Ode to Authentic Cincinnati Style Chili (2024)

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How to Eat It Chili Terms 101 FAQs

Chili is a way of life in the Cincinnati region. We all have your favorite "way" to eat this regional dish. It's a must-try. Here's our guide on all things Cincinnati chili.

In the Cincinnati region, chili is done differently. In place of chunks of meat and sizeable beans, you’ll get savory soupiness and creative accoutrements like spaghetti, hot dogs and mustard. In place of an overtly tomato-y base, you’ll taste hints of cinnamon, cloves, allspice and maybe even chocolate. Looking for the best Cincinnati chili in town? Pick your place: the classic and ubiquitous Skyline Chili, its rival chain Gold Star Chili, or maybe a mom-and-pop version like Price Hill Chili, Blue Ash Chili, Camp Washington Chili or Dixie Chili. Grab your fork; it’s chili time.

How to Eat It

  • Heaped with cheese.
  • With a fork, not a spoon. (And cut the pasta like a casserole. Don’t twirl it around your fork!)
  • With hot sauce.
  • Poured over spaghetti, hot dog, fries, potato or burrito.
  • With a side of oyster crackers.

Ode to Authentic Cincinnati Style Chili (2)

Skyline Chili cheese coney (photo: Skyline Chili)

Chili Terms 101

Chili + spaghetti (also called chili spaghetti)

Chili + spaghetti + cheese

Chili + spaghetti + cheese + onions or beans

Chili + spaghetti + cheese + onions + beans

Vegetarian 3-Way
Spaghetti + black beans + rice + cheese

Cheese Coney
Small steamed bun topped with a hot dog, mustard, chili, onions and cheese

Cheese coney minus the cheese

Chili Cheese Fries
French fries with chili and cheese

Chili Sandwich
Small steamed bun with chili, mustard and onions

Oyster Bombs
Adding a dab of hot sauce to an oyster cracker

Written by Elizabeth Miller Wood

Ode to Authentic Cincinnati Style Chili (2024)


What is the distinguishing ingredient in Cincinnati chili? ›

Traditional red chili often includes cumin, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder, though it's not limited to these spices. Cincinnati chili, on the other hand, has a sweeter edge with spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and allspice. Some recipes also use cocoa powder.

What is the 6 way chili at Cincinnati? ›

The chili at this Cincinnati institution can be served plain, 3-way, 4-way, 5-way or 6-way. Learning the lingo didn't take long for Guy Fieri. He ordered the 6-way, which includes everything: chili, spaghetti, beans, onions, cheese and fried jalapeno caps.

What kind of meat is in Skyline chili? ›

Ground beef: We like to use a lean ground beef like 85/15 since it has less fat and makes for a nicer, less greasy chili. Spices: Don't be intimidated by the long list of recipe ingredients.

Why is Cincinnati chili so good? ›

In the Cincinnati region, chili is done differently. In place of chunks of meat and sizeable beans, you'll get savory soupiness and creative accoutrements like spaghetti, hot dogs and mustard. In place of an overtly tomato-y base, you'll taste hints of cinnamon, cloves, allspice and maybe even chocolate.

Can you eat Cincinnati chili by itself? ›

One-way: Just a bowl of chili. Order it like that if you want, but you're missing out. And no one calls it a "one way." Two-way: Chili plus spaghetti.

What is pasta topped with chili in Cincinnati called? ›

Two-way: spaghetti topped with chili (also called "chili spaghetti") Three-way: spaghetti, chili, and cheese.

Why does Cincinnati chili have spaghetti? ›

Originally, Cincinnati chili was just chili spaghetti. It was based on the Greek saltsa kima, which is meat sauce on pasta.

What is the difference between Cincinnati chili and Skyline Chili? ›

Skyline Chili is unique in that it is not chili con carne, the meat dish that originated in (and is the state dish of) Texas. Instead, Cincinnati chili is a sauce usually used over spaghetti or hot dogs, containing a unique spice blend that gives it a very distinct, sweet-and-savory taste.

How to thicken up Cincinnati chili? ›

Make a cornstarch slurry: Mix together 1 tablespoon each of cornstarch and cold water, stirring well to remove any lumps. Then, stir the slurry into your chili and let it simmer for another 10 minutes to fully thicken.

What is the signature dish of Cincinnati? ›

1. Cincinnati Chili. Cincinnati chili is a beloved local specialty that has gained nationwide recognition. Unlike traditional chili, Cincinnati chili is spiced with a unique blend of Mediterranean-inspired flavors, including cinnamon, allspice, and cloves.

What gives Skyline Chili its flavor? ›

I would say the real secret is in the addition of cocoa and cinnamon and the large amount of spices you add. The chili tasted really hot at first, but as it cooked, the flavors mellowed and created that just right blend of spices that makes Cincinnati chili so different.

How are you supposed to eat Skyline Chili? ›

They realize that the only correct way to eat Skyline chili is by using the edge of the fork to cut down vertically through the cracker-cheese-chili-spaghetti mass, so that every bite is a small yet perfectly proportioned combination of spaghetti, sauce, cheese, and a cracker or two.

What kind of onions does Skyline Chili use? ›

-1 large brown/yellow onion (I have seen these called both brown or yellow, just don't use white onion. Red onion is good too, but it gives the chili a different flavor.)

How does Skyline cook their spaghetti? ›

After we've cooked our spaghetti, we mix it with a specially prepared tomato sauce that adds both color and flavor to the pasta. The cooking process is completed by steam heating the refrigerated, prepared pasta before being taken to the steamtable.

What is the distinct flavor in Skyline chili? ›

A favorite from Cincinnati, this Skyline Chili is traditionally served over noodles with piles of cheddar cheese on top! With unique spices like cinnamon, allspice, cumin and cloves, this unique dish is now loved all over the country! DM for clickable link! @thelemonbowl the best!

What is unusual about Cincinnati chili? ›

Cincinnati chili has a flavor all its own

The unique spice blend, texture, and toppings are the three elements that set Cincinnati chili apart from the rest. According to Simply Recipes, many soup and stew dishes get their flavor from the caramelization that occurs when you sear the protein featured in the dish.

What is the flavor of Cincinnati chili? ›

Cincinnati chili is a unique type of chili that's flavored with not just chili powder but lots of other spices, including cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. This recipe was handed down to me by Mom, a Cincinnati native. I like mine 4-way, with spaghetti, raw chopped onions, and grated mild Cheddar.

What gives chili its distinctive flavor? ›

Cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika are the most common spices in chili followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves. These ingredients can be combined to create a savory and well-balanced pot of top notch comfort food.

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