Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (2024)

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? Quick Answer

  • Your steak is chewy and tough most likely because the cut of steak was not tender to begin with.
  • Another reason your steak is chewy and tough could be that you overcooked or undercooked the steak.
  • Your steak could also be chewy and tough because you didn't let it rest long enough after cooking it.

We’ve all been there: you grill up a beautiful steak, slice it up, but when you bite into it, it's overly tough and chewy.

There’s nothing worse than a steak that's hard to chew.

While there are naturally tender and naturally tough cuts of steak, more often than not, a chewy steak indicates it was not handled properly.

After years of trial and error in cooking hundreds of steaks, I’ve learned some key reasons why steak can turn out tough and chewy instead of tender and juicy.

Here are seven reasons why your steak is tough and chewy.

1. The Cut of Steak Was Not Tender to Begin With

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (1)

A very tender filet mignon

Certain cuts of beef are naturally more tender than others.

Tender cuts come from muscles in the cow that did little work, like the tenderloin and ribeye. They have less connective tissue, which breaks down into gelatin during cooking, keeping the meat juicy.

Tougher cuts come from muscles that got more use, like the shoulder or leg. They have more connective tissue that needs prolonged cooking with moisture to become tender.

Here are some of the most tender steaks you can buy:

  • Filet mignon. Cut from the tenderloin, this is the most tender (and expensive) cut.
  • Ribeye. Cut from the rib primal, ribeyes have good marbling which keeps them juicy. Same with the tomahawk steak.
  • New York strip steak. Cut from the short loin, the New York strip offers great beefy flavor.
  • T-bone and Porterhouse. Cut from the short loin with tenderloin on one side of the bone, the T-bone and Porterhouse are two of the best steaks you can buy.

And here are some steaks that are naturally a little tougher:

  • Flank steak. From the lower belly, flank steak has loose grains and lots of connective tissue.
  • Skirt steak. From the plate primal, skirt steak has a coarse grain that benefits a lot from marinating.
  • Hanger steak. From the diaphragm, hanger steak also benefits from a good steak marinade.
  • Chuck steak. From the shoulder, chuck steak benefits from low-and-slow cooking to break down its connective tissue.

For tougher cuts like flank, skirt, or hanger steak, I recommend two techniques to help tenderize the meat before cooking: dry-brining the steak, and using a marinade.

Dry Brining Your Steak

Dry brining is one of the best ways to get tender and juicy steak.

Dry brining works by drawing moisture out of the meat through osmosis, then allowing that moisture to get reabsorbed along with the salt and spices. This dissolved salt enhances the natural beef flavor while tenderizing the muscle fibers.

To dry brine, simply sprinkle 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of kosher salt per pound of steak and let rest for 1-24 hours.

As the salt penetrates deep into the meat, it helps the muscle fibers relax instead of contract when cooked. This keeps the meat much more tender and less likely to get chewy. The salt also increases juiciness by allowing the steak to retain more natural juices instead of having them leak out.

Marinating Your Steak

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (3)

Marinating a flat iron steak

Marinating your steak is a great way to add flavor and tenderness to a tougher cut.

Marinating is ideal for naturally tough, chewy cuts of steak that need some extra TLC.

Flank, skirt, hanger steak and other heavily exercised muscles have more connective tissue that needs to be broken down. The acidic ingredients in a marinade effectively work to tenderize the meat before cooking.

Ingredients like wine, vinegar, yogurt, citrus juice and pineapple contain enzymes that break down collagen and connective tissues. The longer you marinate, the more tender the meat becomes.

Allow at least two hours, or up to 24 hours for maximum effect. The marinade permeates the meat, weakening the tough muscle fibers. Once cooked, these tissues transform into tender gelatin instead of rubbery gristle.

Marinades also keep lean cuts like flank steak juicy, as the liquid penetrates and bastes the meat from within.

2. You Overcooked The Steak

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (4)

That one time I overcooked a steak

The number two reason for a tough, chewy steak is that you overcooked it.

When steak is cooked past the ideal temperature for that specific cut, the muscle fibers toughen and contract, squeezing out moisture. The more well-done the steak, the tougher it becomes.

Each cut of steak has an optimal internal temperature to hit when cooking.

Using an instant-read thermometer is the only reliable way to test doneness. Simply insert it into the thickest part of the steak and get a reading within 2-3 seconds.

Here are the ideal internal temperatures for common cuts:

  • Filet mignon. 120-125°F for rare
  • Ribeye, New York strip. 125-130°F for medium-rare

As a general rule, steak should never be cooked past 150°F.

The meat fibers will tighten and squeeze out the juices, leaving you with a hockey puck texture.

Check out our guide on how long to grill a steak and the different levels of steak doneness for more info.

3. You Undercooked The Steak

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (5)

A beautifully cooked Denver steak

While overcooking makes steak tough and dry, undercooking can also create chewy steak for a different reason.

When you undercook your steak, the connective tissue doesn’t have time to break down into tender gelatin.

Meat needs sufficient time and temperature to transform the collagen into gelatin. If removed from the heat too soon, the connective tissue will remain intact. The steak may appear juicier when rare, but can have a chewy, sinewy texture.

It’s especially important not to undercook tougher cuts that have more connective tissue. Brisket, chuck roast, and other tough cuts need prolonged cooking at lower temperatures to get fork tender.

To avoid eating undercooked steak, always use a thermometer to check the internal temperature. Steak should reach at least 120-125°F to begin melting the collagen.

The exception is high-quality filet mignon. With little connective tissue, filet can be cooked to 115°F for rare while remaining tender. For optimal safety and taste, cook your steak to 5°F below the final target temperature— the temp will rise 5-10° as it rests.

4. You Didn't Rest The Steak

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (6)

Resting a tri tip steak

Ever cut into a perfectly grilled steak only to have all the juices run out onto your plate? This rookie mistake turns juicy steak dry and tough.

When steak is cooked, the heat causes the muscle fibers to contract and squeeze moisture to the surface. If you slice into it right away, the juices spill out before they can be reabsorbed back into the meat.

Resting your seak allows time for the juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat. Aim for at least 5 minutes of resting time, up to 10 minutes for thicker cuts. The temperature will rise 5-10°F, finishing the cooking process.

To rest steak properly:

  • Transfer to a clean plate, don’t reuse the cooking platter or juices will reabsorb.
  • Lightly tent foil over the top to keep warm, don’t wrap tightly or steam will make the crust soggy.
  • Resist cutting into the steak right away! Be patient and let it rest.

Proper resting helps keep those juices locked inside the steak, instead of on your plate.

5. You Didn't Season The Steak

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (7)

Seasoning a couple New York strips

You may be surprised to learn that seasoning impacts not only flavor, but also tenderness.

We already talked about dry-brining. Salting your steak in advance helps break down muscle fibers through osmosis. The salt draws out moisture, then allows it to reabsorb, tenderizing the meat.

For 1-inch thick steaks, apply salt up to 40 minutes before cooking. Even just 5-10 minutes makes a difference. Simply sprinkle salt evenly over both sides, use 1/2 teaspoon per pound. For even better flavor, try coarse sea salt or kosher salt. Cracked black pepper also adds a tasty crust when seared.

A steak rub is another great way to add lots of flavor and tenderize the meat. Use spices like garlic and onion powder, thyme, oregano, paprika, cumin or chili powder. Apply the rub up to an hour before cooking so the spices have time to penetrate.

Proper seasoning transforms a steak from bland and chewy to bursting with juicy, beefy flavor in every bite—a key difference between restaurant quality steak and the home cook.

6. You Didn't Store The Steak Properly

Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (8)

How you store steak after purchasing plays a big role in tenderness too.

Mishandling during storage causes the meat fibers to contract and toughen. Here are some storage mistakes that can lead to chewy steak:

  • Storing above 40°F. Cold temperature is crucial to prevent spoilage and keep steak tender. Always refrigerate at 40°F or below.
  • Storing too long. Steak is best when fresh. Use within 4 days of purchasing, or your steak could go bad.
  • Freezing improperly. You shouldn't free your steak after thawing it out. Freeze fresh in air-tight packaging.
  • Thawing too fast. The safest way to thaw frozen steak is overnight in the fridge. Thawing it out on the counter or in a water bath could make it tough.

Follow these handling tips for tender steak every time:

  • Use fresh steak within a few days, or freeze immediately.
  • Marinate steak in the refrigerator, not on the counter.
  • Thaw frozen meat in the fridge overnight, never at room temp.

With proper chilling and minimal storage time, your steak will stay tender and ready to cook.

7. The Steak Was Frozen

While freezing extends the shelf life of fresh steak, it can negatively impact texture and make meat chewy if not done properly.

Here are some tips for freezing steaks:

  • Freeze when fresh. Freeze as soon as possible after purchasing for best quality.
  • Portion steaks. Divide into portion sizes so you don't have to thaw the whole package.
  • Use air-tight packaging. Exclude as much air as possible by vacuum sealing or using heavy-duty foil or freezer bags. Air causes freezer burn.
  • Label with date. Mark the package with the cut and date frozen for easy identification.
  • Freeze at 0°F or below. Colder is better for long-term freezing.
  • Thaw in the fridge. Safest way is overnight thawing in the refrigerator.
  • Cook without refreezing. Refreezing causes more ice crystals to form, damaging texture.

With proper freezing and thawing methods, steaks can be frozen for 4-6 months before cooking. Handle frozen meat carefully to avoid toughening the fibers.

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Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!) (2024)


Why Is My Steak Chewy and Tough? (Answers Inside!)? ›

Your steak is chewy and tough most likely because the cut of steak was not tender to begin with. Another reason your steak is chewy and tough could be that you overcooked or undercooked the steak. Your steak could also be chewy and tough because you didn't let it rest long enough after cooking it.

Why is my steak so tough and chewy? ›

Typically, leaner cuts like the flank or skirt can be chewy if not prepared correctly. Cooking Method: Overcooking can cause the steak to lose its moisture, making it dry and chewy. Conversely, undercooking can make certain cuts feel tough. Aging Process: Steaks that are not properly aged can be less tender.

How do I make my steak tender and not chewy? ›

Most cuts of steak benefit from being salted up to an hour in advance of cooking, but especially tougher cuts. In addition to seasoning the steaks, salt helps break down proteins and make the meat more tender. Liberally salt the steaks up to an hour before cooking, then proceed according to your recipe.

How to fix chewy steak after cooking? ›

Your overcooked steak is tough and chewy because of a lack of its natural liquid and fat, so here are some ways to infuse liquids and fats into your steak. Covering your overcooked steak with a thick sauce or gravy will help balance out the dryness and make up for its lack of flavor. Preferably, the sauce is also warm.

What does it mean when a steak is tough? ›

There's a simple key to decoding whether a cut is tough or tender: it's all about the muscle. TELLING TOUGH FROM TENDER. Meat, after all, is mainly muscle. To figure out whether it will melt in your mouth or take significant jaw strength to chew, think about what that muscle did during the animal's life.

What is it called when steak is chewy? ›

You would say "tough" rather than "hard". "Full of nerves" isn't right. "Stringy" is better. Often, a stringy texture means that the meat contains a lot of connective tissue. This translates into a cooked steak that takes a long time to chew, because the meat is so tough.

How do restaurants make their steaks so tender? ›

The Aging. Most fine restaurants age their beef to intensify the flavor and improve the tenderness of the cut. Aging is done by letting the meat sit (in very controlled conditions) for several days or weeks.

What does Texas Roadhouse do to make their steaks so tender? ›

How does Texas Roadhouse tenderise their steaks? Season each side of the steak well with the seasoning and set aside to rest for about 40 minutes. This causes the salt to infiltrate the surface (through osmosis) and actually aids in the breakdown of muscle fibres, resulting in more tender meat.

What can I do with tough chewy steak? ›

How to Tenderize a Tough Cut of Meat
  1. Pound it out. Pounding softens and tenderizes meat, making it easier to cut and eat. ...
  2. Use salt. ...
  3. Use an acidic marinade. ...
  4. Use kiwi, papaya, or pineapple. ...
  5. Score it. ...
  6. Slow cook it.
Jan 17, 2024

Why is my medium cooked steak chewy? ›

Quick Answer. Your steak is chewy and tough most likely because the cut of steak was not tender to begin with. Another reason your steak is chewy and tough could be that you overcooked or undercooked the steak. Your steak could also be chewy and tough because you didn't let it rest long enough after cooking it.

How do you make tough steak tender again? ›

Simmering in a little bit of liquid or broth is a great way to tenderize. Acidity can also be your friend here. A little bit of vinegar and lemon juice in the liquid can help you tenderize the meat. It adds moisture, but it also cooks the meat.

Why did my steak turn out chewy? ›

When exposed to too much heat, the fat within the muscles gets rendered out completely, ridding the steak of the moisture that makes it tender. On the other hand, if that fat doesn't have enough time to break down, the resulting steak will be as tough as it would be if it were adequately cooked.

How to cook steak so it's not chewy? ›

During cooking, aim to cook your steak medium-rare to medium – any more and you'll be left with a tough piece of meat. Turning it every minute or so will make sure you get a really even cook. After cooking, leave it to rest and rub with a little extra virgin olive oil or butter for an incredible, juicy steak.

Does steak get tougher the longer you cook it? ›

Both factors are influenced by the cut of meat you choose and how long the meat is cooked. The more a muscle is used, the stronger, and therefore tougher, the cut of meat will be. And the longer meat is cooked, the more liquid it loses and the tougher it becomes.

How do I make sure my steak isn't tough? ›

Slow and low is the rule for steak and ribs. Medium would be in a medium heat pan or grill; about 5-6 minutes each side for medium…etc. Also letting set to room temp before you cook it, and being sure you are also marinating it prior. Cook any of those to 135 F and you're good.

Can over cooking a steak make it tough? ›

Overcooking can result in a dry, tough steak, robbing it of its desired juiciness and tenderness. On the other hand, undercooking leaves the steak raw in the center, failing to bring out its full potential in terms of flavor and texture.

Why is beef tough when I cook it? ›

Muscle fibers contract and push out moisture as meat cooks. It first starts to happen when the internal temperature reaches 104℉ (40℃) and greatly increases once you hit 140℉ (60℃). This is why ribeyes, chicken breasts, and pork chops turn dry and chewy when you cook them for too long.

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