies reward CE 9525Rnnm 214 PIN I AST' Sat evenlrre Beta Theta Pi hlek1 with diamond cen ter: reward SU lb00 Line 373 CLASSES LOST: VVhite gold' Oxford be tween Chester Carnegie and IQS Wed a CE 7200 or eves ASSE LCsT: sKeTi "rimmed tan "leather case irst ave ThomhilL PO 254 GLASSES LOST: Blue frames red leather cae downtown reward BR 1328 IDENTIICATION BRACELET LOST Name Ernst 857804 downtown Wed GA 678 Lint 538 SHELL RlfGI ASSES LOST: In brownca re reward EN 1444 LAPEL WATCH LOST: At Record Shop 2012 105: reward return to Record Shnp at same address POCKETBOOK LOST: Containing money A and gas coupons and other valu ables: vicinity Caxton Bldg: finder de liver to Cleveland Laboratories Caxton Bldg al reward RAINCOAT LOST: Reversible blue? rT day or Saturday HE 3478 RATION BOOK 4 LOST: Mrs Dale 3022 14 MA 9735 RATION BOOK LOST NnTH Herbert Graves RA 7'39 after 6 TRUNKS LOST: By soldier Julv ST downtown near Mav Co LO 1156 WALLET LOST: Redin Shaker Square contains Wright ield pass and other persomd papers: reward Mr Stout LOST: Lady's red 220 or Butternut Ridep bus keep money return others Westlake 1O34J WALLET LOST: Black leather: navy in signia: 14 In Walgreen Drug keep money return there LA 54B4 WALLET LOST: Alligator: containing business cards money etc: vicinity Statler Hotel: reward SK WATCH LOsT Man Gruen vicinity Rose Drug on Madison: nlea return reward Peter Peoonis 2050 West blvd WQ 631 WATCH IA)ST: Lady's gold Central Pur itas Springs Park reward ME 6414 WRIST WATCH LOST: Gruen: vi cinity 9 keepsake reward 894 fe 76 HEJ283 WrTsT UatCH LOST:" Lady's Butova cord band 116 Buckeye reward RA 0488 AVILL lady who phoned MA 3417 bout tost Gruen watch phone again? NEWS BY JEWELL DEAN Half a hundred representatives of the army navy coast guard cityjBKCK: Loui ot Willoughby beloved I hiiehant nf LVandla nf Annarfi 'and Cleveland steamship companies were guests of Commander Edwin Roland yesterday noon at a buffet luncheon aboard the cutter Mackinaw which was in the city on a training cruise It was the first visit aboard the ship for most guests and they were surprised at the broad deck The CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER 7 JULY it IHS HELP MALE Mnut Hal Wafaal DISHWASlIEK PORtEH Must 'be sober salary: $35 week to start Apply after 1 2157 Noble rd DISHWASHERS (2): 11:50 H7OJ no Sundays good salary 16378 Euclid at Ivanhoe rd WASHING JtfACHINE OPERATOR: steady: salary roum board laundry Windsor Hospital Call Chagrin alls nTSTlTLkltY Over 21 years hourly rate oernianent Dant Dant QfKy Solon rd Bedford DRATSMAN Detail layout and light de sign small mechanism salary KfflPloyngnt Sereice Kent DRATSMAN Postwar employment old i Sir? concern: hourly rate Box 1 4lk6zPlainDpa jpiy DRATSMAN: Prefer experienced man in small mechanism work: salary Titan ave LI 8700 DRATSMAN Electro mechanical air ciaft war work good postwar: salary gMljhe: Box 18456 Plain Dealer DRATSMAN: Detail machinery layout PO'twar: salary 48 hours Mosio Ma thjnery Co 2443 Prospect MA 8864 OESiCNEPsn StS11 pSp Midlaml TSMAN sheet metal partition ex rnposlA a uz security salary The ri Wayside rd )elail steel struc' tuies pipe hourly overtime Interna tMialAviation 1900 24 inlern? onoi1 re Arti'Ur G' McKee ana helpers hourly rate overtime ni' EnnatlgTool 37M E1 Dt rh lANEl hour rile EN DIlIyER iiR EAST SIDE: i Tuht deilv bullion lor present and Bea gOOd Box 32068 Plain Ovpr 21 permanent prolitable gM Universal Cab co to convoy aKw tjL MP mileage and return TT i i at Shoreway for rYute: salary excellent 3419n CaSie ean' kK: Large wholesale milk route: ex mmissions vaca tKn wim pay Em 8100 DRIVKR SALESMAN for retail Dairyl Genv' CJeanerStJiSW Colfax rjnaeocnaent Dry REPAlKWAjJ: Hourly aclt and Decker MIz Co 2118 ermanem" Kod salary Industrial Experienced on mb tors tush hourly rate steady work Motor Rejiah Mt4c" PR M3 'TOR hPERATORS: Steady work7 hourly rate time and a halt for ver? Salary' Hl'sratmn Machine tool: Rer Box 9961 Plain EnGTneKr salSsAN: (ood convicts' designing estimating mfr tools nwteH sfaA1S1 overinw Jit'iontaI'R: Permanent r7 Cm engineer Aicazr Derbyshire rds ma horizontal "I n5 machine oncratorsSSystn overtfm iy 5770 eKGINEAN15 haring mills shaper hands electrician hourly Osborn Mfg 5401 Hamllt A WE OPERATORS: xpnrl nlrht: hourly plus bonus esren "at07n afncral farmins: single pTi YE3fi52 i's Licensed nigKts ll3077'GT hourly rate: postwar security r'Zimmerman Co 2040 iff idast mfg 39 alternate shifts: mechanicaf stok top hourlyBoxjj 156 Plain Production: must he ary open Box 10856 Plain hfacKIne molderrarinr Wcst iuli Dirl 7fi' tv 7d't Nugcnt Stevedores Inc 1350 wsrphousrman urnd Co 13501 Miles WA 8604 1 tor new and replacements: must he experienced' picee or hourly rate 7V)7 st rireil furnaces: hourly ate oJertiiS rosh Beryllium 3714 Chreter' SalflrV and tVimmieeinn a 1 zn Ocl in wuj JlRJU hllrw vn BURNER INSTALL TioV i or Diecework tw i im Plain Dealer Iy after 6 finest community we know how" The five community goals listed earlier would be achieved through a program which includes having the county treasurer what to do to help literature to 170000 property owners twice a year with roofing storm wiJjnx WS their tax and having TltE wuk ur au njgn I schools learn more about Greater Cleveland and its objectives and become imbued with the spirit of civic said County Treasurer John Boyle we get the money to send those notices?" Devney added a last plank: NEW TAX POLICY greater effort to collect accrued taxes on a 100 per cent basis and less effort to liquidate de linquencies at distress is a very fine plan and I am sure it will work if the public gets behind Devney said Somehow he never got specific about how to increase the popula tion It seemed like a good topic too BY CHADS SKINNER What happens to war workers who are laid oft by armanjent con tract cutbacks? An answer to that question which will assume increasing importance! Mackinaw can can grind a 70 foot path in heaviest lake ice to make a channel wider than the largest lake freighter Guests were headed by Rear Ad miral Lyndon Spencer assistant operations office in Wash ington Rear Admiral McMil len chief of the Cleveland field branch of the bureau of sup plies and accounts and CoL A rd Cleveland Heights C) Hattie father ot Pvt Parma William brother of Stella Aloerin HI i IS I i lamin Arthur Soero uneral riday Julv 27 Deutsch uneral Home Crawfoid rd and Wade Park TAVIOK: Anna Jager I nf 9713 tteath ate tietovni daughter of Anna Rumlerl and the late Alfrrel riends may cal! ai the late residence Services from St Church riday July 27 at 9:30 a Arrange ment by Rinynyk Yurch TMI'WVj Gtirdun beloved husbftn I uf Louise inee Haaxi father (r4 voMta Collins suddenly July 24 nds mav call at residence 1946 50th st where arrvires will be held Saturday July 28 at 2:30 ra Mem ber A nf Building Trades Ixical Nn V4 Mary lnr of Wanger aunt nf Allen and Roy Hanger fasted 'wav Tuesday July 21 the residence 3116 Searedale ave riend may call at the Busch A Son unerei Home 3334 Pearl rd where services will be held Thursday Julv 26 at 2 rn Watson: Henry age 78 years: father cf Hawerann and lorence Rice: residence 1500 Hoyrroft ave riend may rail at the Wm 4 Roy A Dan iels uneral Hom 3n Detroit ave where services will be heM riday July 27 at 10 a WIJS: ie Claridon beloved hus Knd of KIM (nee Merrell father of ana auan: snn or ana Mre rm Wells brother nf Tech Sergt Donald and SM 3 Stanley: now at Parker Purral Home Chardon () Sere tees riday July 27 from Clarldon Center Churoh at2 30 a UNEKAIDHECTQRS Brown Son CARL BROWN BD3WELL JONES TfM v8ra nf C'ftnu4ntOwa Urre 81'X U2 HjaCrtKi DE VAND CO U1V1 fUCiin AVil CE OyiO WALTER CO Surceawf to rank Patterson WAI AK1I de bUNS L(L 151)7 hurlid corner Shaw LI JpAM Euclid neaf Rhaw GLm14 7 HE JOHN I XUNN CO yvho 'T HE kTIEBLERTD: 123 CEjSS lhe Win Roy Daniels Klanke uneral Parlors 1 lagBDftra! PQ WS tact i imiNtss notices BALDNESS Now a beautiful head of nslr at home Treating your own scalp makes no dif tfnee how tong you've been You Just pat a mi tn sol ut ton tn and watch trow fte eha lien the world grow ing hair Office pns pat anohed for LOREENE JOHNSTON Lrensd Sesin Snecuiin Graduate Nurse2UO Hough RA 3773 or TEH New London Offiea hours Monday and Sunday HU 8 RL Sportswear Clearance Gay play suits and snorts Priced to really clear them nut LIBBY SHOPPES 11711 DETROIT 7MJ GH 6 Public yiuare Medina K6 MAIN ST PArNrsVifI LATTERING PAINTING PAPERING 51 IRPAIRING: large or smalt LI 7712 GAAB: lraor (nee Klein) beloved wife of Albert dear daughter of Charles and the late Lillian (nee Henri sister of Evelyn Hansen riends received at Cor ngan uneral Hume Lorain ave at 148 st where services will be held Thursday July 26 at 2:30 cn GAbNIER: Adelina Tuesday July 24 at residence 1381 1U2 st beloved daughter ut the late Joseph and Louise Bellune sister of Charles tne late Mrs Horton Mrs Clayton Shaw and Mrs Mary Cochran Now at residence of Mrs Cochran 2978 Court land blvd Shaker Heights 0 uneral services from St Thomas Aquinas' church riday July 27 at 10 a GRIG8BV: Mary beloved wife ot the late Albert mother of Lieut Albert and Mrs Hope Hine daughter ut Mrs Matilda Juhnston and ine late capt Johnston sister ui Mrs A Anderson and John John ston grandmother of five resilience 2665 Wagar rd Rocky River riends ivceived at Klanke's uneral Parlors 12629 Detroit ave Lakewood where services will be held riday Julv 27 at 3 HOOrLK: Lucy beloved daughter ot Mrs lorence Huuper sister ot lorence and John July 25 at crawford rd riends may call at the Carnegie Home ot the Millard Son Hauer Co Uar ru at 1li5 wf te field Saturday July 28 at 2:30 Rott A Ki): l)aid Michael beloved hus band of Alice norther Charles Stephen Emmanuel and Mrs Marie Green at the residence 107'29 Grant wood ave July 24 Remains at the uneral Home of Leland rench 2118 46 where services will be held riday at 2 KAMIN: Harry beloved son ot rederick and Louise brother of Donna and red erick jr navy riends may call after 2 Tuesday at Wm and Roy A Daniels uneral Home ISs'Xi Detroit ave where sendees will be held Thurs day July 26 at 1JO Kt rilXGR: AusRe I wife of the late Lyman mother ofr Blanch of Alliance Lyman Dwight of Shaker Heights: grandmother of Corp Lyman Dwight )r (Pacific) sister of Miss Chloe Miller of Alliance Private serv ices at lhe Cassaday Turkle uneral Alliance 2:30 riday riends received al funeral home Thursday 7 9 MAICi8: Barney 3164 70th st beloved Min ot lhe late Joseph and Louise: brother of Alban Joseph Edward Emil rank Albina Charles Mae Hathaway Lawrence 3 Louise and the late Rore Mehls and Yaro: passed away Wednesday uneral Sat urday July 28 from the Vndrazka neral Home 3315 55th st at 10 30 a Services Our Lady of Church al 11 a Burial Calvary Cemetery riend Invited MARTIN: Wlflfam ase 78 years: he iuved husband ot the late Louise (nee IxwandlL father of Howard and Estrlla Barry and grandfather ot Howard and Ku Jre July 2 residence 1410 Giddings rd riends may call at neral Hume 72M Suiertor ave Services S'rldav Tnlv 3 MASMTI8: Joseph rttr patrol msm beloved husband of lhe late Anna (net Keimi father ot Conrad Ralph Mrs Elizabeth Preston Charie Young lorence Young and Tneoiore Masaitu grandfather and great grandfather riends may call at the Duke Erler neral If 4 166 Pearl rd Services at 2:30 Thursday July 26 Inter ment Brooklyn Heights Cemetery (Mem ber of Police Post American Letton I Ml Jrutrtte nce Makmanh resi dence I3f)l East blvd beloved mother of T'Scrxi Morton and Serai Bertram Services at Deutsch uneral Home Crawford rd al Wade Park Julv 79 at 3 NE'llt: Joseph beloved husband of Rose (nt? IvmiikL father of Rose Itorteld and Chari? grandfather of Richard and Oiaxle at hl residence 27iri Holph ave riend may rail at rsnk Kovar uneral 4 tome 3505 ulton rd where aervires will be held riday July 27 at 230 OimniT: lu? iurowt wife of tr? Hie Harry beloved mother ot Henry Virginia and grandmother of John and ranc? sister of Mrs I UOITUIS 1 sri uyiixm Turner: residence 1132 Sloane ave riends may call at Um ft any A uneral Home Detroitv? until tvxm fnuradar unreal serv ices at Wane Memorial Chanel Lake Srw Cemetery 7hurw1ay Jury Th at Mr? omt ftnuere ui i i tirartrfn age 82 years betovrd Henry mother of Yn: farl rank (hmmm? Murphy nd Ralph of sister of Margaret Annant The principal obstacle encoun were Dempwolf tered thus far tn the effort to as lc Cleveland district command certain what men and women ex' I jng 0ffiCer James A Hirshfield as pect to do when they are dropped sistant 0 from an armament plant pay rollju in charge of j05 Coast has been their reluctance to talk Guard Academy cadet5 training on about future employment until they the Mackinaw Harold Moore have had a few days rest from jj recently decorated for Tkt'tG SERVICE General hauling expressing KA 6209 Slip Covers RE UPHOLSTER! Your furniture: save money ree esti mates: 1 year to pay: 5 guarantee Nelson Upholstering 1570 66 I HE 5658 Evre and Sun RA 1569 SLIP CUVfRS DRAPES made to order CLEVELAND DRAPERY CE 1976 Vicnum Service Electrical Service Kenmore Cleaneri S2W 'PLUS PARTSi Let mil your KENMORE CLEANER firet lass running condition Only GEN UINE KENMORE PARTS Guar anteed for year 250 plus parte Bring ynur KENMORE to any Sears Store or call EN 2010 Sean Roebuck Co Wall Washing WALLS washed paper cleaned Kern ton ing: experienced vChite neat RA 9261 Window Cleaning Washing TRY us for satisfactory service? Windows walls wallpaper cleaned HOUSES OR OICES rALL ANY TIME 2934 5 VI b6W CLEAN I NG wall was pa per cleaning in homes stores offices churches and factories Win dow Geaning Co 6471 VlNbOW and wall washing paper dean ing and interior painting decorating: in surance coverage: work guaranteed free estimates gladly given 4507 WI BoWOTSaNT NTjr A LL WASHING ei'Lj nu 'o tLiA'iAij io Tars ex Perienre HE 7732 TNbOW CLeaRigT wall washing house cleaning: office buildings SU 0872 Salary A 18H eV omP GRILL MAN: ull or part 1 1 me sa la CRINDEfeSTTEntm less external 1 goo? hourly rate Apply lW A ooa Chicaen ex serviceman ore jfmy! Kurtz 310 Prospect nfTOp? NTtALI BORING MILt OPERA? PP'y Hl" EL HO! SEMAN: Older man preferred housekeTOr' Lakel jfotel Jtolmnnt 3844 Euclid HOUsEM Experlen red colored adults Phone Hudson 196Mrs Dyer kRAl ZCi? Permanent con nection: salary and commission Monu mental 60S Infted Bank Bldg INVESTIGAf6R SALESM'AN Inside out: side finance co salary car expenses advancement assured Ryan CH 58Q2 JANITOR for wholesale meat concern full Ume work hourly rate The Brandt Co 42 1 Bolivar JANITORS: Steady hourlv rate overtime varaOtnJ CH 100 Union Com mere? Bldg JAN ITOr baywork: salary Apply RKm 1554 Leader Bldg KITCHEN HELPER: Experienced no Sun ood salary uniforms meals Dahlman Euclid Arcade KfT( HEN SUPPLY MEN: Steals 'uni forms: salary nn Sundays Stouffers 1 3a Euclid 5th floor KN 1 TT Experienced hand operated flat machine 7 and 8 gauge: excellent future hourly Box 7759 Plain Dealer LABOR Day and night work: hourly rate bonus Machine Products 5151 St Clair ave General factory workers hourly rate with overtime: davs Bishon Babco*ck Mfg Co 1285 49 LABORERS welders Veterans colored or while: stpaay hourly rate 1932 20 LABORERS: industry: hourly rate 3363 140 OR 7416 LA BORER: Steady work good hourly rate Modem Laundry 5804 Superior LATHE MEN also turret experienced high hourly plus overtime Bonn Ma ch ine A Tool 21 80 76 LATH vertical "boring mill drill "press" milling machine operators hourly rate Heintz Co 3738 143 LATJIE 'must be 1st class with 5ngj hUh LatHE flANDj Daywork hourly rat? Mansfield A Green 46(11 Euclid LAUNDRY Help: Good salary: excellent conditions A 2200 Prospect work 21 40 dayor night high hourly rate: postwar iob American Bifocal 1440 St Clair SlACHINE EsWNER: onrevtu nity to oesivn become part of new com pany: salary 1721 Superior Ma MACHINE DESIGNER: HowV'fateio salary postwar Apply Lemoco Prod ucts MflTQA Mr Conner MACHINE HAND: Veteran preferred ex (4706x1 work hourly rate inter A Co 1550 17 st MACHINE lath: ra oial drill: bortnir mill: hourly boaia Ostrr Mtg Co Xr7E 61 pl kjl hour week minimum 1719 39 MACHINE REPAIRMET: ExperteHd punch presses: also electrician rate Globe Stampirg 1250 Tfith SCACHINIsTS: Maintenance" wark rdebre" hourlv rate Emntovment OffJceNil tional Carbon Co 1257 74 a MACHINIST: All around postwar rate overtime bonus: mostl dvv Itobeckmun Co 33tR Mcnro? XfA riil'NE OPERATOR: xtgrrai: rI LO i fiatsen ave MAin 4500 TOULL: Anna (nee Barton) beloved wife of mother of Melvin and June Sheahan and grandmother daugh ter of Mrs Katherine Diehl late resi dence 6808 ir ave riends received at the Lelmkuchler uneral Hume 6722 ranklin blvd where services will be held riday July 27 at 1 :30 PEARSE: Earlam of Medina formeily of Cleveland pa sed away in allston Mu suddenly beloved husband of Mary: brother of Mamie A Pew and the late Rosa Woodman and Emily Barko funeral notice later RILEY Lhlie beloved wife of Marcel hn mother of Dale sister of rancis and Edward Lindluff and Mrs bidney Wamsley and Mrs Chajles A Johnson residence 14D09 Clifton blvd friends may call at the William Roy A Daniels uneral Home 15800 uviroii ave unerai notice later ROCKLIN: Albert formerly of Cleveland husband of Pansy Grace (Lichtenberg lather of Alice Joy passed away July JL Burial Veterans' Military Cemetery Los Angeles Cal riday at 2 RVCHT: William beloved father of Chester sun of the late Adolph enia Tuesday Now at Edw Coch ran Sn uneral Home 2327 Holmden ave where services will be held riday July 27 al 3 (late residence 4617 ri iiiiiri vr X( HbEtRLINE: Georg? husband of lhe late rances me? Chapman i died at Springfield July 21 Services riday July 27 2 at the Young knebier Co uneral Home 1966 82d st SMITH: Georr? 8 husband of the late Murence father of Ornheus George leming Russell Corp Lawrence Lieut Kenneth Mrs Audery Wukie and grand father: residence 1189 Rockway ave riends may call at the William ft Roy A Daniels uneral Home Detroit ave where services will be held Saturday July 28 at 1:30 SPERO: Martin age 51 3281 Siisbv nuspana 01 Richard Robert Helen Green Sherrtff Ben and Harvev Jerome pWs eHa sBl A fl fl AC Ej A lA A is W' K'fflmi MM1 1 8 WORK 5" a 10 0 Ji ii so 7Zy 777) 56 777) I rl 1 1 for £57 MA IB All A NA OEhjE ASP1I eSM cu rIrU ntsI 1 et a si SmIymeId GE 4 I 0 a.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 5865

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.