Joe Buck, Ernie Johnson and more in media predict their future (2024)

Planning for the future has never felt so futile given the events of the last 12 months. But looking ahead can provide hope and promise. I’ve always been a sucker for stories about where people envision themselves 5, 10 or 20 years down the road, so over the last couple of months, I asked nearly 40 well-known members of the sports media the following question:

What do you hope to be doing professionally on Jan. 1, 2030, and why?

There was no calculation on who I asked other than to get a group of interesting and diverse voices. Here is how the group responded.

Joe Buck, Fox Sports broadcaster

I remember being asked in the late 90’s what I would be doing in 10 years, and my response was that I would be out of sports broadcasting. So we are 20 years past that, and here I am. I do believe with nearly three-year-old twins that when they are 12, I will not be doing nearly the schedule I am doing now — and maybe by a lot. I saw my dad (Jack Buck) get invigorated, even when his health was poor, by just going to do a game. So I see the powerful force that exists and keeps people working well into their later years. But I just don’t think that’s for me. We shall see. I just hope I am around and healthy. Then I know I’ll be happy watching my kids and grandkids grow between rounds of golf from the up tees.


Ian Darke, ESPN broadcaster

It would be amazing to think I am still in shape to commentate on the 2030 soccer World Cup. But it is more probable I will be on a beach somewhere watching the coverage from Armenia or the Philippines, or whatever bizarre venue FIFA dream up next.

Ernie Johnson, Turner Sports broadcaster

I’ll preface this response with the full knowledge and understanding that none of us knows what our next five minutes will bring. Only by the grace of God am I granted my next breath, so to cast an eye 10 years down the road always feels a bit presumptuous. I would think that on Jan. 1, 2030, as I near my 75th birthday, it’s safe to say my “Inside the NBA” hosting run will be in the rearview mirror, and I will be left with nothing but thoughts of gratitude for a career that gave me such fulfillment and joy. I’ve always had a passion for doing whatever I can to raise up the next generation of broadcasters, and would hope that in 2030 there’s an avenue available to contribute time to my alma mater, the University of Georgia, where I can share my experiences in some kind of meaningful way as a guest lecturer and writer. Who knows what kind of technology we’ll have at our disposal 10 years from now? I hope I’ll have the savvy to keep up with those changes and use them effectively.

My wife Cheryl and I have always considered ourselves blessed that a career in television has provided us with much, and that we have the responsibility to share those blessings. Hopefully, our plans to build a program that benefits the special needs community will have taken flight by then. Working in sports media has always been a job I “get to do” not a job I “had to do.” But there is so much more out there than the TV world. We just want to have the discernment to know where we’re needed.

LaChina Robinson, ESPN television analyst

On Jan. 1, 2030, I hope to be hosting a daily WNBA show during the summers and a weekly show during the offseason that is fully dedicated to the league, its players, free agency, hoop culture and overseas life. That same show would also serve as the pregame and postgame show for big weekly WNBA matchups on television. If you know me you know how important it is for my career to be directly impacting the growth of women’s basketball. The WNBA deserves this kind of platform.

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LaChina Robinson (Rich Barnes / USA Today)

J.A. Adande, director of sports journalism and associate professor at Northwestern University

If the recent past has taught me anything, it’s that 10 years from now I will probably be doing something that doesn’t exist right now. Ten years ago I was known for doing something that didn’t exist 10 years prior to that (Around The Horn). My current role at Medill was created when I was hired in 2016, so I couldn’t have dreamed of it 10 years before. It aligns with something I stress to our students: Master the fundamentals, because they won’t change and you can utilize them and adapt to whatever platform comes next. (But if you do know what’s coming next, you don’t need to master the fundamentals. You just need to invest in that sector and then cash out when the stock takes off.)


Rebecca Lowe, NBC Sports anchor

I’d love to still be presenting live TV. Luckily sport is one of the only things left which has to be live, and for me hosting live is the best feeling. Not only does it keep you at your absolute best because there’s no repeat, but I think that edge creates better TV for the viewer. So as long as I’m still live (!), I’ll be happy. I’d also love to be prepping for some big-name interviews. That side of my job I miss doing and would love to dive deep into how certain people rise to the top. Perhaps a podcast or whatever the 2030 version is, and hey, what about a cooking show to squeeze in too?! I hope to be busy.

Stephania Bell, ESPN injury analyst

Barring living in luxury on a private island in the Caribbean after winning the lottery, I hope to be doing some of the same things I’m currently doing professionally, albeit in a manner that reflects some evolution. For starters, fantasy football is what opened the door for me at ESPN, and I can’t imagine a future without it. I expect the platform will continue to grow, and I would love to see the injury analysis possibilities expand over the next decade. Personalization of the game has already evolved in ways that were hard to imagine a decade ago; creating an even greater ability for fans to drill down into detailed and interactive (and educational!) customized injury analysis would be something I’d love to see.

Additionally, I have developed a love of storytelling with my foray into features in the last few years, especially while working on “Project 11,” the story about Alex Smith and his journey back from a devastating injury. The experience of working on it and, more importantly, witnessing the impact his story had on those who watched it convinced me that these are the type of stories I would love to continue to tell in long-form version, documentary-style.

My personal passion is education and I’ve often thought (hoped?) I might find my way back to academia even on a part-time basis. I also dream of impacting youth education on a grand scale. My biggest joys come from teachers who tell me their students are using fantasy sports to learn math or critical thinking or coaches who are using something they learned about injuries to help educate their athletes. The idea of creating educational yet entertaining content that could have a meaningful impact on preventing overuse injuries in youth sports at the national level, for example, would be the most personally rewarding goal for me.

Curt Menefee, Fox Sports broadcaster

I’m going to tackle this question like a 12-year-old with a homework assignment asking, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” First, and foremost, I would hope to be wrapping up my 25th year as studio host of NFL on FOX. In addition, I hope to be producing programs and/or documentaries that truly make an impact on society by raising awareness to a variety of issues. I think there’s a real need for a straight news program. Not one full of opinions, or that simply has people yelling talking points at one another. I’d love the opportunity to host a show like that. Misinformation and disinformation is why — I believe — we all feel so frustrated at every turn.

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Curt Menefee (Jasen Vinlove / USA Today)

Ariel Helwani, ESPN journalist

I hope to be healthy and alive. I hope my family and friends are healthy as well. Professionally, I hope I am still covering MMA for ESPN. I hope I am still a part of the NBA on ESPN/ABC family, as I enjoy doing that immensely. I hope to be the host of my own interview show where I am not just interviewing athletes but also talking to interesting people from all walks of life. Few things I enjoy more than interviewing people. Maybe I will have written a book or two, produced a documentary or two. I also hope to be at my co-host Daniel Cormier’s side when he headlines WrestleMania.


Steve Levy, ESPN broadcaster

All of my years in the biz (especially this past year) have taught me that nothing is for certain, and yet, anything is possible. You put hope in your question and my entire life I had hoped to make it to Monday Night Football. I’m going to continue to put everything I have into this iconic franchise with the hope and good fortune that I’m still sitting in the MNF chair in 10 years from now. Truth be told, I never sit, I’m way too excited to sit on Monday nights, but you get the point. The job itself is just such a privilege and pleasure at the same time. So let’s keep it going.

Jon Anik, UFC broadcaster

At this point, it’s hard to imagine my broadcasting and play-by-play future without the UFC as a major cornerstone. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve been afforded, and I really do try to earn that lead seat at every show. Certainly, my long-term goal would be to call an NFL football game and have the NFL be a regular part of my schedule. So I’m hopeful that by 2030 I will have at least had the chance to call a singular NFL game to prove that I can do the job. I also hope to continue to have a presence in the podcast space.

Marly Rivera, ESPN national baseball writer and reporter

If I could dream of doing anything by Jan. 1, 2030, I would definitely be a professional playing on the LPGA tour (well, the senior tour!) But because that will likely not happen, having been a color commentator in Spanish baseball broadcasts for over a decade now, I would like to expand that into being the color analyst for national broadcasts in English on a regular basis, including on the radio, which has always been my first love. Calling a World Series would be the ultimate goal. I would also like to exploit one of my main attributes as a reporter, which is that people trust me and talk to me about things they usually don’t talk about, and be able to tell compelling stories in whatever digital platform exists 10 years from now. Also, it would be important for me to be involved with a non-profit organization supporting women of color who are interested in pursuing careers in sports writing, something I always wished I had.

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Marly Rivera (Kirby Lee / USA Today)

Nancy Armour, USA Today columnist

Rather than a hope for myself, I hope that on Jan. 1, 2030, we see a renewed and robust traditional news industry. We saw this year just how important reputable and reliable news sources are, and yet the industry is more precarious than ever. We need local newspapers. We need websites that don’t just regurgitate other people’s work or, worse, package press releases or planted stories and pretend they are news. We need a citizenry that is both engaged and engages in critical thinking. To make any of this possible, we need, most of all, social media companies that recognize the power they have and use it to encourage well-informed consumers rather than spread conspiracy theories and foster polarization and division.

John Strong, Fox Sports broadcaster

Being honest, I’m just trying to survive the day-to-day of a six-year-old doing Kindergarten from his bedroom and a three-year-old girl who’s potty training, so outside of hopefully just being employed and supporting them, 2030 is a little outside my realm of comprehension.

Jason Benetti, ESPN and White Sox broadcaster

I want to call games as long as humanly possible, so definitely still play-by-play. But, since you’re asking aspirationally, I’d hope to be hosting a game show. I grew up with game shows. I’m a huge “Press Your Luck” fan (my aunt made me a cake of the board for one of my birthdays as a young child), along with “Classic Concentration” and so many others. Bill Cullen is a personal hero; he dealt with polio and had difficulty walking. If you watch any of his game shows, the contestants came to him for the bonus round because the crew wanted to protect him from walking on camera. So, I’d like to be hosting a game show while doing play-by-play. Mike Greenberg was great on “Duel.” Why not another sports guy?

Pete Radovich, CBS Sports creative director

In 10 years from now I still see myself working in American sports media — just not from America — but in a perfect world, from a small island in the Adriatic Sea. Up until 2020, I always thought it would be so cool to eventually do my American job from Europe, but also thought it would be impossible and just a pipe dream. Not anymore. If this year has taught me anything it’s that going into the office and/or edit room is not always necessary to get your job done efficiently and creatively. Behind the scenes, we have some of the most creative people in American media, and they have figured out a way to make all this work without missing a beat, so why not take advantage of it — eventually — and live wherever you want.


Dave Pasch, ESPN broadcaster

After 2020, and going several months without actual games to call, I think we are all grateful just to be broadcasting live events right now. I love what I am doing currently and in 10 years I hope to still be broadcasting college football, NBA, NFL and college basketball. I don’t know if I can take 10 more years of (broadcast partner) Bill Walton, but like I said earlier, I’d just be grateful to be broadcasting live events, even if it’s from Bill’s teepee in 2030!

Scott Hanson, NFL RedZone

On Jan. 1, 2030, I hope to have the day off to sit on my couch all day watching college football bowl games, although, the NFL may have expanded the regular and postseasons by then, so it could be a work week prepping for “Week 18” of NFL RedZone. I will spend the rest of 2030 catching up on commercials I’ve missed — with at-will bathroom breaks.

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Scott Hanson (Kirby Lee / USA Today)

Nicole Briscoe, ESPN broadcaster

Ten years ago I was living in North Carolina, we had no kids, and I was working the NASCAR circus — I mean circuit. I never thought I’d be doing that! That’s what makes life beautiful. You have a plan, and you may even achieve that plan, but the road to get there is never A to B to C. It’s the surprising side journeys that are often better and more rewarding. I’m not a morning person. Never have been. But I currently love my morning show job. It’s helped me professionally come into my own and embrace the real me. Maybe in January of 2030, I’ll be doing something that doesn’t yet exist? I kind of like the idea of that. So long as it makes me happy, feel challenged and fulfilled, then what more can I ask for? Other than the most important job I have — my girls, who will (then) be 13 and 16 (OMG)! I just hope I’ve survived them and raised them to be smart, independent, confident young women. That will be the real win.

Daniel Jeremiah, NFL Network analyst

Hopefully, I’m getting ready to cover another Senior Bowl, NFL Scouting Combine and NFL Draft for NFL Network. I’d love to still be seated on that desk next to Rich Eisen and Charles Davis. Those are two of the best broadcasters and teammates you could ever hope to have. I would love to call a Super Bowl with my Chargers partner Matt (Money) Smith. That would be a really cool experience. I’d also be happy to MC the Padres’ sixth consecutive World Series parade.

Jay Bilas, ESPN college basketball analyst

I have never been one to project out a career destination by a date certain. Rather, I try to do the job I have, and enjoy where I am. By 2030, I hope to still be healthy and in basketball in some capacity, making sure I’m grateful for how much I enjoy being in and around the game. Whenever I’m done, the game won’t miss me, but I will certainly miss the game.

Michael Kay, YES Network and ESPN broadcaster

I would still love to be the television play-by-play voice of the Yankees, albeit with a somewhat reduced game load. That would give me 40 years broadcasting Yankees baseball, which wouldn’t be bad for a kid from the Bronx. As for the radio show that I host, not sure I could handle both jobs as I get older, and 30 years hosting a show in NYC would be an awful lot of opinions. But never say never. As Vin Scully once told me, God laughs at those that make plans.

Matt Winer, Turner Sports and NBA TV broadcaster

By 2030 I’d like to be doing play-by-play for NBA games, reporting for “60 Minutes,” or hosting “Jeopardy!” I’ve been a studio host of one sort or another almost exclusively for the last 20 years, so maybe it’s the relative remoteness of my regular seat that makes me appreciate the game that much more in person. But I find there’s nothing like being up close for the NBA. Riding the swings, reacting, and giving viewers context in real time is incredibly appealing. The show “60 Minutes” invented the magazine format and to me still sets the standard. The reporting and writing (shout out to reporter Scott Pelley — his pieces are exceptionally well-written) are superb. I’ve always taken those aspects of my mostly “lowercase j” journalism jobs seriously and doing more long-form storytelling has become a goal. Also, by 2030, I’ll have aged into their demo. Ha! The “Jeopardy!” gig will likely go to a celebrity host, but why not? It’s an incredible gig for lots of reasons and I’ll say this for myself: I have a pretty good handle on my strengths and weaknesses, and that’s a job I think I’d nail.


Troy Clardy, Pac-12 play-by-play announcer

I’ll take this question literally: On Jan. 1, 2030, I wouldn’t mind being in Pasadena on the play-by-play call for the Rose Bowl that day. That’s such an incredibly special event. I’ve had the honor to cover three of them, most recently for Stanford as its radio sideline reporter that day (how Christian McCaffrey didn’t win the Heisman that year astonishes me more every year.) Football play-by-play has always been my main goal in this business, and whether it’s for one of the participating schools or at the network level, it would be awesome to be walking into that building on that day to call that game.

Kenny Albert, Fox Sports/MSG Network/NBC Sports broadcaster

I hope that I will still be broadcasting a variety of different sports when we enter the year 2030. During most of my professional career, I have been very fortunate to handle play-by-play of multiple sports. My childhood dream was to call hockey on the radio. That dream came true for the first time in December 1989 when I filled-in on a New York Islanders radio broadcast. I spent two invaluable seasons with the American Hockey League’s Baltimore Skipjacks, followed by three seasons as the TV voice of the Washington Capitals. This season is No. 25 in the New York Rangers booth, and I’ve called NHL games on NBC for over a decade (as well as men’s and women’s hockey at the last five Winter Olympics). I was also part of the inaugural NHL on Fox team from 1995-99. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever envision calling NFL games on television, but when Rupert Murdoch wrestled the NFC rights away from CBS prior to the 1994 season, that dream became reality for a number of young broadcasters. I love the preparation, whether I am watching games, reading articles, preparing charts, pouring through statistics, attending practices, or chatting with players and coaches. Former NHLer and current MSG Networks broadcaster Butch Goring said sportscasters work in the “toy department” and I look forward to continue working in the toy department for many years to come.

Tiffany Greene, ESPN broadcaster

I love where I am and what I am doing. My goal in 10 years is to be a regular on the professional sports scene. I hope to be the voice of an NBA team. It is ideal because you can be dialed into one team, one sport. Plus, people don’t leave those seats very often. The WNBA is a great brand, and the most progressive along with the NBA, and I see myself continuing to call those games. In addition to those duties, I plan on calling NFL games for a network.

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Kevin Harlan (Brace Hemmelgarn / USA Today)

Kevin Harlan, Turner Sports/CBS Sports/Westwood One broadcaster

I hope I am fortunate enough to be doing exactly what I am doing right now. I love my profession, the leagues that I broadcast and I am honored to be a part of the companies I work for. I’ve been blessed beyond measure as a husband, father and with a job that I dreamed about when I was young. I hope that I am lucky enough to be doing the exact same thing 10 years from now.

Karl Ravech, ESPN broadcaster

The landscape of sports content delivery is changing by the minute, but the appeal of live sports is not. You could make the case that in 2030 the four major sports will become the six or eight major sports and perhaps not be only stick and ball sports but joystick sports (esports). That being said and having spent a large part of my career calling both Little League and College World Series, I am hopeful that in 2030 to be in a position to contemplate riding off into the sunset having called a World Series as well. That trifecta would be very special.

Alexi Lalas, Fox Sports analyst

I hope to still be employed and talking about the beautiful game … to the dismay of some. I love what I do and I am very fortunate to be able to do it. Soccer continues to grow and evolve and it needs more discourse and debate, especially here in the U.S.

Fran Fraschilla, ESPN analyst

In 2030 I hope we are all healthy and the pandemic has been consigned to the dustbin of history. Secondly, I’d like to be calling the Final Four for the fifth straight year. I believe that the NCAA Tournament is still one of the most amazing experiences and grueling tests for any team in American sports and it was dearly missed last March and April.


Jordan Cornette (ESPN/ACC Network) and Shae Peppler Cornette (ESPN Radio)

Celebrating 12 years of marriage, balancing a growing family, and working alongside one another on a nationally simulcasted weekday show.

Tim Brando, Fox Sports broadcaster

I realize I’m well into my fourth decade working nationally, but I’ve never been more energized about what I’m doing. For years I wore a lot of hats — studio host, play-by-play, and talk show host. It’s that versatility that sustained and separated me. One-trick ponies don’t last as long. My goals were to be the best PXP man I could be, and now Fox is allowing me to specialize in that area and it’s been it’s been incredibly refreshing. College football, basketball and occasional NFL assignments feel like the fountain of youth. I hear from SEC fans a lot and I’ll not deny that connection, but going to environments outside that area I’ve found invigorating. You get to this point in your career and accolades start coming your way as though you’re entering the twilight of your career, but I can honestly say my best is still in front of me. I truly believe the people I work for appreciate the voices of the game. I hope to follow this path at least until 2030 and beyond.

Antonietta Collins, ESPN anchor

We’ve seen so many changes to how we bring sports and news to people over the last 10 years and none of us really know what that landscape will look like in the next decade. But the one constant is the need to tell good stories well. So if anything, I hope to further develop and continue to have a venue to share my skills as a storyteller in the shadows of some of the greats I have worked alongside, like Tom Rinaldi, Gene Wojciechowski or the late Pedro Gomez.Our responsibility as journalists is to tell the story in its most authentic way and to be able to truly reach those at home watching and listening.To me, they are the model to follow and aspire to be.

Brandon Gaudin, Fox Sports broadcaster

Not to sound like an old man lecturing a teenager, but somewhere in my late 20s I realized the need to stop focusing as much on the next rung of the ladder. Ultimately I don’t want work success (or lack thereof) to define who I am or what I want to be as a person. I don’t have a list of jobs that I’m gunning for. Now that isn’t to say I don’t have ambitions. I assure you I do. In 10 years I would love to be working an ‘A’-level NFL or CFB package, calling the best college basketball games, and have my hand in a stable full of national voiceover projects. I also want to challenge myself to find creative ways to weave other skill sets, namely acting and writing, into my broadcasting work in addition to maximizing the baseball opportunities set before me. Baseball was my first love, and that’s where I cut my teeth in the business. Some of my greatest memories are from the 10-hour bus trips throughout the Pioneer League in the inner-mountain West. It was my first gig out of college — voice of the Orem Owlz — and I did 76 games in 80 days. I made $500 a month and lived on clubhouse peanut butter and jelly. Eventually I became too focused on the next job, and I guess that brings me back to this: I strive to be happy where I currently stand. I’m incredibly thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given, and if I put forth my best into the preparation and delivery of each broadcast, wherever this road leads, I’m at peace. As cliché as it may sound, 2020 has made that viewpoint even clearer, and in 2030, at age 46, I hope there is even more crystal in that clarity.

Ian Eagle, CBS Sports/Turner Sports/YES Network broadcaster

I’m not sure exactly where I’ll be, but I hope it’s not broadcasting from my house. Considering the current circ*mstances, I fully understand why networks have turned to remote options, but any play-by-play announcer would tell you it’s just not the same. You miss out on the details and nuances of the game, and while it’s been an effective temporary solution it should never become the “norm.”

Adam Schefter, ESPN NFL reporter

I would be happy to do just what I’m doing now, which on Jan. 1, 2030, very well could mean reporting on how the New York Jets plan to pick up the fifth-year option on quarterback Arch Manning, the man left entrusted to reward Jets fans for their years of suffering since their last Super Bowl win in January 1969. Peyton Manning once spurned the chance to turn pro and join Bill Parcells and the Jets, but Manning’s nephew, Arch, might be more apt to take the plunge, and it would be an honor to cover another generation of Mannings and hope for a Jets turnaround.

The Ink Report

1. One of the iconic figures of NFL broadcasting — Irv Cross — died Sunday at age 81. His impact on sports television cannot be minimized. Cross became the first African American to work full-time as a sports analyst on national television when he joined CBS in 1971. Four years later he became part of The NFL Today pregame show. That show would go on to win 13 Emmy Awards in its first year and become one of the standard-bearers of NFL pregame shows. Prior to his CBS Sports work, per the Philadelphia Inquirer, Cross was the first African American to do television sports reports in Philadelphia. I highly recommend his biography co-written with Clifton Brown, “Bearing the Cross,” if you want to learn more about his life. I had Brown on my podcast at the time the book came out, and he described the extraordinary life Cross led.

1a. NBCUniversal says it will include more than 200 hours of television coverage of the Tokyo Paralympic Games across NBC, NBCSN and Olympic Channel: Home of Team USA, including the first-ever primetime hours of the Games on NBC. All told, they will air a record 1,200 hours when including streaming and digital platforms. The Tokyo Paralympic Games are scheduled to run from Aug. 24-Sept. 5. NBCSN will carry both the Opening and Closing ceremonies live, as well as live coverage from 9 p.m.-9 a.m. ET every day of the event.


2. LaChina Robinson (mentioned above) has long one of the best women’s college basketball analysts in America. She recently added a new SiriusXM original podcast to her already busy broadcasting schedule. As the host of “Huuuge Fan,” she interviews famous actors, musicians and other well-known people who are big sports fans. Her guests included Michael Bublé, Tracy Morgan, Ashley Judd, Darius Rucker, Nelly, Dierks Bentley and Tim McGraw. The shows in April will feature Drew Carey on Cleveland baseball and singer Mel C on Liverpool. The episodes can be heard on the SiriusXM app, Pandora and Stitcher.

2. Sports pieces of note:

  • Via Michael-Shawn Dugar, Mike Sando and Jayson Jenks of The Athletic: What is driving the rift between Russell Wilson and Seahawks?
  • After Tommie Smith and John Carlos, there were Vince Matthews and Wayne Collett in Munich at the 1972 Olympics. By Tim Layden of NBC Sports.
  • ESPN’s Don Van Natta Jr. and Seth Wickersham went inside the dual legacies of NFL players’ union boss DeMaurice Smith.
  • The sports reporter who blew the lid off a national health scandal. By Bryan Curtis of The Ringer.
  • Basketball’s best prospect in decades couldn’t be derailed by a devastating knee injury or a pandemic. The next step in Azzi Fudd’s ascension: teaming with Paige Bueckers at UConn. By Katie Barnes of ESPN.
  • Former LSU football coach Les Miles was investigated for sexual harassment in 2013. By Kenny Jacoby, Nancy Armour and Jessica Luther of USA Today.
  • Olympians enter a risky new event: line jumping. By Andrew Keh of the New York Times.
  • Every pro team’s Jackie Robinson. By David Sabino, Dana Lee and JK Turner of The Undefeated.
  • Alex Smith on his comeback. By Clay Skipper of GQ.

Non-sports pieces of note:

  • In 1963, a Black politician named Ben Lewis was shot to death in Chicago. Clues suggest the murder was a professional hit. Decades later, it remains no accident authorities never solved the crime. By Mick Dumke of Pro Publica.
  • By Christopher Brito of CBS News: She came to the U.S. with only $300 and worked housekeeping jobs to pay for school. Now she’s a flight director for NASA’s Mars Perseverance.
  • The very blurry lines in fashion. By Vanessa Friedman and Elizabeth Paton of the New York Times.
  • The lies Hollywood tells about little girls. Really worth-reading piece by Mara Wilson.
  • Netflix and Anna Delvey: The race to secure the story of New York’s ‘fake heiress.’ Via Vicky Baker of BBC News.
  • How Facebook went easy on Alex Jones and other right-wing figures. By Ryan Mac and Craig Silverman of Buzzfeed News.
  • Is avalanche the answer to a 62-year-old Russian mystery? By Ivan Nechepurenko and Alan Yuhas of the New York Times.
  • Is it time to kill the book blurb? By Cody Delistraty of the Wall Street Journal.
  • Inside a battle over race, class and power at Smith College. By Michael Powell of the New York Times.
  • How falsehoods helped propel the career of Madison Cawthorn. By Michael Kranish of The Washington Post.
  • Via Jesse McKinley of the New York Times: Andrew Cuomo is accused of sexual harassment by a second former aide.
  • My story of working with Governor Cuomo. By Lindsey Boylan for Medium.
  • Inside DC’s secret COVID morgue. By Luke Mullins for Washingtonian.
  • The American Dream is alive on Mars. By Tunku Varadarajan of Wall Street Journal.
  • Life amid the ruins of QAnon. By Greg Jaffe and Jose A. Del Real of the Washington Post.
  • An American Dream, tarnished. By Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg of the New York Times.
  • Via Scott Eden for The Atavist: Gold mined in the jungles of Peru brought riches to three friends in Miami — but it also carried ruin.
  • America’s response to the Soviet Union depended on an unknown spy agency operative whose story can now be told. By David Wolman for Smithsonian Magazine.

(Top photo of Ernie Johnson: Jack Arent / NBAE via Getty Images)

Joe Buck, Ernie Johnson and more in media predict their future (2024)


Why is Joe Buck so famous? ›

From 1996 to 2021, Buck called 23 World Series and 21 All-Star Games for Fox, the most of any play-by-play announcer on network television. As the lead play-by-play announcer for MLB on Fox, Buck called games between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox that were broadcast on Fox and FS1.

What did Joe Buck do before broadcasting? ›

About Joseph Buck

Joe Buck's broadcasting career began in 1989, while he was a telecommunications undergraduate at Indiana University. He went on to calling play-by-play for the Louisville Redbirds, a Cardinals minor-league team, and calling Cardinals games on KMOX TV and radio in 1991.

How much does Joe Buck get paid by ESPN? ›

Buck could approach $15 million per year, according to a person with knowledge of that deal.

Why doesn't Joe Buck do baseball anymore? ›

ESPN offered Buck the chance to serve as a fill-in announcer for baseball games, but he declined. "I feel like I've done all I could do there," Buck told the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast in 2022. "If someday I wanna go back and call a few games — maybe. But I don't have that itch."

When did Joe Buck lose his voice? ›

Just before the 2011 baseball season, Joe Buck suffered a paralyzed left vocal cord that kept him from being able to raise his voice and possibly threatened his career. He claimed that the ailment came out of the blue, and was due to a virus in the laryngeal nerve.

Is Joe Buck still announcing? ›

In March 2022, Joe Buck left his longtime broadcasting home of FOX Sports for ESPN. He serves as the lead play-by-play announcer for Monday Night Football broadcasts. Baseball, for now, is no longer in his playbook.

Was Joe Buck an NFL player? ›

Born into a sports-centric family, Joe was introduced to the sports world through his father, Jack Buck, who was a renowned play-by-play announcer. Nevertheless, Joe Buck did not pursue a career as a professional athlete himself.

Did Joe Buck ever play NFL football? ›

Even as someone who has covered multiple Super Bowls, Buck has never had his name on any NFL rosters.

What is Joe Buck's backstory? ›

Biography. Joe Buck's backstory is told in a broken, confusing series of flashbacks. It appears that he grew up in Texas, and when he was a young boy, he was sent to live with his grandmother Sally Buck, who ran a saloon. Their exact relationship is ambiguous, however it is implied that it was sexually abusive.

Who was Jack Buck's first wife? ›

After Caray was fired by the Cardinals following the 1969 season, Buck ascended to the team's lead play-by-play role (1969 was also the year that Jack Buck divorced his first wife Alyce Larson—whom he had married in 1948 and had six children with—and married his second wife, Carole Lintzenich, who gave birth to their ...

How much money did Troy Aikman make as a cowboy? ›

Aikman had a base salary of $27.4 million, with bonuses as high as $17.85 million during the peak of his NFL career as a Dallas Cowboys' quarterback. His 8-year $80 million contract, plus a signing bonus of $11 million made him the highest-paid athlete in the league in 1993.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.