Krispy Kreme launches whole wheat doughnut (2024)

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc., still recovering from the low-carb diet craze that starved the company’s earnings, unveiled a whole wheat doughnut Monday.

The 100 percent whole wheat doughnut with 180 calories has a caramel flavoring and is covered with the doughnut-maker’s original glaze.

Krispy Kreme's other doughnuts range between 200 and 350 calories each, according to nutritional information published on the company's Web site.

“The Krispy Kreme Whole Wheat Glazed doughnut delivers the delicious taste that our customers have come to expect from us,” said Stan Parker, the company’s senior vice president of marketing.

Krispy Kreme sales started slipping three years ago as the company expanded its operations during the height of the low-carbohydrate diet craze. Executives also had to sort out an accounting mess, with the company’s board concluding that two former executives were trying to “manage earnings” to meet Wall Street expectations.

While the stock once traded above $50, it fell to about $4 during 2006.

Krispy Kreme launches whole wheat doughnut (2024)
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