Why Did My Fudge Remain Smooth After Beating? | Ask Nigella.com (2024)

Full question

Hello, I made the Vanilla Fudge and despite whisking with electric beaters at the end the fudge was smooth and not grainy. Can you please tell me where I went wrong?

Our answer

Nigella's Vanilla Fudge is a traditional fudge recipe that is made by boiling butter, milk, condensed milk, sugar and golden syrup to soft ball stage. The fudge is then beaten as this makes the fudge slightly crumbly rather than chewy. Beating the mixture encourages the formation of small sugar crystals, which leads to the crumbly texture. The crystals may not be noticeable in themselves but the fudge mixture will thicken and turn from shiny to matte in appearance. When it sets, the fudge will be slightly crumbly when cut and should melt in the mouth.

It could be that there was an expectation of large sugar crystals rather than smaller ones. The beaten fudge will still look quite smooth and you will not notice large crystals when you eat the fudge. If the fudge is very soft and slightly chewy then it is possible that it did not quite cook to soft ball stage and next time the mixture should be cooked to a slightly higher temperature (soft ball is 112-116c/235-240F and a sugar or candy thermometer can help). Otherwise it could be that the fudge cooled too much before it was beaten. The mixture will thicken naturally as it cools and beating it enough once cooled is more difficult. Let it cool for a few moments but not for too long.

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Why Did My Fudge Remain Smooth After Beating? | Ask Nigella.com (2024)


How do you keep fudge smooth? ›

Grainy Fudge

If the melting sugar splashes onto the sides of the pan, it turns back into crystals and causes the fudge to seize up. To avoid this issue, swirl the pan instead of stirring it with a spoon. You can use a wet pastry brush to wipe down any sugar that sticks to the sides of the pot.

Why did my fudge stay soft? ›

If there is too much evaporation, when the cooking time is too long, there will not be enough water left in the fudge and it will be too hard. Conversely, if the cooking time is too brief and there is not enough evaporation, too much water will remain and the fudge will be too soft.

What to do with failed fudge? ›

Options for what you can do with your unset fudge:

OPTION 1) Depending on how runny it is, you can either use it as a frosting for cakes, or a sauce for ice-cream. OPTION 2) Freeze it overnight. Cut it into squares. Cover each square thickly in melted chocolate, ensuring no part of the fudge is exposed.

How to fix dry crumbly fudge? ›

In the oven - wrap the fudge in foil with a tiny bit of water, perhaps 2-3 teaspoons and bake at a low temperature (120-140C or 248-284F) for 10-20 minutes, or until the fudge no longer feels/looks dried out.

What should fudge look like after beating? ›

Beat the mixture until it just loses it's shine and becomes very thick (this should take about 5-10 minutes). The longer you beat once it starts to thicken then the more crumbly the final fudge will be. If you like it smooth - beat it only until comes away from the sides of the pan and sticks well to the spoon.

Should you stir fudge while it's boiling? ›

Avoid Stirring Once the Mixture Comes to a Simmer

Another key part of a successful fudge texture is when you stir the mixture. Stirring the sugar and milk during the initial stages of cooking allows the sugar to dissolve. However, once the mixture comes to a boil, it's time to put the spoon down.

Can you make fudge soft again? ›

Grab the saucepan that you initially used to cook the fudge and toss the fudge back in along with 1 ½ cups of water and a splash of cream. Adding some cream of tartar is a helpful way to keep the sugar crystals at bay as well — it's not essential, but if you have some, definitely pour a little in.

What happens if you don't stir fudge? ›

By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals. Stirring would help sucrose molecules "find" one another and start forming crystals. Stirring also introduces air, dust, and small dried bits from the walls of the saucepan—all potential seeds for crystal formation.

How to keep fudge moist? ›

Place the fudge in an airtight container and separate the layers with wax paper so the pieces don't stick. Avoid storing fudge long-term in cellophane bags or tins, which aren't airtight and can dry out the fudge. Just transfer the candy to your preferred container when you're ready to gift it.

What's the difference between smooth and crumbly fudge? ›

Smooth fudge often has a rich and decadent flavour. Crumbly fudge, as the name suggests has a more granular and crumbly texture. It is made with similar ingredients to smooth fudge but cooked to a higher temerature or for a shorter time than smooth fudge.

What causes gritty fudge? ›

Once the sugar has dissolved and the mixture has come to a boil, do not stir it. If you do, the sugar can crystallize, giving your fudge a gritty texture. As you beat the fudge, pay attention to color and texture. Once the fudge loses its sheen and thickens, put down your spoon.

How do you make fudge creamy and not grainy? ›

By cooling the fudge prior to agitation (like in the recipes included in this article), on the other hand, you'll get much smaller, finer sugar crystals and a finished fudge with a smooth, creamy texture. Cool the mixture until it reads 120° F on the thermometer—no stirring. This can take 1 to 1/2 hours.

What is the secret of making great fudge? ›

The trick to good homemade fudge is to cook the ingredients to the right temperature to form a sugar syrup, and cool the mixture properly so the texture of the fudge turns out smooth and firm, but soft enough to cut.

How do you make fudge more solid? ›

How do you fix fudge that is too soft? Bring the fudge back to a boil with 1–2 US tbsp (15–30 ml) of cream. If your fudge is soft or runny, it probably didn't come up to a high enough temperature while it was cooking. Put it back into the saucepan and add 1–2 US tbsp (15–30 ml) of 35% fat whipping cream.

How do you keep homemade fudge soft? ›

Place the fudge in an airtight container and separate the layers with wax paper so the pieces don't stick. Avoid storing fudge long-term in cellophane bags or tins, which aren't airtight and can dry out the fudge. Just transfer the candy to your preferred container when you're ready to gift it.

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