Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (2024)

Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (1)

When taking tamales home, be sure to always keep them refrigerated or frozen in a tightly sealed bag.

To reheat perfectly moist and fresh tamales, we recommend steaming/stovetop.

Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (2)

Steaming/Stove top

Remove tamales from bag and place them on steamer pot facing up.
Add 2-3 inches of water to pot, make sure water does not touch tamales.

For better results, cover pot with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and lid.

Cook on medium low heat.

Suggested cook time:
10-15 minutes for thawed tamales.
20-30 minutes for frozen tamales.

Cook to internal temperature 165 F.

Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (3)


Thaw out tamales in the refrigerator for a few hours before microwaving.
Add to plate, cover the plate with plastic film before heating.

Microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (4)


Yes! You can grill tamales :) This gives the corn masa a smoky flavor and firm masa texture.
Thaw out tamales for a few hours before grilling.

If using a gas grill, preheat all burners on high,
Grill tamales, 4 to 6 minutes suggested. Turn over once, until grill marks appear on corn husks,

If you aren't able to grill outdoors, tamales can be cooked in a hot lightly oiled large ridged grill pan over medium-high heat.

Tamales Info — La Guerrera's Kitchen (2024)


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Tag: Guerrero
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Corn as a staple

Corn is the most eaten staple among Mexican consumers. It is the base ingredient of tortillas, a type of slim flatbread and, one of the most representative and widely consumed food products in the country, used for the preparation of tacos, quesadillas, and other dishes.

Why is it called Guerrero? ›

Guerrero is a state in southwestern Mexico. It was named for Vicente Guerrero, a leader in Mexico's wars for independence. Chilpancingo de los Bravo is the capital city.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.