The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

P9 6 THE PALM BEACH POST, TUESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1 95 1 Renew Lampshades IWWMmmmmmmMMMMMMMmmmm Society VI ews 1 1 i BSBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBSBBBBB f-SlSW IllfllllPlll times Diocese Workshop Planned For City Under the direction of the Rev. Clarence W. Brickman, chairman, and Miss Polly Telford, field worker the Dept. of Christian Education, Episcopal Diocese of South Florida will hold a workshop at the Holy Trinity Church Parish Hall.

Meetings, all on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, are: Sept. 26 and Oct. 3, 10, 17 and 24. These meetings will be divided into three periods. At the first the Rev.

J. Sax-ton Wolfe will speak on "The Faith of the Church." A guest speaker is being arranged for the second. Special interest groups will be held at the third, with the following in charge: Mrs. D. W.

Sanderson, pre-school; Mrs. James Knott, primary; Robert Miller, juniors; Miss Doris Hackney, intermediate; Miss Polly Telford, youth. These meetings are not just for teachers, it is being stressed, but for all interested parents and adults. A small registration fee will be made. TCESDAY, SEPT.

Bethsda Recreation Club pinochle party at Currle Park, 2:30 pm. Catholic Daughter! of America aoclal meeting at 343 Connlston 8 pm. Memorial Presbyterian Women of the Church business and luncheon meeting at the church, 11 am. Holy Trinity Auxiliary executive hoard at parish house, am. Northwood Baptist WMU at the church for business and program meeting, am.

Porter-Raulersnn Auxiliary. VFW, ta IOOF Hall, 8 pm. First Baptist WMU executive board luncheon meeting at home of Mrs. Charles R. Dorsey, 303 Marlborough 10:30 am; R.

Kelly White YWA supper meeting with Miss Fran Ramer. POO Hollywood Place, 6 pm; followed by State Missionary Week of Prayer program, Business and Professional Women's Club dinner In observance of national BPW Week at Hotel George Washington, 7 pm. Harrv A. Johnston, speaker. Union Congregational Women's Assn.

executive board meeting at church, pm. Association meeting. 8 pm. B'nal B'rith Women hoard meeting at Scher Hall, 630 Fern 8 pm. wagg Menfoiial Methodist Wagg Circle meets with Mrs.

Frank Pileggl, 917 Macy St. First Methodist Cn-Op Class business meeting and covered dish supper home of and Mrs. R. Cecil Bender, 430 Hibiscus 6:30 pm. Area Men Pledged By l)F Fraternities The formal rush week activities of the University of Florida were climaxed last Friday at Gainesville by the fraternities' issuing and the subsequent accepting of 422 invitations for young men to become pledges.

According to a news release by the Inter-fraternity Council and the Office of Advisor to Student Activities the bid list included the following area men and the fraternities to which they will be pledged: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Samuel L. Heller, Lake Worth; Beta Theta Pi, Bill Wagner, Lake Worth; Alpha Tau Omega, Rosario Pete Aiello, Edward B. Davis, John F. Kirk, Frank Augustus Mathis, Charles R. Norwid, John Schuyler Parke, Frank D.

White, Joseph S. White, West Palm Beach; RicFfard Owen, Palm Beach; Samuel S. Varn, Ft. Pierce; Robert Eugene Mosley, Charles Edwin Tisdale, Robert Peckham Valentine, Lake Worth; Sigma Alpha Epsilnn, David Morrish, West Palm Reach; Kappa Sigma, Robert Thomas Keating, city; Phi Gamma Delta, Edward Mitri Kassatly Palm Beach; Pi Kappa Alpha, John Graham Talbot. Herb Von Bargen, Delray Beach; Phi Kappa Tau, William Franklin Hasel-mire, city; Sigma Nu, William Rush, city; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Edward Enns, Glenn Harned, Ft.

Pierce; Tau Epsilon Phi, Jack Schocoff, city. Ready to heat and serve. Just like Chinatown's finest! Carton contains a can of Meatiest Chow Mein, can of Chow Mein noodles, bottle of Soy Sauce. Serves two four. PERSONAL MENTION THE ABOVE GROUP WILL REPRESENT the different pastors who two-week vacation with his mother, he left this weekend for New York.

Mrs. Dan Gorman (Rosemary Defily) has returned to her home in Chicago after spending two Weeks here as the guest of Mr. nd Mrs. Charles G. Follin, 8721 Faseo Andalusia.

have been connected with the First Baptist Church when the latter presents its play depicting the church's history at he 50th anniversary celebration Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. In the front row, left to right: R. JSmmett, Gus Johnson, P.

O. Edwards; back row, John S. Simms, JT Myron Tedder, James Stanley and Ernest Farmer. Mr. Emmett takes the part of the Rev.

H. H. Sturgis; Mr. Johnson, the part of the Rev. E.

B. Jenkins: Mr. Edwards, the part of the Rev. W. L.

Savage; Mr. Sims the part of the Rev. C. V. Waugh; Mr.

Tedder, the part of the Rev. W. H. Hubbard; Mr. Stanley, the part of Dr.

C. H. Bolton; Mr. Farmer, the part of the Rev. R.

Kelly White. Sam Quincey Photo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller have returned home to 350 Brazilian Ave. after pending three months at Hendersonville, NC.

Spring Recovery Plan! KEEP that old lampshade recover it or make a new shade on the old Rail Accord Is Seen WASHINGTON, UPl Rep. Mansfield (D-Mont) said Monday he was told by President Truman that it is possible a settlement of the labor dispute of railroad brotherhoods may be forthcoming soon.N After a White House visit, the Montanan told a reporter he had discussed both the railroad troubles and the strike of copper workers, called by the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union. frame. Ten smart ideas here! IN THE CITY FOR FREE RECIPE BOOK. Robert A.

Carlton, agricultural wrltti laChoy Food Products, Division of Seattle! roods Co, Archbold, Ohio. Dept. NO. Mr. and Mrs.

Jerry Flick, who spent the weekend with Mrs. Flick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair, 159 Root Trail, have returned to Miami, where Mr. Flick will resume his studies for a certified public accountant at the University of Miami and Mrs.

Flick has accepted a position as a second grade teacher at the Flagami School. will be shown at 7:30 tonight at the loggia of First Presbyterian Church, before Scout Explorer Post 64, according to Lawrence L. John L. Moore, son of Mrs. John L.

Moore, 736 Sunset eails today from New York with 25 other students for England where they will begin two years of Studies as Rhodes scholars. A graduate of Graham-Eckes School in 1947, Mr. Moore received his degree magna cum laude from Harvard last June with a major in government. After spending a ALICE'S BEAUTY SALON 137 Third St Phone 7684 North Side of Conrt House agent for the Seaboard Railway will be principal speaker at the Kiwanis Club luncheon at noon i Wednesday at Hotel George Wash Allen, post advisor. Modern or period shades in Pattern 597.

Step-by-step instructions; 10 shades or shade covers. Laura Wheeler's improved pattern makes crochet and knitting so simple with its charts, photos and concise directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENJS in coins for this pattern to The Palm Beach Post, 64 Needlecraft P.O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11. NY.

Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, ADDRESS and ZONE. ington, according to E. F. Stumpf, secretary. Children's Story Hour programs will be held again at the children's department of Memorial Library Miss Viola Jo Eassa, 800 Granada has returned from a two weeks trip during which she visited the University of Indiana and friends at Bloomington, Ind.

Monthly potluck dinner of members of Voiture 290, 40 8, and their wives and children, will be held at the American Legion Home at Boynton Beach at 6:30 tonight, according to Drury Dixon, correspondent. Dinner will be followed by a petite promenade of Voiture members. beginning Saturday morning, Oct. 6, Miss Ninette Nebil, children's OPEN HON. THROUGH SAT.

REGISTER YOUR CHILD NOW FALL TAP and BALLET GLASSES NOW FORMING Each child enrolled will be eligible for theatre and television librarian, announced. She said time for the sessions held at Teen Town during summer months has not yet been set. Class Confirmed By Bishop Bram A class of communicants, prepared by Bishop Martin J. Bram while he was rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, were confirmed Sunday at the church by the bishop. The class, presented by Robert D.

Tylander, lay reader, included: Mrs. Elva B. Bostwick, Miss Marilyn Elva Bostwick, Erie Warren Thompson, Boynton, Mrs. Evelyn May Thompson Boynton, Miss Nancy Marie Crist, Mrs. Audrey Baird Divine, Mrs.

Nancy Weaver Hadley, Henry K. Herpel, Mrs. Patricia B. Herpel, William C. Holt, Miss Helen K.

Keil, Mrs. Mabel S. Lewis. Mrs. Agnes Gertrude Long, Otis C.

Mcintosh, Miss June Delores Oatway, Leon Thorton Owen, Mrs. Margaret McMillen Owen, Miss Ann M. Prescott, Mrs. Maudie Braley Quincey. Robert D.

Rnose, Charles Joseph Sharitz. Mrs. Bertha Christine Wildes, Miss Mary Lee Wildes. John Joseph Downey, of St. Andrew's Lake Worth, prepared by the Rev.

Mason A. Frazell also was in the class. $5.00 MACHINE MACHINELESS COLD WAVE Mrs. Lloyd M. Miller, daughter, Miss Nancy Miller, and son, Gary Miller, 820 36th leave today for New York from where they will sail Oct.

5 for Weisbaden, Germany to join Maj. Miller, who is with US Army headquarters there. 3009 Vincent Rd began classes Friday as a sophom*ore at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. David Morrish, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred D. Morrish, 200 Edge-wood has begun his freshman Appeal for social service and motor service volunteers is being made by the County Chapter, American Red Cross, chapter offi Name formerly Small Beauty Salon Notice this offer Includes Hair Cut, Shampoo, Set A Dry Representatives of 18 civic and veterans organizations here will meet at 10 am today at the offices of the National Cash Register 655 S. Flagler to map plans for observance of National Employ-1 the-Physically Handicapped Week which begins Oct. 7 according to T. H.

Copeland, temporary chair-1 man. I cials revealed. Social service vol unteers are asked to contact Mrs. 'year at the University of Florida where he has been pledged to Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He FRED ASTAIRE DANGE STUDIOS 121 S.

DIXIE AIR-CONDITIONED PHONE 3-5805 James E. O'Donnell, phone 4283, Mr. and Mrs. Benson J. Welp, 825 36th were called to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Sunday by the death of Mrs.

Welp's mother, Mrs. Albert Thompson in San Diego, Calif. Alice Hicks Owner, Manager was graduated from the St. Pauls School, Concord, NH, before going to Gainesville. 201 Evernia Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 am-12 noon.

Motor service volunteers are asked to contact Mrs. Louise Jones at the same number. Miss Edna Salter, 933 37th and MPs. O. E.

Breatt, 717 N. Lake Worth; have returned after spending a month at Hot Springs and Pine Bluff, Ark. Fresh Caught Key West Jumbo SHRIMP lb Grade Ga Shipped, Dressed Drawn Lt. James D. Sturrock, will discuss "The Human Element in "Flight" at 8 tonight at the weekly 8883d Volunteer Air Re serve Training unit meet at Bldg.

Birth Announcements Sept. 23 Pfc. and Mrs. George C. Hopkins, Jr.

(Barbara Widell), announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Lynn, at the Brooks Air Force Base Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Hopkins, 2801 Lake city, and Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Widell of Curundu, Canal Zone, formerly of this city. T166, Palm Beach International FRYERS Florida, Grade A Medium EGGS Airport, according to Capt. Dwight H. Holstlaw, public information Willis M.

Townsend, son of Mrs. F. L. Paul, 3802 Russell has enrolled in the Professional Training Program of the American Theater Wing, New York City, founders of the famous Stage Door Canteen. Townsend has appeared in three Broadway successes, "Follow the Girls," "Oklahoma," and "Annie Get Your Gun." "Hot Flashes" Stopped or strikingly relieved in 63-80 of cases in doctort'tests If you're miserable from the "hot Bashes," and accompanying irritable, restless feelings of "change of life" you may be suffering unnecessarily! For in tests by doctors Lydia Pinkham's Compound and Tablets brought relief from such unctionally- caused suffering to 63 and 80 (respectively) of the women tested! Complete or striking relief.

Yesl Research has proved these medicines thoroughly modem in action has shown you where to look for relief Jrom those distressing, nervous, "out Ol sorts" feelings of mid-life So. Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound or new, Improved Tablets, lth added Iron I Wonderful, too, lor tht Junctional pains ol menstrual periods.) It arts through a woman's KfMl sympathetic nervous svslera WlSMllfmQ awful "aet w.vm"1 AH professional, graduate and practical nurses in this city are invited by Dr. Joseph R. West, West Palm Beach medical aid PLQJ Libby's Strained hom*ogenized BABY FOOD 7 jars FREE Plastic Bowl with each purchase chairman for the County Red Cross Chapter, to attend a meeting at 8 Sept.

13 Garner S. Autry, avation electronicsman, 2c USN, and Mrs. Autry, (Marilyn Day), announce the birth of a son, Garner Simpson, 3d, at the US Naval Hospital, Pensacola. Mrs. Autry is the duaghter of Mr.

and Mrs. B. F. Day of Sebastian. tonight at Good Samaritan Hospi Elmer L.

Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Morton, 910 34th has returned lo the University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.

for his junior tal, the second in a series of sessions on disaster procedures. Jupiter Woman's Club Sponsors Card Party JUPITER A canasta party, sponsored by the Woman's Club was held Friday. Attending: Mr. and. Mrs, Erwin W.

Fisch, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. W.

F. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Pen-nock, Mr.

and Mrs. Jerry Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.

Neil DuBois. Mrs. Fred Ikwild, Mrs. Kelly Oglesby, Mrs. William Sauter, Mrs.

G. Ward Baxter, Mrs. John Ziegler, Mrs. Arthur Gribe, Mrs. Marie Cross, Mrs.

William R. Albright, Mrs. Kenneth Patterson. Mrs. Tress Al-brecht, Mrs.

E. Payne Skinner, Mrs. William McCahan, Mrs. Ollie Wilson, Mrs. R.

E. Damon, Mrs. James Bryce, Mrs. Earl Barnes, Frank J. Laird, Bill Brown Meyers, Joe Skinner, John Sherry Meyers.

year. CENTRAL MARKET 803 So Dixie Opp Lakeview Ample Parking in Rear Prices Effective Through Friday Quantity Rights Reserved Movies of atomic bombing In Japan during World War II and Marvin U. Mounts, son of illustrations of a mock atomic at Mr. and Mrs. Marvin U.

Mounts, tack on a large industrial area FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION REBUILT PORTABLE ELECTRIC Aug. 11 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Masterson, Palm Beach and Heidelberg, Germany, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Thurston, at the US Army's 130th Station Hospital, Heidelberg, US Zone of Germany.

The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Masterson of Palm Beach.

Mr. Masterson, a Department of the Army civilian employe, works in the civilian personnel office of Heidelberg Military Post, SIX LEAVE FOR COLLEGE JUPITER Six young Jupiter men left recently for college. They are: Trevy Wilson, Arthur DuBois, Charles Minear, Drew Morrison and Dwight Wilson, University of Florida, and Alden DuBois, Emory University. FULLER BRUSHES Personal Household PHONE 6731, W. P.

B. BUDGET BEAUTY BAR 314 SO. DIXIE TEL. 3-3079 EXPERT BEAUTY CARE AT BUDGET PRICES! SPECIAL WAVE 3 COMPLETE! NO APPOINTMENT NKCESSAEI fa Closed Wednesdays if BUT LOCALLY FOR LOCAL SERVICE 4 DAY SPECIAL sooso JOIN ARTHUR MURRAY'S "OVER 40 CLUB" See How Easy It Is To Stay Young Ace Re-Built Parts Guaranteed LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD MACHINE NEW ELECTRIC MOTOR NEW LUGGAGE TYPE PORTABLE CASE NEW SPEED CONTROL NEW SEW LITE FULL CASH Have Wonderful Times PRICE EASY TERMS Don't sit back and watch the younger set have all the fun! Come in and join Arthur Murray's "Over 40 Club" and have good times yourself. You'll learn all the new dance steps, regain lost confidence, develop new grace, make new friends.

Come In or Phone 3-4433 Open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. 230 Guaranty Bldg. PHONE NOW FOR nR Ar Bigger, Better Package of Service yet up in price far less than most things you buy! FREE WW HOME DEMONSTRATION Cook what you vet with CUSTOMERS WITHIN 50 MILES CALL COLLECT FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION OR SEND COUPON FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION mmm ACE SEWING VACUUM CENTER 517 SO. DIXIE WEST PALM BEACH "I would like a Free Home Demonstration without obligation to me.

COMPARE THESE SAVINGS i rates in the overall have gone up less than fourth as much as prices in general. ALWAYS ONE of your biggest bargains, telephone is today an even better buy than it was ten years ago and a smaller part of your family Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. A. B. Dooley, Florida Manager A DOZEN EGGS is still a dozen, and a pound is still a pound.

But the "package" of telephone service you buy grows larger and larger. TODAY IN FLORIDA, you can call more than IVi times as many local telephones as you could ten years ago. And the service is better. Yet with all this extra value Florida telephone You get friendly, understanding, fast service! If "YES" promptly to 4 ut of 5 men, women married or single. Come in write phone TODAY.

Get one-visit loan if you phone first NAME SAVE 5.58 en a $100 loan SAVE $12.06 on a $200 loan SAVE $21 .78 on a $300 loan Abnvs savings are based on a comparison with the maximum small loan rate permitted in Florida. The comparison is made on an 18 month repayment plan. ADDRESS F.D Loans $10 to $300 CITY fhsmA wit mkis to iv rrr ESftEEE Jxxituy it Mint tonnr. FINANCE CO. Sc Big fn Setvkt to Little in CoU SALES SERVICE RENTALS ACE SEWING VACUUM CENTER FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 517 SOUTH DIXIE WEST PALM BEACH Ground Floor, Harvey Bld.

204 SO. OLIVE WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. Phone 2-3769 Charles W. Preffer, YES MANager Loans made to residents of all snrroundlng towns.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.