The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

2.. PAGE SIX THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTES VA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 21; 1942 Keswick Horse Show Set For August 15 '42 Tam O'Shanter Open Shows No Outstanding Amateur Gayle CHICAGO, July The Tam Shanter Golf Tournament went ha. untrammeled and virtually uncontrolled way today, with the amateurs the trying their quality for shooting proper, which begins tomorrow. After tomorrow, af course, comes deluge, when amateura and professionals become so extricably mixed for a period of days that it wilt take a certified pubile accountant to determine who in front.

But for the moment, the amateurs: Late yesterday Johnny, Lehman of Chicago, who won the western amateur title back In 1930, chuffing in with score of 71 lead the Meld at and of the first round. M. This was under par, and perhaps it Inalght to the present amateur golf situs. tion. There Is standout amateur colter That la: Bobby Jones, no Lawson Little.

There are ones' but none holdedge over the field when he A alagle stroke behind Lehman the second round of the amateur qualifying test started were BIll Culbert of Columbus, Henry Bow. beer of Chicago, Bob Cochran of St. Frank. Stranahan of Toledo and Johnny Goodman of Omaha. Each shot a par 73 yesterday.

Semabow, the professionals seem le have won the ascendency In golf. The money players draw the crowd. Yesterday, while the amateurs were doing their earnest best to quality department. of this Inexplicable. tournament, the pros drew the galleries, though they were only practicing, The pros do not start playing, really, until Thursday.

The professional who pulled the biggest crowd of the day Howard Wheeler of Los Angeles, completely unattached. Wheeler long, tall, pleasant Negre10 entered in the Tam O'Shanter open-who, gripe golf club like nebody ever did before, and who can bat a golf ball country mile. Wheeler employs what might roughly be described interlocking backhanded grip. He wears big yellow glove on either band. Up close to the flag, he appeared to handk' his unorthodox crip pretty good, too.

On the 486-yard second hole he hit the flagpole with bis approach: Today was case of the amateurs completing their qualify. ing rounds, with the low Ing, match play temorrow. On Thursday everybody -pros and amateurs begin play in the Tam O'Shanter 72-bole open tournament. Batting Crown Race Still Wide Open NEW YORK, July The Major Leagues may not he havias much in the way of pennant at the moment, but the competition for the batting crowns la wide This past wick big Ernie sarat of the Boston Braves, who wow the National League batting championshiy in 1 has risen to challenge seriously the leadership of Brooklyn's Pete Raiser while Ted Williams of Boston het the heels of Joe Gordon, the Bash the New York la the American Laague, Raiser, out tor several cause of head lajury suffered at at. Laula, has mark of with Lombardi just.

Are points behind and Joe Medwick, a former champion, sill within range average In the American la $44, seven polats better thas Willams Bobby Doerr Boston la hanging. onto third Believes Dodgers Better Balanced Ex- Yankee Compares Major League Leaders. By Dilen Graham Wide World Sports Editer NEW FORK -Notes off a aports writer's cult The Yankees and the Dodgers are lading the major leagues, and may meet again in this fall's -World The Tanka the Brooks last rear but which team stranger now? fellow whe should. knowFrenchy Bordagaray-saye Brook. bye has the better balanced club.

And Frenchy, you'll remember, was Yankee 'In 1941 and got late the against Durocher' Dandies. Frenchy la a reserve Dodger outGelder Where does colter Jimmy maret get those multi-colored rets? From his mother-in-law. The debonair per-buster from Texas who likes Sashy slacka, shirts and jacketa, too. beret mother had knitted to wear working la the garden. Jimmy crabbed it and sprung it on the rolf galleries Arit in the PGA tournament at Atlantie City.

with 333, but teammate Johnny Pesky has sprung up as challenfor with 324. The ton leaders in each league: AB. Raiser, Bk'lys 300 44 105 Lombardi, Boston 68 13 68 Medwick, 83 48 100 Musial, St. Louts 14 246 80 Notcher, Pitt burg $1 976 W. Cooper, La 67 225 28 00 Norikoff, Calcago 76 176.20 Nicholson, Chicago 80 843 45 103 200 N.

349 01 104 298 Culott, Pittsburgh 40 American Les rue AB Gardon, N. 104 Williama, Boston 297 18 100 Doerr, Boston TY 303 101 Pesky, Boston 111 Spence, Wash ton 65 116 Fleming, Clever'd 13 314 Stephens, 8t. L- 110 310 D. DiMaggie, Bos. 106 Harris, Detroit 208 80 Boudreau, Cleve.

00 301 made such a hit that Jimmy sent rush order for others, la many colors as posalble. Jimmy Foxx rot plenty of plaudits for bla batting prowess during his peak years In the American league but old Double-X received little notice for one of bis bast ternoona at the plate. It was some' ago, Philadelphia game that went 18. Innings and Foxx hit two singles, a double and three hemers. He acored four times himself and drove in eight runs, Including the winning 'counter but-.

That was the afternoon Johnny Burnett of the Indians set an antime: record with mine sate socks In eleven times at bat and Johany, not Jimmy, cot the head- It's been almost three years since Judge decision againat the Detroit club, freeing 93 baseball players, and new Jack Zeller of the Tigers says none of those players would have been of any real value to the club. That is, except possibly Benny McCoy. Most of those players are not even In baseball today, McCoy In the Navy. Roy Cullenbine, who given $25,00) to sign with Brooklyn, was passed on to the Browns and them the: Senators. Lloyd Diets la with Pittaburgh, Damon Phillips with the Rede, John Saln with the Braves and Steve Rachunok with Indianapolis.

Pay Cask or Use In Credit BUY COAL NOW Let's Get Behind Uncle Sam! It is not portant that you pay for your coal now, but it is urgent that you order it immediately! As an aid to Uncle Sam, Barnes urges you to fill your coal bin now, while hauling facilities are not overburdened. We have a large supply of. long burning coal on hand order today is pay out of incomelBARNES LUMBER CORP Completes Training Soldier Bats' High' Majors" Choosy Robbers PHILADELPHIA -UP Two men hold up Leroy Shields, garage attendant, took $11.60 from his cash register and picked out automobile. "We'll take that you replace these worn tires on front. Shields replaced them, bandits drove NEW YORK, July Mauri undefeated Now York heavyweight who takes on Red Burmas of Baltimore In Madison Square Garden Thursday Aight, completes his tralaiag today with two round workout.

Soldier Bate CAMP WHEELEK, July 21- -Soldier Cecil Travis, former Washington star, la sportInc 505 batting average a member the Camp Wheeler basebal team. He swats la tripa. Travis: mark Nat infielder year was second only to Ted Williams la the for that FEATHER TOUCH PAL A HOLLOW GROUND! a barber's resort DOUBLE OR SINGLE EDGE 10 25 4 10 Enjoy Sea Shore Comfort in Your City Home List 21 Classes On Day's Card Jumper Stake Event Will Open Matinee prize list of the Keswick Hunt Club Horse Show, to be held Saturday, August 16, at the shew ring near Kerwick, was lammed pay by the meretary, Miss Jamie Terrill, of Kerwiek. Si The program provides Tor- twen. 1 one.

by classes, Otte be of Judged Middleburg, and Mra. Jamis C. Hamilton, of events listed Include Hunters, to. shown aver four 1-1 foot tamps, conformation and promise to count per cent, performance 40 per cent; Jumpers, Open All, lag only to count, and jumps to relied in case el tie; Green Hunters, conformation to count 40 per cent. and performance 40 cent: Hunter Hacks, to under saddle at a walk, tret, ter, and hand ralloy, performance and mapners te count 80 per cent Also, Huaters, to be wee jumpe not to exceed foot, performance and man te count per cent? Thor.

Hunter, over outalde performance and manners count dO per cent; SuitableBecome Hunters, four and under to be shown at a walk, trot, and canter, conformation 'and promise to count 60 per, cent and manners and way rons. 40 per Working Hunters, da: which Judges will select the most la greeable mounts to bounds, the main consideration. even hunting pace, manners, of going, and style of Jumping ticks not to be scored unless the fault tot had jumping: and Hunter Stake, tor aft hunters, to be shown outside performance 'and manners te count per. cent. In this fifteen entries will required to fill, otherwise the class will he The matinee will with the Jumper Make clam, to shows over Modified Otymple course, performance to" and will followed by the open to all hunters.

horses ridden recognised wearing full A uniform Conformation count cent: performbrilliancy, 18 les'. Hunters, suitable, for: and to be ridden by a lady;" and dews and Out; over two 4 foot; alx inch fences, twice around the ring. to be raised in case of a 'tie. 1 Four ribbons will he awarded the Conformation Hunter pionship Preliminary, to be shown at walk, trot, canter, and 'gallop, and. to he judged ad' dent "hunter under saddle class" an' manners, way, of, formation, quality, substance, and soundness.

it more 'than' four horses quality, only the four with the highest total points may show except In case of tie The Hunter Champion and serve Champion will awarded by the mandren two of the four of more horses In the preliminary, by virtue of their supremacy In points wen through out the show, In' case of a tie score for either award, Judges determine the winner of tie on Hunt Trams, ridded In Die by tars, whips el hunt club, in the uniform of the hunt. Appointments win cent, conforma cent, and performance and manners, per cent. Other classes Include Hunters Under Baddie; Touch and Out, to shown four Jumpe twice around the ring. jumps to 1 raised la of a tier. Lightweight Hunters, for horses': up to 165 Middle and Heavyweight Hunters, for Thor up ito 190 pounda, over, outalde course: Lad.

the basis of conformation, quality and substance. Call 777 for. Mello- Rich ICE CREAM FRESH- PEACH 3 is our" July Special. Elliott Ice Co: Baseball Becomes Blindman's Buff Fans Unable To Guest Who'll Pop Up Where Judaea Sparta Writes Baseball has been turned into of blind man's bud last two or three days 'and average fen Is player Nobody will can pop tell up next, where First Buddy Rosar ted the New York Yankees and they rot hold of Rollie Hemaley quicker than you could fed Cincinnati New York train In time table. Then Erie McNair, who had been sold by Detroit to ton, and supposedly quit baseball, was sold Instead the chia Athletics and decided to play some more.

last aight Larry French, the jovial veteran: usually starts In ten days, went' to In Pittsburgh one day's for the Brooklyn Dodgers last and a Ave hit shut the Pirates. Tante Catchers The confusion concerning Yankee catchers continued. unrivalled, of course Wille body, was trying the American team arid the heir apparehe to BID Dickey's catching maatie, could cold shoulder 'approximately 000 (Including his world, series share) to become' cop Butralo, bis wife gave birth to Manager Joe McCarthy, him $250 and. ordered him rejoin the chub Cleveland for game with the: Indians tonight The question of bow, Hem who made only 13 hits In's halt season. with Cincinnati In the National League, could make Are In one doubleheader with.

Yanks. remained a mystery, over, as did the case Ed was the third mering Yankee catcher whom 'McCarthy wouldst rely on for 'ohe day while 1 went to his home la Buffalo take 'civil service examiation or present at the birth of his second baby. was released to Newark te, make Hemaley on the roster, then rowed back for, en exhibition: Amsterdam, yesterday because Hemaley caught Sunday. 'But they didn't use Kearse all. ley caught- the.

exhibition. McNair, veteran: more: than decade la the American 'L was understood on Sunday to have told Prealdent Clark Grimth of the Washington' Senators that he was washed uP and intended quitting baseball, thus bringing about the 'cancellation 'of his from the Tigers te the Senate MeNale Denies Quitting Yesterday' McNair the A's and denied that' he' had said he was washed up or quitting baseball. What he told: Grifth; he asserted, was that he was hav. Ing a 'poor season was "doing him favor by not putting on Washington What meant, bat didn't vealed later, that ready, willing for any club He did not explain the difference he saw between playing for Senators and'? playing for 'the Athletics. ware French's appearance Canning I.

Preserving Now 'is the ideal time to purchase your canning and. preserving needs. You'll all the necessary. items here, at reasonable prices, tool We sug. gestFruit Jars Jelly Glasses Cellanders Preserving Kettles Jar Rubbers, HARDWARE CO Bill Dudley Favored For' All-Star's Half reported today.

althe University, balloting for, the. halfback the College Al-Star which wit the Bears Soldier Field, Calcago, Trailing Dudley are of Netre Dame sad. Bruce Smith Minnesota Senators Swing To Second Place Victory Over Salem Dim's Rebels Star 'By The Amociated Lynchburg's hard hitting ators, beided by Manager Wes Ferrell. who is making Virginia Laague home run hitting history, held the runnerup position. to Pu: tasks la the loop today.

The Senators ousted Petersburg from the second spot the 1 sult of Red Cohn's 10th Inning single last. night, scoring Billy McKenna from second for 74 decision over Salem. This extra inning, verdict placed Lynchburg just two games behind Pulaski's Ferrell bit 23rd homer, exteading his loop record. A Pulaski was nipped agala Staunton's tailendere, whe have developed a string of late, when Hank Bytnar turned In three hit 1-0. shutout masterpiece.

Charlie West, 4 late of the moad, Colts of the also hurled well, 'granting but six safeties. Steve Sloboda's single in the seventh sent George Mitrus across with the deciding rus. More than 1,300 fans paid to see doubleheader at Newport News but the 'weather caused postponement of the aightcap after the home club had beaten Petersburg' 4 la the opening seven-insing thriller. The Rebels went the seventh with 1-3 lead, Ailed the bases and tied the score. Then with the bases still loaded and none out, BIll Barge hit the Arst ball hurled by relief pitcher Lather Knerr for the winning marker.

Games tonight: Petersburg Lynchburg, Staunton: at Salem, Newport News at Pulaski. mound at Pittsburgh was almost He had been knocked out in the sixth inning St. Saturday, suffering his Brat defeat pt the year, 1 and net in line to work for several days. But he backed up his 11th' supported by a ten hit attack that Included Dolph Camil1's 14th homer of the year and three hits by Joe Medwick as well as by four double plays. This- increased Brooklyn's Lional League lead to 1-2 games and the Dodgers received more glad tidings when they were informed that Pete Reiser, their star centertielder who was injured at Louis Sunday, would be leased from a.

hospital today, All other teams la both 'major leagues were idle yesterday. Cigarette of Marvels strike Quality Quality MARVELS a you, chord. afford. happy can The MARVELS BROTHERS THE ONLY SHADE MADE WITH A VENTILATOR VudOr -YEARS AHEAD SHADES New Automatic THEN A "must" for every porch these fine woven-wood long. You'll especially like ora, New Automatic lator.

Vadors promise the for comfortable outdoor prices extra thrifty: summer! Relax and shades keep you cool all 1 their Roll-Holder refreshing Springtime and Top-of-porch living. whole family many happy been Vudor long lite makes the Gilmore, Hamm Snyder, Inc. Use The Daily Progress Classified I'm. Keeping My Eye On CONSERVATION! That's the best way to win the war! And first of all, you must conserve your clothes. It's easy enough to do that with Saxton's on the job.

Frequent cleaning improves the fabric and restores the color. Call 185 today for expert Saxton cleaning! better to mid to then wish you 185 SAXTON'S to Fire Dept. Protective Life Insurance Company ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF GUY F. i VIA Agent Charlottesville 1 Virginia -4 Corner 3rd and Market Sts. P.

O. Box 71-Phone 17 Protective Life Insurance Company takes pleasure inannouncing the appointment of Guy F. Via as its Agent in the Charlottesville section. Mr. Via is well and favorably known in Charlottesville.

He will handle all forms of ordinary life insurance contracts and appreciate your consideration in connection with your future life insurance needs. Protective Life is in its 35th year, being founded in 1907. It is one of the strongest- and fastest growing life insurance companies in the United States. Total Insurance In Force July 1,1942 $163,470,490 GAIN IN INSURANCE IN FORCE IN THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS $16,845,103 PROTECTIVE LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY President RUSHTON BIRMINGHAM.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.