The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)

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The Daily Iberiani

New Iberia, Louisiana

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Vi THE WEEKLY OFF4GIAL JOURNAL PARISH OF IBERIA AND IBERIA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 1 SM ir i ir LANDRY-REED l)E IIDIINE NEW MSE HAKES FINE IPPEMANtE LAW REACHES OFFENDERS AND STRIKES WITH A MAILED GLOVE THE IBERIANS PUT ONE OVER ON OPELOUSAS THE MEETINGS AND THE GLOBS OF THE WEEK The home of Mr and Mrs Landry in Freeport Texas was the scene of the wedding of their daughter Miss Nina Landry and Mr James Reed son of Mr and Mrs Reed mwi Thursday afternoonJ4rith Rev Father fa it( Owner In Few Weeks Artisan Busy UttrLIlENTAKY f4l Mrs PWHZEU Mad 8ii Scores While The Visit? Tallied But One A Large Crowd fiav The Game The petit juries bring in verdicts Cfowded court room Able pleas The sentences Kramer reading the service Vows were exchanged in the living room which was a setting of simple beauty A profusion of roses lace ferns and coral vine blossoms in tall floor baskets and vases adorned the rooms The bride was given In marriage by her father She wore a beautiful afternoon frock of white chiffon fashioned along long slender lines The soft cape-like collar was caught by dainty handmade flowers Her accessories were in white and she carried a bouquet of pink butterfly rose buds i 1 i tor on west Washington street a Vidrin house was destroy-jV fa Tender memories clung home They did not go ii imoke with the building but Mr realised that the past must feifotten in the present 5o a aew home is being built not of the old bouse but Washington street on the lot It is an attractive gdbg It covers an area of 62x30 A hospitality tfiat at last Wednesday afterneca shei Mrs Wycht entertained the members of far bridg club and several invited gueeta eamplimentaryfcj MrsG Fwitscf Meridian Mississippi entertaining at her lovely country home an the outskirts of town The games Wei ylayed upon th large front poach which was prettily decked with yass and baskets of summer flowers pot plants and ferns The guests enjoyed a series of card games Mrs 9 Alexander winning the club honors Mrs Walet guest honors and Mrs A Schexnayder consolation and Miss Sue King honors for the games played by the younger set Mrs Switzer and daughter Miss Lavina were presented pretty tokens by the hostess At the close of the games the hostess served a most delicious luncheon to her guests who were: Mes-dames Switzer White A Schexnayder Dreyfus Burkc Perry Chas Provost Estorge Mathews Smith Walet A Campbell Quo-reau Landry Conrad Burke Mcllhenny Alexander Porter Misses Lucie Estorge Alice Quereau Sue King Lo-raine Lallande and' Lavina Switzer Miss Chloe Landry cousin of the bride who attended her as maid of honor was in egg shell crepe with accessories in brown She carried a bouquet of yellow butterfly rose buds Mr Fred Reed' served his brother as best man After congratulations Mr and Mrs Reed left for a motor trip to San Antonio New Braunsfels and San Marcos front porch is 10x14 feet The to consists of three bedrooms imitation room on the east parlor dining room kitchen btEfwimn on the west side All roomy well ventilated elec-Egfcted gas heated A today i Mr 0 Vidrine has earned emdorts the house brings Her Bros with George in charge the contract Folse furnishes roofing Bertrand the mrk Moss laid the masonry) 1 YiUcrmin installed the electric Mi Caulking the plumbing ry Breaux painted the exterior Broussard put on the gutters imMm into a substantial which does credit to the hr sad to the city Sunday wa red letter day in baseball annals far as the local team is concerned The taunted Opelousas earn Who had ns scared cam al-mcst to shut out Our confidence is restored It true that Berwick with the speedy Johnny Johns twirling feated Opelousas SI to in the forenoon tit the same day tut Opelousas was faced by the beet players of many clubs including two member ci own It was a Berwick tearq in name But DelcamVte wasn't discourage 1 as be took the mound for New Iberia and Vaughn found bis right arm working in fine form He swept the ball to 1st base to catch a runner and the ball struck the mitt at 2nd base before the runner touched the bag fourciau starred at shortstop and won acclaim by sending the scoopaups to 1st base before the ruimertu The whole home team kept their batting arms in trim order and drove the ball for safe hits between the visitors in-field to keep the outfield on the run One sad accident happened to one of our runners at 1st base The 1st baseman made a feint so throw the ball to their pitcher and touched our runner Just as he stepped off the bag One would think that old gag be worked any more The Opelousas battery are a cordial twain When a pitched ball his one of our batten the pitcher came forward to express bis condolence and sorrow for having too much curve on the ball At other times when our batters would become distorted by the force with which they missed the ball the catcher 'would assist them back into batting position There is humor in well-played baseball Loreauville' will be here Sunday and our fans are hoping the visitors will do as well as did Opelousas The visitors made several rallies in different innings but became a real menace in the 9th when they ran in a score and filled the bases Then New Iberia drew the lines tense made a double play and soon after a put out Score to 1 The bride wore as her going-away costume a becoming one-piece brown sport dress with brown accessories The bride was a member of the 1027 graduating class of Freeport High School after which she attended Texas Business -Institute in Houston She was employed one year in the office of the Gulf Motor Sales Co Inc later accepting a position as stenographer in the employment office of the Freeport Sulphur Co Mrs Reed is a very charming young lady and has made a host of friends here by her friendly and pleasing personalty The groom was a member of the Freeport High School Class of 1930 He has held a position with the Freeport Sulphur Co later attending San Marcos State Teachers College Mr Reed is manager of the Humble Service Station and is a very ambitious and worthy young man Out of town guests attending were Mr and Mrs Viator Mrs Segura Mrs Joe Cordova Dudley LaSalle Mrs Segura Mr and Mrs Lawson Babineaux and Miss Mildred Segura of New Iberia Freeport News the hundreds of bills vetoed (tenor Allen are two pertain-fcl Is the Lewis people the bill al-M Miss Annie Lewis 33000 for tyriN neefred while an inmate Mi asylum and the bill to re-epfae the legality of a will alleged hit asde by the late John bills had passed both of the legislature Mrs Leon Dreyfus entertained a few guests Thursday afternoon at bridge honoring Mrs Switzer of Meridian Miss and Mrs Levy of New York entertaining at her home in the Meyer apartment building Honors for the delightful games were awarded Mrs A Lew a Id high score Mrs Walet consolation Mrs Switzer and Mrs Levy of New York were presented pretty tokens by the hostess At the close of the games a dainty luncheon was served The guests were: Mesdames Levy Switzer Wyche A Lewald Walet White and Miss Julia Wyche At dMoeratk primary has been tdl is Thus On the ballot were 72 hMhf candidates for three congressman-at-large For Mrs Ferguson led govern-by 75000 votes A Mr 150000 votes for the mediation making a run-off toiling and Ferguson a Ms is So far in the lead fcthmrt hoping she wins TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB WE ARE HOT The grand fury made two partial reports and then finished It is a new procedure here but it gave bis honor judge James Simon material on which to begin work last Wednesday Misdemeanors forex tried to the court Wednesday the grand Jury returned 8 true bills no true bills nd passed four attempts to secure bills as having no legal standing For instance the case of the State vs Mel-ancon It was alleged by a Mrs Romero that Melancon commissioner of election bad voted her wrong The commissioner had the voter arrested for declaring her illiteracy Louisiana law does not cover these points On Thursday the grand jury brought in 7 true bills and 7 no true bills The court had 15 indictments to consider Plenty to do State vs Tony Grissaffi illegal possession of liquor $25 and costs or 30 days State vs Earl Daughenbaugh Reckless driving Convicted Fined $75 and costs or 60 days in jaiL State vs Dewey Segura False affidavit in obtaining license for truck Prosecuted by Asst Dist Atty Landry Defended by Atty Arthur Provost Judge held with defense that signature of the accused was not proven and accused was discharged from' custody This was a case where English and French were nicely intermingled The witness Landry of Bob Acres was interrogated in French by the prosecution in English by tha defendant He was at home in either tongue Then Jeanerette appeared in court The State vs John Grissaffi went to trial and Jeanerette came to hear the procedure and witness the out come Grissaffi was accused of taking Clarence auto without the owner's consent of assault with intent to kill and of carrying concealed weapons According to the evidence given by chief of police Walker by Renace Bourque by Clarence Sherville etal it was shown that the defendant took auto without tha knowledge that be is Mrs brother that be often took said auto that be came home late this last time and-a fuss was raised between the defendant his father and Mrs Sherville Then witnesses became vague as to what wac did and do Sherville declared he "heard a commotion' seised a gun and rushed the house out at about Ho didn't bear '-nothing and saw less Then the prosecutor found he had a hostile witness on his hands and put him on his guard before calling back the chief of police Sherville declared he tell the chief and the chief said he did Mrs Sherville is in Mercy Hospital New Orleans but it was granted by the prosecution that she was a sister of the defendant and would testify that he steal the auto strike or push her and had no gun The testimony showed that wit nesses heard a report that soundel like a gun but see the gun The chief testified that Grissaffi told him he had a gun and where to get it It was evident the prosecuting witnesses anxious to have Grissaffi punished He may not have been guilty The judge so decided The grand jury appeared with another partial report Then retired State vs Walter Fighting Convicted $5 and costs or 10 days Sentence suspended for good behavior one year if costs are paid The prisoner choose Jail in preferment State vs Dalton Bonin Convicted $20 and costs or 20 days State vs Joe Blanchett Killing migratory birds Convicted $25 and costs or 30 days Suspension of sentence as birds were killed to be eaten State vs Polk colored Stealing chickens Defendant declared ha found the sack with six chickens' and took them home The court held 'the opinion that the defendant put the chickens in the rack end sentenced him to'lO days in jail 9 of which he had served State fo Junta Delahoussay Gambling Convicted Sentenced to pay fine $25 and costs and 10 days -in jail Sentence suspended during good behavior for two years State vs Carlin Fighting Words 1 passed with James Kern at dance Fought after leaving ball Convicted Acknowledged using some liquor occasionally but never became drunk Had non time of fight $10 and costs or 10 days in jail There were seven else wherein the state convicted seven persons for having intoxicating liquor in possession Alcide Segura and wif who run country resort had their rentences suspended because at their old age State 3 Garrett Dunn Joseph Dunn and Joseph Thibodeau (all of Rynella but work on Avery Island) Endeavor to drown companion in the canal Convicted Before sentence each declared himseli innocent of charge All had been drinking Each drinks little but never gets drunk of us told the law nothing nor did him Joseph Thibodeaux was sentenced to pay a fine of $15 and costs or serve 10 days in jail Joseph Dunn $10 and costs or 10 days In jaiL Sentenced suspended during good behavior for one year Garrett Dunn $25 and costs or 30 days State vs Claiborne Smith Ulysse Thibodaux and Otto Mishel Possession of Art arms on state reserve State represented by superintendent Oge Robert Hollier Captain Cataract and Richard bore testimony of defendants skinning alligators and of finding a shot-gun and a rifle aboard their boat The boat waa moored in Worm bayou where there is well of fresh water Assistant district attorney Landry refreshed the memory of Richard by his litening to the radio report of the democratic convention in Chicago The defense declared they had gone to Worm bayou for fresh water had shot alligators elsewhere Guns were in scabboardv on wall when taken by Capt Cataract In reaching a verdict judge Simon held that all of Marsh Island land and water belong to the reserve That the trio caught thereon had guns That the adventure waa a common one for all three In a joint enterprise with weapons used to take wild life is an unlawful venture Guilty aa charged Thibodaux and Mishel drew each a fine of $25 and costs or 30 days Smith $50 and coats or 45 days It was remarked that major Oge was very spry for one of his 250 Atty Jacob Landry appeared before the court in a request for clemency for Jos Thibodaux and Otis Mishel who were convicted cf having firearms cn a state sanctuary for wild game Sentence was suspended for each as of Monday July 25 during good behavior for one year Same to apply to Viator and Comeaux State vs Duplantis Assault 'with intent to kilL Court held that this case had already been passed upon by a court of competent jurisdiction which had found the accused not guilty and plea of double jeopardy was sustained Prisoner was freed State vs Gilmcre Driving a motor car while intoxicated Not stopping to ascertain damages wrought by collision The accused was convicted of driving into the Walet car which was driven by Pete Giaourd enroute to Houma Convicted 1st count $100 and costs or 45 days 2nd count $25 and costs or 15 days Although the prosecuting witness Girouard supported by Messrs Bar-row and Yoorhies testified to the accused being intoxicated he maintained he was perfectly sober but he convince the judge State vs Adrian Moore Neglected support of wife Had told her to go home and had asked her to come back Her love had turned to hate She lives with her aunt who gives her the money she needs The judge ordered Moore to hustle for work until next Saturday and come to court to tell whst success he had State vs David and Mignes (Continued on page 5) A IB If Provost to improve baycc Silg sa appropriation of $30000 1 noho possible the Commercial (bits eoanset with the Intraeoas tUVooks Island was vetoed by ttJIahrlaik of fund WwiU on congressman Montet I At appropriation so- we can lb of the Intracoastal fov Mr dUient have worked os SNOOPING AROUND The Tuesday Bridge Club was entertained this week by Mrs Rees who entertained at a delightful bridge-luncheon at 10 A at her pretty home at the Experimental Farm The room in which tha guests enjoyed the' games was made attractive with vases and baskets of cut flowers and fyrn Honors were awarded Miss Stella Estorge high score and Miss Maurice LeMaire consolation A delicious noon luncheon was served the following guests: Mend ernes Cath-cart LeMaire Daughen-baugh Campbell I LeCendre Lawrence Bonnette Misses Yolande Mel-snson and Stella Estorge COMPLIMENTARY BRIDGE PARTY Along the Gulf coast the sea breesa and daily showers keep the temperature normal within the 80'a but farther inland the heat becomes in- tense Alexandria and Shreveport and Memphis and Jackson and Little Rock have heat to ponder The inhabitants have reverted to aborigines and are consorting with the fish and turtles of the rivers Indeed we are informed that the rivers have been used by people who cannot swim and are no longer living Others dispute the branches of the trees with the birds of the air in order to secure ventilation that is ventilation There is less danger in the shade than in the water and therefore the groves are to be recommended The worst contender for his tree rights is the sparrow We ilsten in to the broadcaster and he tells us how hot is St Louis and Sioux City and Lincoln and GutK-rie Our radio been picking up Nome and Vladavostok and Little America lately but we get daily word from Bangkok and Sao Paulo where a heated rebellion is' in progress and Washington where the are endeavoring to use the shade of the White House steps All tell the same story of heat and more heat and the harvesting of wheat and oats and rice are not yet finished Hot! whew! Ask Ruston! will be a drop of over one dollars in property the parish this year price of farm animalq Mfkinory and the decrease of merchandise carried by causes the reduction There life savers like th) the United Gas Had it 7 fa-these the lose woul intense As it is Mr will have some mathemt-gT Tw to balance the budget One night a couple of weeks agj Mr Perret the watchman at the Sons factory underwent a trying situation Four unannounced callers wearing eye masks bade him He asked can I da for One responded by a summons Marched to the office door and compelled to open it by the self styled visitors and sustaining a blow or two because he hasten the watchman let the quartette inside the office from which all monies had been removed The safe having nothing of value to strangers vras unlocked but thieves took nothing They threatened the watchman not to disclose their presence and then departed As soon as possible the watchman informed his exployees who asked the police to trail the marauders Up to this time no arrests have been made Members of the younger set enjoy- ed a delightful bridge parly Friday afternoon when Miss Loraine Lai- lande entertained complimentary to Miss Lavina Switzer of Meridian Miss entertaining at her home on Jane street The rooms in which the games were played were made attractive with lovely bouquets of zenias Honors were awarded Miss Mildred Minvielle high score Miss Gertrude Conrad low score and Miss Switzer was presented the guest honors by the hostess The hostess served delicious two-course refreshments to her guests who were: Mis res Lavina Switzer Eula Mae Bertrand Wills Kramer Mildred Minvielle Jeanne Bergerie Gertrud) Conrad Sue King and Elizabeth Diggs about St day didn't rain here on July us a local shower ft has rained off and on pface and rains have less general where peo-faith in st Swithin Ac- Ae legend "Rain on St MM 40 days of rain fol- on St day and "Mu Well! lunshine and the Tain Du weath- VT standard the leg- us Fort Screven Ga July 21 Approximately 119 officers from Georgia South Carolina and Louisiana have enrolled at the Reserve Training Camp at Fort Screven Ga They will remain for a period of fourteen days During th'4 time the officers will undergo intensive training in Infantry drill and athletics Among those officers to report at the camp is lieut Earl Frenzel of New Iberia La Lieut Frenzel has been chosen as one -of the instructors for the camp News has been received by friends in New Iberia of the death of Mrs Clara Wedemeyer who passed away Monday at her home in New Orleans at the age of 78 years The funeral was held in the city Tuesday morning She leaves two sons Wedemeyer and Henry Wed: meyer Her only daughter Mrs A Broussard died several years ago THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB is sending- VeiY county in States This flour is to be needy Should your y- Bed of bread and you ju to furnish it ascer-loal Red Cross when here and get your cks of it We are told come once in each ltil the 80000000 bush-1 Purchased by the gov-1 be used The members cf the Thursday Bridge Club and a few guests wera delightfully entertained last week with Mrs Patout hostess entertaining at her home on east Main street Mrs A Chalaron and Mrs Walter Gordy were awarded honor for the pleasant games A delicious luncheon was served byj the hostess after the games Thosa present were: Mesdames Gor-( Continued on Page 8) Alcee Rmero has started work on pew store building corner of Washington and Hopkins streets The tuilding will be 26x44 feet and will be filled with groceries dry good and a meat market Mr Romero is taking advantage of the low prices bn building material and of labor The Bertrand Lumber Co calls your attention to its stocks of building materials Quality is high price is low Build now Use your money to the possible advantage Keep workmen busy Help yourself and oqr city Mr Bertrand gives good advice and lends a helping hand it i V' I.

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The Daily Iberian from New Iberia, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6437

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.