Grow As We Go - Chapter 3 - writergurl2828 - pazzi (2024)

Chapter Text

[August 2021]

For what felt like a decision that she was dreading so much, Azzi quickly found that she couldn’t wait until she’d finally become a college student. High School was fun. Prom was a bore. All the experiences of being a Senior were ruined by the pandemic, which left her stuck inside, literally. But for the most part, Azzi was able to spend more time with Paige. As promised, they’d go about as the best of friends, never once dwelling on their kissing slip-ups. Though they didn’t talk about it, they both knew that with as much time as they were spending together, it was becoming painfully obvious that Azzi was growing more attached to the blonde and her overall presence. Before when she’d leave, it didn’t phase her as much as it does now. When she leaves now, a piece of her breaks like she’s holding her breath until she returns again. Not knowing that Paige felt the same, where her return was all that plagued her in her absence from Azzi.

Now the time had come, Azzi found herself on the very campus that would hold at least four year’s worth of her next chapter. Settling into the dorms was easy as her other friend Caroline was doing the same. They’d share in the pains of moving into a new space that wasn’t quite like home, but in the end, they’d embrace that this was their own space that wasn’t the four walls of their parents’ home. Paige would assist in putting stuff away, they’d banter about Azzi’s overpacking, making a game out of whether she needed everything in her box. In the moments they’d accidentally touch, both reaching for the same items to stow away, Paige couldn’t help but feel a jolt of electricity race up her spine. It was a sensation unlike anything that she had ever felt before. While they battled through the tensions of each other mere presence, Azzi’s parents prepared to say their goodbyes and while most of the mothers were in tears leaving their daughters behind, Azzi had the gem of the bunch with her father being the biggest crier of the parents.

Once her parents left, after many phone calls of well being check ins, Azzi was finally able to declare herself moved in and a student athlete at the University of Connecticut. The veterans on the team would stop by, give great advice on how to manage living in the dorms along with tricks to avoid trouble with the RA. While Paige enjoyed being able to hang out with Azzi and the team, a part of her was eager to get some alone time with her friend. Finding any excuse that she could, Paige would make mention of getting to know the campus before Azzi’s classes begin. Wanting to take in the campus and find her classes, Azzi and Paige took this as their opportunity to walk the campus while daylight still remained.

“So, your history class will be over here in this building, its usually a bit busy in the mornings because the only Starbucks is in this building” Paige relayed to her friend.

“Starbuck on campus, you don’t hear that too often” Azzi smiled.

“Yeah, it was a big thing apparently on campus. The lines were insane when they first opened up” Paige replied.

“Tell me, have you become a Starbucks fan?” Azzi then questioned.

“I can go without it, it’s not my things like the other girls on the team” Paige replied as Azzi just laughed. “I’m glad you’re here. Being able to see my hard work of getting you here, it is quite nice to see” she said.

“Seemed like once I was able to make my decision, everything from there just felt so tedious. Like I couldn’t wait to get here and start this new chapter in my life” Azzi told her friend. “I was ready to be done with high school” she laughed.

“I get you” Paige smiled. “Coming here, it does feel like this is a whole new beginning, like you’re able to be anything other than what you were” she said.

“Try something new that you might not have before” Azzi said as they locked eyes for a moment or two. There wasn’t much that needed to be said when their eyes met, it was like their eyes did the talking in instances when they weren’t able to spell out what exactly they meant.

“Some of the girls from the team are holding a bonding thing tonight since this is your first night on campus…” Paige began to say.

“That sounds like fun” Azzi replied.

“…but I was hoping, maybe afterwards I could show you that ice cream parlor on campus” Paige told her as the biggest of smiles came to Azzi’s face, hearing that there was an ice cream parlor so close by.

“That sounds amazing” Azzi smiled as Paige knew better than to think she was responding to her request, but to the idea of having an ice cream parlor so close by.

“You’re thinking about the ice cream right now, aren’t you?” Paige asked as she laughed.

“I’m sorry, I really am. I mean the idea of just walking out of my dorm room to get two scoops, I mean I could eat that for lunch and dinner. I’m literally imagining the flavors” Azzi went on to say as they both just laughed.

“You have problems, you know that, right?” Paige told her just as Azzi grabbed hold of her hand.

“But yes, I would like to go to the ice cream parlor of all places with you. I mean this sounds like the makings of a great next chapter, ice cream and Paige. How did I get so lucky?” Azzi told her, adding a bit of flirtation near the end of her statement. Playing with her hand a bit, Paige couldn’t ignore the feeling of their fingers intertwining with each other. It was as if they fit in more ways than one and she was going to spend the next three to four years figuring her out even further than what she already did. Torn out of her reverie by just how public they were being with their affection; Azzi slowly moved her hand away as she didn’t want to draw attention to the celebrity on campus that was Paige Bueckers.

“I actually have to go to rehab for my foot, but I’m sure that Evina will text all the freshies with the details” Paige said as she began to back away. “What are you going to do until then?” she asked.

“I’m just going to wander around for a bit, find these classes so Monday won’t be a disaster for me” Azzi replied.

“I figured you would” Paige replied as she knew Azzi would still take this time to do something productive. “Okay, I’ll see you back at the dorms” she said as she hesitated for a moment, but eventually moved towards Azzi to give her a hug. “I’m just happy you’re finally here” she signed as she just held onto her friend, her unexplained beat of her heart.

“Yeah, me too” Azzi said as she allowed herself a quick moment to take her in, but still trying to be mindful of the affection they were giving each other.

“Okay, I have to go” Paige said as she quickly let go of her friend, not wanting Azzi to see that she was so excited with her presence on campus that tears had welled up in her eyes so. Tears of joy and tears of appreciation to God that he placed Azzi in her orbit for her hold onto.

Looking on as Paige walked away, Azzi was almost sure that a piece of her broke inside as the motion of her leaving was still a bit to take in. She’d see her within the next two hours or so, but the idea of having to miss her was not something she liked to do voluntarily. Distracting herself with the task of searching for her second class, Azzi was on a mission to find her English class, Professor Brunson. The more she scoured the halls in search of D-12, Azzi found she was going in a maze, trying to make sense of where she was going.

“You look lost” The brunette said, quickly catching Azzi’s attention.

“I am” Azzi laughed “I thought I knew what I was doing because I was able to find the first class, now I’m just a mess” she sighed.

“You’re fine” The brunette said, “May I?” The girl asked to look at Azzi’s class schedule.

“Yes, please” Azzi replied as she handed over the paper for the brunette to look at.

“Professor Brunson, you’re in luck, I have him too” The brunette smiled on at Azzi “He is around the corner. I know, it’s like a hidden pathway to his classroom. I think he does it to mind f*ck us before we even get to his class” she said as she handed the paper back to Azzi.

“Makes sense why I couldn’t find it” Azzi reasoned.

“I looked at your paper, you’re Azzi Fudd. The number one recruit?” The brunette questioned.

“Uh, that’s not something I typically use as introducing myself, but I’m her” Azzi replied.

“Sorry, I just follow the girls’ basketball team closely. UCONN basketball is a big thing around here, you’ll see” The brunette said “I’m Michelle, I’m a sophom*ore here” she introduced herself.

“Well, nice to meet you Michelle, sophom*ore here” Azzi replied.

“So, to make life easier for you tomorrow, I’ll stand out here up until ten minutes before class starts. So, you can just look for me and then we can go to class together for Monday” Michelle told her.

“That’s sweet of you. I’d appreciate that so much, I tend to panic easily” Azzi replied.


Laying back on the massage table, Paige looked on at her cell phone, eagerly trying to see what ice cream flavors they had at the ice cream parlor for the night as they worked on her foot. Typically, she’d feel a bit of pain as they massaged out the knots in her foot, but she was so distracted by her night with Azzi, that the pain didn’t even phase her at this point. Heading into the rehab center, Nika greeted the staff in the room as she posted up on the table next to Paige for her treatment. Usually at this point, Nika would have to endure the looks of pain on Paige’s face as they worked on her foot, but she quickly noticed that the blonde was distracted with something on her phone. It had been a few moments before Paige even realized that Nika had made her way into the rehab center. Once she finally noticed her friend, Paige quickly leaned over to slap Nika’s arm to get her attention.

“No, I don’t want to talk to you now. You’ve been ignoring me for the past fifteen minutes, doing your phone thingy” Nika replied playfully.

“Aw twin, you know I didn’t mean it. I was just looking at the ice cream parlor’s flavor menu for tonight” Paige told her.

“Oh, so you have a sweet tooth now?” Nika asked teasingly.

“I may” Paige replied after a few moments “…Azzi loves ice cream, so I thought this would be the perfect place to take her to on her first night on campus. Get her adjusted to life at Storrs” she said.

“Right, that sounds like an excellent plan for you” Nika replied before they were soon left alone in the rehab center.

“We’re taking it slow, I think” Paige replied “I mean the vibe between has changed, its more affectionate and honest” she said as Nika just nodded.

“That’s good, I’m glad she took all of your misdeed well from freshmen year. Won’t be a shock if she hears something in the rumor mill around here” Nika said as Paige went silent upon the mentioning of her misdeeds “You know, when I told you a few months back to be honest about everything. You do know that I mean everything, right?” she then questioned as she looked on at Paige.

“I didn’t get to that part” Paige said as Nika just laughed in disbelief. “What we were fighting about months ago had nothing to do with Storrs, which would’ve been throwing something random at the fire that wouldn’t have been necessary” she reasoned.

“You can’t bullsh*t a bullsh*tter, and that was bullsh*t” Nika replied “You should’ve said something to her, so she at least knows what she’s coming into…” she said.

“What would be the point??? Seriously???” Paige questioned. “Azzi was always the destination…” she began to say.

“Maybe, but you had a few pitstops towards that destination though” Nika quickly replied to her statement “If you guys are exploring what you guys could be as more, you need to put all cards on the table. You know that you’ve said as much” she said.

“Azzi wouldn’t care though; I mean I could bring up her prom date…” Paige began to reason.

“Not the same thing, you knew. You just didn’t know it was a guy” Nika replied “Listen, twin. I’m being serious here; I care about you, and I like Azzi. She’s cool and happens to be a good thing for you, I feel that in all sincerity from my limited time of knowing you. If it were me, I’d want to know. It may be nothing, but you have to let her determine that” she told her.

“Fine, I’ll do it” Paige quickly gave in as what Nika was telling her did make sense.

“Yes, thank you. I want confirmation this time, since you can’t be trusted to do so. I want you to text and just say I told her, and everything is all good” Nika told her as Paige just laughed “Because the last one you messed with, she was borderline crazy. That whole situation was just sick” she added bringing up the past.

“Okay, I get it” Paige replied as Nika grimaced at the thought of times from Paige’s freshmen years past.


Hanging with her new teammates, Azzi was happy to know that they were all super nice and chill. The seniors weren’t some hardasses that believe in hazing, like she feared, but they were just eager in making sure all the freshmen felt comfortable. For the most part, Azzi talked with all the girls, but she attached more to Nika, since there was already a relationship established there due to Paige and her being so close. They’d talk basketball, but they’d cover so many other topics outside of basketball that made Azzi realize why Paige gravitated towards her in her freshmen year.
They’d play games, getting to know each other a bit more. Stuff that would have them come together as a team off the court, so the on-court stuff would be easier to handle. Regardless of how much you like the person, sometimes in the heat of the battle, things can get tasty, and words can be exchanged that you otherwise wouldn’t say due to the moment. Staying close to three hours at the restaurant, Paige was eagerly trying to find ways to ditch the group as she wanted to spend the rest of the night doing her own thing with Azzi. Seeing the look of eagerness on Paige’s face, Azzi laughed to herself as she knew that Paige was more than ready to call it a night with the team. Assisting in their escape plan, Nika caught on to the looks that Paige and Azzi were giving each other from across the table, so she made up a convenient excuse for the night to come to an end, which thankfully the other girls went along with.

Walking over towards the ice cream parlor, Paige showed the rest of the campus to Azzi. The best spots to study at. The athletic fields for the other sports. The dining hall for the girls’ basketball team. Everything that she felt would be necessary for Azzi to know, but something that distracted her from getting nervous while walking alongside Azzi. Upon reaching the ice cream parlor, Azzi’s eyes lit up as if she were a kid on Christmas morning, eager to try and play with her new toys. Her indecisiveness on full display as once she saw all the flavors, she went from one option to the other then back to the original. Paige was almost certain the staff members were cursing Azzi out in their heads for
being so indecisive.

Walking along the beautifully lit pathway as they ate their ice cream, Paige and Azzi would have their usual banter, making the moment less nerve racking for the blonde. They’d discuss family. Upcoming meetings they’d have for their NIL deals that they both were receiving. Was nothing more attractive to Paige than to see that Azzi had her own. Paige was a big deal, and she’d have issues with trying to figure out if people liked her for her newfound fame or for who she really was. But Azzi, she had just as much to bring to the table as she did. She was smart. She was good at keeping the main thing, the main thing, which was basketball. In some sense, it scared Paige to know that Azzi could give two sh*ts about Paige’s popularity or NIL deals, because that didn’t impress her. The only thing that Azzi wanted from Paige was just Paige, and that was terrifying to her.

“I can’t believe this is real” Azzi said as she took a seat on one of the benches they walked towards. “It’s beautiful out here” she said.

“I told you that you would like this route” Paige smiled as she sat beside her. “I had night classes my first semester, I’d take this route when walking back to the dorms, and I just always thought it was really pretty” she said.

“I think I remember you facetiming me and this was in the background. Facetime does not do this justice” Azzi said as Paige just laughed to herself. “What? Do I have ice cream on my face? I’m eating this like hungry hippo” she laughed.

“No, I just like how you remember every facetime we have” Paige replied. “It’s like its burned in your memory” she said.

“…I remember a lot when it comes to you” Azzi replied as they looked on at each other. “I remember the facetime when you told me you had chosen UCONN. I remember the facetime calls before and after my ACL surgery. Hell, I even remember the facetime calls that never ended but you were just asleep on the phone. I remember the facetime when you realized you killed your goldfish” she said as they both laughed at all the memories of their times together “I remember the facetime call when I was crying about never being the same after tearing my ACL. We were always apart, but it worked some how” she said as Paige nodded in agreement.

“Now we’re not. Now we’re together. Same team. Same campus” Paige told her.

“In my adventures of learning all there is know about this campus today, even met a nice girl along the way, who happens to be in my class. I could quickly pick up that basketball is the big thing around here. Like you have no idea how many people were like your Azzi Fudd, the number one recruit” Azzi said as Paige just laughed.

“Yeah, they are really invested in the girls’ program here. It’s the mecca, what’d you expect?” Paige asked.

“I just want to make sure you’re good. I know that you were heartbroken on not winning the tournament last year, and regardless of how well you played, there are always going to be critics and then the expectations. I just want to make sure you’re not trying to feed into the expectations that others are putting on you” Azzi said as she showed a look of concern for her friend.

“I mean, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt to not win it. To be that close and lose off of stupid mistakes” Paige replied “March Madness in general is a beast, so the experience was overwhelming and fun all in one” she said.

“I know, watching you go through it on television and in person was crazy. Nerve racking at times” Azzi replied.

“But I’ve learned that I have to focus on the things I can control. As much as I want to win it all, I have to focus on one day at a time” Paige told her as Azzi nodded. “Plus, I have you in the corner now. We should be blowing through the tournament now” she teased.

“Gee thanks, I don’t want that pressure” Azzi said.

“You do. I know you do. When you step on the court, when you see the banners, you want to put yours up there. “You want to be a banner for the next group of recruits to come and see, knowing they have to live up to that standard” Paige told her.

“Okay, well I do want to hang a banner, that much I will admit” Azzi confessed. “I just don’t want to be consumed by it; you know? “I want to enjoy the ride and the journey” she smiled as Paige couldn’t help but smile at her point of view of it all. “I want to win with my best friend. I want to collect the confetti to store in a memory box, so I can look back and say this is a mountain we climbed together” she said.

“I like that” Paige smiled on at Azzi. Looking at each other, each feeling as if their heart was going to explode out their chest from the feelings they were having in this very moment. Bringing her hand to hers, Paige played with the ring on Azzi’s finger as if she was making a mental note to put nothing but the most expensive diamond on this finger for her. She was gone. She was seeing a future that they hadn’t even talked about yet.

“So, my ice cream is officially done” Azzi stated as she looked on at her empty cup.

“Oh no, that can’t be” Paige laughed “Mine is done as well, I finished it within the first ten minutes of walking over here” she laughed. “Are you going to be okay without some ice cream in your system? Do I need to call your parents and tell them your ice cream sick” she teased as they both laughed.

“Well, I will need another fix” Azzi reasoned. “Do you have ice cream back at your dorm?” she asked as Paige felt her smile was going to surpass the shape of her face because it was so big. If there was one thing she was enjoying about Azzi, it was that she was not so subtle when it came to flirting.

“I think I do. I had a feeling you may come across a shortage, so I may have picked up a pint on my way back from rehab…” Paige began to say before Azzi quickly hopped up.

“Okay, let’s go to your room” Azzi said happily as she grabbed on to Paige’s arm to pull her along.

“Sheesh, could I finish the sentence” Paige asked as they walked back to her dorm room.

“You said all I needed to hear. In this case, the size mattered” Azzi joked as Paige just laughed.


Hanging out in Paige’s dorm room for most of the night, Azzi enjoyed the randomness of their conversations together. They’d talk about everything, then they’d talk about nothing at all. It was just easy to be together. It was easy to lose track of time to the point where Paige was sifting through pajamas of hers for Azzi to wear. Typically, the girls were not allowed to have overnight guests, but all the girls had inside connections to get around that rule so that it wouldn’t get back to Coach. Snuggling up close to each other, it didn’t take long for them to drift off into a deep slumber.
When the morning came, Paige was the first to wake as the darkness was slowly becoming penetrated by the rays of sun. Looking onto see that Azzi was still fast asleep, Paige rubbed her eyes as tried to become more alert to the day, knowing she’d eventually have to wake up. Snuggling into the crook of Paige’s neck, Azzi tried to avoid opening her eyes to the sunlight peeking through. Rubbing her back as Azzi pressed into her body, Paige felt as if this was her newest version of Christmas morning, entangled with her in this twin size bed. Laying like this for what felt like an eternity, Azzi soon groaned as she couldn’t stay in her comfortable slumber any longer.

“The sun’s going to be here, whether you open your eyes or not” Paige laughed.

“I thought you put that blanket over your curtains?” Azzi asked. “I thought you were big on sleeping in the dark” she said.

“I am, it’s just no longer dark outside anymore” Paige said as she looked down at her due to the positioning of their bodies in the bed. “So, you have to wake up” she said before leaning forward to kiss her cheek. Letting the kiss linger longer than it should, Paige pulled back as if she were asking for permission to kiss her lips.

“Nope” Azzi responded as Paige just laughed.

“I can’t give you a quick kiss?” Paige questioned as she laughed.

“No” Azzi laughed as Paige tried to lean in to give her a kiss, but Azzi quick dodges turned into a game of bob and weave.

“C’mon, its not like we haven’t before” Paige reasoned.

“It’s precisely, why we can’t” Azzi quickly reasoned.

“Don’t act like you aren’t a fan of the morning kiss. If I remember correctly, you initiated the last morning kiss” Paige quickly pointed out. “So, in the spirit of being fair, it’s only right that I kiss you back to avenge the mauling I had to endure” she stated.

“Wow, dramatic much” Azzi laughed. “If you were getting mauled, you sure had a lot of tongue action for this supposed mauling” she teased.

“I was using the only defense mechanism I had at my disposal” Paige laughed as Azzi just pinched her. “Okay, okay. So, if we can’t kiss now, when can we?” she asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it…” Azzi began to say.

“Oh c’mon. How are you dead set on not kissing now, but have no clue as to when we can???” Paige questioned. “Azzi let’s just kiss and get it over with” she said.

“I don’t want to kiss, like oh this is some fleeting moment, where hormones played a role and then we go on like it didn’t happen until the next time” Azzi told her. “The next time that we kiss, I want to be in a place where we’ve figured our sh*t out and we’re done pretending like it didn’t happen. I want it to mean something” she told her.

“It means something, it’s always meant something” Paige reasoned “My first kiss, you’re my first everything” she said playing with Azzi’s fingers. With statements like that, Azzi was sure that she was the only one that had the real exclusive inside look into Paige Bueckers. To others she was a basketball phenom, but in these moments of rawness and simple truths, she was the girl that changed her life from the moment she stepped into that gym in Colorado.

“We’ll focus on basketball, and we’ll focus on figuring us out. This is the next chapter for not just me, but for us and I’m ready to start exploring that” Azzi said as their fingers intertwined.

“You know, this is very much a kissing moment…. but I understand what you’re saying and if holding out on kissing you just this day to kiss you for many days to come. I’m willing to put in the work to get us to this point” Paige told her “I’m ready to focus on us now” she said before Azzi glanced over at the clock to realize that she was going to be late for class.

“Oh sh*t, I have to go” Azzi said nearly jumping out of the bed to grab her clothes. Scrambling around the room, Paige couldn’t help but laugh at how insane she looked in this moment.

“You’re a crazy person right now” Paige laughed.

“No, I’m late” Azzi stated as she put her shoes on. “Okay, I’ll see you at practice” she said before leaving Paige’s room. Just as Paige began to toss the comforter over herself, Azzi quickly popped back in. “Oh, and last night…ranks high for one of the greatest nights of my life” she said quickly before once again disappearing. Leaving Paige with a smile plastered on her face.

“Oh, we’re kissing soon.” Paige said to herself confidently as she turned her television on.


Reading Azzi’s text, Paige was glad to read that she was able to make it to her class in time, without drawing attention to herself. Heading into the kitchen, Paige looked through the cabinets for a bowl as she had a sudden urge for cereal. Preparing her sugar-filled breakfast, Paige couldn’t help but hum in pure delight at the progress that was being made between Azzi and her. For the past two years, they had played the pretend game so much between each other, that it just became so natural to fall into that mode whenever they had one sliver of a breakthrough on how they actually felt about each other. But to finally be in a spot where they could move to the next step and stop pretending, Paige felt a sense of relief that all stemmed from just having Azzi here with her.

“I take it last night went well” Nika said as she came into the kitchen to see Paige was in a good mood.

“This morning as well” Paige quickly smiled.

“Oh, how much did you have to pay?” Nika asked knowing that the go around rule was implemented for her to have Azzi stay the night.

“Twenty bucks” Paige replied as Nika groaned in frustration.

“That’s bullsh*t, I had to pay thirty last time. You remember, I had to ask you for a ten” Nika added.

“Well maybe because yours was more because of the risk. You had a different gender than I did” Paige replied.

“Whatever, I’ll settle my disputes later” Nika said “I take it that since I didn’t receive a confirmation text, did we not send that because you forgot, and you still told her or….” She began to allude to their earlier agreement.

“I didn’t tell her” Paige relayed as Nika just shook her head. “I’m not going to tell her because it doesn’t matter. We’re starting new, the past is the past, and we’re going to focus on our sh*t first before adding all the other stuff in” she said.

“While I’m happy to hear that for you, I can’t help but think you’re being stupid for skipping a detail that should be shared” Nika replied.

“I’m willing to take that risk because I don’t think it is a risk” Paige reasoned “The risk would be to miss this moment that we have taken so long to get to. You know what she has meant to me. I mean this is the girl that changed everything for me. Azzi isn’t like the others; they were nothing compared to her. The past, present, and future has always been and will always be Azzi” she declared.

“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you” Nika told her friend. “I hope this works out for you and I’m just being paranoid about things” she said.

“You are and I appreciate you having my back, but this is nothing you should worry about” Paige replied.

“I see a bowl for one, are you two all sharing things now?” Nika asked.

“No, she had to go to class. She was running late and had to book it out of here” Paige replied. “So, this breakfast of champions is just for me” she smiled.

“This should be fun to watch you puke this up in practice, you do know that this is conditioning week” Nika laughed before Paige nearly spit out all of her cereal.

“I think I’ll have toast. Toast sounds so much better now that I think about it” Paige said as she poured her bowl out in the trash can.

“Yeah, I think that’d be the best option for you twin” Nika stated.


Taking down as many of the notes as possible, Azzi was finding that writing down what the professor was saying was hard to keep up with. Looking around at the others in her class, Azzi wondered if she was the only one that was struggling to keep up with the note taking, and as she feared, she was. Once class ended, Azzi gathered her things as she tried to recall where her next class was. Since she stayed the night over at Paige’s dorm room, Azzi didn’t have a chance to get her schedule to see where her other classes were located at. Looking on at her phone to see that Paige had text her stupid memes of someone running around like a crazy person, Azzi just laughed and made a mental note to hit her on sight.

“Let me guess, it was a cute guy that caused you to be late?” Michelle asked as she came up to Azzi in the hallway.

“What?” Azzi asked, confused as to what Michelle was alluding to.

“Running in late, was this due to first set of brown eyes with a six pack?” Michelle teased.

“No, I just lost track of time” Azzi replied. “I meant to meet you this morning as I got lucky in remembering where this class was” she said.

“You’ll be fine. Once you get the first day over with, then you become a pro” Michelle told her as they began to walk down the hall.

“Well thank you for the vote of confidence” Azzi stated “I just wish that I was able to keep up in there with all the terms and deadlines he was giving us. I mean the notes on the story were hard to keep up with” she said.

“Then you will love me, because I’ve taken his other classes, so I know how crazy he is when it comes to giving notes. But I’ve mastered note taking for his class” Michelle said before she reached in her bag to pull out a sheet of paper to hand over to Azzi.

“You really are like a guardian angel to me right now” Azzi smiled as she looked on at the girls note “This is insanely detailed; you have a very keen eye for notetaking” she said.

“I tend to pay close attention to detail, I don’t like to miss anything” Michelle told her.

“Well, I appreciate your attention to detail. Anything I can do to repay you, just let me know” Azzi told her.

“You do realize that I follow the girls’ basketball team and I happen to know all about the NIL deals that each of you have…” Michelle began to say.

“Chipotle on me. Just pick the time and place, I will treat you so long as you provide the notes” Azzi quickly replied.

“I’m going to hold you to that” Michelle replied.

Grow As We Go - Chapter 3 - writergurl2828 - pazzi (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.