The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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20 Help Wanted Male SOLICITORS for dry cleaning salary and commission East End Cleaners 1060 Deaths Births Marriages or ine Invalid Coach CLEVELAND Call Service 171t Street LEARN WELDING 26th Street portation Street TOOLMAKER td 2867 tilth 6920 Help Wanted emale 1966 82 ST 9206 9603 LI KKX) Employment Bureau emale 0 t' Mfg i i)AY WORK: White: references $250 and emale Instruction Home for Aged Invalids Positions Waiting Employment Bureau Male $250 i ipen $9150 In Memoriam Help Wanted Salesmen Time pasmr Male Instruction Moving Storage Packing 1ST (Continued in Next Column) TOONERVILLE OLKS By ontaine ox Help Wanted Male Summer Board Resorts Situation Wanted at Ir'tO 1 iVa a i 1 (Continued on Next Paco) (Continued to Next Colnmu) (Continued in Next Column) (Continued Io Next Column! 71 3 3 Mary John until held from ANSEL 1556 60 faces park: Beautiful 3 4 5 6 rooms fine surroundings $50 $80 3Mh 69U1 WHITE AVE 5719 nff 55 near Payne Lovely modern $4 garage phone 1 195 1906 opposite Park Lane Villa: 5 rooms $75 porches all outside hy 1 re Charles Augusta Bergner 759 133d Street Aug 3 69 McMahon AUi Aug Home 56th 24U) DRUG STORE SALES CLERKS i 2 I 36 Clark $90 $75 COOK: Experienced private adults: city references Box 32917 Plain Dealer ftOUSEKEEPER: Middle aged widow de sires position for 1 adult in refined home Box 25217 Plain Dealer ANY GIRL needing friendly service write Salvation Army Home 1881 Torbenson dr or call in person of th son Rose WANTED 4 experienced credit reporters: drawing account and commission Apply 225 Plymouth Bldg THE CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY AUGUST 5 193T Help Wanted Male Continued from Preceding 82 1899 Euclid Hough: Lovely 1 2 rnnms private entrance: S5 S8 82 1672: 2 front rooms real kitchen: front sleeping room 1st adults: phone SOLICITORS Experienced dry cleaning salary commission 6612 Pennsylvania HOUGH 9513: Lovely room connecting bath a enable pho 93 corner Amesbury between Euclid and Hough 5 6 rooms: steam iceless $50 Inquire 9301 Amesbury ave DELORD 0 DOUGHERTY UNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY 90 at Euclid GArfield $4gL BOOKKEEPER and bookkeeping machine 4 experience ED 0251J 1 9SR 2 rooms kitchenet own newly furnished decorated the late HOUSEWORK: Late afternoon in exchange for room and board BO 0102 PRINTING office executive superintendent estimator or foreman well and favorably known in Cleveland: available Aug or later Box 2701 7 Plain Da 1 CHE: Reliable good manager take full charge of kitchen RE 741 SM 30 th HOUSEWORK: White general Protestant preferred German Hungarian good home Call ri A 8248 ASTEST growing concern in A will train 3 men to be field managers at once salary commission big future Box 32517 Plain Dealer MACHINE designer experienced for heavy machinery preferably hydraulic ma chinery state age salary and experience Box 2217 Plain Dealer GIRL for general: $10 Call between 11 a 7 2102 Clarence Lakewood GAS STATION SALARY AND COMMIS ION Al PLY 4811 35 ST DELIVERY man to deliver tn restaurant: one with meat cutting experience pre erred salary Box 1299 Plain Dealer EUCLID CORNER SHAW YOUNG man: Counter work salary White Shop System 11709 Buckeye rd Si 1805: ront 5 rooms steam re decorated $3750 See Cu nd i a Brackland Ave Arlington Ave VACATION SUGGESTION 25 Tower Catawba Island Ohio $1850 room and board single $33 for two full course dinners $125 90 1S93 near Euclid: 6 room 3 bed room steam adults See janitor fTwCOM ERCI AL CARTOON ING CALL ELROSE 1054 HOUSEWORK Strong girl assist with in valid slay 810 690 99 PASS BOOKS BOUGHT SOLD Also liberal loans made I licensed THE LIQUIDATING INANCE CORP 150 Prospect th 1 Ivor HOUSEWORK: Middle aged good cook no laundry adults references HE 7661 "When persons require invalid ear service it is bo cause they cannot be moved by ordinary trans PAPER off fey machine paper cleaned walls washed reasonable PQ 2816 EMPLOYED woman girl 9 want rooms furnished or not or share home off Detroit HE 4159 after 6:30 112 1266: Clifton car bus: room i tehen privileges: 1 2 reasonable VMrt nobleman of Male Instruction (Continued frou Preceding Column) Rent Rooms and Board West Side (Continued from Preceding Column) HOUSEWORK: White: general references A 5522 14706 Supe i Apartments for Rent East Side 105 1 ISS Wadp Park: Pleasant room i tchcnet 2d: business girl phone ANN LONESOME: Born Scotch luncheon $1 82 flevt u' uu Rent Rooms and Board East Side 96 near Euclid: 6 rooms stove ice less MAin 00 10 Rent Housekeeping Rooms East Side APPLIANCE men: Experienced highest Morgan Harshman Co 12410 St Clair ave rd MANICURIST salary and commission 1 low nto wn CHerry 4760 RENTAL LADY with car commission MR HARGREAVES 14603 Dpt roi WALTER KAMEL CO 9409 Euclid ave CE 1577 or GA 6800 XY WORK Ironer cleaning: colored: reference $250 car fare 7682 if you find any line of mifitatement in this column int all the Better Business Bureau MAin 3652 CASHIER: Over 21 experienced: night work: salary Apply Knickerbocker Restaur ant 8325 olid HOUSEWORK White over 20 general 2 adults $6 3037 Edgehill A 7261 MEN to von tact home owners with new re siding product no selling necessary expense advanced against commission Apply in morning only Mr Lavin 355 Carnegie nve COOK: Experienced A 765 COOKING general adults $12 references Box 27817 Plain Dealer HOME PROESSIONAL CARE or aged convalescent and invalid: rates reasonable 1867 82 st CE 8467 25 2511 Clark 29 103 65 2f ron rooms with use of kitchen 2 girls or couple ip lame uneral Thursday ttome DAY WORK: Bundle washing rail and de 1 i Box 3 1 917 1 I a in Dealer I YOU are willing io work and follow you can make better than a good living selling our products com mission daily 516 Hippodrome Bldg CO'Kt Unencumbered: small restaurant $50 month room meals included: must have references Phone Count 8 I7 3 Sandusky Ohio Cafe Venice Ohio COOK: Experienced salary The Village Restaurant 20951 Euclid ave references YOUNG man colored wants work of any kind drive reference GA 4516 79 2050 nff Euclid: 2 large rooms sink $550 front room $4:25 adults SI bath 81 1907: Large room with large closet tnm nlcte kitchen: phone COAL salesmen: Retail East Side follow ing: salary commission permanent posi tion Box 20799 Plain Dealer HEIGHTS: Room bath private adult man SK DAY work or kitchen work in restaurant 13610 Glenside rd A i 4 cTAWurniNG nrre weeks Jaggers New Ai rnT ACCOUNTANT foundry experience TIME STUDY MAN $206 OH'E man fire insurance experience STENOGRAPHERS $65 tn SU0 RQOKK EEPER manufacturing $1 25 BLU1M INGALLS CO 1 035 Guardian Bide Nn registration fp This service is available for cither local or longer distances and the rates are reasonable NEAT appearing young man high school training to learn sales busi ness can earn $25 a week in advance commission to start steady employment opportunity for advancement Ak for Mr aslun 953 Leader Bldg HOUSEWORK: General: no laundry plain rooking stay nights to 13141 Emerson ave AC 477OJ ALL METHODS ALL METALS THE DEMAXD OR WELDERS AR EXCEEDS OUR SUPPLY TRAINED MEN Prepare yourself for secure future usion School of Welding 4017 PAYNE AVE EN 0626 COUPLE: American middle aged rare taker custodian gardener TO 7185 78 1651 corner Hough: Newly deco rated 4 rnm suite: tnve jobless steam a iii tor inquire nn premise Age 25 to 35: good salary: drug store experience necessary Apply 9 to 12 a only 2400 Superior ave 105 4 rooms including heat fight and raa Sit) GA 0010 RUNNING WA 117 16S0 NEAR EUCLID: COOL 3 LA Upg 1 cl*tON BLVD 12568 "Pleasant front room: congenial home reasonable SALESMEN: Travel city average $40 week daily eommbsion: transportation furnished 9 3: I960 Euclid Room 810 HOUSEWORK: General 5 rooms: 2 adults lau ndry optional stay A 4950 STEAM i tiers Vanied Three qualified men to work In Detroit good pay steady See Mr Jordan at Alkrton 1 1 otel Saturday betweet i 5 an 8 STENOGRAPHER: Knowledge of book keeping age 20 25 state qualifications salary expected Box 2515 Plain Dealer EXPERIENCED magazine circulation man single subscription with cook book: can earn $40 week advance sales com mission: opportunities for crew man ager Apply to Mr Halup 953 Leader Bldg TRUCK driver mechanic helper rhauf feu reference ME 53ti2 TOOL ENGINEERS WITH MACHINE DESIGN AND SHOP EXPERIENCE SALARY McKinnev Tool Mfg 16SS Arabella rd TAKE your practical training in air condi tion or Diesel tn the only school of its kind in Ohio Diesel Power United Engineer Schools 1 124 CARNEGIE PRospect 3023 Contented with $12 weekly com mission handling orders for roses ever greens fruit trees raspberries among nld new customers ree equipment Experience unnecessary Kntghl Boai i a rk SHORT order vnok for dining car 3 nights a week: salary 6409 Lorain ave CARPENTER: Experienced wants work new or repair 2833R la n4 rima ctdz'r Af Tnmte Dena Henry and AUTOMOBILE Mechanic: Must be able to work ou all make of cars no other need apply hourly rat See A Korn man Kinsman Square Chevrolet 3240 93 Street Street YOUNG MAN With art training recent graduate: small salary opportunity Room 8 1 5 2198 Payne ave LEARN TO DRIVE laiifht jhousande A to School 2152 1 up GA bo0 BEAUTY operator steady all around sal ary 3871 71 Ml 657 7 SUPERIOR 5827: 2 room suite: hot cold water reasons ble private entrance West Side DIEMAKERS Experienced on medium Jind heavy dies Hourlv rate APPLY EMPLOYMENT OICE MURRAY OHIO MG CO 1115 152 Clw eland's Most Beautiful uneral Home Ti ffi BENNETT CO 1151' Euclid ave GArfield 1420 near Enchd: ront room private home man Wanted Room Roomipate Room and Board NEAT appearing young mm (2): to as sist manager tn saks dept satisfied SI 8 weekly conunrion and bonus in start Applv 9 a Room 558 715 nect RENTAL work lady with car ar once lead: eommiqMnn ME 3922 A BETTER POSITION Placed right at sour very doorstep by Hie Moler System of Uolteges that teaches RARBERING ('all write or phone for free booklet 748 Prospect MAin 8970 STOVE repair man experienced salary Box 19317 Plain Dealer SlRUCTl RAL fitter for shop work: Must be good blue print men capable of fit ting hndee girders The Burger Iron Co Akron Ohio HEIGHTS: Cedar airmc*nt: or 1 2 pri vate entrance 2155 Rellfleld rd HEIGHTS nmr bus ear: Lovely room in attractive home private YE G463J ACTIVE MAN: Special work service na ture Must be satisfied $30 weekly com mission experience unnecessary Must have rar Write John Kean Newark THE KOEBLER CO 1966 82 tat Euclid) CEdar 9065 saiESMEN: If yon have initiative and a rood personality we can use you with our present force of salesmen: ex perience not required good commission at tari Apply Mr Malia 632 Scho fipld Bfcig SALESMAN: or used cars must be thofojx'hly exerienced: good working plan commission See A Knrnman i an qu are Chevrolet 3249 93 fjahtma! fc'rirfrtb 4lortinan i gy a rtO HOEMAKER: Mrs Helen 53 wife of Dr 8' 'Shoemaker of Silver Lake Cuyahoga alls Passed away Wed nesday a at th residene is4er of the late Drs and Wm Gladden and John Johnson of Cleveland uneral service Thursday at 7:30 at the residence Rev Louis Green and Rtv red Hall officiating Burial riday 2 at Marysville 0 riends may rail at the residence Thursday evening The Wel1r uneral Home Phone Wal bridge 2147 6KEEL: Albert Edward husband of Alicenee McNicklei father of Helen Ste phens died at his home at Brecksville 0 Wednesday Aug 4 uneral rv ai Brecksville Congregational Church riday Aug 6 at 2:30 tn STRATER: Kathrene Lare wife of the late Herman sister of Mrs Rak er Mrs India Crosby Mr Junista Wright and La of Painesville Mrs Amelia Jones Mn Eva Stone and Mrs Arthur Cleveland entered into rest Monday riends may call a Richards' uneral Home 15245 St Clair avenue whor* services will be held Thursday at 2 WKTTLOCKt ace 78 yrara be hned mother of Mrs lorence Mills of Kirtland and Mra Linda Beach of Chesterland passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs Beach Wednesday at 2:15 a Prayer service from the nnnui nnAV Aur a tmeral services from the Baptist Church Chierlnd 0 at 2 SlGIJRt llraheth bloed tnothr nf Elmer Louia A and Wil liam Kunimann reudeoca R615 Cl! ton bird neoda my cal! at Wm a i A Daniela uneral Home 15 00 T'etrolt are where eerrtcee pill be held Thunda Auc 5 at 1:30 112 126S: Pleasant room or lady em rloyed near iar bus: adult home 133 3596: Pleasant room: private: all conveniences See to appreciate CLEVELAND'S LARGEST and inest DE VAND CO 11130 Euehd ave CEdar 0910 97 Euclid 9716 Logan ct: Studio much: kitchen privilege RE 731 3M III Til 11 SPRAYER Experienced on lighting fix tures hourly rate 5518 Euclid bth Situation Wanted emale Continued from Preceding CuHiinn) LAUNDRESS and cleaning city references IK 06 Sophia CE 1453 LAUNDRESS: Call deliver shirt a special ty gnnd references HE 017 LAKEWOOD 1329 Cove: ront room breakfast lady Detroit Clifton car PASS BOOKS UP TO ULL VALUE ALLOWED ON PURCHASE URNITURE THE BROOKLYN URNITURE ro 4161 PEARL RD SHAD5 IDE H10O HOUSEWORK General: white 2 children: laundress employed $7 WA 3336 MECHANIC: Trucks and grading equip ment some driving: slate experience hourly rate Bex 1018 Plain Dealer Call IAY PARRISH CO ttasl and West sde Chapeh LA 1312 SAXTON UNERAL HOME 13215 Detroit (El 1872) AC 2309 IMMEDIATE AH OR7 Union Trust land other pas bonks) KRANTZ NEWTON CO 1016 Hippodrome Bldg PR 1916 29 767 Garrison 25 position with ethical dentist in Ohio IIIMK) Olivet ave Cleveland CE 3094W ENGINEER: Yuiini desires position with reliable concern preferably as research assistant or an experimental engineer employed in engineering will leave city primarily interested in physics and math ma irs Box 321 17 Pl a iiDea Io EX GOL professional desires position chauffeur and golf inatruetnr ideal for children 7) 162 GL 1R5S EUCLID 7513: Lovely large room rance: $375 froi 1 1 $3: parking phone LA GRANGE 7612: A large sitting and bed room quiet telehone $5 HE 7293 PRODUCTION oreman: American age 31 employed 10 years by corporation mfg millions of small units weekly good rec ord as to production qualitv contact with employes and management have never had a Jost time accident Box 20817 Plain Dealer STATIONARY ENGINEER pineal and refrigeration cxperiencp main tenance man ME 0784 ARMATURE WINDERS A and si'e xpernc and sal ary desired in letter to Salmon Electric Co Syracuse MERLE OWEN 1 548 Euclid ave GLc nvil! EAST CLEVELAND 1623 Carly on: Airy nm: a Pho ne near 2 car lines EAST CLEVELAND 1163Elberon nff Eu PHARMACJST: Registered desire? full time nr steady relief HE 3433 Box 19 217 Plain Dealer PORTER bell boy or housnman refer pnee: experienced GA 002 7 LAKKWO(I) Bello: Modem prefer 1 2 Pr es an Hst) LA 18341 LAKEWOOL) 1651 Waterbury rd Well furnished room for business woman 69 2039: Large sleeping room with itehenet parking space That is why have an easy riding lim ousine type Invalid Coach with attendants who know how to lift and carry an invalid MAN youtur 1H 24 to travel 3 states with mcr permanent: drawinc account Ap plv Mr Ruffner 1212 Guarantee Title Bids white man lor lawn and cardeit work care of chickens and horses S3() S3o room and board give full information Box 26 418 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK: WHITE GENERAL 3 ADULTS REERENCE LO 1861 HANDYeman white married: work of any kind house yard MU 5979 emale 88 2070: 6 rooms stam heat ice less $55 Janitor or MA 7640 90 1933: 2 3 rooms iceless steam $375n $5250 Janitor or MA 640 LIQUOR HABIT STOPPED bECRETLY Parke 310 Citizens Bldg CH 49jV nt ngni MA 9721 BOOKKEEPER: Competent 6 ex pericnce with city firms S1 3022 103 750: 3 rooms and bath ii car tn represent local faetnry In Cleveland territory we prefer interview with party who ha sold the better type of merchandise: unusual commission ar ran2meni to party solicited Apply 9 to 1 2 only 1014 Guarante Ti le Bldg ALESM SALESWOMEN Join our organization today Most liberal commission paid Repeat business as sures you a steady income Every call a potential sale: experience is net neces sary your chance to MAKE BIG MONEY Se Mr Lewi at 3133 Prospect 9 to 11 a SALESMEN: Men experienced in advertis ing given preference: must have car commission bonus Geo Hurlburt PR ctiiii CLEVELAND II EIGHTS 2621 Tavlor Room: garage: shower SK 24'iiy CRAWORD RD 1805': Nicely furnished next balb $3o0 up phone EATT7eVELAND Com fortable wcll tiirnishcd room private Eontile family: call after 5:30 NORTHIELD 0 Suite part furnished: swimMelu CH 0768 BO 5120M SUPERIOR 6001 Clean quiet 1 or rnnm suite adults S35O S5 phone BILL THE MOVER: Pianos moved free with every joh LOW RaIES 10623 AMOR MU 426 HOUSEKEEPER and hostess for church experienced references no cooking Box 951 7 Plain Dealer HOUSEKEEPER: Over 25 fine home 2 adults and baby: good salary apply nly if experienced LO 9090 MUSIC and lap dancing enrollment sales men tor near by towns car furnished bust commission proposition: experienced men only Applv 10 12 a 2o3 Hippodrome Rldg annex Situation Wanted ADVERTfSJNG: Yoiinsr: Nev experience Box 32817 Plain Dealer 1U7 2022 off Euclid: Large 2 rooms kitchenet: near bath adults MYERS: Philip Andrew who jnunieyed into the Great Beyond Aus 5 1932: Inscribed upon my heart with pen divine recorn oi me nappy walked witn you Gon Whose gentle greatness endears EXPERIENCED ON PERMA NENT MOLD WORK HOURLY RATE BOX 20999 PLAIN DEALER iLESMAN: or el life insurance co West Side salary commission bonus nnd future Box 21599 Plain Dealer for Trained Masseuses Thre is an unprecedented demand for thoroughly trained masspiises our grad uates nou IdOG? employed present de mand exceeds supply this is a dignified well paving profession with a perma nent future Evening classes ree Ambitious and anxious to get into a busi ness of greater opportunities old tab iphed co: salary and commission Mr vmleot 8(1 Guardian Bld Death and uneral Notices Pergonals Business Notices (Personals Business Notice! Great Lakes College 51 ROSE BLDG Ml 1 $1 STEAM oil wave sptral or croquignole ree marcelling and hair cutting daily avesnt atjirrixv CH 6519 White Gross Beauty School 2132 9 Co nail 1 ta con dan? Ben Guenther Itwo ra LADlEft TAUGHT Dual Control Dn CAMBRIDGE HOTEL Bachelor Residence 1837 :9 Cheerful rooms running waler showers: large lobby porch garage $750 CARNEGIE Stearns rd: Neatly furnished room homelike good car service steam gentleman CE 5201 CEDAR RD Heights 2236 Edgerton: Large room private lavatory nwn Porch' gentleman SK 67J9M CLEVELAND HEIGHTS Beautiful roam for business man only between 3 car lines 2 adults home privileges $2250 nwnlh A 7 10J MHHs CEDAR 9065 WXUV SI 12 Carnevie ECZEMA What an avltil affliction Come to 515 Hippodrome Bide and receive help Also clear your kin of unsightly pimples 14 22fl7: 2 ROOM SUITE PHONE PARKING $6 ADULTS 4 7 1906: 3 rooms 3 and kitchen private bath reasonable ME 7369 BANKRUPT SALE ZIPP MEN'S CLOTHING HOUSE J' Open Ertninr GIRL: 19 20 years for light factory work: hourly 5518 EucIk ave 5th floor GIRLS: ood store experience $325 Saturdays only 9911 Euclid ave GENERAL Offiee Clerk: Young man: 5 experience ambitious modest salary KE 2999R INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER: Graduate: wilh Personnel drafting and foundry experi ence desires position in production sales engineering or similar fields interested in future location immaterial references a ge 3 1 Box 3 2 314 Plain Dealer MAINTENANCE MAN: Experienced city references own tonls EV 2420J Haiti IAlr Thurxiy Au JuJ Jil AIAANWlt: 4r beloved hnbtd of jv father of Jamea and William aon of leabelle and the late Thnmaa nanda nu call it William A Roy A Daniele uneral Home lW lietrolt are where eervtcea will be held riday Aug 6 at 11 a BARWTT: Rev Edon beloved taHteri of Edgar nd Bee 2 75 )4I Monday riend may call at unk pattereon'a Parlor U913 Superior avr Service there Thuraday Aus 5 it 2 tn KGNERi Charle A beloved hmband of Pearl (nee Hom father of Mr Charlotte Whale Arthur Mr! rance Morgan and Ne)on ann Don Larkin grandfather oi Robert Morten I at hl late reeidence 759 133d at Now at Rinear Lainbert uneral Home Euclid ave at Mlewood where eerv will be held Thucday at 2 clock I BERNSEEi Lena (nee Buechteri beloved' vife of the late Herman sister of Mr Elizabeth Jaecer and the late red Henry Mrs Margaret Buechler John and Mary Buechler and aunt entered into rest Tuesday Aug 3 at 10:15 al late residence 3321 41 where service will be held riday Aue 6 at 2:30 Interment Brooklyn Height Ueemetery ftHniVK Tr nice father of Genrurte may call at Wm Roy A uneral Home 15b00 Detroit at Lakewood Christian Church Learn Welding The Trade of the Metal Industry All Metals All Methods Project Training VISIT A CLASS IN ACTION DAY AND EVENING CLEVELAND SCHOOL of WELDING Inc TRAINING WELDERS SINCE 1927 201 11th st at Carnegie TR 032 AUDITOR: Public books kept part tune a udits taxes moderate fee A 2881 BODYguard watchman private work for merly Chicago secret fatvicp experience best refcrenepg Box 27717 lam Dealer BOOKKEEPER Stenographer: Ago 32 full ch a rge 1 0 years experience PR 5 58 SCIENTIIC aSTKULUGLK ite driving i tea reauet lanv tn tuam tiotei MONITOR hands polishers and must be experienced on plumbing up ptses pteveworK Central Bra? Co 2959 55 CHE: Experienced hotel state salary and reference? Box 9617 Plain Dealer CHIROPODIST: Ohio license out of town advertising office Phone GLenville 05n9 Sunday August 8 between 11 and I for interview of S'! at 1 Davi DRIVING to Miami ia Aug 36 Clark ave Wil nj car 'nwter MA 0on YACHT for charter Regatta al Put in nee Leigh I Beloved Bay Ans 9 11 PR 2359 LA 92 ntothM ni xnrma ana Leigh Residence second 'HKugpny services tnaav auv ai from Davis' uneral Home avp Willoughby X'rtSnX r'alhrinf wifA nf Harry beloved mother of Edgar Albert Mrs Edward Thomas Mr? Ernest Davis Emma and the late Mrs Gorge Shifter: residence 4145 uneral Saturday Aug services at the residence at 2:30 NOVOTNY: James residence 4523 Czar ave beloved husband of Rose father of George Laura Banning grandfather of Joan Vtednday Service? ai A Nosek uneral Home 3282 55th st Saturday Aug 7 at 2 OLITKY Mary beloved write of Thoma? mother of Mrs Mary Husar Peter Andy Paul and Johnny (Musky iter of Mrs Sophie Muhluk residence 3814 Archmere ave Prayer service Thursday at 12:45 uneral services will be hld al the Apostolic Church 443 ave Thursday Aug 5 2 Emil Klanke funeral director PINTA: Pear) (nee Knadter beloved wife of Edward mother of Thomas daugh ter of Katherine and th late red Knadler sister of Mrs Esther Pinter and Mrs Mildred Reuscher residence 13012 Cedar rd Cleveland Heights riends received at the DeVand uneral Home 11130 Euclid avenue uneral services Thursday at 2 PRATT: Charles beloved husband of Ellen (nee Den rate) father of Mrs Edward Bielfelt Mr? Brtha Werner and George Pratt entered into restWednesday Aug 4 Now at Donald Johnson uneral Home 521 Broad way Bedford 0 where services will be held Saturday Aug 7 at 2:30 SCHAA: Cora (nee Schenk) beloved wife of Arthur mother of Leroy and Al bert daughter of Mr A Schenk aged 41 Late residence 3149 63 st Service at the home of her brother Leo 3405 41 riday Auk 6 at 2 SCHLEMANs Wilhelmina nf 1283 West lake ave write of the late Henry mother of Roy Laura and Howard Schleman and Mrs Clara Arglandr and grandmother sister of Mr Howard Benedict William Hauck of Lafayette and Mrs Philip Haus of Indianapoli Wednesday morning Now at the Geo Lang uneral Home 95th at Lo rain ave where service? will be 31016 riday Aug 6 at 2:30 SJD: Joseph husband of Sarah father of Adelle brother of Jsadcre and Jack 1136 Lakeview rd Now at Cohn Mar owsky Inc 772 105 where services ill be held Thursday Aug 5 at 2 CHAUEUR BUTLER WHITE 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE in Hollywood New Yo rk Cleveland ME o671 CHAUEUR houseman: colored mar ried: city references CE 0182 69 2068 Euclid: 2 rooms real kitchen a 1 1 ults leeping room $4 HE 4764 71 1917: 2 large refined adult homp 88 will pay $3 for work 1 day each wfpk: husband must be employed 11 2059 Euclid car: Large 3 rooms on 3d floor 2 beds complete BARBER: Young American prefer down town or terminal shop experience sal ary and commission references Box 9717 Plain Deater BARBER: GUARANTEED SALARY MISS1ON 1380 HAYDEN BARBER: American: no student salary and commission 14070 Euclid PYRAMID STORAGE credit arranged Long Distance Moving Return Load Ra MI 4020 3739 93 Evenings CE 468 WANTED: Load to Detroit Chicago New York St Louis 1669 Crawford rd McMillan Storage CEdar 8hl5 HEIGHTS airmount car Taylor rd Airy single room garage: $5 A 747RJ HESSLER 11315 Euclid off ord: Ideal room couple 1 2 men porch RE 2735 BODY feudrr repair men union wages Ask teeher Camegie 9th Garage BOOKKEEPER Accountant for responsible position in email tei fabricating shop only those with several year practical experience need apply: salary Box 2915 Plain Prater SALES MANAGER WANTED And salesmen to burial space in estab lished Park Lawn Cemetery The nten wa select must be capable of closing and accustotoed to earning $5teni nr more annually Our people have no competition are the only Me morial Park in this vicinity We have hundred of 'atisfied lot owners who can be sold additional property and whowill also furnish new prospects Within the next 66 days our musical lower will be under construction reply state rxivriPBce and give references 1 1 2 Rte Utica High type to represent a manufacturer in eastern Ohio producing a complete quality line of consumer and painter materials when answenn this ad he ure to rate fully past experi ence ace married nr single and terri tory covered: all applications will he created in strict confidence Box 2417 Tiani Da I club: help tend bar East LI 2829 Ml DI a cd "eom a i on housekeeper for elderly lady or couple Box 26217 Plain Dealer UNDERWRITER fire and marine :) Accountant sincle travel $250 4 inance men experienced 5200 4 Jr accountant college experienced 8150 4 Elate manager experienced in noulirv I cattle gardening accounting $150 4 inance collector tracer $150 4 A'istant personnel manager factory8125 Claim nditHter freight Open CL ELAN V0C A ION' A I 317 Iofl11 Rklc MAin 67 00 ACCOUNTANT public Qulneman anntimw deq I S25O S27 5 Radin sen ice: car tnot Corporation accountant trusts Accountant mfr cost Moon Hopkins Burrows bonkkeepr Service station attendants East rnlleetnr single e1 AV 1 LSON EM PLO YMENT 725 UN 1 0N TRUST BLDG TR 1000 SALES MGR shoe mfg co $500 up Salesmen equipment 8300 nn Industrial management engineers S3OO S5OO Industrial engineer rubber $250 Designer auto body $250 Time study production engineers S200 S300 Auditor travel S20O S3O0 Bookkeeper cashier retail SllOJHQ INT EBSTATE EXCHANGE 405 Hippodrome Established 1 906 I WILL RANK BOLTE formerly of WhiteMone whose last address was Marshall ave Cleveland 1 nmniumeate ilb Michael Du an 38 12 30th ave Long Island City HAY fever OR ASTHMA VICTIM? See us at once RELIE ASSURED WillUER ANOTHER DAY? 10 dajs free treatment Call WA So2 or wne 4290 139 HOUSEKEEPER: EXCELLENT COOK ex perienced small Lakewood family: no laundry Westlake 5v2J HOUSEKEEPER: Refined experience male adu lte Box 32217 Plain Dealer HOUSEKEEPER: Capable fined middle aged for 1 or 2 adults SK 1357M PASS BOOKS QUOTED GUARDIAN TRUST irst Cleveland Corp National City Bank Bldg PR 1571 SALES GIRL: Experienced dry goods store Slavish preferred references: salaryBox 20117 Plain Dealer WAITRESS Assist in cleaning: must be over 21: good girl salary Vlchek Geauga Lake 0 opposite the dance hall WAITRESS: Experienced: nights West Side min room: 21c hou BO 5819 DRIVER with eet dry cleaning route sal ary and commission steady work 2186 South Taylor rd URNACE bheet Metal Man hourly rate 1 384 Bonnieview LA 390 6 URRIER WANTED: Exjxnencpd man for repair work and remodeling Apply the trou Co Youn gstown Ohio Lewis ine 26 33H3 Altamont Road Io Anne Rosen 2o 11 ZO Derbyshire Road Blatrio Gamin 21 10? 12tlthstreet to Mary Dcfc ranccsco 1 2512 22d Street Sam Javtteh IP 13603 Klmwnan Road tn Bessie Helman iO 96 88th Street (issued) John Itergatt 27 1690 70th Street to Angela Hnnigman 21 lol 70th Street Alvtn Hoffer 22 10111 South Bon ward to Esther Jenyvcs 18 10011 Bernard DKrnter 25 Ashtabula In Hazel Morsenalern 1 2aoS Qneeiieion Road Dimilrios Kiison 28 18o8 Street Io Jeanne Karans 20 imH 20th Street rank Krashowitz 2'J 15110 Cajculta Avenue to rance lortnua 0 410 15sth Si reel Jack Lavery 21 147 fo Avenue to Lauretta Mack a 7sfi2 Colfax Road Abe Newman 29 tell Paxton Road tn Helen Koplow 25 920o I terpont Tom' 6 Pricer 23 11516 Ashbury Avenue to Eleanor Vincent 1256 Webb Road neene Kolb 38 2503 30th Strcot tn Mary Vik'llotti 28 2101 311 Street Robert Sliva 23 Brecksville0 to Helen Vovkofka 19 Brecksville Joseph 8 Smith 33 10103 1 tflda Avenue to Palma Black 29 HL5 rat'iklin1 pA Stepka 27 1638 Ridye wnnfi Avenue tn Mary Beros 163s Ridegwnnd Avenue Stephen Toth 26 4722 Bridge Avenue to Arlene Teth IS o41S Archmere Avenue nn Willtem Van Bergen ri 2r 3ooU Odarbrnnk Read tn Regina Bang 2k 1 IM 16lh Street Vaughn Volk 26 1332S Har and Avenue to Elizabeth Monahan 21 316 Cornwall Read 82 1943 Euclid car: 4 rooms steam heat icelpss table top range shower tile bath See custodian or MA 9272 85 1924: 3 4 rooms: wteam iceless $45 $5250 Janitor or MA 7640 87 1807: 6 room: iceless steam heat newly decorated: quiet neighborhood 88 2053: ront 3 room large porch awnings steam iceless $45 117 I KS 1 NK A Killlin IIWI1 ROOM APT REE ICELESS $4750 117 462: Beautiful 4 ronm rdecorat cd 1st floor a dor: steam $375 PHARMACIST Relief work West resident preferred reference came salary Box 22 517 Plain Dealer PHARMACIST: Registered man: salary Mai aire and experience Box 33117 Plain De a te PHARMACIST: Relief well experienced: Al references: silarv Box 19117 Plain Dealer PACKER WANTED: State experience and salary: references Box 20217 PJain Dealer POLISHER: Experienced for chrome piece work Richter Co 1667 40 SALESMAN ASSOCIATE Executive ability entirely new propor tion with unlimited eeaming capacity commiMiun plus part expene: new de veloped special cmente in industrial building maintenance materials includ ing floor resurfacing material 100 co nperation advertising etc taie experi ence and phone: personal interview this week Box 27117 Plain Dealer husband of the late ter nnws Daniels i Services corner 1 Roveroft and Detroit avea riday Auw 6 at l30 RI RRKT: Jennie (nee Jones) of 9913 Gibson beloved wife of John mother of Ada Haiek and siter of Wilnam Allee nuswn onn anu ai 15 no 4v Aug 6 at the Ciau uneral lAtiUV Miles ai TRmWARII late father of Norma Sophie brother of Dewey tert gallnw and Elpf't mon Erlend received at the De land uneral Home 11130 Euclid ate erv ice riday ai 2 nt ARMER: Robert Painesville beloved husband of Grace (nee Barhydt) father of Robert John Grace Jean William Harriet Ada Jamem George and the late Nancv uneral from residence 33 Walnut at Painesville Thursday Attf 5 at 3 Burial Mentor Cemetery EIL: Caroline Mother of Helen ell Davidson New York city Mra A Thomas and Mrs Anna Slater Cleve land Mr Norman rayel of Canton 0 riend may call al the Saxton uneral Home 13215 Detroit are where serv ice will be held riday Au al 1:30 EKTIG: Harold beloved husband nf Haiel son of Mr and Mrs ttilliam ertig brother of Clarence '5edler Everett and Mrs Hazel Hall of Grand Rapids Mich Tuesday Aus 3 at resi dence 7600 Di ct where services will be held Saturday Aus 7 at 2 pm Burton beloved nueband of Corel (nee Hutton) father of Eileen Nelson Paul Burton and John at hi residence 1291 Granser avenue Monday Au 2 1937 riends ay rail at Hieber 4 uneral Home 104 Detroit ave wu Thursdsv morning Services io be Thursday Aug 5 at 2 Knollwood Mausoleum GALLEY: Nettie daughter of th John Galley and Julia Van leet 1 deceased 1705 Belmar road Tuesday Services at Wada Memorial Chapel Thursday Aug 5ih at 11 a GILL: Mr and Mr John (Eliza A3 beloved mother and father of John and Gill Aug 2 at residence 18 42 Mount Union si East Cleveland Services from the home of the Millard Son Raper Co Carnegie and Hteih Thursday Aug 5 at 11 a H0LBURY: Walter Lari beloved eon of William and Alice brother of Eleanor Dav ton and Howard nefiuV may call at William Roy A Daniels uneral Home 15809 Detroit ave where services will be held riday Aug 6 at 3 KEEGAN: Thomas beloved husband of Mary (nve Howard) father of Mrs A Townsley and Arthur Keegan riend? may cal! at the Uilliaxn Don Ion uneral Home 9213 Miles ave neral riday Aur 6 at 9 a from Holy Name Church KCNZ: Anthony beloved husband of Katie (nee Walter) father of Mrs Berner Sauber at hie residence 14305 Orinoco ave Eat Cleveland Wednesday Aug 4 1937 riends may call al Abel ru neral Home Euriid ave comer of Shaw Services at Sl Philomena's Church Eu clid ave and We)tely rd East Cleve land Saturday morning Aux 7 at 9 a LOWTHI AN Stepanka (nee Shehanekh residence 439 Lloyd rd Wickliffe 0 bloved wife of George daughter of Theresa and th? late Anton sister oi Cons'ince Vollman Anthony Marte er Wchh tnnnnplte 1 1 AJU Campbell Lawrence Edward Celia ana the late Jorcphme Tuerflay Services at E' 55tli st riday Aus 6 at 2 LEY: lorcnre beloved daughter of Christ and Ernestine Luv 207 4 Elbur ave riend mav call at the residence Srvice at the home 2 i and at Christ Evangelical Church 9th and Cudell ave 2:30 Saturday Amr 7 Charles A Mandley MALLOY: The Riehl Rev rancis A aon of the late Michael and Bndcet brother of Jame pastor of St Aloy sios' Church at Charity Hospital Mon day at 8:35 a uneral from St Church Thursday Au 5 at 10 a Interment Calvary Cemetery Plea omit flower McMAHON: Robert beloved brother of Mr Georce Richner of lorida and Daisy A McMahon ol WiUouahby Wednesday 8aturQy uneral loughby MILLER: wife of West Side cl*tQN BLVD 12PS RONT ROOM 1 EV IL 1 i LA 1 TER GARAGE MAN EAST CLEVELAND off Euclid: Room running water complete $4 GL 7623 EAST CLEVELAND 1820 Knowles: Living room kit cbm dinct own bath entrance 55 1687: Whittier Hotel off Payne 3 ronm suites: well furnished $550 up 65 17SS Hough bus: Well furnished 2 3 room suites $1 up free parking 66 1S78: SPOTLESSLY CLEAN ROOM Ki tch met in a dor porch adults 2ij5W CLEVELAND HEIGHTS: Private home airy front room 1 2 men SK' 1 3Q9R HEIGHTS 2216 Lee rd: La 17 ru i lor enilcman 22 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS bns: Pleasant front room board man A 1011 CL LAN EGUT 17o vol room real borne meals lady SK 4954 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 3021'Wasditegion Large front room own bath SK 3)o7J HOOD 2405 Pleasant room private fam fly $350 SH 0228W LAKE AVE 9805? Large pleasant front room for 1 or 2 in fine home BUCKINGHAM HALL 2330 Euclid Heights bird: 3 5 room suite elevator redecorated $70 $100 THE COMMODORE Euclid ord dr: Reservation now for 1 2 or 3 rooms available soon carpeted tceless phone gas electricity many other services DELIGHTUL IN EVERY RESPECT Complete BEAUTY COURSE al th tie Cross School Huron 9tb Bide STENOGRA PH ERS Am you in nerd ol one? Call Boyd School CH 7 421 And oft in silence a the da zr With gratitude chapter? In hallowed Invr so long as thought remain Jm nortal will memory of ymi JOSEPHINE ORSYTH MERg MEN LEARN our system of BARBERING CLEVELAND Barber College 2140 9 HEMPHILL DIESEL SCHOOLS OU RIO PUBLIC SQUARE BLDG 97 1872 near Euclid: Nicely furnished roomn ear bath parking: phone 99 11 8H Superior: Cheerful room? private adult home garage phone 101 north of Euclid 10974 Kee Mar ct Room private home phone 101 1931 at Euclid: Newly decorated very att raetive cool front: tw i beds WAITER nr bartender ex experience: under 30 RE 2202J 25 yea old college graduate good ap pearance and proved sates ability teach me your business pay my expense? and whatever I am worth Box 32617 Plain Dealer 66UPIE: City or country home general i housework garden farm and dairy ex perience best of reference Box 18917 Plain Dealer RELIABLE healthy Bohemian man offers to care for farm property ML 3810 LAKE aVeT HiOfh MASTER BID ROOM TWIN BEDS (MEN) LAKEWOOD 1597 Grace Madison Detroit: Co ol airy room radio SU 3626W LAKEWOOD 1384 Gladys: Large room off Detroit nice location SU 6862J LAKEWOOD 13430 Merl Clifton Detroit: Single twin: man: $3 SU 144RM LA GRANGE at 75 Euclid Houzh Excep tionally large: newly furnished inner spring porch private apt HE 775k LAKE SHORE BLVD 29159: Larate airy: lovely ham? board 1 3 KE 1811 PARK HEIGHTS RD 3 minutes Kinsman: ront twin beds 1 2 men Ml 57 6S SHAKER: Airy room adjoins bath 3 min i te te rapid garage LO 0839 STEARNS RD 2111 Phi Karpa Pri 1 month all house privileges CE 9252 LAUNDRY' ami ironing at home best refcrem'P DI 224 1 PRIVATE AMILIES Call and deliver No Sun HE 3610 Nt'RSE: Middlr agid any case references East Side CE '10311 HOUSEWORK: Capable 35 (rood worker no laundry Box 33017 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK: General: colored: home niabt: reference MT 2229 HOUSEWORK General adult references: call 9 4 MU 8619 STENOGRAPHER SO general office: ex perienced A reference SU o6M STfXOGRA Experienced for tern norary work SU 01111 STENOGRAPHER: neral office: experi ence: references IA 2382 ARCHWOOD AVE 3315: 3 complete room and bat It $650 RANKLIN 31'10: WELL URNISHED ROOMS COMPLETE: REASONABLE A LI 3805: Lovely suites and room complete S350 S450 near park OR1 'll ARD AVE 431S: urnished rooms for lUht housekeeping private entrance near car: adult EUCLID near Superior: Ideal 2 room suite 2 3 4 men: $250 MU 5237am GARIELD' HOTEL 3M PROSPECT Loyply rooms mon and women GARIELD 10719: 2 cars: Room board laundrv) gentile home GL 0174 Joeph Wieczorek 29 1695 79th Street to Bernice Mazuroweki 22 5906 leet Avenue Clayton Wight 26 1878 armington Road to Mary Miehnay 24 4301 Archwood Avenue Death? Anin 12601 nue Aug 2 6M Anna Rossow 12413 nue Aug 1 61 rance? Kavalar 1357 Aug 2 50 Alfred Newkirk 1836 Atitr 1 46 Charles McIntyre 2124 22d Street July 29 60 Eva Lang 1406 75th Street Aug 2 48 Mathew bunter 2114 64thStreet A 0 Elton Barnett 275 Aug 2 76 George Samsnnaa 1369 65lh Aug 1 49 Mary Novy 3H4 110th Aug 1 Elizabeth Teubner PriAt 4 HIT I Loutee (Lmiwika) Borucki k'avtmir Avahiip Aug 2 35 Mary Ohlskv 3814 Archmere Avenue Aug 2 43 Elizabeth Ziegler 9615 Clifton Boule vard Aug 3 77 Jennie Burltet 9913 Gibson Avenue Aug 3 58 Harold ertig 7600 Dix Court Aug 3 John'Rozic' 1091 Addison Road Aug Rev rancis A Malloy 10932 St Clair Avenue Aug 2 74 Jennie Notch 1126 Newman Avenue Au? 2 23 Dan Cartian 1130 5oth Street A (iff 3 54 Catherine Nelson 4115 98th Street Aug 4 83 Ertinia Wagner 1112H 94ih Street H0USEWOHK Middle aged rteat clean good home to hich wage Box 26717 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK: German Hungarian woman adults 1053 109 PASS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD UNION TRUST CUYAHOGA IN INCE CO Li enl 1W Em lirl PR 3330 Pass Books Sold LEDOGAR H0RNER CO 1141 UiiPHi Truet Bldg CH 3nn Birth Mrs red Placak girl Mrs Roy Kreuzer boy Mrs red Charles Vondraaek boy Mrs Clarence Anthony lacobucci boy Mrs rank Ostrowski boy Mrs Edward Tonteik girl Mrs Alexander Haapih girl Mrs Justice Scolf ttirl Mrs Charles Henry Lawhon boy Mrs Martin Postma buy Mrs John Kessler girl Mrs Jerry atone girl Mrs Carl Koenig girl Mr Henry Thompson girl Mrs Anton Knloim girl Marriage Licene Gerhard Bertram 23 6605 Bradley Avenue to Erna Schmidt 23 660n Bradley Avenue Stanley Bezak 36 Chatham Avr nue to Virginia Gillardi 2b 131 viair Avenue William 1 Rrnwn 32 23 12 Street tn Mary Lemar 23 59th Street Herbert Brunner 27 4278 Street to Elizabeth Herpld cl*tifnn vpn if Anton Burbaeh 21 ioi6 Dudley Ave nue to Johanna Manti 18 213 5m street Henry Hausen 28 1261 61h Street to Jane Linderoth 21 L40dl Madison Avenue Jospeh Conform 2S 12117 Benham Avenue te Angela Gillombardo 20 OiUH UO1II MI'tJl George Demchak 29 1 140 Street io Anne Wolansky 20 11th Street Julius Dunn 27 10625 Columbia nue to Mary A Shaftel 25 Adams Avenue Archie A Eliott Street to Sylvia Empire Avenue PeW alznne Street to Olivo Detroit Avenue LAKEWOOD 13 S2 Gladys near Detroit: Clean room genttergan private $350 LIBRARY 3226: 2 attractive bed rooms: private home: board phone men 100 2136: Madison car comfortable aril 1 1 1 home ge ntteman phone lol 2119: Madison Lorain: Comfort able large room with den and bath 104 1288: ront well furnished: 1 2 men breakfast laundry private ME 7499 90EUCLJD: LARGE ROOM TWIN BEDS: PRIVATE BATH 1 2 CE 0592 9 ELDERLY couple for farm work: salary Inquire after 3 at 16153 Libby rd Maple Heights 0 COUPLE: Man for sardener woman for house prefer farmers good living con ditions Box 2)917 Plain Dealer CURTAINS iaundered stretchrd 25c pair guaranteed call deliver PO 9611 HOUSEKEEPER: Refined widow unen cumbered capable and desirous of full charge in gentteman's home or mothpr tes home references: prefer gentile Rnx 9H17 Plain Dealer HOUSEKEEPER: Age 38 small adult or motherteM home: country preferred 1182 Plain Dpaler MENTAL aged or bedfast Companionable competent care Protestant nurses home Healthy location WA 2162 PLEASANT room in nurse's private subur ban home for 2 plderlv persons auto rides Box 3062 Em lid Ohio WNVaLESCENT HOME for' invalids graduate registered nurse GA 76101 INVALIDS Aged Lovely home: porches good meals graduate nurse HE 8015 lo ELY honte rnnvatescents graduate nurse's care beautiful location GA 2309 Any ease' graduate nurse i screened porch 13S 1 Nicholson B( 9835 INVALID Arefi or Red Pattenls: gradu DAY WORK: Young white laundry iron ing and cleaning LO 5676 DAY WORK White laiindry cteaningex perience $250 car fare CL 378 7 DAY WORK: WASHING CLEANING ile: 50 car fare EV 2560R WOMAN wants laundry nr cleaning by the day 2721 DAY WORK cleaning and laundrv: $25'1 and car ire reliable EV 2155M BEAUTY OPERATOR: Good hair stylist and all around operator excellent op portunity wages or commission Apply in person Henri Beauty Salon SiiUman Thea ter Bldg dow mown Euclid ave BEAUTY operator Must have 2 years ex perience and know marcelling salary Apply Room 203 Erie Bldg BEAUTY OPERATORS: SALARY AND COMMISSION United Hair Dressers Association MA 1456 105 1221 near Superior: Nice room $250 and $450 housekeeping $4 $6 107 651: Large airy front room prhate adult home board optional 107 1197 Superior Wade Park: Pleas ant room private hom*o GA 132S EUCLID AVE 8803: The room for which you search but rarely find very com fortable: attractive bed sitting room next to showrr GA 9557 81 2025 off Euclid: Lovely airy 2d floor ro gentleman $4 garage 86 2017: Lovely cool front mom ideal for 1 2 private home CE 2325 87 1861 near Euclid: Well furnished private home sink phone 89 1835 off Euclid: Coo) room: fine mea I atrr garage CE 433 0 STENOGRAPHER college graduate Eat experienced sincle 1 10 Stenographer advert isinr downtown UJO Stenographer heavy detail under 28 single Protestant preferred Stenographer downtown corporation $90 Tvpisls (5) rapid downtown S80 Burroughs Moon Hopkins Bookkeeper Ste nographer prefer Protestant 81 15 Booklteeppr know Dalton machine Dictaphone Operator extreme East vol i VO 1' A 0 1 1 0 aZ Several good temporary stenographic posi tions available SI a day BAUERS EMPLOYMENT 716 Hippodrome Bide PR 8109 SECRETARY college graduate invest ments utdtf 36 single SI Id Slto Stenographer Moon Hopkin bookkeeper biller prefer Protestant 10 Stenographer Dictaphone near city $80 Sinn Stenographer assist books single J9'J Stenographer Underwood fanfold S0 8 Moon Hopkins bookkeeper biller eal MOO Comptometer nay roll experienced SUMj Dictaphone experienced American $86 Bookkeeper typist auto West Pn Sates readv io wear 22 28 3 1 $ha $io CLEVELA I) VOCATIONAL 317 SchoflPld Bltig MAi HI 00 SEVERAL STENOGRAPHERS $'( $100 onerator STENOGRAPHER Sbo KEY PUNCH operators $100 MOON HOPKINS BOOKKEEPER OPERATOR TYPIST $75 BL U1 NG ALLS CO 1035 Guardian Bbls No registration fees INEST HIGHEST SALARIES COUPLES COOKS All Ivpes of domestic positions SARA SAR LQU1S 12117 CEDAR RD HOUSEKEEPER: Motherless: mod plain home: not over 40 $6 3848 Payne ave: 120 1395: Neatly fumihed 3 rooms ha th 2d floor adults CE 6594 EUCLID G912: Nicely furnished 2 rooma redecorated very reasonable EAST 1757 page: 4 rooms steam icctess $10 $17o0 Janitor or MAin 7(IO 75 1934 1942 Modern 4 room? front newly decorated free icelese $5250 references HOUSEWORK: PJain cooking Hungarian nr Slavish 3 in family GA 0294 LAUNDRESS and upstairs work: White: stay references 12600 Cedar OriLMAKER and shaper hourly rate Inquire Co 31b ull on rd WAITER wanted: Good wages good hours 3007 Woodland $6 TO $24 TER DAY Will add four more men who can sell and who are willing to work: permanent po sition with national organization: no canvassing we will take jou out and show you how you can make these com minions Apply 505 Caxton Bldg 2 4 JAPANESE or ilipino servant unmarried io take charge of bachelor apartment must be butler valet and able to drive car applv by letter statin age experi ence salary expected re a i red Apply Box 32117 1 a i Dealer 1 900 Windermere Large twin front nice home 18TH AT PROSPECT HOTEL GRAND $5 PER WEEK Tub and baths ree Parking Cteveland's finest small hotel 65 1550 Apt 3: Cheer! ul clean rnoTTL in adult private home man $250 70 1705: Large cheerful clean front room in adult home $3 87 1851: 1 ROOM STUDIO APT: ADULTS: NEW URNITURE 90 1838 Apt 7 EUCLID Hough: 2 large airy rooms kitchen privileges $25 93 1915 off Euclid: Well furnished front 2 rooms with kitchen $8: park 97 1844: 2 cool nicely furnished irctess garage employed adults 97 1819: Attractive 2 own bath and entra nee porch adults references HOUSEKEEPER: or employed couple salary 1813 Charles rd East Cleve land HOUSEWORK Young or middte aged woman for cooking and general home in country: other help employed give full information Box 26318 Plain Dealer HOUSEWORK: White girl to assist no cooking laundress employed gentile Protestant family 2 adults and bov 7 years stay nights $5 LO 7261 HOUSEWORK: General cooking no laun dry white country place of city 3 i Idren $12 Box 33299 Plai Dea 1 ACE APT 28'03 Prospect: Clean quiet rooms $250 for men: parking CARNEGIE 3145: 2 3 room suites Private bath: redecorated $6 $7: park EAST CLEVELAND: Beersford 1870: 2 rooms own bath entrance porch ga race also 1 single room PO 1266 SALESMAN with car rommiion and bonus 836 Standard Bldg SALESMEN WOMEN WANTED Representative of largest household merchandise mfr in United States will interview 5 women who are in terested in earning from $25 to $35 weekly on commission selling the most nationally advertised product in America Every home is a pros pect Product is sold on a new plan never presented before See Mr Vaughn between 10 a and 12 noon 616 Williamson Bldg MARRIED WOMAN (husband No children age 30 to 45 teacher or coltegr Pained Protestant preferred: wanted at one1 supervise children and plav piano ome salary CH 5953 LADIES for telephone sales work with ex perience and managerial ability good commterinn and bonus advancement Box 11291 Plain Dealer DISSATISIED SALESLADIES: See style show in Hotel Allerton this ri afternoon at 2 highest com YOUNG lady 17 24: assist personnel mgr salary Box 32417 Plain Dealer State qualifications phone ALbE teetn tebased to Dr Weiler 20 Old Arcade 8 lake 3 1UNER Mickey (Himself) McGuire i i I 3.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 5799

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.