Average Salary in Zambia - Complete Guide 2024 - TimeCamp (2024)

1. Average Wages

In Zambia, the discussion around average salary can be quite complex due to the country’s economic variations and employment types ranging from formal to informal sectors. As of the most recent data, the average salary in Zambia is approximately ZMW 6,000 ($223) per month, but this figure can vary widely depending on a range of factors including profession, education, experience, and region. It is important to note that there is also a significant portion of the population working in the informal sector for whom income can be less stable and much harder to calculate into an average.

Given the disparities in employment conditions, the average monthly salary can give a skewed perception of the actual earning environment. For instance, individuals employed by multinational corporations or within the mining sector may earn substantially higher than those working in domestic industries or agricultural sectors. Consequently, while the average monthly salary might offer an overview, it does not fully encapsulate the extremes of the income scale present in the country.

The formal sector, which includes jobs in government, non-governmental organizations, and established private companies, often presents more structured salary scales and can contribute to raising the average salary in Zambia. However, most of the workforce is engaged in the informal sector, where wages are not only lower on average but also lack the regularity and benefits associated with formal employment.

The disparity between urban and rural incomes also plays a substantial role in the average wage calculus. Urban areas, especially the capital Lusaka, tend to offer higher wages reflecting the increased cost of living as well as higher demand for skilled labor in these regions. Conversely, rural areas have lower average salaries, reflecting the reliance on agriculture and lesser opportunities for formal employment.

Zambia has experienced economic challenges, including inflation and currency depreciation, which have affected purchasing power and real wages. Consequently, while nominal wages might appear to rise, the real income for many workers may not keep pace with the rising cost of living.

The concept of „average salary” must be viewed with an understanding that it represents a wide range of individual experiences within the Zambian job market, shaped significantly by sector, geography, and the dichotomy between formal and informal work environments.

2. Factors that Influence Salaries

The salaries in Zambia are influenced by various factors that can either increase or decrease the compensation employees receive for their work. Understanding these influences is crucial for both employers who determine pay scales and for employees who negotiate their wages or consider career opportunities.

  • Educational Level: As in many countries, there is a direct correlation between the level of education and salary in Zambia. Generally, individuals with higher educational qualifications—such as university degrees—tend to earn more than those with only secondary education or vocational training. Certain fields, like medicine and engineering, require advanced degrees and thus offer higher salaries.
  • Experience and Skills: Work experience and specialized skills also play a significant role in determining salaries. The more experience and the more relevant the skills to the job at hand, the higher the salary that can be commanded. Senior roles typically attract higher pay due to the expertise required.
  • Industry and Occupation: Salaries vary widely across different industries and occupations. For instance, the mining sector is one of the highest paying in Zambia due to its profitability and the specialized skills required, whereas agriculture tends to pay less. Similarly, jobs in finance, technology, and management often come with higher salaries compared to those in education or social work.
  • Location: Geographic location significantly affects salaries in Zambia. Urban centers like Lusaka and the Copperbelt typically offer higher salaries than rural areas, reflecting the concentration of industries and higher living costs in cities.
  • Supply and Demand for Labour: The classic economic principles of supply and demand apply to the job market in Zambia as well. Occupations with a high demand for labor but a short supply of skilled professionals will usually command higher wages. In contrast, if there is an oversupply of labor, especially for low-skilled positions, wages tend to be lower.
  • Economic Performance: The overall economic health of the country affects salary levels. Periods of economic growth tend to lead to increased demand for labor and potentially higher salaries, whereas economic downturns can result in wage stagnation or reductions.
  • Government Policy: Legislation and government policies, including minimum wage laws and tax policies, can have a direct impact on salaries. These policies are designed to protect workers and ensure fair compensation but can also affect business expenses and thus influence how much employers are willing to pay.
  • Inflation: Inflation rates can erode purchasing power and real wages, leading to demands for salary increases to maintain the standard of living. Employers may adjust salaries to keep up with inflation, but this can vary from one industry to another.
  • Corporate Performance and Profitability: In the private sector, a company’s financial performance can influence individual salaries. Profitable companies may offer higher salaries and bonuses, whereas struggling enterprises may cap wages or even reduce them.
  • Labour Unions and Collective Bargaining: The presence and strength of labor unions can affect salaries. Unions negotiate wages on behalf of their members and can secure better compensation through collective bargaining agreements.

These factors are interrelated and can collectively impact the earnings of individuals and the average salary across different demographics and sectors in Zambia.

3. Minimal Wages (Monthly and Hourly)

In Zambia, minimum wage rates are established by the government to protect workers from unduly low pay. These rates can vary by sector and type of work. The Zambian government occasionally reviews and sets new minimum wage standards to align with the cost of living and economic conditions.

As of the latest available data:

  • The general statutory minimum wage for non-unionized workers is approximately ZMW 1,132 ($42) per month.
  • For domestic workers, the minimum wage is set at a lower rate, roughly ZMW 550 ($20,40) per month, which includes allowances for housing and meals.
  • Agricultural workers have a minimum wage that is often different from other sectors, reflecting specific industry conditions, and hovers around ZMW 900 ($33,40) per month, also including similar allowances as domestic workers.
  • Minimum wages for shopkeepers and other related categories are also distinct, typically ranging around ZMW 1,200 ($44,50) per month.

The hourly minimum wage is not commonly discussed in the Zambian labor market as most workers are compensated on a monthly or piecework basis, especially in the formal sector. However, for casual or part-time workers who are paid hourly, the rates must still comply with the overall monthly minimum wage when calculated over a standard working month.

It’s important to note that while these minimum wage levels serve as a legal baseline, actual wages can be higher based on individual worker agreements, the presence of trade unions, and the financial health of the employer. Compliance with minimum wage laws is monitored by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which also handles grievances related to underpayment.

The determination of minimum wages takes into account the need to provide a living wage for workers while balancing the potential impact on employment rates and the competitiveness of Zambian businesses. As such, adjustments to the minimum wage are often a topic of debate among government officials, employers, and labor representatives, seeking a consensus that supports both social and economic objectives.

4. Gender Wage Gap

In Zambia, as in many other countries around the world, a gender wage gap exists, indicating a disparity between what men and women earn for comparable work. Several factors contribute to this gap, including societal norms, educational differences, occupational segregation, and discriminatory practices.

Statistical data shows that women in Zambia generally earn less than their male counterparts. This discrepancy is more pronounced in certain sectors and among certain levels of employment. The gender wage gap can be observed across both formal and informal sectors, though it tends to be larger in the formal sector where wages and job titles are clearly defined. The disparity also increases with higher levels of education and professional status.

The reasons behind the gender wage gap in Zambia include:

  • Societal and cultural influences: Traditional gender roles often dictate the types of occupations deemed 'appropriate’ for women, which tend to be lower-paying roles. Furthermore, women are more likely to engage in unpaid care work at home, which impacts their availability and continuity in the workforce.
  • Education and skills training: While strides have been made towards gender parity in education, there is still a gap in the fields of study chosen by men and women, with men more prevalent in technically oriented higher-earning fields.
  • Occupational segregation: Women are overrepresented in sectors like education, hospitality, and healthcare, which typically offer lower wages compared to sectors dominated by men, such as mining, construction, and technology.
  • Discrimination: There are instances where women are paid less than men for doing the same job or are not promoted to higher positions due to biases and discriminatory practices in the workplace.
  • Labor market dynamics: Women often face greater challenges in accessing full-time, permanent positions and may be more likely to work in part-time or temporary roles, which typically offer lower wages and fewer benefits.

Efforts to address the gender wage gap in Zambia include legislations such as the Employment Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, advocacy by women’s rights organizations, and programs aimed at empowering women through education and entrepreneurship.

Despite these efforts, significant work remains to be done to achieve gender pay equity in Zambia. Policy interventions, employer commitment, and cultural shifts are required to create an environment where women can access the same opportunities and remuneration as men.

5. Highest Paying Occupations

In Zambia, the highest paying jobs typically reflect the demands of the economy, the level of education or technical expertise required, and the overall scarcity of skilled professionals in specific fields. Here’s a list of some of the highest paying occupations in Zambia:

  • Healthcare Professionals: Specialist doctors, surgeons, and medical consultants command high salaries due to the critical nature of their work and the extensive training required to qualify in these roles.
  • Mining Engineers and Geologists: With mining being a cornerstone of the Zambian economy, highly skilled professionals in this sector are well-compensated. Their roles are essential in discovering and extracting mineral resources.
  • Finance Managers and Accountants: Skilled accountants and financial managers who can navigate the complexities of fiscal management, taxation, and financial reporting, especially in large corporations or multinational companies, often enjoy high earnings.
  • Pilots: Commercial pilots, particularly those with experience flying international routes, are among the better-paid professionals in Zambia, reflecting the substantial training and responsibility associated with aviation.
  • Legal Professionals: Experienced lawyers, especially those specializing in corporate law, have the potential to earn significant incomes through salaries and consultancy fees.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Specialists: As technology becomes increasingly integral to business operations, skilled ICT professionals, including systems analysts, software developers, and cybersecurity experts, are in high demand.
  • Electrical Engineers: Electrical engineers, especially those working in the energy sector or for industrial companies, are vital to ensuring the efficiency and safety of electrical systems, making them highly sought after.
  • Human Resources Managers: HR managers play a critical role in managing an organization’s workforce, and experienced professionals in this field can demand higher wages.
  • Sales and Marketing Managers: With the ability to significantly impact a company’s revenue, talented individuals in sales and marketing positions, particularly at the managerial level, are often well-compensated.
  • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs): CEOs and other senior executives who steer entire organizations carry considerable responsibility and earn corresponding salaries, bonuses, and other benefits.

While these occupations are among the highest paid in Zambia, it is important to note that compensation can vary greatly depending on the size of the company, the industry, and the individual’s level of experience and track record of success. Additionally, as the Zambian market evolves and new sectors emerge, the list of highest paying jobs may also change over time.

6. Annual Average Wage Growth

The annual average wage growth in Zambia is an important indicator of the economic health and the standard of living of its workforce. It reflects changes in the income levels of employees, taking into account factors such as inflation, productivity, and overall economic performance.

Historically, Zambia has experienced fluctuating wage growth rates, often influenced by a myriad of internal and external factors:

  • Periods of strong economic growth generally lead to increased demand for labor, which can cause wages to rise as employers compete for skilled workers.
  • In contrast, during economic downturns, companies may freeze or reduce wages to cut costs, leading to stagnation or decline in wage growth.
  • Inflation is a critical factor that affects wage growth. If salaries increase at a rate lower than inflation, the purchasing power of employees decreases, effectively resulting in a wage cut even if nominal wages go up.
  • Increases in productivity can lead to wage growth, as businesses are able to generate more output with the same number of workers, potentially sharing the gains with their employees through higher wages.
  • Government policies, such as adjustments to the minimum wage and fiscal measures designed to stimulate economic activity, can also have significant impacts on wage growth.

For the most recent period for which data is available, the average wage growth in Zambia has been modest. Several sectors, such as mining, finance, and telecommunications, may outpace others due to their profitability and the specialized skills required for those industries. However, the high level of employment in the informal sector, where wages are less stable and formal wage growth tracking is difficult, affects the overall wage growth figures.

The public sector has seen periodic salary increments, usually as a result of collective bargaining agreements and government policy decisions. These increases are often announced to keep pace with the cost of living and are sometimes associated with broader civil service reforms.

Overall, wage growth in Zambia is reflective of both the local economic context and the global economic environment, whereby commodity prices on the international market, particularly copper, can influence the country’s economic fortunes and, by extension, wage trends.

Efforts to improve the business environment in Zambia, diversify the economy, promote investment in value-added industries, and enhance the quality of education and vocational training are all expected to contribute positively to sustainable wage growth over the long term.

7. Compensation Costs (per Hours Worked)

In Zambia, compensation costs per hour worked are generally not as widely reported or analyzed as monthly or annual salaries; however, they are an important aspect of understanding labor costs from an employer’s perspective. These costs include not only the gross salary paid to an employee but also encompass various additional factors such as:

  • Overtime Pay: Compensation for hours worked beyond the standard working hours.
  • Social Security Contributions: Mandatory payments made by employers on behalf of their employees to national social security schemes.
  • Health and Pension Benefits: Insurances and pension contributions provided by employers, which can vary significantly depending on the size and type of business.
  • Taxes and Levies: Taxes imposed on the payroll, like Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), and various levies specific to certain sectors or corporate activities.
  • Allowances and Bonuses: Additional monetary benefits including housing, transport, and meal allowances as well as performance-related bonuses and commissions.
  • Training and Development: Investments in employee development, which can be considered part of the compensation package, especially when it is a job requirement.
  • Other Non-wage Costs: These may include administrative expenses related to the management of payroll, costs associated with compliance to labor regulations, and other indirect costs.

The total cost of compensation is a critical factor for businesses and can influence investment decisions and the competitiveness of Zambian companies, particularly in the international market. Employers must balance providing fair compensation to attract and retain skilled workers with maintaining operational efficiency and profitability.

While the specific breakdown of these costs is not readily available for all sectors, it is understood that industries with higher-skilled labor, such as mining and finance, typically have higher compensation costs per hour due to the specialized nature of the work and the need to adhere to international standards. Furthermore, unionized sectors often have regulated benefits that contribute to higher compensation costs.

Understanding compensation costs is also important for policymakers, who must consider the impact of labor regulations and taxes on employment and business operations. They aim to create a conducive environment for job creation and economic growth while ensuring workers receive fair wages and benefits.

8. Comparison with Other Countries

The average salary in Zambia is influenced by various local factors; however, when compared to other countries, it is essential to consider the broader economic context, cost of living, and the level of industrialization. Here’s a comparative look at how Zambia stands against some other nations:

CountryAverage Monthly Salary (USD)Minimum Wage (USD)GDP per Capita (USD)Unemployment Rate (%)
South Africa~1,200~260~5,800~30
United Kingdom~3,200~1,400~40,000~4

From this table, it is evident that Zambia’s average salary is lower than that of South Africa and Kenya but higher than Nigeria’s. It is also significantly lower than that of developed countries such as the United Kingdom. The differences in GDP per capita and the unemployment rates further contextualize the disparities in salaries.

  • Zambia’s lower average salary aligns with its relatively low GDP per capita, indicating a correlation between a country’s economic output and the earnings of its workforce.
  • The minimum wage in Zambia is comparable to that of its regional neighbors, reflecting similar economic conditions within the region.
  • Despite its lower average and minimum wages, Zambia has a slightly lower unemployment rate compared to South Africa and Nigeria, suggesting that employment rates are not solely dependent on wage levels.
  • In terms of global comparison, there is a stark contrast between the salaries in Zambia and those in developed countries like the UK, highlighting the global economic inequalities.

This comparison illustrates the relative positioning of Zambia within the international labor market and underscores the variance in income levels that are shaped by economic development, labor market dynamics, and geopolitical factors.

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Average Salary in Zambia - Complete Guide 2024 - TimeCamp (2024)


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The average monthly wage in Zambia sits between ZMW 5,200 to ZMW 6,000, which is the equivalent of USD 300 to 350 USD.

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Average Wages

As of the most recent data, the average salary in Zambia is approximately ZMW 6,000 ($223) per month, but this figure can vary widely depending on a range of factors including profession, education, experience, and region.

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Lusaka, Zambia Jobs by Salary
Job TitleRangeAverage
Operations ManagerRange:ZMK 17k - ZMK 295kAverage:ZMK 55,850
EconomistRange:ZMK 10k - ZMK 270kAverage:ZMK 60,000
Human Resources (HR) ManagerRange:ZMK 15k - ZMK 241kAverage:ZMK 66,000
Assistant AccountantRange:ZMK 10k - ZMK 250kAverage:ZMK 23,583
3 more rows

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Pilots and Aviation Professionals: It is a well known fact that pilots are earn a lot, and they are part of the highest paying jobs in Zambia. The aviation industry offers lucrative opportunities for pilots, aircraft engineers, and air traffic controllers in Zambia.

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A family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,309.2$ without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 681.1$ without rent. Cost of living in Zambia is, on average, 45.7% lower than in United States. Rent in Zambia is, on average, 81.6% lower than in United States.

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The value updated to 2023 is ZMK 2,726 (146 USD), and comprises a net living wage of ZMK 2,562 (USD 137) and social security and health insurance deductions for ZMK 164 (USD 9). Workers who earn a salary equal to the amount of the living wage are exempt from paying income tax in Zambia.

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Teacher Salaries in Zambia

The average salary for Teacher is ZMK 6,273 per month in the Zambia. The average additional cash compensation for a Teacher in the Zambia is ZMK 23, with a range from ZMK 4 - ZMK 42.

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THE Government has awarded civil servants a salary increment of K550 across the board effective January 1, 2024.

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An early career Registered Nurse (RN) with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of ZMK 60,000 based on 6 salaries. A mid-career Registered Nurse (RN) with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of ZMK 75,000 based on 9 salaries.

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Agriculture is the main employer accounting for 71 % of total employment, although the mining sector has been the main driver of economic growth.

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Doctors are the best-paying professionals in Zambia, where a doctor can earn around 169,000 ZMW per year. Based on your further specialization and experience, your salary range will grow over the years.

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What is the total pay trajectory for HR Generalist?
Job TitleSalary
HR GeneralistZMK 8,216 /mo
Hr Generalist Manager
HR Generalist IV
May 13, 2024

Is Zambia a high income country? ›

GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) - Zambia, Lower middle income.

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Salary Range of Doctors in Zambia

Doctors are the best-paying professionals in Zambia, where a doctor can earn around 169,000 ZMW per year. Based on your further specialization and experience, your salary range will grow over the years.

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Teacher Salaries in Zambia

The average salary for Teacher is ZMK 6,273 per month in the Zambia. The average additional cash compensation for a Teacher in the Zambia is ZMK 23, with a range from ZMK 4 - ZMK 42.

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Minimum Wages General
CategoryQualifying EmployeeBasic Pay
I· General WorkerK2, 182 per hour to K419, 000 per month
· Cleaner
· Handyman
· Office Orderly
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