Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (2024)

Tiny, bead-shaped, with a slightly bitter flavor and firm texture, quinoa can easily become your favorite ingredient in every recipe. This delicious grain is high in protein and lacks gluten too, so, it is a perfect choice for everybody and it is good for every healthy diet.

Besides these characteristics, you can mix it with a big number of different kinds of foods like chicken, turkey, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, and many more, there are no limits. Because of that fact we have made a fantastic list of the top 10 best specialties with quinoa for you to try and make some in your own kitchen. Enjoy!

Sesame Chicken with Quinoa

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (1)


Sesame, soya sauce, and ginger are some of the extraordinary ingredients in this recipe. Highly Asian influenced, this makes it a super dish, reasonably low in carb but super high in protein. It is a great thing to know that meal will contain clean carbs without any refined sugar but honey instead. The flavors are going to be spectacular and something rather simple to come up with bagging lots of flavors. Lovely family dinner.

Saucy Sautéed Shrimp Over Lemon Quinoa

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (2)


This next recipe literally contains almost no fat at all, apart from the three spoons of butter. Perfect dish for those wishing to focus on a potential weight loss regime, without affecting the loss in flavor! The lemon really comes through balancing the natural sweetness of the prawns. This is a perfect dish for lunch alongside a nice glass of white wine with friends. Perfect getting ready for the warmer months.

Quinoa Burgers

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (3)

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Burgers nowadays have been in an uproar, fighting to tell us that they are not necessarily unhealthy. This is one of the healthiest burgers known, full of flavors. Perfect for those wishing to cut down on meat or simply, vegetarian. Vegans will also love this recipe for its high in natural protein without animal fat associated with it. Any oils can be used depending on your preference that could be more or else even healthier. Make yourself a lovely salad on the side and you’re good to go.

Quinoa Mushroom Pilaf

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (4)

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This mushroom quinoa pilaf recipe is massively packed with protein and flavor and it can be the star of your lunch or dinner meal. And, it is no way your typical pilaf dish. The addition of a vinaigrette dressing makes it more like a salad so if you are looking for a traditional pilaf, leave off the dressing. Quinoa comes from the spinach family, which means it provides all the essential amino acids we need for good health. Chicken pieces can most definitely be added or even a good piece of grilled salmon for those wishing to indulge in a little meat or fish.

Butternut Squash Chili With Quinoa

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (5)


Something delicious and something bite-size for the entire family to share and adore. We love butternut and especially so within the colder months. This recipe is quick and easy to do. If you’re a little chefy, we would recommend whacking the whole butternut squash in the oven for roughly an hour and a half on a baking tray to get the maximum flavor out of it. One could also drizzle a little honey to caramelize it prior to serving. Finger delicious. The kids would love it, and it’s packed with so much goodness.

Skillet Mexican Quinoa

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (6)

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Black beans are some of the favorites in Mexico and some might say important to their diet. Mixing black beans with quinoa was the next natural step and something becoming rather traditional. The unique nutty flavor of the beans naturally suits the naturally nutty flavors of the quinoa. A perfect vegan alternative as it does not contain any animal fat or traces. Although super mega healthy, it is also very hearty and perfect for lunch.

Quinoa And Turkey Patties In Pita With Tahini Sauce

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (7)

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This recipe is sure to send you to the Middle East in no time! A sort of Kebbeh so to speak in pita bread. Once again, a rather quick and efficient recipe to make at home your friends and family would forever love. Tahini has always been a favorite of hours and not just great in hummus but alongside these delicious little patties. If you fancy yourself a bit of a connoisseur, then by all means try your homemade pita bread. This really would take it to another level.

Moroccan Steamed Salmon With Quinoa And Carrots

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (8)

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How we love Morrocan food and how we love pesto. But here is another version of the green goddess perfect for your pasta, and a healthy one to top it off. A beautiful summer dish bringing even more sunshine into your home. This dish is a great way to slowly introduce everything green to your children and is perfect for their growth. It is super healthy too which everyone will thank you for. It has almost all the nutrients your body requires in one plate.

Fried Quinoa Rice with Vegetables and Chicken

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (9)

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Quinoa Fried Rice is essentially the same idea as regular fried rice, just replace the cooked rice with cooked quinoa. This recipe goes excellent with shrimps or as a vegetarian version try with Crispy Tofu. A key element to making this Quinoa Fried Rice tasty and satisfying enough to be a full meal is protein. Perfect if you’re working out and requiring a lot of iron, potassium, and protein. This dish has so much flavor it’ll make you go for seconds.

Roasted Ratatouille and Quinoa

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (10)

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One of the most famous dishes of the Provence area of France but also world known, ratatouille boasts vegetable flavors like no other. Usually served alongside lamb and boiled potatoes, it is very versatile yet can be healthy, but paired with quinoa tops up the healthy scale. Grilled vegetables are a great way to get the most out of their natural sugars, making them naturally sweet with a beautiful nutty aftertaste. This is a dish that will be one of your favorites to make at home for everyone to enjoy.

Top 10 Best Quinoa Recipes (2024)
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