The Boise City News from Boise City, Oklahoma (2024)

70od Things Happen When You GVe Painting Free estimate Phoae 5877 Dwight Phillips Local Student Win Oratorical Contest Danelle Tucker. Boise City senior, was winner of a $40.00 first prize in an oratorical contest sponsored by the Alva Womens Christian Temperance Union for students at Northwestern State College. Her speech was "Alcohol and the Traffic Problem. All contestants were required to speak in favor of total abstinence. Miss Tucker, an English major, with a speech minor at Northwestern, is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Tucker of Kenton. MONUMENTS Marble or liranit See HARRY KESI.ER 215 South 2nd St. E. 21 Hospital News Admitted Mar.

2 Mrs. Thos. C. Cayton, Griggs. Mrs.

Hugh James, Keyes. Mar. 4 Mrs. Robert R. Wyche, Springfield.

Mrs. Buck James, dismissed 6th. Vernon Dixon dismissed 6 th. Mar. 5 Mrs.

Eddie Poison. Charlie Marjo. Mrs. Susan Hart. Mrs.

Margaret Anderson, Spring-field, dismissed 7th. Mrs. M. R. McEwen, dismissed 6th.

Mrs. T. A. Schnaufer. Cecil Jenkins, Campo.

Eugene Stubblefield. I Mar. 7 Arlin Evins, dismissed 8th. I Mrs. Ike Rouswell, Villigreen, Colo.

Gary Garrett. Aprill Ashcraft, Clayton. Dismissed Mar. 2 C. J.

Bullard, Spring-field. Fred Pomery. Arthur C. Brakhage. Mar.

3 Mrs. Buck James. Mrs. John Eyestone, Keyes. Mar.

4 Linda Jones. Mar. 8 Mrs. A. A.

ONeal. Births Mar. 3 Baby girl bom to Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.

Keith, Keyes. Named Janice Darlene. Dismissed Mar. 7. Mar.

4 Baby girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Imler. Named Sherry Lynn.

Mrs. Eddie Snapp returned home Monday from the hospital, accompanied by her new baby son, who was born March 3. He has been named Mark Conrad. in size. The average ripening date at Woodward, is mid-August with a range from August 5 to August 30.

The fruit quality is good and the variety stores welL Keating (Woodward No. 8493) is a white fruited, open-pollinated seedling of Last Rose. The vine growth is medium to vigorous and crops are medium to heavy. The berries are medium to large and yellowish-green in color. The clusters are medium to large and compact.

The average ripening date at Woodward is August 8 and ranges from July 31 to August 18. The quality is good to excellent and was rated highest of any in the entire group tested. Fruit of this variety does not keep well in storage. Chilcott (Woodward No. 8556) is an open-pollinated seedling of Volney and is the least hardy of the three.

At Woodward, this variety has killed back to the ground only once in 25 years. The vines range from medium to vigourous in growth and the crops vary from light to heavy. The berries are medium to large and become dark red to almost black at maturity and are high in both sugar and acid. The clusters are medium to large and medium compact. At Woodward, ripening is in mid-August with a range from August 3 to September 5.

This variety stores well, has a distinct muscat flavor and though a slip skin might compete with west coast varieties on local markets, the quality is good to excellent but is not liked by those who do not care for the muscat flavor. A limited number of plants and cuttings of these three varieties are available to interested nurserymen and grape growers from the U. S. Southern Great Plains Field Station, Woodward. Keyes News It was a delight to feel the warm rays of the sun Sunday.

The snow vanished like magic, leaving the ground so muddy it was almost impossible to walk in it. The men who have cattle have had a big loss of baby calves the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson and Mr.

and Mrs. Monty Roberts are enjoying a vacation. They visited their brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Roberts and their nephew and son, Monty Joe Roberts and family of Los Angeles, Calif, and other friends and went over in Old Mexico sightseeing.

Whitney and Miles Warner of Wheeless are spending the week with their grandmother, Mrs. Faye Wiggins. Mrs. Hugh James is in the hospital at Boise City. Girl Scouts and their leaders attended the Methodist Church services and the Brownies and their leaders attended the Baptist Church services Sunday morning.

Dean Hinds, was brought home from Elkhart hospital Saturday. He got hurt at ball practice and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Behrendt and children of Liberal visited his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. J. Behrendt Sunday. The superintendent and a part of his crew arrived in Keyes Monday.

They will start the new elevator at Doolin, 2 miles east of Keyes on the railroad. It is a 6 bin capacity, built of cement. It is to be finished to store grain in for harvest. Mrs. Sarah McBroom, Howard land Roger Conner, took Mrs.

Bet-i ty Lou Adkins to her home in I Enid Saturday. She has been here with her mother the past two weeks. SPRING IS HERE Now Is The Time to Do Your Yard Fencing We have a good stock of all kinds Redwood, Picket, Wire Appreciation I wish to take this means to thank my many friends for the kindness shown me during my recent hospitalization, for the cards, flowers, gifts, and many good wishes. My deepest appreciation to Dr. Wheeler, Mr.

Corbell and the entire hospital staff for their wonderful care. Mrs. Jessie Fairchild SE3: 1 APPRECIATION We wish to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Merkley the hospital staff for their excellent care during our recent hospitalization in Cimarron Memorial Hospital. Thanks to our friends for their prayers, cards and visits.

Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Sincerely, Carl and Marie Gist Prune, Dont Butcher Advice of Specialist If youre getting ready to transplant some trees around the place, here are some suggestions which may save you doing the job over. Trees and shrubs planted bare rooted usually need half to two-thirds of the top removed. This pruning is necessary to make up for roots destroyed when plants are moved, County Agent Ferrell Smith reminds. Pruning should conform to the natural shape of the plant, cuts for the removal of branches should be made at side branches or leaf buds.

Properly balled and burlapped evergreens lose less root system when transplanted, consequently, less pruning is needed. Leave the low branches around the base of the plant. Many shade trees are ruined by butchering instead of pruning. Such drastic pruning invites disease, infection, tree borers and similar problems, the agent says. Extension landscape specialist J.

C. Garrett at Oklahoma State has a mimeographed leaflet called "Pruning Trees and Shrubs which is free at the county agent's office. It lists a number of common strubs and tells when and how to une them. CHRISTIAN' CHURCH NEWS The eight weeks loyalty campaign of the church is moving along very well, but should improve as we draw nigh to Easter. The Sunday morning services were well attended with 85 in church, 80 in Bible School, 25 in youth meeting and 31 in the evening service on March 6.

Every one of the church members are urged to come out Thursday night at 7.30 to help out in the calling program. Lot us hold the royal banner high for the Master and prove our faith by our works as the book of James tells us: yea, a man may say, Thou has faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. (James 2:18) So do Ihe work of an evangelist and he instant in season and out of season and we shall see great things hifpen for the Lord. Kenneth Woods has been appointed by the church board to take over the duties of custodian of the church, relieving W. J.

Har-j kins, who has done a wonderful job the past twenty years. Kenneth has also accepted the position as treasurer of the church revival fund with board approval. The church congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Roy Imler upon the arrival of a new daughter in the hospital, and also extends sym-1 pathy to the Messersmith family upon the death of their father, i Wade Messersmith, who passed away at 7:51 in Cimarron Mem-j orial Hospital last Sunday even-, ing.

We welcome all our visitors and invite everyone to worship with us. Church services convene at 10:00, Bible school at 11:00, youth meeting, 6 30, and evening services at 7:30. We pray Gods blessing upon all the sick of Boise City and wish you a very speedy recovery. Yours in His service, Merrill Allard, Minister Style your hair with a professional FLAIR "SALON HAIR STYLES" BOOKLET FREE with your purchase of New (flexaif) FAST The most MODERN of all home permanents No Pre-Shampoo No After-Odor Ready-Mixed Neutralizer Soft, Conditioned Curls Guaranteed APPRECIATION It makes you mighty happy when youre feeling sort of bad, to know you've got the kind of friends you always hoped you had. The kind who stand beside you when things go wrong, and make each day seem brighter and nights not quite so long.

So now I want to thank each one who helped in any way with flowers, cards, gifts, song or stopping in to say, I'm glad you're feeling better, for it made me know you care. Thank you and God bless you. This is my fervent prayer. Mrs. Frank Hegvvood Danny Hanson of Guymon has been hired to fill the vacancy at the Security Elevator, due to the death of Charley McBroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and sister, Naomi Miller, went to Terre I Haute, Ind. last week fo bring their mother, Mrs. Zida Miller i home.

She has been visiting relatives several weeks. Friends of Mrs. Kathrjn David of Grand Junction, Colo, will be glad to know she has regained her eyesight to be able to get around. She suffered from a blood clot early last year. Mrs.

Chas. Rhoton honored her granddaughter, Peggy Lou Rhoton with a birthday party Sunday afternoon. Three other birthda.vs were celebrated. Carl Thomason. Zane Smalts and Melvin Paul Hammontree.

Others who enjoyed the party were Billy Jo Long, Sandra Wilson, Carol Livingston, Evelyn Spradlin, Barbara Dwight Dye, Roger Morris, Fred King. Shelby Walton, Doran Bisli-1 op. Tommy Bvers and Kendal! Rhoton. We are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs.

John McCoy and baby home. John received his discharge recent- ly from the Army. I Illustrated, easy to follow directions for setting your hair in high fashion styles. C. E.

Hammond returned last week from Tasmania, Australia, where he has spent the past three months with his son, Gene and family. MELTAMINS, JR. Dr. and Mrs. L.

D. Etling returned Wednesday of last week from Kansas City where they attended a dental convention for 10 days. YOU CAN WIN one of 8,000 Bell Howell MOVIE CAMERAS -mm Come in and ask about SUPER PLENAMINS The first delicious multi vitamin with liver concentrate and iron. One daily tablet gives your child all the vitamins he normally needs. 60s New Grape Varieties Developed For State The Fruit and Nut Crops Research Branch, Crops Research Division, U.

S. Department of Agriculture, hereby releases three new varieties of grapes. Osborn, Keating and Chilcott. These originated at the Southern Great Plains Field Station, Woodward, Okla as open-pollinated seedlings and were selected by L. F.

Locke. All have proven very drouth resistant in western Oklahoma and are probably adapted best to the southwest because, like their parents. they are somewhat lacking in winter hardmess. At North Platte, Nebraska, they have survived onlv with winter protection but in' western Iowa. Illinois, New Y'ork I and Oklahoma they have survived' without protiction.

i Osborn 'Woodward No. 389 is a black fmited. open-pollinated seedling of Armalaga. The vine growth is mi Hum to vigorous: the crops are m- dium heavy and the 3.29 PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FoR BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTOVg NO COMPROMISE No need to s.ic i ifjc big ar quality for cc ononiy One compact giv es both. 1 HE I.ARK is liixui ions interiors, tasteful appointments, big-car quality onstiiK tion.

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The Boise City News from Boise City, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.