What is Chutney? (2024)

Produce Storage Guide for Restaurants

Every chef or restaurateur has experienced the frustration of food spoilage. Knowing how to store produce will reduce food waste, maximize your restaurant's profits, and improve your menu’s flavor quality. We lay the foundational knowledge you need to organize your commercial refrigerator/storeroom, explain fruit and vegetable storage, and provide an itemized produce storage chart. Looking for a food storage temperature chart? Click the link below to jump ahead and view our item specific produce storage chart.How to Store Fruits and Vegetables Chart Best Way to Store ProduceSaying there is one way to store fresh produce is a bit like saying there is one way to make a pizza. However, there are universal best practices for organizing your restaurant’s storeroom. Store produce at reduced temperatures to increase its shelf life.Don't stack produce. Pressure and lack of airflow shorten fresh produce’s lifespan.Keep produce unwashed in storage. When you’re ready to use your fresh items, make sure you wash your produce properly.Don't cut produce until you're ready to use it. Cut produce is vulnerable to microorganisms.Store your fresh produce where there is some airflow (not in airtight containers or bags). This prevents them from suffocating and spoiling faster.Don't buy fresh produce too far in advance. Produce loses its flavor and crispness when held at low temperatures for extended time periods.What Is Ethylene?Ethylene is a plant hormone that makes seeds/buds sprout, ripens fruit, and causes plant cells to break down. Plants release ethylene as a gas. Understanding ethylene helps you extend the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables. The first thing you need to know is plants’ ethylene productions and sensitivities are not universal. So, you should store ethylene producers separate from ethylene-sensitive items. Savvy commercial kitchen operators manipulate ethylene to accelerate ripening. All you need to do is place a high ethylene producing fruit inside a paper bag with the item you want to ripen. The paper bag traps the ethylene gas, yielding ready-to-eat fruit faster. Climacteric Fruit DefinitionThe term 'climacteric' is used to describe fruits that continue to ripen after they're picked. Climacteric fruits create and release far more ethylene than non-climacteric fruits. As you may have guessed, the term 'non-climacteric' describes fruits that don't ripen once they're picked.Top Ethylene Producing FruitsThese common climacteric fruits are some of the top ethylene producers. Their ethylene potency increases as they ripen. ApplesAvocadosBananasCantaloupePeachesPearsAs an easy-to-reference resource, we've created a downloadable produce storage chart you can keep in your commercial kitchen. Download our Ethylene Production and Sensitivity PDFFruit and Vegetable StorageIt’s best to store your fruits and vegetables separately. Most fruits release a lot of ethylene, and most vegetables are sensitive to it. Learn how to store vegetables and fruits to meet each category’s unique needs.How to Store Vegetables On average, vegetables contain nonexistent traces of ethylene compared to fruits. Learn how to maximize the freshness and quality of the most popular vegetables below.How to Store Tomatoes: Keep tomatoes in your storeroom away from sunlight. Tomatoes will not ripen correctly in the refrigerator. Arrange them stem side down until they're fully ripe. Tomatoes keep best when they aren’t touching, so store them in a single layer. Do not bunch them together. Once the tomatoes are soft and vibrant, prolong their shelf life by transferring them to the fridge.Best Way to Store Potatoes:Store potatoes outside the fridge in a cool, dark, dry spot. Refrigerated air is too cold for potatoes and causes their starch to turn to sugar. Store potatoes in a paper bag, basket, or large bowl. Don't store potatoes in plastic bags/sealed containers that trap moisture. Damp environments cause potatoes to spoil faster. How to Store Cucumbers: To keep cucumbers fresh, wrap clean and dry cucumbers in a paper towel and place them inside a plastic bag. The plastic bag helps protect the cucumbers from ethylene gas. Leave the top of the bag open to provide airflow and help prevent molding and sogginess. Use this same method to store celery and spinach. How to Store Carrots:The first step in carrot storage is trimming their leafy tops. Carrot tops extract moisture from their roots, causing them to wilt prematurely. Keep your carrots hydrated by storing them in an uncovered container of shallow water inside your fridge. If space doesn't accommodate this method, your next best option is to store carrots in an open plastic bag.How to Store FruitLearn how to store fruit to achieve complete ripeness and long shelf lives. While most fruits are ethylene producers, not all fruits release the same amount of ethylene, nor are they equally sensitive to it. Below are our tips for turning the most popular fruits into ripe and unspoiled ingredients. How to Keep Bananas Fresh:Keep bananas fresh by buying slightly green bananas and storing them at room temperature until they’re ripe. You can keep fully ripe bananas in the fridge to prolong their shelf life. Bananas will overripen in the refrigerator, but they will remain perfectly edible despite their mushy textures and blackened peels. There are many ways to repurpose overripe produce. For example, super sweet, overripe bananas are ideal for baking. To quickly ripen bananas, store them in an enclosed space such as a sealed container or bag. Bananas are high ethylene producers, so enclosing them with their ethylene creates a ripening sauna. How to Store Grapes:Store grapes in the plastic container you purchased them in at cold temperatures. Grapes need ventilation, which is why their original grocery store plastic packaging has holes. However, ventilation and direct air are two different things. Keep grapes out of your refrigeration systems’ direct air path, or they will dehydrate and shrivel. Grapes mold when stored moist, so wait to wash your grapes until you’re ready to consume/cook them. Grapes absorb the odors and flavors around them, so keep onions away. How to Store Avocado:You need to store avocados in a way that promotes ripening, because avocadoes don't ripen until they're picked. Avocados won't ripen correctly at low temperatures. They are high ethylene producers, so keep them away from ethylene-sensitive produce. Like bananas, you can expedite avocados’ ripening process by storing them in a paper bag. How to Store Fruits and Vegetables ChartEnliven your restaurant’s menu by incorporating fresh regional produce each season without losing profits to food spoilage with our fruit and vegetable storage chart.Produce TypeIdeal Storage TemperatureEthylene ProductionEthylene SensitivityStorage LifeApples30-35 °FHighYes8 weeksApricots31-32 °FHighYes1-3 weeksArtichokes34-38 °FNoNo5-7 daysAsparagus32-35 °FNoYes2-3 weeksAvocados, ripe41-55 °FHighYes3 daysAvocados, unripe36-40 °FLowYes (High)4-5 five days until ripeBananas, green59-68 °FLowYes 3-4 days until ripeBananas, ripe56-58 °FMediumNo3-7 daysBasil51-59 °FNoYes1-2 weeksBeans, green or snap41-45 °FNoYes7-10 daysBeans, sprouts32 °FLowYes (Low)7-9 daysBeets32-40 °FNoYes10-14 days = bunched 1-3 months = toppedBlackberries31-32 °FVery LowNo3-6 daysBlueberries33-34 °FVery LowNo1-2 weeksBok Choy32-35 °FNoYes3-4 daysBroccoli32 °FNoYes21-28 daysBrussels Sprouts32 °FVery LowYes3-5 weeksCabbages32 °FNoYes (High)Early cabbages = 3-6 weeks Late cabbages = 5-6 monthsCantaloupe36-41 °FYesYes12-15 daysCarrots32 °FVery LowYes (High)10-14 days = bunched 7-9 months = mature roots 3-4 weeks = fresh cutCauliflower32 °FNoYes (High) 4 weeksCelery32 °FNoYes (High)2-3 monthsCherries30-32 °FVery LowNo4-10 daysChicory32-35 °FNoNo3-5 daysCoconuts32-25 °FNoNo2-3 weeksCollards32-36 °FNoYes5-7 daysCorn, sweet32-34 °FNoNo5-7 daysCranberries36-40 °FNoNo2-4 monthsCucumbers50-55 °FVery LowYes10-14 daysCurrants34 °FLowYes (Low)1-2 weeksEggplant50-54 °FNoYes (High)14 daysFigs30-32 °FLowYes5-7 daysFresh, Whole Garlic30-32 °FNoNo3-6 monthsGinger Root54-57 °FNoNo4-6 weeks Grapefruit55-60 °FVery LowNo6 weeksGrapes30-32 °FVery LowYes1-2 weeksGreen Peas32-40 °FNoYes 2 WeeksGreens, leafy32 °FNoYes (High)7-14 daysGuavas42-50 °FMediumYes15 daysHerbs32-35 °FNoYes2-3 weeksHorseradish30-32 °FYes (Very Low)Low4-6 monthsJicama55-59 °FVery LowNo2-4 monthsKale32 °FNoYes (High)1-2 weeksKiwi32-35 °FHigh when ripe, low when unripeVery sensitive when unripe, sensitive once ripe1-4 weeks once ripeLeeks32 °FNoYes5-14 daysLemons54-57 °FVery LowYes (Low)3-6 weeksLettuce, Crisphead32 °FNoYes (High)2-3 weeksLettuce, Romaine32 °FVery LowYes (High)2 weeksLimes50-55 °FNoYes1 monthLychees35-50 °FVery LowYes (Very Low)5-7 daysMangos50-55 °FMediumYes5 daysMelons, Honey Dew45-50 °FMediumYes12-15 daysMushrooms32-35 °FVery LowNo5-7 daysNectarines31-45 °FHighNo2-4 weeksOkra45-50 °FVery LowYes1 weekOnions32 °FNoNo2 monthsOranges38-46 °FVery LowNo10 daysPapayas45-55 °FMediumYes5-7 daysParsley32 °FNoYes2 weeksParsnips32-40 °FNoYes2 weeksPeaches30.5-32 °FHighYes3-5 daysPear, Bartlett30-32 °FHighYes5-12 daysPeas, green32 °FNo Yes3-5 daysPeppers, hot chili41-45 °FYesMost varieties are sensitive, Jalapenos are not.3-5 weeksPeppers, bell41-45 °FYes (Low)Low3-5 weeksPersimmons30-34 °FLowYes (High)1-2 weeksPineapples45-55 °FVery LowNo4-5 daysPlums30.5-32 °FHighYes3-5 days once ripePomegranates41-50 °FVery LowNo2 monthsPotatoes42-50 °FVery LowNo2-3 monthsPumpkins50-59 °FVery LowYes2-4 monthsRadicchio32 °FLowYes3-4 weeksRadish32 °FNo Yes7-14 days = with tops 21-28 days = without topsRaspberries31-32 °FVery LowNo1-7 daysRhubarb32-40 °FNoNo2-4 weeksRutabagas32-35 °FVery LowYes (Low)4-6 weeksSalad Mixes32-35 °FNoYes7-10 days when unopenedSpinach32 °FNoYes (High)3-7 daysSprouts32 °FNoYes5-9 daysSquashes, summer41-50 °FVery LowYes5-7 daysStrawberries31-33 °FVery LowNo3-7 daysSweet Potatoes55-59 °FVery LowYes6-10 monthsTangerines41-46 °FNoYes2-6 weeksTomatoes44-50 °FYesYes3-5 daysTurnips32-40 °FNoYes4-5 monthsWatercress32 °FNoYes 5 daysWatermelon50-59 °FVery LowYes (High)14 days On average each year, every restaurant loses $25,000 to $75,000 due to wasted food. You can’t control whether patrons take their leftovers, but you can prevent food spoilage. Use our produce storage guide to reduce profit losses and increase flavor quality.

What is Chutney? (2024)


What is Chutney? ›

Chutney is a savory condiment made from slow-cooked fruits or vegetables, vinegar, and spices. Originating from India, chutneys have traveled the globe, and every country has its own take on this versatile condiment. Chutneys from South Africa often include apricots, while British chutneys favor using apples.

What is considered a chutney? ›

Chutney is a condiment or spread made from chopped fruit cooked with vinegar, spices and sometimes sugar, that can be served fresh or preserved. It's often associated with Indian cuisine.

What do Americans call chutney? ›

Stateside, chutneys are somewhere between a jam, a relish, and a jelly, but in India, that's just the tip of the chutney iceberg.

What is chutney and how do you use it? ›

Chutney is a condiment with a confusing identity. The chutneys you might buy in a supermarket are something like relish, something like jam. They're savory preserves, usually fruit-based, served as a complement to dishes like Indian curries. Yet these preserved chutneys are not typical of the chutneys served in India.

Is chutney the same as relish? ›

So how does a relish differ? Generally, they are thinner in consistency with more “pickled and vinegary” flavours. They usually contain vegetables rather than fruit and only one variety whereas chutneys are mostly fruit and often a mixture of fruits.

What is the most common chutney? ›

Mango Chutney - One of the most common styles of chutney, mango chutney contains mango, ginger, garlic, and vinegar.

Is ketchup a chutney? ›

Did you know that you probably have a chutney in your fridge? Check out that bottle of ketchup. Yup...that's a chutney. The technical definition of a chutney is a combination of fruit, vinegar, sugar and spices that's been cooked until syrupy.

What is a good substitute for chutney? ›

Raisin: Substituting for chutney with raisins, which impart natural sweetness and texture, is effective especially in baked goods or grain dishes. Apple: Grated or cooked apples, with their inherent sweet and slightly tart flavor, can be used as a substitute in recipes where chutney's complex taste is essential.

What is the English word for chutney? ›

chutney in American English

(ˈtʃʌtni) noun. a sauce or relish of Asian origin, often compounded of both sweet and sour ingredients, as fruits and herbs, with spices and other seasoning. Also: chutnee.

Is jam and chutney the same thing? ›

Both a jam and a chutney will contain sugar, although a jam would be much sweeter, with the chutney having a more acidic, tangy flavour from the addition of vinegar. To preserve a chutney a combination of vinegar and sugar are used, whilst in a jam it is the sugar alone which acts as the preserving agent.

Do you eat chutney hot or cold? ›

Typically, you would serve chutney when it has been set to room temperature, this is where the condiment is the best performing. We now know that chutney does work well with hot food, but pairing it with cold food can satisfy pretty much anyone.

Do you jar up chutney hot or cold? ›

Fill the hot dry jars right to the top – preserves shrink slightly on cooling and a full jar means less trapped condensation. Seal the jars while still hot. This rule applies to all jams, jellies, pickles and chutneys.

Why is chutney called chutney? ›

The word chutney derives from Hindi चटनी chaṭnī, deriving from चाटना chāṭnā 'to lick' or 'to eat with appetite'. In India, chutney refers to fresh and pickled preparations indiscriminately; however, several Indian languages use the word for fresh preparations only.

What do you eat chutney with? ›

Ideas on What to do with Chutney
  • Mix with sour cream for a dip.
  • Add to barbecue sauce.
  • Add to mayonnaise and use with sandwiches.
  • Serve over a block of cream cheese or goat cheese as a appetizer.
  • Spread on bread in grilled cheese sandwiches.
  • Add to stuffing for turkey.
  • Add to chicken salad.

What the heck is chutney? ›

Chutney is a condiment of chopped fruits, vinegar, spices, and sugar cooked into a chunky spread. Although it is best known as originating in India, chutney is famous worldwide, often transformed to suit local tastes. While most chutneys are on the spicy side, it's easy to adjust the heat factor if you make it at home.

What is chutney called in America? ›

Here in North America we tend to think of Relish as the florescent green glop that one puts on burgers and hotdogs and Chutney as a sweet jam-like accompaniment often made from mangoes or sweet fruit. Both condiment recipes I have chosen here are very different from one another.

What's the difference between a jam and a chutney? ›

Both a jam and a chutney will contain sugar, although a jam would be much sweeter, with the chutney having a more acidic, tangy flavour from the addition of vinegar. To preserve a chutney a combination of vinegar and sugar are used, whilst in a jam it is the sugar alone which acts as the preserving agent.

What can I substitute for chutney? ›

Raisin: Substituting for chutney with raisins, which impart natural sweetness and texture, is effective especially in baked goods or grain dishes. Apple: Grated or cooked apples, with their inherent sweet and slightly tart flavor, can be used as a substitute in recipes where chutney's complex taste is essential.

What's the difference between a sauce and a chutney? ›

The texture of this condiment is what primarily distinguishes it from a sauce. Because it is made from slow-cooking fruits and vegetables, chutney often has a chunky yet spreadable consistency and is created similarly to jam. Sauce, on the other hand, is typically much thinner.

How many types of chutneys are there? ›

Raw Coconut chutney, fried Coconut chutney, coriander, mint, tomato, onion, ginger, garlic, peanut, sesame, curry leaf, green chilli, red chilli, radish, mango, mango leaf, Guva leaf, tamarind, green tamarind, tamarind flower, tamarind leaf, lentil chutneys, almost all vegetables and Indian herbs.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.