What Is The Difference Between Snickerdoodle And Sugar Cookies? (2024)

Understanding the Difference Between Snickerdoodle and Sugar Cookies

When it comes to cookies, there are countless varieties to choose from, each with its own unique flavor and texture. Two popular options that often get mixed up are snickerdoodle and sugar cookies. While they may look similar at first glance, there are some key differences that set them apart. Let’s take a closer look at what makes these cookies distinct from each other.


One of the main differences between snickerdoodle and sugar cookies lies in their ingredients.

  • Sugar Cookies: These classic cookies are made with a simple combination of flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and vanilla extract. The dough is rolled out and cut into shapes before baking.
  • Snickerdoodle Cookies: In addition to the standard cookie ingredients, snickerdoodles are flavored with cream of tartar and rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking. This gives them their signature tangy flavor and slightly crispy exterior.


Another noticeable difference between these two cookies is their texture.

  • Sugar Cookies: Sugar cookies are known for their tender and crumbly texture. They often have a smooth surface and hold their shape well, making them ideal for decorating with icing or sprinkles.
  • Snickerdoodle Cookies: Snickerdoodles have a slightly chewy texture with a hint of crispness on the outside. The cream of tartar in the dough gives them a unique chewy and tangy quality that sets them apart from sugar cookies.


When it comes to flavor, snickerdoodle and sugar cookies offer distinct taste experiences.

  • Sugar Cookies: These cookies have a buttery and sweet flavor with a hint of vanilla. They serve as a blank canvas for various toppings and decorations.
  • Snickerdoodle Cookies: The combination of cinnamon and sugar coating gives snickerdoodles a warm and slightly spicy flavor. The cream of tartar adds a subtle tanginess that sets them apart from traditional sugar cookies.


While snickerdoodle and sugar cookies may share some similarities, such as their round shape and deliciousness, their differences in ingredients, texture, and flavor make each one unique. Whether you’re in the mood for a classic buttery treat or a tangy, cinnamon-kissed delight, both of these cookies have something special to offer. Next time you’re craving a sweet treat, consider the differences between snickerdoodle and sugar cookies and choose the one that best suits your taste preferences.

Happy baking!

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What are the main ingredients in snickerdoodle cookies?

Snickerdoodle cookies typically contain flour, sugar, butter, eggs, cream of tartar, baking soda, and cinnamon. The cream of tartar gives snickerdoodles their distinctive tangy flavor.

How do the flavors of snickerdoodle and sugar cookies differ?

Snickerdoodle cookies have a unique flavor profile due to the addition of cream of tartar and cinnamon, which gives them a slightly tangy and spicy taste. In contrast, sugar cookies have a more neutral, buttery flavor with a hint of vanilla.

Are there any differences in the texture of snickerdoodle and sugar cookies?

Yes, there are differences in texture between snickerdoodle and sugar cookies. Snickerdoodles are often chewy with a slightly crispy exterior, while sugar cookies tend to be softer and more tender.

Do snickerdoodle and sugar cookies have different appearances?

Yes, the appearance of snickerdoodle and sugar cookies differs. Snickerdoodles are often rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking, giving them a slightly cracked and cinnamon-speckled exterior. Sugar cookies, on the other hand, are typically cut into various shapes and decorated with icing or sprinkles.

Can snickerdoodle and sugar cookies be made using the same recipe?

While both cookies share some similar base ingredients, the addition of cream of tartar and cinnamon in snickerdoodle cookies sets them apart from traditional sugar cookies. However, it is possible to modify a basic sugar cookie recipe to create snickerdoodles by incorporating these distinctive ingredients.

What Is The Difference Between Snickerdoodle And Sugar Cookies? (2024)


What Is The Difference Between Snickerdoodle And Sugar Cookies? ›

Snickerdoodle cookies have a unique flavor profile due to the addition of cream of tartar and cinnamon, which gives them a slightly tangy and spicy taste. In contrast, sugar cookies have a more neutral, buttery flavor with a hint of vanilla.

Why are they called snickerdoodles? ›

The Joy of Cooking claims that “snickerdoodle” comes from “Schneckennudel,” a German word that literally means “snail noodles.” Schneckennudels don't have anything to do with snails or noodles, though—they're actually delicious-looking German cinnamon rolls.

What is another name for sugar cookies? ›

The name Nazareth cookie came from the people of Nazareth, Pennsylvania who came from Germany. The cookie later took on other names in other countries. In England they were called sugar biscuits as well as jumbles. Sugar cookies were also called gemmells, crybabies, gimbletts, cimbellines, jumbles, and plunketts.

What is another name for a snickerdoodle cookie? ›

Snickerdoodles are often referred to as "sugar cookies".

What flavor is snickerdoodle? ›

A classic snickerdoodle tastes like a sugar cookie generously flavored with cinnamon. And if the recipe uses cream of tartar, the cookie also tastes a little sour and tangy.

What is the number one cookie in the United States? ›

The chocolate chip cookie is far and away America's favorite cookie This should come as no surprise to anyone who enjoys the tasty treat. More than 53% of American adults prefer the cookies over the next most popular kind, peanut butter.

What is the most popular cookie flavor in the world? ›

What is the most popular type of cookie? It might just be this one. Ever the crowd-pleaser, the chocolate chip cookie is renowned for its balance of richness and sweetness.

Are shortbread and sugar cookies the same? ›

They're both delicious cookies, but different. Sugar cookies are lighter, while shortbread is dense. Shortbread is more rustic, while sugar cookies work best for cutting and decorating. Sugar cookies will have a leavening (baking powder or soda) while shortbread has a short and simple ingredient list.

Why do people like snickerdoodles? ›

“Good snickerdoodles are light and pillowy, with a sweet tangy overall flavor, and a glistening cinnamon crust. They are easy to make, require few ingredients, and require no chilling time in the fridge. Plus kids have fun rolling them into balls and coating them in cinnamon sugar. What's not to love?”

What is the difference between a snickerdoodle and a cookie? ›

Snickerdoodles are often rolled in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar before baking, giving them a slightly cracked and cinnamon-speckled exterior. Sugar cookies, on the other hand, are typically cut into various shapes and decorated with icing or sprinkles.

Why didn't my snickerdoodles crack? ›

Cracking occurs from several chemical reactions during the baking process. If some of your cookies aren't cracking, it could be because those dough balls were less round than others, the dough became too warm, your oven isn't heating evenly, or (most likely) the cinnamon sugar coating wasn't applied as thoroughly.

What were sugar cookies originally called? ›

The First “Real” Sugar Cookie

Created by Dutch settlers in New York, and referred to as a koekje, this was the first cookie to use an alkaline leavener known as “pearl ash”, and was the real catalyst in the creation of today's modern cookie. But the koekje still had far to go.

What is the sugar cookie slang? ›

Where one is to roll in the sand or dirt while PT-ing, then continue PT-ing to look like a sugar cookie themselves. There's also a sand hill named after this term in 29 Palms, for this same reason.

What does the word "snickerdoodle" mean? ›

1931s Joy of Cooking claims the term snickerdoodle is based off the German word Schneckennudel—a German pastry whose name literally translates as 'snail noodle'. A Schneckennudel is a yeast dough roll that more closely resembles a cinnamon bun, not a snickerdoodle cookie.

What is an interesting fact about snickerdoodles? ›

The Joy of Cooking claims that snickerdoodles are probably German in origin, and that the name is a corruption of the German word , a Palatine variety of schnecken. It is also possible that the name is simply a nonsense word with no particular meaning, originating from a New England tradition of whimsical cookie names.

What were cookies originally called? ›

"Early English and Dutch immigrants first introduced the cookie to America in the 1600s. While the English primarily referred to cookies as small cakes, seed biscuits, or tea cakes, or by specific names, such as jumbal or macaroon, the Dutch called the koekjes, a diminutive of koek (cake)...

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