Weight loss: Healthy breakfasts to reduce belly fat (2024)

Jul 16, 2023

BY: ET Online


Greek yoghurt is a fantastic breakfast choice for weight loss because it is high in protein and low in calories. Probiotics are also present, and they can aid in reducing swelling and enhancing gut health.

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Eggs are abundant in vital vitamins and minerals, as well as high in protein. Eggs may decrease appetite when eaten with breakfast to significantly aid in weight loss beacuse of its high protein content.

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A high-fiber breakfast option like muesli can help keep you full and satisfied all morning long. Additionally, it has a low glycemic index, which can aid in controlling blood sugar levels and avoiding insulin spikes that may lead to weight gain.

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Smoothies made with protein powder, and fruit can make a nutritious and time-saving breakfast option. They can prolong your feeling of fullness and help you consume more nutrients.

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Nuts and nut butter

Nuts and nut butter can support healthy aging and belly fat loss, whether you add them to your muesli, yoghurt, or whole-grain toast. They can also be used as a topping for foods like muesli and yoghurt.

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Avocado toast

Avocado toast is a wise breakfast choice that is rich in fibres and good fats. It can keep you satisfied and full while also serving as a good source of nutrients.

Image Source: Getty Images

​​Fruit salad​

A fruit salad is typically made by combining a variety of fruits, such as kiwi, grapefruit, bananas, and berries, to provide a variety of nutrients, fibre, and antioxidants.

Image Source: Getty Images

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Weight loss: Healthy breakfasts to reduce belly fat (2024)
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