The News from Frederick, Maryland (2024)

I DEATHS Mrs. James S. Simmons. Word has been received sere the cea'3 of Mrs. Agnes McKinstry S.mwife of James S.

Simmons per winter home, Pass-a-Grade, Fa, Wednesday naga: paralysis. a daughter 0: Morseca: C. 34c- soosy, Un.on Briage. ado :0. torce: Judge G.emu H.

Worthington, one Sae M. 20 cin ce: and In- aCC Jaege Hamaced Urnes, taus cay. sos, termen: N.agara Fails, N. Guy Ea Bowers. Guy Base: Boners as core Curve' Tairsday morning 0: agec 39 years.

He a'as a member 0: toe C. Cauca, Beceice. He surviec by h's mice, Jr. Susan Boners, ers, Norman, Edward, Oreg02, and Alder: and Coarles, sister, Mrs. Salty Judder, Funera: Saturday leaving souse 2 o'cLock, services we she size U.

B. Rev. P. Interment 12 cerevery May C. Weedon.

Thursday even- C. ing at 10.15 Meecioch at Henryzon sanaMay corium, aged years, four months and three days. She leaves her parents, N. Weedon and wife, 210 Broadway, Fredence; three sisters. Anna Helen and Evelyn G.

Weeall home; grandparents, Jacob Weedon and wife. Funeral Sunday 12.30. Services Asbury M. E. church.

Intermen: in Fau cemetery. Alber: V. Dixon, funera! director. WEDDINGS Hahn- Shuffler. A quie: bu: pretty wedding was ennized Saturday 6.30 o'clock at St.

John's Catholic church by Rev. Pr. when Katharine Lurenia Saumer, daugater ct Dir. and Mrs. Irving L.

Shuffler, became the bride of Charles F. Hahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Hahn, th's cur.

They were; accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Witam A. Zimmerman. They Tall reside 235 East Fourth street.

AMONG THE SICK Me. Lewis H. Knock, West Second! :3 undergoing observation the: Frederick City Hospital. Mrs. Raymond R.

Shank, North College Parkway, who sustained a severe fracture of the radius bone and dislocated right elbow sereral days ago, is improving. Mr. C. F. Hartman, East Third who was operated upon for appendicitis: at the Frederick City hospita: Monday, is improring.

JEss Emily Ruth Myers, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Myers, 250 DIt avenue, who was operated upon for the Frederick City Hospical Taursday, is improving. ROYER -GALL Pretty Wedding In Thurmont Lutheran Church.

One of the prestiest weddings of the season was perforced in John's Evangelical Lutheran church. Thur-, Thursday morning 11 o'clock when Miss Louise Gali. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cari Gall, became the bride of Samuel T.

Roger. Deerfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Rorer.

The double ring ceremonies was by the pastor, Rev. H. Corbett. The bride was an a white sports costume with shoulder corsage. of gardenias.

She had as cat.on of honor her sister. Mirs. Ross Smith. who wore a pink sports costume with white gloves. snoes and a corsage of pink sweetpeas.

The bridesmaid was' her aunt. Miss Margare: Creeger, who; wore a blue sports costume wish white' gloves. shoes and stockings and a corsage of blue The best was Raiph Williams, Washington. and the usher, Gilbert Summers. ed with palms and flowers of the seaThe church was a a attractively a son.

Before the ceremony STO organ nurcoers, Dawning" and Premise Me" were played by Miss Ethel Eyler. the organs. During the cero-, mony a teno: "The Sweetes: Story Ever vaS sung by the br do's uncle. Roy Creegar. accompanied by Miss Eyler.

Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast 325 held 2: acme of the bride for members of wedding party and the immediate famites. The roung coupie def: later the day for Trenton. J. The bride and groom are graduats of Thurmon: high school and the versing of Maryland. They will estab-.

Bish their residence later in the sumze: Pa. where Mr. Rorer :5 accultura: teacher in the Somer-. se: high school. Braddock Pool Opening.

Plans hare been completed for the forma. opening of cite Braddock Hash's swimming pool. which wit take place Tuesday a system of regtias hours The 200: will thereafter be coen ca week-dars from 9 30 in the morning 9 in the etening and An Sundar from 30 the 8 in the Precautions are betaken 30 keep the pool santary. and one of the added features will ice the free s-imming and daring lessons g. Te: :0 he morning.

3 be riven in the afternoon. GATES as nanage: and Rober: Lack.o is tie guard. Market Prices wheat. bu .43 Corn. 5b.

$1.65 Lire Stock and Produce. :::7 10 33 43 ConS 1C 10 But's .23 :0 Calves 3c :3 2: 23: 33 :0 Hogs to 4c. Image 380 43 Will Rogers Decides Convention Is Destined For History Or Ashcan BY WILL ROGERS. Special to The News. Chicago, June the old Republican Contention of 1932 vent unto either history or the ashesn three thirty this afternoon.

Ou: Joe Scot: from California, an' 0:3:07 from a crop of orators. Mr. Hoover and Joe be didc't Pu: bus up: be sard something. tripled tongue elocution bound 072 Holy wood. Joe no: only nominated Hoover but the Olympic gacces, 20: even Democrats barred.

Joe up the hardships 103 10 the early days Then mothers had 20 drug stores and a of clergymen. and showed under the gudance of Herber: Hoover tea: all those bad been recused. He In :33: a under Democrat Pederal control, mo: hercood would again be-, a burden Bu: our Joe did 103. And. I sared 23 "Injun" Charley Curtis 10: 17.00 presidency.

rasca's was ready :0 stab him re caugh: So its the same old raudentle seam Hoover and Curs. Ther nominated Hoover bu: after fight. Curtis Beat 3 Good Men. Cures bea: three good men, all IS especially a promising telow, bu: he's go: plenty of Damocracy and the righ: 0: tree speech that you hear so much abou: 3 setback there today. Ex-Sena-.

France ranted to withdraw his nance and propose the nance Carin Coolidge for Well machine jus: bundled him right and threx him into the alley. Tha: was the real of the The only war you could go: Carin Coolidge's came convention rould hare been pare come in under an assumed During the ravings the accomplishments the Republican no: one 3'25 ever made age, so when Snell and his strong-arm men stopped France and, threw him off, there is no poscabine: job can ere: be :00 high. them. 12,000 Democrats in Galleries. Las: nigh: was a real session.

sounded lite something, but because chare was thousand Democrats in the galleries. Eighteen of nineteen thousand last night, but the one thousand! a vote. So there wasa': a vose. a car lead. From COW 00 you will just hear two kuads of arguments over probibition.

one denouncing the Hoore: plank and the other fellow tryE 10g to explain 2:. The Resolutions Committee jus: go: 3 doucnary apiece and found all the possible phrases and tha: didn': mean anything. then go: together and called Its Cry to the morning and becomes wetter as afternoon wears 0. offers 20 solution or 20 dranss Bu: prolong argumen: Tre press boys accused me 0. ins Joe Scott's speech.

H. Mencken 135 backing candidacy of Senator France he had been elected. The American Mercury would have replaced the Congressional Record. A lady with orchids on her bas320 i made plea tor the return PrOSperity. Like 3 Country Picnic.

ge: :0 see my old friends. Ono Glee Club, they def: They were good stagers and ane and white they dressed tase they brened up a mighT dum I rake at times. Bu: tase to 30. rasa': bad convention. And they are kind 'er like a country picnic: rou mee: a to: old friends from everywhere and see all the newspapers boys again.

course there has pus: go: :0 be so I much "hooey" and "boloney" those things. 30 matter aha: parr :5 producing the scor Bu: you do have to hand to the Republicans. They come her to do something and they did They may no: be specI taculas, Now for but ther Chicago. ge: She results. did herself proud, and the boasted drinking d'da': shor up.

I don': think was mora's that prevented 1: I think was the hard tames. Bu: was very Tell benared. The police were courteous and Ace. The hose's gave very reasozable and splendid service. So Chicago made 3 good record and proved M's been mighty maligned in the past.

Nox she is over and don't you darn Demo-. crass go underrating these 1X0 boys. they 80: up. You better pick your best, and then may the bes: team win- is, the best fo: the country. be 15 Demo-! 0: Republican.

for a hand in any business now needs en-, couragemen: and especially 1 guid-: ing the biggest business in the world Lord, what 3 tough time to bare a country 02 your hands! See rou 35 the Democrats. where they wit de: anybody nominate everybody. BEHIND THE WA WASHINGTON -WITH RODNEY DUTCHER BY RODNEY DUTCHER NEA Service Writer. June -The idea that the :932 Democratic National Conrention oil reproduce the famous massacre which the party staged in Nex York elga: years ago is impressive chiefly because It's such 8 horrible thought. No one takes it very serious- Er.

Bus there are so many parallels betreen the position of William G. Adoo in 1324 and tha: of Governor i Franklin D. Rooserel: today that it would only sake the efforts of a couple of thousand hired hooters from the Chicago back streets to create the illusion of another Mad son Square Garden convention. The sudden decision of the Roosevelt forces to put over Senator Tom Walsh of Montana as permanent chairman at Chicago is the lates: development tending 10 increase the resemblance. A Picture of 1924 One of the outstanding memories of 1924 is of old Tom.

in white ganneis as permanent chairman, banging aTty Fo: order. grimly and impartially presiding over that madhouse fo: a numared ballots and more. He was one of the ten men who came out of that with all his tail feathers. After is was over they tried to ges him convention :0 take the rice presidential cominabu: he refused. He was the McAdoo choice fo: perm-.

acen: chairman that year. the Rooserel: choice now. Roosevelt, like McAdoo-and like Bryan before McAdoo is the candidate: of the south the west. Nearly all I his delegates come from those two secLions. Fis firs: strength dereloped among the southern days and the western Progressives.

He is regarded as the most progressive of the rarious Democratic aspirants and possible "dark: horses." In these respects his on paralle's that of McAdoo in 1924. A Parallel Almost the same group eastern; bosses. allowing for deaths and the fact Chas Tammany has no: ye: declared itself for or agains: him, is opposing Roosevelt as opposed McAdoo. Here again. in general terms.

is an array of a dry. progressive, west-south elemen: a xet, conservative, eastern. machine boss element. The fact that Roosere': hansel is from New York and that he is near as dry as McAdoo saves the presens picture from being identical. but the reserbiance is stim strising.

Al Smith Again consider the fact tha: A. Smith is leading the comers as he ted The forces Madison Square Garden. As Wales Nears 38th Milestone Still Deaf To Wedding Bells BY EDWARD STANLEY London. June aorid's mos: eligible bachelor and It -ain's i popular "young man" be 38 rears old on June 23. He is Edward.

Prince of Wales. her the throne of the British Expire beiand as matrimonially as ever. Many are the sighs and heart-burnings and many are the rumors, but the answer is always the same -nothing to There isn't the slightest doub: of his popular and a cere: vanes. of this isn't due to his coral position. because England has had within CEO.tury kings and princes who were ed and booed in pubic.

A great deal of it is Que to his modest almost shy dem.eanor an public and an almost uncanny snack of his has advisers for doing tine right thing. When Gertrude Lawrence was asic to a chant; performance which the prince was blessing with hs presence. the organ called him in one Wales upon the appearance of an music had artist. down if not cut. The 3.6 time tried a new act, made a hat and was prompts booked.

The prince's part was nerer heraldad to the public. but you can be sure was known along Shaftesbury Ares.ze How he found out the old bor nested help is the prince's secret. an orphanage, a cos underfoot and the trod cn his toes. Wales Nox you can. step on mine.

Patrick." and the bor did. Tact ARe hardy nerds advice. In his public appearances Wales ser.ous. He s. more or less.

representunz the throne on hos occasions. He praks none ton rel. out no: badly Ms manner is Fie puts a casa an conversation. He hard the and if same. are last night's blue circics.

'he ro Endord avs nas 2 co: for king. yelis for the Prince of Wales. THE DAILY NEWS, FREDERICK, FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1932. FIVE 1924.

he will have the largest Arst pale: vote next to the leading No one thought be could be nominated 12 1924 and no one thinks be can de in 1932. The eastern bosses go: behind hun then for the purpose of stopping MeAdoo. Today they are behind 1:131 for purpose stoppinz derences 10 ice picture bere are tha: Smth is CON much more a party than he was eight years: ago and ye: is hardly to attract any a bere near as many delegates 03 any ballo: this rear as he had during mos: 0. the New York convention. Dc Adoo's 14 Delegates 129 of all there be Ram M.

Adoo head.n; the 44 delegates of California which are Redged to John N. Garner. McAdoo :5 10: or South. case a deadlock an which Garner's chances seemed vanish. MeAdoo conceivably play a deciding role 3: Cracago.

Reports from say the delesates would be more dels 10 as wishes than those 01 Gasper or anyone else. They argue agains: Roosevelt, as trey did agains: MeAdoo, tha: be can't car- ry the 5'8 eastern stares And many of Ransevelt's retort. as did McAdoo's and Bryan before him. tha: can carry everything in the nest and south sex: November and hence won need the eastern group. The Parallel Ends The parallel begins to fade, however.

when you compare Rooseve's chances before the convention with MeAdoo's 12 :924. Some sensational break may ye: hurt but so, far no oil scandals have risen to plague and block him as they did MeAdoo and. there 'S 20 nasty religious row such as made the comination impossible and caused the convention eventrally :0 be called a shambles. a'so appears that Roosevelt star: on the Airs: balo: with more delethan MeAdoo did and he has a majority. as McAdoo never had.

the end 's to be in sigh: the begunning. Among County Women's Clubs Ijamsrille Woman's Club. Miss Beulah Hogarth was hostess to the Ijamsvilie Woman's Club on Mon-! day evenng. The meeting HaS pre'sided over by the president. Mrs.

Harry 'C. Swomier. "Through the Night" was sung and the collect read by Mrs. V.ncent Biser. The roll was respended :0 by nine members and one visitor with a "Health Rule." After a short business session 3 discussion on interior decoration and flowers was heid.

Miss Hogarth showed an Interesting collection of drawings in color by the Ijamsrille school chlidren. The club prizes for the four bes: drawings were won by Pauline Wolfe. first. and Lows Hurst, second. in room and Cartie Hogarth, first, and Charles Bell.

second. in room 2: Rev. Mr. Lutton and Mrs. Lutton and Mrs W.

A. Enzland were the judges. The number of scaris reported made by I club members was 14. Recreation. al "Flower guessing contest" was conducted by the hostess, Mrs.

Swomier reiceired the prize. Delicious refreshments were served. The nex: meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Vincent Bise: on June 27 Then a display of cut Lowers will be held by the members. Sunshine For Housewives.

Old Sol's rays hare taken a prominent place among the natural medicines. Bu: it's the housewives, sar physicians. who are most likely to suffer from confinement and a lack of health-giving sunshine. They are advised to forge: about wiping off those Last few specks of dust on the bring furniture and even leave a bed two unmade. if necessary--in order get our in the fresh air in summer Garden Club Expresses Thanks.

The News-Post is in receipt of a letter eral from chairman Mrs. H. of the Orth. the recent Flower 'Show which was put on by the Garden Club of Frederick expressing the thanks of the club for the co-operation of the local papers in making the show 3 success. The letter :5 appreciated.

Would Miss The News. A subscription genera! from Inglerood, coming to The News 10- day. relates the satisfaction of another subscriber. "I rould miss The News very much if I didn't take writes Miss Berne 3 Harrison. of Inglewood.

asking tha: be: paper be continued. a few drops of olive oil are added to water when washing chamois leather groves they wail not became hard or stiff. The Saharajan of has an annua: income from hs estate of $10.000.000. LOCAL MENTIONS The Regular Dance Furnace Ford Saturday Nite. Four trends.

be there. Dixie Serenaders. Dance 8.30. Modern Apartment Par Rent Apply Weil Bros. 4:0 North Marge: St I Wish to Announce to the Public hare purchased a Co: of and heifers.

an5 furs? coming out the pest of meat prices from :38 30 20c per 13 cred. F. GEISINGER Md. Phone Card Party. Mall.

M-. Pleasant. Frida; June 17. at 8 o'clock Refreshments--Prizes 250 Auspices Pleasant School. Shoes Repaired While Wait.

Best Work Mien's sales sexed or naded Guaranteed for sux months' Miler's Shoe Repairing. 33 Kemp's Wish To Announce 2a: 7... be in Men's Department etery Saturcay. June 11'h. :2 to 30 in Mr.

Roderick wit be glad to see and sore his rang trends KEMP'S STORE FOR MEN Separate Entrance, E. Pauses St. LOCAL MENTIONS Dr. C. L.

Baller, 31 North Market street. wishes :0 announce that he is now prepared to do specialized work in the cop -surgical of foot ailments. New and U'sed Furniture. Cash or Credit FREDERICK BROKERAGE CO. 69 S.

Marke: 'Phone F. H. Despeaux, Ag: MISCELLANEOUS. START BREEDINO GENUINE NEW and White Rabbits We Smal! pie: 1. 3.

$225 needed :3 Pa: and streets Pa PIANO TUNINO AND RADIO REPAIRING 5 West 13th Albert 6-6-426: C. Palmer FOR SALE. FOR SALE -UPRIGHT PIANO FINE CON. Wes: :3:3 6.::.24: FOR, SALE Ha'ter -CHOICE Sundsi. FRYING CHICKENS 'P2339 1009-R 6-15-32: FOR SALE -SLIGHTLY USED FRIGIDAIRE R'Th: Quick buye: App' Post.

Box :509 FOR SALE -LARGE WAX CHERRIES Posse 1531-F-1 R.rAy SP: CHERRIES FOR SALE -8: BOX. BY THE: crate. the A J. 3 FOR SALE -CHERRIES VERY FINE R.p Senate 'Phone 1803-F-12. 6-11-47: PUBLIC SALES.

PUBLIC SALE --OFVALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY a decree of the 10: Frederick County. passed 0n the 16th day of May. 1932. in the case Ida Clarke 15 Kenne, al. No 12.492 Equir.

on the docke: court. the undersigned trustee will at public sate 3: the Courthouse door in Frederick City. Frederick County. Maryland, on SATURDAY. JUNE 16.

1932. the hour c.ock. 1: 'ha: rea! estate which Mary died seized and possessed, in the of Yellow Springs, Frederick County. Maryland. and consisting of a tract of land situated the pastie bichasy in the village of Yellow Springs.

and described In deed from Francis Staler Mars Staler. dated October 16, 1331. and corded in Liber No 380. 436. 02C the land records for Frederick County This land :3 improved alth drellins house concrete block, tour rooms, and bas been occupied by owne: Teams Sale as Prescribed by the the purchase money :0 be paid on the day of sale or upon the thereof br the court.

the balance in six months. the purchaser or purchasers her or their notes with approved security. bearing interest from day of saic. or cash at the option of the purchaser A of $230 will required the purchaser on the day sale Cost of conregancing at expense of the purchaser WILLIAN: M. STORM.

Trustee TRUSTEES' SALE -OFVALABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Earl W. in No 4863 Insolrents. said property being in Linganore District. Frederick County, Maryland. Br virtue of an order of the Circuit Court for Frederick County.

Maryland, passed 12 No. Insolvents, upon the Insolvent Docket of said Court, The Peoples Bank of et are and Earle W. Kipr. also known as E. Kipe :5 the the undersigned permanent trustees.

duly elected and appointed said Insoirent cause. by said Court. wili sell in Linganore on farm known as the John C. Nusbaum farm. and upon which the said Earl W.

Kipe now 02 the 24TH DAY OP JUNE. 1932, at the hour cf 10 o'clock a. m. all the personal property. SIX HEAD OR HORSES AND MARES AND ONE COLT.

brown mare, Maud 1 brown horse. b.ack horse, Harry': 1 black mare. 1 black horse. Bob', grey mare, and suckling colt. 17 HEAD OF MILCH COWS.

HEIFERS AND BULL. I red com. 1Guernsey cow. Guernsey cow. Jersey cox.

1 brindle cox. 1 Guernsey cox. 1 red cox, 1 white cox. 1 blue-roan 3 black spotted cows. 4 heifers, ages from 6 20 months, some with call.

I buil 12 25 acres of growing wheat ca the said farm. 8 acres of Barley. 8 acres corn. 1 International riding cultiva1 McCormick-Deerinz 3 since shovel plows. 23-100th tere: 13-7 single disc Superior grain Deere corn planter.

2 3-shovel drags, 2-105 W.ard barshear plows. rood frame 24-16 dis: Buckere cult packer. 1 set Iron wheels and aX. with frame. 5 single trees.

2 double tree. 3 triple trees. 1 4-horse tree. 10: of jockey sticks, 1 Auburn xagon. 001 MicCormick-Deering GRAIN BINDER.

grinder and bagger 10-24 hay rake. 1 5-f: MILWACKEE MOWER, 1 Black Hark manure spreader, 1-4-skela and bed, 1-8 h. D. Quinsy 1 stretcher.

2 breast cha.ns. bay cargos. 1 wood saw. 1 sled. 1 2 SPi3 breechbands.

4 sets from: harness. 2 sets of front harnets. 6 zagon br.d:es. sungie harness. 2 wagon lines.

7 horse: I wagen saddie. 1 Nash car. 1925. 255073, 8858. 1 Star car.

1925. 266072. No 249129. 1 10-ga! milk can. 3 milk cans, 2 5-za: mitt cans, 2 1 sanitary ice box, 1 butchering table.

2 pair check Term of -As proser.bed b7 Courts Na property $3 be paid tor. EDWARD SMITH. WILLIAM STORM. PRINCETON BECKET. Glenn Permanent Trastees, Trout.

Auctioneer Raymond L. Kelly, Clerk. 22 Used Car Bargains. 1931 Ford Coach. 1930 Ford Sport Coupe :930 Standard Ford Coupe 1930 Ford Coach.

1929 Ford Coach. 1 :323 7a75 1923 Dodge Truck State bod; ar.d dua: shee's. 1930 112 ton Ford Truck body and Qua: 1929 :2 102 Ford Truck. See W. Rippeon.

FREDERICK MOTOR CO Best Fountain Service In The C.o PEOPLE'S SERVICE DR.CG STORES LOCAL MENTIONS Special. Fifty gallons of Interio: Te'umina Fiat Wall Pain: in various colors 3: $1 35 per galion-formerly sold at $2 60 per gallon thus line twenty-five gallons 0. Sun Proof Paint discontinued $2 00 per callon FREDERICK PAINT GLASS STORE 'Phone, :424 Frederics. Maryland Another Big Dance At Doubs Switch Monday night. June 20 Music by Jolly Siring Band Special features Guess case and cake wais Admission, 350 and The Portrait of the Bride will be in the sears to come You wit: be interested in pictures me.

hare made of other brides 04: studio today and make your appointmen: EDMONSTON STUDIO. 6 Eas: Second Big Fruit Sale and Band Concert Me. Yard John Brown's. Va. Thursday June 24 kinds fruits and poJune 23 50 :7 It tatoes.

John Ace: Ear. P. Clerk. Announcement. The Board of Go.

ernors and Managemen: Heights Swimming Pool. In: the opening of the 310: 10 take place on! Tuesday. Sure 31. :932 Swimming lessons be den in the morning tree charge, and classes be formed fo: Lessons fo: aho are divinz and competition an Apati sports take! place in the alternoon from. 3 30 4.30.

Persons interested in entering any of the events will please register no: later than 5.30 P. m. Monday, June 20th. Improvements have been made on the grounds of the pao! and saniprecautons have been taken. The poo: be open from 9 30 a :0 9 m.

and. by appointment. fo: parties :0 0: more any tire. 35c-Dance-15c. AT BARTONSVILLE SAT NITE.

Come Enjor a real dance. Croi hall--Ho: music. We desire :0 thank our neighbors and trends for their kindness and sympathy during the ness and death of our son Harry A. Tinney. A so i for dowers and use of automobiles.

-MR. AND MRS. HARRY TINNEY. Dance--Saturday Nite--Hollywood. A SELECT ORCHESTRA.

Card of Thanks. Specials For Saturday. Med. size Ivory Soap. 5c 5 pound pig.

Soap Chips. 29c (Bring us your soap coupons.) Blue Diamond Santos Coffee, 13 2 pound can Cocoa. 3 cans malt for $1 00 Large bottie Heinz New larger size Heinz B. Full Rune of Home- Made Baskets. oz.

bottle Grape Juice 5c A. I. HOFFMAN. Phone 155:. 319 W.

South St. Birthday Party Given. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stroud.

191 W. Saints St. gave a birthday party in honor of their daughter. Ernestine. who is seven years old.

Guests were: Mrs. Alice Urshier Dailey. Pauline! Reid. Ellen Reid, Marceline Brown, Catherine Brown. Tizzie William Chase.

Thomas. Rachel Dixon. Jackson and Ernestine Stroud. Dance--Look Girls Look. A free ticket will be given to the firs: 10 ladies arriving at FISHER'S this Friday Stock Reduction Sale millinery which formerly soid from $1.98 to $3.98 beginning Thursday.

June 16th. Your choice tor 49c. Entire stock at reduced prices. THE SMART HAT SHOP. Formerly The Gross I hare installed an electric shoe ma-: chine to do firs: class work cheap.

Work caned for and de A. J. FORD. Phone 692-J. 408 N.

Market St. Home- -Make Ice Cream. 40c quart. SUPERIOR DAIRY. Roy L.

Crun. Prop. Bids Invited. Tre Mayo: and Aldermen lavite sea.ed proposa's for fifteen pairs of trousers land Alteen caps for policemen. cloth to be 14 ounce guaranteed all woo: blue serge.

bids must be in the hands of the Mayor and Aldermen no: later than 30 p. m. Wednesday. June 22. 1932.

THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN. Rent-A-Car Drive Nex lox raves. Taxi Cab City FRANCIS SCOTT KEY GARAGE Phone 1378. For Rent. House located 0:4 Park.

Immed.ate possession Appl7 PHILIP WERTHEIMER. Dish Pan Sale. Grade Ora: White Enance: Dish Pans. quarts 30 4 quarts 853 ALLEN QUINN CO. For Sale.

kinds second hand Pipe from 1 8 inches: I-Bears, and Angie LoD for Building purposes. FREDERICK JUNK COMPANY. Frank Gastley. Prop Phone 383. Office Warehouse- Chapel Alley Between Third and Fourth S's.


CAPITAL OF $100,000.00 SURPLUS $800,000.00 OFFICERS JOSEPH D. BAKER, Chairman of Board. HOLMES D. BARER, President. JOHN H.

BAKER, Vico-President. JOSEPH MCDIVIT, l'ice-President. WILLIAM G. ZIMMERMAN, Cashier. SAMUEL G.




LUTHER RICE. HELP DESTROY DEPRESSION cot by quarreling with but oy adjustiu; ourselres to If you casso: drive cylinder car drive four. but why drive four if FOU may purchase six fo: the sarce price. this six room modern brick Compare dwelling 00 Park offered fo: only $3,500 with any other property of much higher price. Two thirds left 13 property 13 destred.

A res! opportunity for the cariy bird. A JOB AWAITING YOU. 8 room modern brick dwelling for tourist business, with cement block modera alling station Including one acre fo: camping purposes, located on Highway. Nay trade on 21 acres on Highway pear Frederick, dwellCity property ing with electricity. gravitation water system.

A real opportualty for tourist and station business. PARMS POR SALE of any size, price and location. Po: information, opportunities, satisfactory service and conscientious advice, don': fail to consult Rice. P. LUTHER RICE REAL ESTATE 'PHONE 1484 29 EAST THIRD 91.

5-14-dt! NOAH E. CRAMER SON. Eighty acres located about three miles cast cf Frederick and ace mile portb of National ten acres in timber. tea acres la meadow and balance wader Improved with dwelling. barn sad all necessary Ano spring of Tater.

win sacrifice $1200. due :0 death 12 family. Nine acre Berry Farm sea: Troutritle. 1m- proved with six :0050 frame dreillas house, and all necessary outbuildings. 11.000 Missado3 strawberry plants.

2,000 blackberry and 800 raspberry bushes has prospects of $1,000 laccme this year. Buy this property and cash la Immediately. Prica $2.000. NOAH E. CRAMER SON.

114 COURT STREET. FREDERICK, AD, 'PHONE NOTICES. ORDER NISI ON AUDIT NO 12451 In the Cour: 10: Frederick Counts. la Equity. May Term.

1032. Albert S. Brown. Trustee named :3 the Moritage from Rosa and Eccent the Frederick County, Marriand. On Petition.

In the matter of une to: Report the 15th day of June. :932. That 022 the dav :932, the Court proceed to act apon Report the Med as aforesa.d 12 the above cause. :9 and the same, cause to the be shown before said day: provides a COPE of th.s order be $02.0 ape: in Frederics Countr. seres days PHOT 19 437 Dated day June.

1232. EXX HAUGH. of Cour: G. HANGE. die ORDER.

NISI ON ADIT NO :2331 EQUITY. 1a the Court For Fraserick County. 13 Mar Term, 1332 Baker. N.do7. al.

1.7.372 Brat ace matter of 'he Ate Report da? Ordered. That on 43: :332. Court proceed a-: pen Report the Aled 35 abore cause. to Ana.o and conarm the same. cause the therect De shown before ca day.

de3 copy of order 5a shot Sewspaper in 3: 'onet cars pr.o: 33.1 CAT. Dated day 31 Jav. 19,2 ELI HACGH. Clerk of the Ic: County Stoner and Storm. Trae COP7-Test: EL: HACGH.


PUSLIC SALE -OF- virtue of the ed States. the of Sand. passed 02 4:6 da? 1332. care N-: a7.3 5300 3. pab.c 0 the prom304 Tr County.

Maryland. on the 10TH DAT OF JONE. :932. 01. 00 6 close dose: to: C.7.

bAT.AZ 2 3: South and 163 3 and .9: desod in deed from 30 7 Swann and STar. dodeared. Nor 24. and recorded in NO :5. 563 Ane Land improved br a TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE.

as 204 bath and 3 23:229 805p Ta.s a med.ate possess on be upon sa.c A same and proper: he WERNER PLATER PIANO. tent cord a tarzo one 1924 Ford road- Torme sale real estate -Cach on or the Cour: A ct $500 be the 02 day sale c.sts cf converaneinz at the exof the purchaser. Personal property. Cash. ALBERT COBLENTZ, Trustee.

STAR FURNITURE CO. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. 50 used refrigerators, ad discs, $4 10 $12 0). 120 base rugs (arr) $2 25 -7 Lt be bed and a. chea and household ere: and description.

and s.g: ny used, cabeard of ces Core and so convinced that can bal. We vi trade ye-r 10. Your 3: 15 here. STAR FURNITURE CO. 323-325 North Market Street, Fredertex.

Maryland. The Then rough 'em roung "me. lead 372 that up hare Fore to came. party of bodily sible for cut repeat had in AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. LATE ESSEX SEDAN PINE CONDITION.

A real bar. West 13'n Street. FOR SALE :925 DUMP TRUCK. IN 02 A Trear, So. S' Phone 10-J.

WANTED. WANTED -ANY KIND OP WORK WHICH be done home. 135 Th WANTED -JOB ON DAIRY FARM. 30 Can furnish plenty Can are references. W.

608 6-17-43? WANTED -COOKING AND HOUSE WORK 10 d3. caced. Apply 317 East Boc924 CHICKS FOR SALE. WE WILL HAVE FOR SALE APTER If JULY heavy assorted mixed chicks. ordered three weeks in advance.

Also custoca hatching Chick Hatchery. Walk'Phone 7. 6-15-d14t BABY CHICKS -BARRED AND WHITE Rock: S. C. Reds.

White Wyandottes and Bus Orpingtons. $7.00. Jerse; Black Glaats. $:2 00 Heary assorted. $5 00.

Also started ch. Custom hatching. We buy poultry and eses Phone 439. Sid Chick Hatchery, 116 Eas: Patrick street. 6-10-48t HELP WANTED.

WANTED -YOUTHFUL EXPERIENCED, ciass wattress. chambermaid. laundFess, S'ate rages wanted. Write Box 1701 care News- Post AGENTS -TO CALL ON SUMMER BUNGAlows, sure sale call. commisExperienced men oniy.

Wonderful Fern Lab. Dept. 8. Allentown, Pa. $1260 YEAR -GOVERNMENT JOBS.

Mea--women. 18 to 50 Steady work. We coach you for Frederick examination: List particulars. Pree. Write immediately--today sure.


15 Wes: Fifth Apply 13 West Pith St. FOR 5 ROOMS MODera conveniences, 113 East Church St. 6-16-du RENT -MODERN APARTMENT. POSJuly Apply Young and Wiecer. 6-16-412: FOR APARTMENT.

HEAT and bath. 613 N. Market St. possessions Apply Green's Garage, N. Market street.

6-16-d6t FOR APARTMENT. ELEC: refrigeration. hardwood floors, erator Second floor. Big porch. block from Square Corner.

'Phone 1559-J. 6-15-dt? FOR RENT -APARTMENT AND OFFICES. Apply Blue and Grey Beauty Shop, 106 W. Patrick St. 'PLoze 809.

6-15-44t FOR MODERN. rooms; also house. Apply 314 W. South street. TWO NICE APARTMENTS.

VERY REASONable rent. 159 W. Patrick LARGE FURNISHED ROOM OR 4 OR 5- F03m apartment. Idea: location. 526 Trail avenue.

6-11-46: FOR PENT -MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, David 'Phone 915. 6-10-412: POR ROOM BRICK I HOUSE, 2:4 Eas: Apply 109 East St. FOR RENT -FIRST FLOOR APARTIENT c. four Sarge rooms. Apply 202 E.

Patrick street 6-7-dH POOM FOR BUNGALOW ON outskirts of cit7. Gentleman preferred. Must bare references. Write P. O.

Box 523. 6-7-412: To 4. 3 The Prince of Wales. always places and doing things. 15 arris 2 SO: farrar en meeung a fresh engagement.

FOR DWELLING NO. 215 4:3 street. dwellings Nos. 478A W. 234 Patrick.

209 E. Sixth, apartmeats Nos 227 Second and 202 B. Church. Moderate seats. R.

100 North Marke: street 6 FOR FRONT ROOM. PRIrate tach. Furnished or unfuratshed. ply 1:3 E. Church street.

6-3 dtf FOR MODERN CENTRALLY LOcated apartment. 5 rooms and bath. best. $25 00 per month. Apply 6 Eas: Second St.

6-2-dH FOR FLOOR, FRONT APARTmen: Mantz Charles 5-30-dH FOR FOUR ROOMS, 5ath. lights. steam moat. Far3 and garden.

Possession at oice. Moderate pr.ce. 3. 1 Cate. 5-30-dtt SECOND F-002.

3-PE ON APARTMENT 1o7 103 3 Tard St FOR FLOOR APARTMENT, 220 Market St 5 rooms and bath 19- Ta D. Boxers Co. 5-18-cH POR 5-ROOM SECOND App's 43: North Market 5-16-d: FOR HOUSE. 523 NORTH Bentz APPS 431 N. Market street.

5-15-du FOR SIX ROOM APARTmeat modera conveniences. Apply Fachter S-2-4 FOR RENT. AND FLOOR APARTtarnished 07 cafurished. Apply Wes: Third cu POR RENT. DA DAYLIGHT POME.

TEOR3 Rea: drive 5:03 8: cace Apply Lloyd C. Caller. 5-1-CH FOR 6-RCOM HOUSE, 228 Part areace Possession April 1 George Kehne. 5-1-du FOR RENT -SIX ROOM HOUSE ON NORTH Marce: APP.3 to C. E.

724 street serial 380 43 com.

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.