What is Ganache: Discovering Its Origins and Uses | Theobroma (2024)

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In the wonderful world of desserts, ganache is the epitome of yumminess and decadence. A simple mixture of chocolate and cream, ganache is the ingredient that makes all chocolate desserts taste richer and more luscious. Theobroma offers an array of delicious baked goods and desserts made with rich chocolate ganache. Read on to learn more about this magical ingredient and how it is used.

What is ganache?

Simply put, ganache is a mixture of chocolate and cream in equal parts by weight. The ingredients are heated together and then stirred until smooth and silky. This delectable concoction is incredibly versatile and has a variety of uses in the pastry world. From truffles and tarts to frosting and cake fillings, you can find ganache in a variety of Theobroma’s desserts.

What are the types of ganache?

There are three main types of ganache to choose from:

Milk chocolate ganache:

Milk chocolate is usually the most popular choice for ganache because of its sweet and well-rounded flavour. It can be used to make truffles, cakes and can even be used as a glaze.

Dark chocolate ganache:

Dark chocolate is used to give ganache that bitter edge and sophisticated chocolate flavour. If you are looking to give dark chocolate ganache a try, don’t miss Theo’s Dutch truffle cake, which comes in egg and eggless versions. Rich chocolate truffle ganache is layered over a moist chocolate sponge to create a chocolate cake that’s absolutely irresistible.

White chocolate ganache:

White chocolate has a mellow sweetness which makes it a medium for trying out additional fun flavours. The white colour can also easily be changed with edible natural dyes and food colouring. This can give bakers a lot of room for experimentation and creativity with white chocolate ganache desserts.

What is ganache filling?

Ganache filling is a thickened version of ganache that is used in between layers of cakes, or even inside doughnuts and other chocolate desserts. There is usually more chocolate than cream in ganache filling, which gives it a thick and creamy texture. This thickness is what helps hold all the layers of cake together and give it a denser mouthfeel. At Theobroma, we use pure couverture chocolate to make our ganache and that’s why it’s the best out there!

Have your fill of ganache by ordering our delectable desserts online.

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What is Ganache: Discovering Its Origins and Uses | Theobroma (2024)


What is Ganache: Discovering Its Origins and Uses | Theobroma? ›

Simply put, ganache is a mixture of chocolate and cream in equal parts by weight. The ingredients are heated together and then stirred until smooth and silky. This delectable concoction is incredibly versatile and has a variety of uses in the pastry world.

What is ganache and its uses? ›

Ganache (/ɡəˈnæʃ/ or /ɡəˈnɑːʃ/; French: [ɡanaʃ]) is a glaze, icing, sauce, or filling for pastries, made from chocolate and cream.

What is the science behind ganache? ›

According to McGee (2007), when chocolate is mixed with cream, its sugars are dissolved in the water from the cream. Cocoa particles do not dissolve but tend to absorb water. Ganache is therefore an oil-in-water emulsion, and cocoa thickens the water phase.

What is the meaning of ganache in culinary? ›

noun. a smooth mixture of chocolate and cream, used in cakes, truffles, and chocolates.

Who created ganache? ›

Ganache: The key ingredient

It is believed that around 1850, it was invented, according to historians. Some say it was invented in Switzerland, while others say it was invented in Paris' Patisserie Sarvadin. Ganache is used as an icing for cakes and a filling for other pastries by bakers.

Where did ganache originate? ›

First documented in 1869, ganache originated in Paris, and the term comes from the French word meaning “fool” or “chump”. We can't help but think the history of the word is pretty fitting because we're definitely fools for the stuff!

Can you eat ganache on its own? ›

spread or eat it straight from jar, use it in baking, on toast, you name it! The same fresh hanmade ganache we use in our truffles so you too can now be your own chocolatier!

Can you just eat ganache? ›

You can dip things (like fruit) in it or pour it on stuff (like ice cream or cake), or you can let it sit and cool until it is solid enough to scoop directly into your mouth. I keep my cooled ganache in the microwave, and take a spoonful whenever the craving strikes.

What are the health benefits of ganache? ›

Even for a healthy food eater, chocolate ganache icing items can be taken in small amounts as cocoa's blood-diminishing properties empower it to improve bloodstream and dissemination, especially to the mind.

What are the three types of ganache? ›

There are three primary types of ganache: dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. The process for making each variety will not change, regardless of what chocolate you choose to use; however, the taste of your ganache will be affected by the flavor of the chocolate and any additional flavors you add.

What the heck is ganache? ›

So, what the heck is ganache? At its core, it is a simple yet exquisite mixture of just two ingredients; chocolate and cream. When you pour warm cream over chocolate, it creates a smooth and shiny substance that can serve as a filling, dip, spread, frosting, or topping!

Why cover a cake in ganache? ›

Applying ganache is by far the most important part of making a successful cake. It will provide a sturdy and shapely foundation. If you are applying fondant to finish a cake these next few steps are especially important. This technique is a breakout lesson from my Cake Decorating 101 collection.

Does ganache need to be refrigerated? ›

The general rule is that classic ganache may stay at room temperature for up to 2 days, then must be refrigerated. If you'd rather be safe (which I recommend), keep it refrigerated for all storage. Ganache can be frozen for up to 1 month. Thaw in the fridge then let come to room temperature before using.

What is the science of ganache? ›

Structurally, ganache is a complex multiphase system and consists of an emulsion where dispersed droplets of one phase are dispersed into another phase, namely oil-in-water (O/W) or water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion [5], depending on a set of parameters such as the production process, type of emulsifier or proportion between ...

What is another name for ganache? ›

Ganache is a fancy word for chocolate sauce, or cream.

What's the difference between a truffle and a ganache? ›

Differentiation and Common Ground

Purpose: Truffles are standalone chocolate treats, often enjoyed as individual indulgences. Ganache, on the other hand, serves as a versatile ingredient used in a variety of desserts and can be enjoyed in different forms.

What do you do with ganache? ›

We've come up with a few ideas of our own:
  • Truffles – The ganache has now hardened into a soft fudge. ...
  • More Cookies! ...
  • Chocolate Syrup – Thinned out with a bit more heavy cream, this chocolate would be fantastic drizzled over ice cream or as the base for hot chocolate.

How do you apply ganache? ›

How to Use Ganache: To glaze a cake, cool for 15 minutes and then pour over the chilled cake. For frosting, let the ganache cool completely, then cover and refrigerate for 2 hours until mousse-like texture. Spread or pipe as frosting or whip using an electric mixer for whipped ganache.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.