The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

PUTM1 fjl nraTMf PlafMl (Si 'J' BUTMI fl) CLASSIFIED THR Sl Monar. Fepfrmbfr 15. 0 21 pmtwi kfTTir 17t Mm7i77rTr-4i no HlltTr I 11 PIB50NAII ftIv.i a I'ti-e- 1 ffl irr AALiin iiston FHAFi-m mi of 4r57 ItrjvscK avenue, be. (111 Jekl Veterans o( Foreign Win of US (Hl.flMI. OAPI.AND Retired of II Baker rlrr CT A-tPttctr-ATlr-INll HI IP WNIiD-MOU5f MOlOJlAl MAID X' Hen, b-ueii rV "fl I hi United h'atri rteep.y tM death of riiir member CoMHAIil' Aftttrsr biro erirsi nrrte ic Ml lireel A Iced hiamnd of Mrs.

Anna Mildred fcticfer Inn Wiiiarn ind THERB IS II io hteo' ij tiie eli nnttcs At.HtLD Hi Memben will lirll. do -1 It', Hi, BiTnn.D.-Hi vrn i FAIM JlVrli. HAIHFin, JV' I Wood, test avenue In he-loved inn of tha ut 'I Minim itn Frh Jlalfteld. od hinder n( Mil Finnic 7 nomas nd Robert, A. Hatfield and Mend rf Mis Helen itnheiiMin.

Funeral from Wi.ilam Tlrkner Smis, Kin 11 mii penni- un: avenues, on 'I ic.iiuy at 6 15 AM it rievoterl fi-'hee of Mis L'elorri 0. lh to fr'T to BI'P nrr 11 hea i i-i i A tp si aasemhie the funeral limn op, Monday it a for MM1 A I i 1 1 ct I i Cl vile on l. it one NO I IL CiRQCF Pie' ins, Waiiee C. fc naffer, Loins Wailnes fthaffer. Mil (eraidiii Mai ken.

Hi Service from ih fonard i a r. Pel. ie-i 4 WI Hi fs. JAMU nOAUK, Commander, DIFFERENCE ficcnu? YmiAhi-nyi Cct A Tlcttrr JnbWhcn Dealing With flenrral 'nt n4 a I 1. 1.

4. I. a.1! Mil l)ii. Funeral Home, a 105 JUitotd IT C.t) On l-ente nl.r IVT'ml ytiSFHT. r.f S4i4 Wilhrm.k aia-f-'ie, heioted rf tht Mennri Kf.rniHti linn, fjonud and Chin If W.

ferekiiy, and Mil Ku'lt Wf.linay. l'ja arianda iiiv nil at lha Jtownrd 'imiig Fuiienl llnnie V. e-1 Jvtiitn iveni a it Itllu.r: aireet, i.n Jrldiiv, Mt.ifdur and r. inriMy liotti 3 to ft hrrviie fxl Mondny it l'l A Inierrtieiii In Mount CMHet Omitery, PHUMIV Riiddanlr, on 17, N(AH, e.f Min 1'iert t.ei.oed it Mmtiie and tna lete Hovd "tri. ii.

fiuieial limn tiie F'lna Fnt.aral me, in Mu.n aneet, r(riier. ln ll. Ml TueiilKY at I PM llitei- i r-o, ttn.l'im. t. road it on 1'idiT it lte(iiiein Mas In S' Allihlose I I -On 17 IV.1 cod Md beloved hushind of Mildred A Wnite; fi'tier of Mr prirUl Hale, of h.

'da, a A. and Mia loieeti Mowery of I'hoeiox, Atl and aoii of White. Teriipe, An Bn F'uneral from the Funer! of Dui.daik, 2112 ImiKUik venue, on Monday at 2 M. Jn-teiiucnt In eiux, An. WlfllMV On September I lied MAIt H.IAMF1H, of 4 Up nd road, beloved wile of the In Flit.

aid Ahtiiee md devoted mother of Mr Walter Hinkev Mr. Carswril pax'er and Mi Flaenliatnt. of V. ii'uMCM CROUP ft lilt 1 I'M liiurrinent In Oakliarn IlAVItl, heloved human. Of icr- In, da Ivin inee i.i.hi;i.

of 4 21 StAII et'iaffef i.rss rfrionala rtr KaiiiilMin rune, fn'lier Cemetery, MI4HFR The Piiltlittnrci City Re I. red lice A. Lie re 21 18, A rtr- ta' rrt I inf I A I i 1.1 lit .4 ar board 'l "Od hi 4 A I i I ti Pan Ii. r.aor ll.t lA 4.

13. 17. H. K'et the loss of tne.r men I er rr'iiM WAI'IHl Ki'chea 20. 23 I.1 -rii.

at iti to i.s I. Heto wtnei. IS. "i 34. 2S.

P'i. A 'ot Hnitil Ciuo Lt'lsri MA mi to,. Fti. C. FH.AfFf It, SH J'.

AH I HI It Ci. M' CI ORKKY. 1'iemUriit, i a e. Rf A Fs 1 lOlf ie a.ii, 41. 29 5 tn 47 IPM iit.nilt.

and Ittandlriiillirr 1-f Mrs hard Miliesin(ir, of 4 ,14 V. f'M AN i nun ii hi am Interment In New Istiiediiil (crnriMy, jo fMlVR'KFR fin September Id Ivl-MF" f. hi, my of the V.vtnsu Park linn i rut iii Kir Policial ffiuin and Interment ill hi lirla In (nr. mrrt ua given. ITMV'? Suddenly, on Pi -pirn her 14.

l'i0, 1 1 n--n. MAHY IvKHNA III AVI i of Mil or. imni -el--etJ cf ll.t late J. pfeavry i. ii Leinved mother i.l Mn.

John Fills, Mn liuhrii Fnibha, Mia, Fianil X. Flanm-iv. Mil Rohan Ia.ntiii.1 iiad Mn lee rifci V. Jr, Friend toae it tin Wivke Jiouie. icd f.

Fs'ei .14, ll.anl In lciuirrn MrtnoiUI (tl to ri o' her iif II in. id lee l.evln and hi h. il H. Hid ti Ima Albert In it Si 1 l.riiliu;n P.l't ii. a.

Mild li' liln M'. ii rnad ill J-'linevi. (in MultflHV, I'lflli'irr I'i Kt AM inei.t in tinned l- lniiiilin otii'l rt'KHlin, Wl'' nolie tent 1 IM ta mint riea hinUe at fiiliilioil'ii'i t'l 'he Mi iletV (f ALll'liKV I.noxi l.llun-ii and ai- li Alliill. Ml lif.rr Km letv, In (in. null.

at i.iiit-i.ii iilit Cleveland, Ohio, 19 1 Is hi tie 111 VtSI tlnii, Kiliki.inv hi li lull uiy all 4(i. 41, via. 44, 45. 44. Via PtLiifitf IK.III 2 tu 1U SU 64 A.

e. tA- 47. u.eial lil ba held at Wiiilnin J. 1. knrr Ac Sons, Nwitfi "rr a PM ar M.

nv rift' III I H'i afer OMAN -i in II" i( care (or ncu'M A- 2 ri.n.l r'i. lilt I tt: 7 and FelHirv iv rtoi avrnurs, on P(V. On Fi-p'emler 1. TtotlnrK Oct RF I Ah in, on slid Rent 42. 48.

44. Mmday at 1 1 1:0 A M. Iu'eimenl in KI1DA litre of fir f.f.- N0TJ1INT, VKR M0. 1ST I'AVMKNT DEC. 'CO FUV.E ESTIMATES All Work Guaranteed CONTRACTING CO.

"4 Jj.udon paik imeteiy Tne faiiihy lequis'l Menus to tall Saturday fioirriliriiLl JO 11. o. (o.iitu 65. rve ft7 it; Mi Fa i'hvv to lr.rr... lli 6 a in.

rial uors, to sing Lin. aj a fl a firing. Fl.rlrlll livrime, beiiord Wife vl toe late Fdwanl S. fry, Ft.nnai reiviiia sir to be held t-anrit At b.u.b. Notth aveion and Sunday between 1 and 9 PM I V.

rt. (9. (0. 41. ti 4t KiyjlIVk GROUPS Ai.n.t 70 A.

71 A 73. 74, 71. It. It; Fr it fcsl OROUP ISM On Fepteinber 14 l'0 SMI1II On September 18 lvro Mill LIE. beloved of the late ii ii Smith md mother of Ir vin S111i1.11 md Mi.

1 Hour, of Cii-loid, pa. herviie it the Jack lewis Home. 21O0-O2 F.utaw pla.e, on 1 ii'Mllv iniisriy it 2 PM lotermeiit 1 1 el m-uv alp Ul Crii.r eiv, Ifrinin Hun. IKll.dly mill w-e. I in at 4JU Urove- 1.0.

avenue. it On Fcptriiber 18. at her hone I'M Maiilrn Chone lane. MARY 1 nee Lauttil tne briovert wife f.f Ihe Ia'e Fred S'l'ke) and mother of Mri Nriva 5.1. mult, urandmothrr of Walter Hi hinl'it and siner (f Mi I tn-eniie Hak-er Mri Bcrh I.aupui.

5IIUAIIONS WANHO-ftMAU (171- tJK i APIK f. Ml. Isp, de- er, ikj a ai ij ti or Moimton. Md ne Fl eMr. the l.eiovrtj of tne Fuiieial Home, j.i Timir, from 2 until Hi Praveil ii Ti day it AM 1 1 i 4 II r- for Hi 'I I stn-oni tft til IrlltlslOQ.

Sta. ri. I. l-cv. hv.ww ufc ucia rv.

I 2-', oir I't n. int'l in. Frts. t'L A 'ft. IJ.

SO. Neoulein Hlh Mail it Hi William pf York (nun ii it Hi AM Inter- late and baiah D. "Aitner ind devoted, no. .1 of Mi. Maiy Waiteri.

Set ne at tha William Funeral Home, Inc. InM vr, ct. is a -o' rrro rt.H-'or or Ai'o ir.teirMrtl in 111. II) 1-7417 -1 and Bioanwav, on 1 omiav it il AM. liiteniirnl in Loudoa pan Oinetriv.

'jur R4 4II I in S. ten.hrr 1. Fl IAhFI 1, (liee pllllti, of 1.H4 rnril itreet. beiovrfl i(e of tne ie A1lliar11 (i II Itaali. and 11.

other of Chines H. and M'ivln L. Itmb. 21 hen ires (ruin tl, eonird 11 uneral Home, 4 Hi! Hurfnid road at Ii hooale avenue, on Wednesosy it 11 id A lniermerit Mount Olivet Cernetcty Friendu toav (all from 10 A to 9 PM Troik load lit 'ba Hdtwavi, on Monday at 2 Interment In Mount ion, tuned Btetliein etne'ery, Bill R'w toad. Friends STMr-N'TSl AVrtHfLIel rhe li hrr wiil mi re imrsthlt for r.

'ire tt-in en tr.rnrrr. lorr tic.n 'I r.iii.i-hr tr riebl to revi r.r rr any iierrird e- -er tc a i. irrl to'fl. a'ton of ir.t idveiii-a rcLrnt frr "i iti.l to rotiorn! to tht poilf of the Si Tipetl TO PLACE SUN-ADS CALL IE. 9-7700 WANH (11) "CALL MK FlItST" MR.

BAUNKS, MA. rAi.t. in MtNurvs 1 1 liK IS Mid for bedrooms, rlln-ir ru' lit ir.l ro- rn, ki'chrn as railway, w-h-T, IV m-'S r. M-i-ri Orter'sl and d---t-r I'ij-, tiric-a btac, niarhle-tol' Itirtiittite. ilvrr.

me A irwrlerv. sum eoiti s'nnei toys. MA Jlil 2 105 Nor-'i MA 3 113 I I VIV. -Atnha nniiiiih I lbeiiy Jrwl tl cl*trf I 1 1 1 1' a 1 Uui 1, irftn tlir nf ( li.einnei, IIAVII) I Mifn-br. p.rns ittrnd Iineiil and Iii.liise f.f ii.O'ii l.i IlAllIll JACdll A MA hlililt'lal I.en.l.r, H1HMAN MiOMIUdi, i lrrM(jnt, II I.

KIT )'ia Hiotlieiiiood pienidrnt, I.l VIS. The Miaarel Memorial I'nkt Hn 4'il r.f Jeili War Vei-eraiti ratfreu Hie lof i nf imr meni-her, 1 1 A 1 1 l.fV'IN. Ail aie fe'inesied to atiend tha aerv-ie. MIXVIS ISV J0 Con. manner, HV.

in indiy. Ketitan.fcar IS l'lhO it etit Home Jd'-KI'H I I BY. hu-bnrt rt the lie Mrtret Iul.v mid fitnei r.f I wby broU.i: nf Maty A. Limy, of John P. ItoberU, JOe fiiiiernl frcjin il.a Tikotn In- Mrs.

Tien Rirx. Mrs LtiiU Webber and tne Mi-si. Albert A and Llovd A Damn. 2' Friend biv rati It, the Howard S'rona; Funarl Home 3211J West No. in avenue Hilton I'reat.

on Mondav nd Ti.esnav I tit II I' bervtrn on it 2 M. Interment ri-' am i Sund't'l Sim Ads fltrl 2ie I In lie it 11.01 Accrpicfj tifi 3 P.M. Snturdny wl.l ii ment If) Mar taint dial Cnt.etriy Pf rut. On Fep'emher Id, l'J) CHARLES of HIV Che-am ave. Ml' belnverl husband of li.aon i Hrnl It" Ki iikiii ni'ii fs'her rf Mr.

Maty J. Jr Ji ph c. Jan.ra 111(1 Jr-iilll; Hrml Hrrviffi 1 indv it l) A from tha Ii.i.nul rf f'hllip vbi iiiiii Rrqim M' at C'litnanti fhnicii it AM In H'nv Rutun'r iiliiiiK i unul 10 M. liia Wll nrnmsn -Dn Srnlin her 11 I Kl.MK (Tin liii.r 1 241 liricii ivffnil.

if tin lin A Hhrtibtini iml nciri'nl nmitui f.f Mil Margaret TuiiM, Mr rUul HiiUM.llliil Wdita ind Mr. tilirim A. H-nli-brinrt I'm firivlrn at II, a Atilir'i Fiinml Hdiiii, friiiul.ur tininn Aihilm, on'Uy II AM 1 n'fntnit In LmiiI lurk C'tmr-IrrT Vltitli.K l.o hi (n.m 2 UHHI TM Illl krS On it f'lli I as at te ho Im to.rarriPr.orie T.

1 51'iH, a LAHV- 1... vii in offi'e A aedie i.t jnvel.ii.ti or llant laaoif SL' ifn, iorit aitif 'A 7. I Ntlli-K All'lWiil tnviltii-II 1 ii 8AM Dl i. (51Ht MANAf'hR-bCetKKkFPEl" IS V--. exo have ov tiai.sorta'loiw- Wrr'e hot I S3 Sun PP AC IK AL" M- He.K lies.

d'l'X. p. nr I il It KM I iMKT LCPf I AR 7 vri. rn (vt'l-t knol rf arr MMllta -0 a.ll "SM HI- rAP.V OIRL H'lDAY Over 15 vrs' evn married. fl'S 41-.

br wk Towson or N'lr'h'rn s-a prat dine-t-r r-e li ef rourr, tiavrnlt A' lax It. work on ran As a- ir 41." rer rro. i 51410 net. fl Ai 4 30. VA.

A 6PM WIFE of retired man da, esretskea, et snur- cn( house. Bo CS.44 6-ir, V( Mt I.Ai.Y I (In. Ion In Km wfedia tvee, At a r-1 V(Ji StF IAIiV de work In n'f cii-r tiiarit or nurses aide, exp 111, ITliUFL. On September 15, 1'0 ASK FOn CLASSIKIFD The Horiien Avenrie Fl'tMlv, rrgrers iff ps- iiii! of MILS. FVA ROM A beloved of our inemb-r Iiuil Kamerovr I'lease house of JA'rf) Spnnii.ali lenua RABBI JACOB ft GRFFV.

"-tilrr ill I MP STASL WF.1NFR. Coru'rei. a ii.n pr MR IK 'N ALU Urot I'frstftrnt. MRS. AI.

Ill pri(irnt S4MIVIK AMJV It K. fcudnen'T. on 15, J(jHN 7 10 South Dei ker avenue, beloved husband of i.l-.t,eth (111 PiRSONALf may call lrom 2 I'M to I'M ml 7 to 9 P.M. dully. 19a HITIM4V On September 15, I'lM OFOHOE A SR beloved husband of Minnie Win man inee Hen-rioti, of 610 Rockawsy Reach avenue.

Esse. and beloved fa' her nf Flmer L. and Cieotire A Wt'iruan, Jr F'uneial ervbe are to hi held at Sander As North avenue and Boadwav, on Monday. M. Interment, In renie.

ry. land Loda No 184 A Ac whl meet, in specia, corntnuiii' atlon on Mnnelav, Sep. trmner 19 at 12 15 for ti purpose of lavinvf to rest wun Mawnie honors our later brn'her. OLC'RUE A WITT MAN SR 19 HARRY E. A li, I BY.

Mastrr. HOOIIOi, September 18, IIIOIIEST CASH FAID riininR rtooms nfironms F.pfi Odd riorcs Cam Anssered la 30 Minutei irT-Jrvrr, rs-etve SAVE ON Ot'irAN'TV-Tt IN AI I. 0'' I VV a li tut a i FMMA IDA (nea Pahri. of If .2 Iiancv avenue, beloved w.fe of the l- Wi.iiain H. Stotfel, Jr.

ind he.oved no. he' of Mrs Meiv I S.hnrlof. Mr WIMIsrn Hi-nrv Ftr.f. fe 3d, and Mr Cliffoid L. and il-ter of Mts.

Id Huber ind J.ln Helen M'KfHn and of M.i Hi, dl. Funera' ecrvnci will he held at William Tlrkner At Son. North md Feiinsv lv anta avenue, tm Monday at 11 AM, Interment In Cemeniy. 19 nar ii Home, 2.4 nrroil itreet 5-riCfK) ML'. lRkma Park.

i iPaikiiik 1 r-offT, ivvlui. 1,1. .1 QUICK te- r.n We'lncMlKV, Ur 21 at Bli A Hetjulrm Mu 7m lt tt. J(en'a tnviiili. V'l at A Inteimeiit In Cemetery,'l inee S(liteliri, devoted futlier Of Mary A Itose Catharliir fctasb.

Krulcvi M'-seia, Joi.n J. md i 1 inria W. Sand ik Ill Fai-rr r. Car on tie t-. in Rarc.iu-ri'.t A Fcrrn' ArtrO'laBl tiarr-sr AI.

I i. Sldtrt Carnerls Mi.oern P.throoinl (' Ocfin K.tcherJ 1U I stetinnM Fiiniitiiie, A''liancc-t. TV, Washing M.x li etc. Call Mr. 1 At'Y T'rs tvmnf or r.etiea., SHU On September 14, Ceil.

Hivh sch. 2 r. 1 1 i' 44 ANNE inee Oceak i. of 4 Sixth I'rctt, Juo'kivil. beloved wife (f Tor) Flu Fcp 5' III LAHV desires tvcil.

SARAH K. (nee Cnppavei, of Ciarewav. toe wife of ChatlfS Malques VA ood md de-v. ted matter of Peter P. Wood.

Funeral scrvoes at the Ji.l.n A 01 VI! home. IV. K.r 1 to br dure DOWN I'AVMKNT AIJ.AH AN. rerun n.enied T. 1 TO 5 YEARS TO PAY 1 U7 or (i.

4 Vul l.AUV oi d-s di.s, aa i- A- r.t PK 2 ViJl'Nt," 1 AIlV 'Ivil fir cit-rlril 5 (lavs i V.T 7 lUVMVf on f'epieitilier 17, rwi, AMiHr 6 .14 Uv.r a.l.ue. ArtiMt'iii, beloved l.u'l.und the ia'e Anna A and (irvoied of Mi I'r Noon, Mr. And ew VA iiimii and John Mrimiihk from the I' li.rJl! Home of Jor.n co*kin and bon. and poppieton airrete, on TueMlnv frritemwr 20. it 10 15 AM iiain Hiih Mm it hurrh tit 'I be AetiBlon.

In it 11 A Interment In New Cmhe. dial Cemetery. VlalMnR houn by request from 2 to F-M. I rtrk-llik fariia.ei. 19a nilLLlFS R00FKRS BALTtMOPES Pf FT A- L'Pnr iiOMfc l.ti CCiMfANX CALL TLAZA 2-6051 BOOTH GREENE ST.

Services fiinii the Charles Funeral e. Mil South -ieet H.idson street in at 15 AM Iieitiini, II. I at St. Brikid i tliurin at 9 AM Interment in Sai ied Heart Ceme'eiy i.uu.i fr. ru 2 to 10 Nis 1 1 On S- ptrinlirr 17.

1'a-fl MCL'i il AS of Kelituik? a trjoed isoand of tne late Dmlv fcansostl and of P. Frm. Viixetil and Catherine 1 Brown. Funeral lervlrei will ha he'd 11 the William Cook Funeral Mansion. St Paul md Pre-ton meet-cm Wedtie-dav it 7 45 A.M.

Hu-n Maa at, St Francis of a 15 AM lr. Lo-tame Ma, 20 SITUATIONS (Port Tima)) Fem. Jll BOfiKKri PINO At'tvliina done as WLl put lltij. 3 1 lit t'AHY Desires Aitrtressini Envelopes at 1-2(42 CAllY ts ( offce work. New 1 i .11 An' Furn.

Mrlv.nsre Alt (lb s. alios. (Jrl ercai 1' is Corri, e-r or ks i st'lvr i.e too Itr.t (il PL 12 i W. rtj CALL Bit. ti-ib'dl FtlRVlTUIF.

Chin. Silver. Jeweln tiur.s. AruiO'ic Piano Mr lee, mr. tall hht or (tay USED f*ckN.

WANTED SPOTCASII BR.6-57G9 i'OUR PRICE 1 HOUR Furn, Applinncfs FA. -4M HrnrV Stoll, and dev. ted niother of Hinty and M'-ii-I." 'h N. 1. Services at the M.Cullf ine-a Home, patai aro avenue nd Third street.

on at II AM Interim nt in Ceuar Hoi Cemetery. tjHFFSfV On September 17 AKIHLR FRANCIS, of 1716 Abbot leton treet. ties heloved hui-bniid of Veronica Sweeney inee Huoni, father of Mary Peddinu Hernardett Weber and Citherine Shannon l'' Funeral services ill be held at William Cook Mansion St Paul and Pie-ton streets, on Tuesday at 9 30 A Requiem hih at i Bernard i Diutch at 10 A interment in Moreiand Memoria, Park. A 1.:. JiKl.hS uif r.

tirl.Ard nf Mr Hinry (i. lli.kan, if tt 'iv ct iubi Ml. Mn, f) Kailfn. Wlfilir'iii, lt n(1 (if-nrr trikm. lit fetnnifuid Ci.n imii I.r i.rld it 'lllinn 'lukiK-r Ac Nciiii, arid I'f in.i i.n M'ndiiT JO PM, 1- tn.i.nilimiiit In Iirrilna I'i MnuMjirum Krlanoi tiiif IlklOK On FrtmbT 11 ln ANNA (nee Iii.ri KJ Hrnnlil vinui.

ft jr. hi lot ad if tha lua Jim-- Jlrl'ik and rnnihar i Mn Hcvia RaVr. Mrr Mu Jn i-rk and and J'lwph nd lh lata Jma 2'ia Prvli-i at tha riiriara1 Hnma, Patupvo urnui ind 1 li 1: (1 ProfiKlvn. on Wdnad IS AM. Rcq uiirn Hun Ma a' Ft.

it 8 AM Intafment in H'dy fr" famatatv S'lddanit. in bptmnar 15 wi, AT IK mn B-tirKHudfr iircat. h-im-fl mfa nf in Muran Funrial Home. jta.O fast Bai'imoie stiect i.orner t-f Potomac street on Wed nrstta Sep-ternber 21. at 1 PM Interment in Mount Carn.el Cemetery.

21e WI VKIR. On Sep. ember 18, CORA IRENE UNDER inee Hurkerti. of pikesvllie. In her ev-enty-fotirth venr.

wile of the late Claude Wunder, formerly of Rcarimsi. Pa and br loved mother of Mrs. Malcolm L. Ruth. Junior W'l'Ham Paul.

Allen. Robert and Richard Wunder. Funeral services will be held at the Newell Funeral Home. Rei. ters'own road at Walrircn avenue Pkesville.

cn Tuesdaw it 2 PM Interment In Druid Cemetery. nny. we.i;. li I AlilAI, KtlHV I ic if I nice VI) or from tr- (lii-tation over Is at jour tana rer-orcier which tslv Is at home serv. area, tesal.

RE. NOM I 1 ne n.err.hert rf tr.e Marviand Bi-bai. F.aven A-i'-ciati-m regretn "he pas-ir: of MR NICHOLAS SAN-FO--T1. fa'ner of n.em- M4SSI III on PTitem-brr 17. ItOHFRT of Diivsil iieno i keiiaie i tne tieloved Iiueband rf Marnaiet Apnea inre Mff.ceneyi.

devoted fa'tier of Richard J. Uanafieic nd Roiiert Mansfteid bervires from Leonard f*ck Fitieril Home. 5vl HerforeJ road frhocale on Werine-onv 11 AM lii'erment In paiwoon from 1 to ind 7 to 10 F'-i. Brochure. fctl, SFCHFTAP1AL- "Work dote in rr.r- ho-e work f'pe- Frikevbd.

OL.5-3?43 2 "or 3 a vi w-ek Pisaj. o- srcaHtA 61 :8 SI'Mi' 2 or 3 cisji. Fully a io '-an. PO 4-! 528 lh OFFICE WORK. Fl f.

-a'r REMODELING ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS FfEE Esftm-ifct THA Terms 1 fJcsirpri CHESAPEAKE ROOFING CO. 601J PI. LI. 2-5675 1911 HIOHFST PATH POH MIS a fsia (ioinivn LAiii.S' WORN Ft COA TS MOB ION 22- 1N Fil.tnr li A 1 1-' i Ant. ti Or.ce pn.n It 3" Via r( .1 l-rirVPLI li i- I'A- i01's tv riol AMI" Jf A i I.AROR INC BE.

Zl'SSMW On Sep-emher 18. 1) Pniilp beloved husband of Ids 7. of M31 Charlton road P.indails-o-vn and father cf Mrs Pose Kfp'nn, and Mrs. Ru'h Werner, Also survived hy 3 grand-children l'-e Services at the Jack Lewis Home Jlon-t2 Eutaw p'lo-e. on Suntla'" pieciselv at 11 AM, Interment in Jewish National For na pel Cerre- HHP WA NTED EM ALE ADVKRTISING LAYOUT ARTIST Funk arid f'ascual fcat.sciSM JA.MFS A.

ETEVFN5. JR Pretlrient IM.1V -On Friday. Ffpren.ner il JOHN, of f.4 Braoh irst roar! beloved huanand nf the ia'e At.rn ilraruan, e' f.f J- Seymour, utitKiiaiher nf Mt riftti Mills and Fatrsrui Vteiiiel. Lie Funeral from the Charles S. hliiiunek Funeial Home, l' er.n a ine I at Msnt.hso'a and rornan a-eniies, on Monoav at 11 AM.

Irrerrnenl In Oadiawn crire'e-v, hours from 2 to '-n tr.e rear St 1KM1 fill IS Ft iiM 1 I iv ihc-est rrrcrs oaid pu si Call I 0-')'4' (iOI bilvc "jewrirv -Tt-'i Trip li re, jtrbnn. Ill W. (Sarslnpa ENCYCLOPFDIA -Wii buy eet World ii in 't i fffiTi.ilSil I 'ritioT Cull Nri' t'pn Co ru iit-n Ml! PARKFI; "oioiaF'Tiir urn A- appl MO. 6I4IJ PLANUM A.VTFD--AI.I. TYPFS Mlt On r-epterober )7.

1 i 1RAN l.Sf O. of 113 Sw'tl Pat'er-on Far It tent-, devoted fa'ner of FtJitsk, Jr of "iiil Fit Pratt i'reet, and Mrs Anna of Cleve.arui. Otilo 20 1.1 Innn t.e Frank I'laii Funeral I'reet, on it t. 15 AM Solan.

Retj-iUrn Mai it Lady Lon.t.-! i-9 AM, Iiite-ment In H.a.t Cen eterr. Vlitlr.K Iiou: fr-m 2 trii Thiri Wliilurn and cr rrni. har of Mr Anna B.ankar. Mri, f)- -farai, (on-rid J'irin Mfiirv. and Joni.

lii'af nf M'l run hath Fcriaio and Mil. C'a-Tif 'rarcl, at tha John A. Millar F'iriari H' rn M'Tiri-iV il 11 A Intern. ant In More. arid Mfinnnni f'Hir Friarir.i n.iy ciii bten 2 and TOWNSHFNU.

On September 11 L''t at Davirion-vi e. Md, WILLIAM A tlXING-Tf'N, Si! a -red fii vears. beloved Fui-iNina o' i rl Towr.shet funeral Tucm av, s-pteirher 20 at 11 A fif-ui Ail H.iliows Chapel, Davldsr.nv Md, lniermerit in All. HiiUowa Cen.e'ery Fii'-nr!" iiiav at Tavior Chapel. 147 Oli uc'srrr street.

Aninipohs Md from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 I' Fatttiiv req jrsts in lieu of flowets -i-ti-rtbiiUnns n.av be luade to All lU.iows Ctiutrn 1IUU I Oa hepten.ber 16. lien ANi.iLI.NA rnee Mabliei. heloved her Mrs. Aiclio, Sciliuan, Lillian Wuclsre.n. and Fva MitM liiiin and nster cf Mrs Mary Appal, i iiiera.

frorn toe Ct Jiiieiiv Hume, jiOu Lank street, on terv Foseriale. IF'indiv amit rower I In mournm 2 at 8423 1 ftitur- Kr'U43r-! ot o-ii 'ihi-v f'T ari'hltini, yni' Cnt m-rrial Art -onri. ri-'f HV" r-x in Mnrnmiriir-r fxifnnfF r1'- iTd rvu t.rt',srv. hl trmst't on- ifi. prr'-r-n 1 1 1 Aliliiv'rri Pi-rirlr-' lorafn A I l'l Cf MFTISIES AND IOTS (ft SIIUA1ION WANfEO- i a Mii-rv I Gliii'in CHAD'S IiMf'LOVMKN'T OFFICE: "I M.

JOIKI. On VA r. ri. Househ (13 i i' 1441 sr .1 (ias w. ii PI 4' (ftre 'c on wc-i; of jef.

Oli, ROOFING Home Improvements Expert Work at Low Cost TERMS-ESTIMATES HA. 6-1 66-1 Columbia Contratting Co. 5'io-i Hiii-ford Nites, VA. 3-777!) Multiple Dwelling Specialists JOi-M-H A cl til 1 Ninth I''iifii 5 via a ireat. Ia f.i.hhi,d 'f trie i 3 -h LOUDON PARK Lots ava lab for aro'hrr 100 yesri he Terms Our iai Ca-e Fund onk Mlt I ION DOLLA'-S lib FRH'H.

K'K AVr Wi saoor i. -II I I'OT "WlU tiio, 'i-i B', frinrai Joiiki mil fl-r l.n.' Kt! GWVNNS FALLS FKWY. iopp sjivN-nAWMiK AOt I re Inr apt. i'ldiise lo, Mot live 111. saiarr hvu, oris iit-fs.

reu. Apiny a'! id-al Al.iH.-Al I' It AND 9 30 In ri Cecillt Dress Shop, S07 No h-avy duties. Be i.nt.1 10 I' M4RIIN'. tin 14 ISCi Ai.S" MAUI IN inee Wa.rt-i of 1618 Fumble toad, ed of Howard 1 Mdi'm eiirt cr-Voted Cf A L'. ii -i the leorird Pt.ik Funeral Hume, i itS Harfoid

at ij horlaie terme. a Monday ft A Mats it Ft. Matthews Chmch if 9 A Inter-riiuit In Morriaud Men Friends may call from 2 30 M. to 5 M. and 7 M.

to 10 P.M. ci. bani.Miig Friday. MKIIV--On hep-ember 15. lwn LAIIV 'Col Wants 5 tvs mil rorworn ar-cl cocxict dinner Fxp, A MONUMCNTS.

VAULTS, fTC. (7, Mlchaal and t.r Jo-jk'. futieril from ta- itinera: Hnrre. IdiO (i.amer atrae; Wadnaitlay at 8 AM. Hequle-rr.

Mini it tl. Warn fai.j Churrh at AM, Interment In Br.hertiUn tenieierr. V.aitlni nun from 7 to 10 M. 2-e 41 HIVSKV On 14, 1 f0 Ml tf biiurao road je(. KJf.rl a'icr ,.10.

A M. LADY hiiii-'iirt. iaundrji" Ai i CK lot LAI1Y (Col job Irorilis run. Monday at ,:0 AM. Solemn HKiuiem Hiith Mas at Our Lady p.

1 Ci.iircii at 9 A Inteimeiit in Oak Lawn Cemetery. I9e VA( I K. On Friday. September 16. 1'rWj.

F.M1L C. (-1 2 21 last Monument, sircet, beloved busnand of Mary Ha ck Vact-k, lather of Mildred M. bit-man. Mane M. Boe.ian nd Norbcrt J.

Vaeik. Funeral from the S- hlmunrk Funeral Home. 2--01 -ot-05 Last sreet. on Mont'-iv at 8 15 A M. Requiem H'uO Mas at St Chun a' 9 A Interment In Holy Reo.eeir.rr Ccme'ery.

Vifeiting hours 2 to 9 M. the beinved h'iliind cf MOS VI JESTS EY HENRY MERKEL, INC. "Since PPrxyrp- FLCVER VACFS CMFTKPY IETTEKING aye v.i RKVF.RDY B. at his honie. 3-1-4 Ties iri Tours, Ref.

LA J-Hh i.l LAi'Y vVali' davs wvir'K Tuo At Frl ST A- car f-e. Ref. til 3 h705 LADY -i Col i ilcs da worn Eac an Pef.CH 3 LADY--lies, liht Fond ol rh Icrr-i. MA avenue, beloved fitnc cf Dor.i f. Mart.n.

and or Mri. Jennie Orim mo MAN 'Co. i i as vu-rk on floors, paint- e'i-, aio iawns rV fciirurjberjf r't rH3-oo32. MAN Col. cs.

urn. house cleaning. OPEN A SA VIVOS ACrOfST SAVE I il SAI IT Ctill'l 'IT IiIVTi 11 r.i F.n! Buiid.i. An'1 I "nn A 131 NORTH AVE. F'-aliishel IV.14 tor fa'cnieiit or rs'l T.A fi ru: the rjr.foriiiattein KF.A li.Nli-Save up to 70 lav-rreni 1K1 FURNACES.

BURN-F FS American S'ar said, (as or oil New. $l(-9- $100 allow, on your old furnace Auto, -a, hra'rrs. SI 23 1 1 5 allow, fur yorir old hearer Pit or Ti a call PO 4-P5S! fl vr- i irl -r- tr r-, HU. 4-0102 IMilford L. Iscman, Inc.

701 "-etsters'nwn RI 18) 10ST ANIrOUN0 BLL'ETICK 'BOUND. 6 mo. r.a nl lost Rett. ER Armsuad Oardecs, ARTIST PROMOTION AND PUBLIC REL2TI0NS 1 Creative genera! artist ra-tiuired for interesting and varied job. Involves desimlnc lavouts and doing finished art on mailing piece-, promotion ads.

tales Inlders. etc. Exoerl-ence not as Important as ability. Pleas bring samples. (1y week.

Anol Personnel blftne. Oullford Ave. entrance, between 9 and 12 AM. or hr sDnointment. THE SUNPAPERS SUN PUILDINO CALVERT BT.

WARD On September 18, 1W0 CLARA L. inee Fpnleri, of 2'1 l'-0 ANNA LILLIAN, beoied wile cf Prank i. aimer of Cl.tis-tlan Fex. 21 F.iiieriil from the Bru7drliik: iiiernl Home. Ho'i Fastern I on "Aeoneiiay it AM Hf'iiiirin Hiuh Me-a In St t.aies Ciiiirth fl AM, Interment in Oak Lawn Cemetery.

SI Hi I On September 16. 15n AL'tiUST E. a we ti years, rm tf the late Frederick and Wiiheirrina S'heil. Jorn.erly of 2019 WDhflin treat. Itre Services it the Winpert Funeral Batuoore and Monroe streets, on Monday itternoon 2 clock.

Interment In Wes-ein Ceire-erv. Visiting hours from 2 to 9 S' HMINKF On September 15, IV" FRANK of ZHib WtlV.ens the beloved husband of Milcred Schmlnke Kraurhi ind e'ep-father Wilbur, William and James Moser. 19 Mr. Schmlnke res's at the iw-ard Hubbard Funeral Home. 4ih7 Wllkens avenue, at Lcccs avenue, Pravers on Monday at 2 3d P.M.

In'erment In Baltimore National Cemetery, The family requests friends to call daily between 12 noon and 10 M. 5(HIIZ. On September IS. NFTRA ANNA 1 nee Ma of er'l 2 Old Harford road, the beloved wire of Flow-in Scbuiz and beloved mother of Mrs Mildred Wilkinson and Mr. I.arl E.

Schulz S-rvices will be held at the William Couk-Biicht Funeral Home. 6-109 Hirtord road, on Wednesday at 2 30 M. Interment In Mount Olivet Cemetery. St Kill On September 1. JO'-LOHINF MARY inee 1443 Homestead street, the beloved I Mite of Samuel Si-no.

and devoted brother of M-s. Marie Faust. Mrs Constance Catmo, Amelia Sienklc'ewskl. Mrs. I Ait 'lie Turner Miss Marnuerlte Messrs Ilea J'jbini-kT.

John J. Ju.miii and ll'mi-i 15. Friend! ar IrTiiad r. rail at tr.e Kiir.eril Hi.mi nf Waiter firor ki Bradiaa. Inr rtuodalk.

where pravers ba rffered (tab am oar If. it 111 AM. A Feo'ilf-n High Maa ill be rfared In 6t. Churrh it 9 A Interment In Sacred Heart of Jeiui remeierr R4VA.S- T.H On 1 1W0. AM LI A V.

i nee Conner formerly nf Rlrhmnnd. the beloved of tha ia'e WaUare M. Kivinaiicrt. Sr devoted niother nf Or Butler. Ruth Plddlebarger and Wsiiace Jr.

and Chariei toward Kv-Diuch. 21 Paridinfton road, beloved wife of the iate Arthur T. Ward. and c--n-l r'f VK.7-5'..47 tYAI'I HP SS Coambarniaid des mn WOMAN lies, iron or c.can. 5 27.1 1 WOMAN Desires ironing, Call Oi! 5-41'03, WOMAN-Wants CaV, "work.

Ref. CK. 3-n: 15 DOO Lost. Windsor H-iis. Buck A white, 'Collie tyiet Sheeu doK Wirie white fur collar Whl'e rnest At pavvi Reroirawrd.

MO4-7i59. DOO Urr. Shepherd fein. blai A- tan' "Cindy." Child want their dog bark Middle Riv area, 2241 Hawthorne WOMAN -lie--, da's wori c.can- ir.IT A lrolllIJItr WOMAN lies (lavs vvntk cl. (lot -I exp ftrf LA.

3-HHOJ. mother of Pr Arthur T. Ward, and Mrs John S. Haines and nster of M-s, Jacob E. Cromwell and Mrs.

William C. Luraaen. also survived by four grandchildren. Funeral services wiil be held at William J. ictiner ie Sons.

North and perinsviv anl avenues, on Wednesday at 1 PM The family recuests fi lends to call between 2 and 9 M. 21 WMIFIFIM. On September 16. Ilifio, ATHLEEN iKAYr BLANCHE i nee Wiliiamsi. of 715 Fast Mapie road, I inthicum.

beloved lie of Paul Herbert Martin. Fune-al aerv ice be Led William J. Tlrkner At Sons. North ind Pennsylvania avenues, on Mondiy it 1 PM Interment In Wood! awn Ceme'erv. MsR'IlV The Liberty Ir.dge No.

10 I OOF. announces witri creep re-cret the nf BROTHFR RFV-FRDY MARTIN, of Baltimore, Md and brothers wiil assemble at the Odd Fellows Temple it Saratoga and Cathedial streets, on Monda, at 1 I'M Cil.OVKR. It Nobie Grand. WW FIX. Suddenly, on September 16.

1960. at his home. RK14 Wolverton road. Coventrv muntv, FDWARD STABI.FR a.ted 77 years, hus'oand of Mildrec M. Maxwell and father cf Fdwa-d L.

Manwe.l. Mrs Christine Spencer, and Janice and fsnlriey Maxweil. Friends mav call at Stfirft A Mi. wen Company. 108 West Notth avenue, Saturday and undtv.

3, to 9 M. uneral aerv ires cki Monday alternoou at 2 clot It Interment private. WOMAN Co. (lav ork. DC1 rrcle Cioe clip le male.

Partlv blind. Lost vie. Gull forlHO 7J4U HANDBAO Black lost on No 3 b'; Walker ave 3.15 M. Valuable oantrs. i-TS rd ID 1 -n." 0 NrX'rlLACE Gc.d cnam witii Itt 3 Fcrori to Haiethorpe Reward 5-t'C8 PAPERHANGLN'G, SS UP CASH OR CREDIT TAINTING PLASTFrlIN(- FF 2-orno MO4 74IA Cl UBROOMS 'Finest panelit sno'-v pine, a.t.ur fr.

s.ove up lo 70 1st payment Jan llo-l No ra( lne 119 vrais experience V. a do the comrio job. Cali AMASS, pn ina.iMon 5. WOMAN Drs. ironing.

Irida's. Fervleea frnm tha Chirle 5 "prncil crayoM' ARllSr-FiT ink. desiKiunsr dept. r-4 ser i ork PARAKEET fc. ie.

Lou I.CI-d St HO natii.nniiv known siar'tpc saisrv wirn regular liu ira-i s. Must be pii.ncient 11 srtta letierimi 5-day uk. "I A- half lor anv overtime B-x CFU-'F." Sun Charifs A- St. Paul. Reward.

CLUB CELLARS II Warficld. lr' I- Its. 91, WOMAN xp des. days workfues. lo OMAN Wishes nay work.

"ReT. rit 2--'i. WOMAN iri's davs" orrcTfan- Ji.i or Iriiiiin. CE 3-lit-tv WOMAN I les. il.iy work.

Frl. Rcf I.O. 'iJI-'. WOMAN wishes 3 Jays lauuflrv' "work Tuc- W' MA. 1 Bu-hrer ASSISTANT Ai REC'FPIiOMsr to (ioc.

to name cl FAl.AKH I li Pk Ar.vwers I'OCKE" BOOK tors oilier Fdo.otHison voiake area, i luith sriiool sraduaie Siioriit il. ix Sun I.vr. latiis'ery vv leather lined Vl I vi a bl down- lea'hrr trim Friends mav rail at the Funeral Home, Crain highway (at Second avenuei, Oien Burnle, from 2 to 10 P.M.. thru Sunday. Services will be held at the Chapel of St Chnstopher, Llnthtcuin.

on Monday at 10 45 A.M. Interment in Gien Haven Cemetery. brfnre the holrns'-ri Free No rnnnev dovvn Rra-onable rrion hlv pa men A fi-5 ttiu JALOUSIE PORCH Turn you porch intti an extra room, Wnitin-, screen ooors "Save tip 'o 70'. 1st pay. men! 19M.

AMASS, Call day or one po i ILiNOCelotcit' piaster all tvne of Alio Clerk typist, billing, tltlt paiiers laist at Ho cluld Knhli, town Rtucrd ChII P.O. 4:14:.9.. etc. 5 day. Bfc.i-attMa.

BAHMAIO" Fart nine, nikht work. Exi' BABY SITTERS CHILD CARE (14) Wil (are for children in tnv homp while mother wonis. 2618 Alatniua Birl, Mi DOVAI II On September 18, ltif.O. SPECIAL NOTICE 9) pi riciice not nect-ssary. ADDiy net-, son.

Do no' phone Musical I at. 3,17 Flits'ion Avenue. tile. Sfline day In -1 it nation. 'Save up I vakil, on Septemher 17, I960.

EMMA CORA tnre Rullmanni. tiie V.i I.L (are for child BARMAID A WAITRESSES Very gnoPL in mv homp of Nortnwiiod Sec YOUR SOFA, CHAIRS Rrupholstered in 1 vk, at '3 cost new Terms uuar Bclart, CL vv r.r i tv iz mother in in beloved wife of the late Henry Weil and devoted niother of Mis Jennie Robbms. Otto R. Well Mrs. Eveivn Clas.

Mrs. Mabel J. CI ILnr ft of Flainlield avenue, tjeioved husband of Dorothy McDonald inee tarn and beloved father of James and Charles Dennis M'Donald. 21e Funeral from the Conklin Funeral Home, 5444 Belatr road, on Wedne.sdav at 30 A.M. Requiem Hiuh Mass at St.

Anthonys Church at 9 A Interment In New Cathedral Cemetery. Visitlnc hours 2 to 10 P.M. in (0 No n.oncv down 1st payment Jan. 3 see' 1 sutj-cont i act ma A A sc al 1 1 1 1 1 yo ni 4 -0 KIICHEN or n.eiiil compicte with btiilt-ln stove A' appliances Save up to 70 'r 1st Pftvmrnt Jan 19K1. AMASS.

Call day or nite. HO. TlLiNO -Floor, wall or ceiliiijt. all type as low an Save up 'o 70 1st Payment Jan. l'Jfcl.

AMASS. Day or roe RO 4 -(iiflR Younker. Mrs. C'Rthanne Wouck Charles J-. Samiii .1 Joseph A.

Vincent F. and Ilcn.l Seno Also survived by grandchildren. 22 Services from the Leonard Ruik Funetal Home, 5305 Harford rond at Echodale avenue, on Thursday it 8 A M. Requiem Mass at St. Bernard a Church at 9 A Interment in Woodiawn Cemetery.

Friends may call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 Fl'HMIlRK r-o-unnolvrcrcd and re-paind. CuNhicns nliiieri as low is S3, per cu-lilon in.l-.-r29 CT SLIP COVFRS uV-hol Free rstlni.t'e. 10-cay dclvcrv. Wo'Jt iar VA. 5160 BUS TRIP -To New York eitv'at'Park Sheraton Hotel on Oct.

14-16 $22 50 Leaving Frl 1 HA. 6-8463. enfuss and Mrs. Ruth Jordan. 2ue Services at John Burns Sons Funeral Home.

610-612 Y'ork road. ERIlMAN AVE. B'liir Rd Will tor rhild $10 k. Call Mrs. De liilus.

BR. 6-F8H1 WILL CARE lor mild in my home dur- ui Will care lor child mv tioine wk ejvs Arhtitus S'C. CI 21323 WOMAN s-i'inj eve. Call sI'erJP MA I MARY JEA'-NDAY NtRaUtV Meaif A- trntv, HA fi-P31H. N.l.

WA i tiii'ltOOF ouar. l.on time Suddenly, on September IF YOU HA Vt no cash, but sood credit I can nut you In a clean '55 or 'M automobnf. Call n.e today. CE LAUNDERING (IS) A tor Mr. e-p all a ft 5 I.I 2-2 5 7 Lc us lurr.lsh a Crivrr to DRIVE YOI CAR from anywhere to anywhere.

Lo- rates. Auto. Dnveaway Co. CL. 4 '133 LADY- W) te desires iruning at home.

sal tips. Apply Club Diamond. (122 F. Baiio. St.

BAHMAII -Fir co*ck, ail Toutike, nitw'" oi is 4 tils) York Bd. aft. 10 AM. er CH 3-'oiu lor aiipointnient BARMAID- No exp, nec. Peim.

POslj Hun. Paid vac Muinolfis Cocmair l.iun.e. 4417 Hartord lid BARMAID Wanted. Day vvotk. tlels, rr.

SBalto. prcf 7. BARMAID Apply "winteriing Cafe, 940 CorikhiiB DI2-9827. BARMAID White. Appiy in person for nitework.

fijrt N- Chester St, BEAUTICIAN Expert hair slvllst Ac tinter. Exr. sat'. A- roinin. Sinclair Beauty Salon.

3310 BEAUTICIAN -Exi). Nite hrs. i PM. Coiffure Creations. 29 Anniiiojis Ulvd Gien Burnle BEAUT iti.A'N Exn.

CatonsviUe. 2. or l-O. Bl-AUiiCi'ANS '2' All around, qukk" hairdressers that want, to w-or 4ri niase (rood nioriey. New salon opening in aiiout 5 wks on Ritchie Hcsjr.

Olen IPirnre area F.andv Bra'i'f Salon la. I eves. onlv. Mr. Handy; LI.

2 or RO 4 0521 WATER PROOFING HA 6-iOBO -CONCRETE WORK Towson. on Tuesday at 11 AM Interment in Baltimore Cemetery. Friends mav call from 2 to 9 P.M. WFNGFRT. Suddenly, on September 17.

1060, WILLIAM, of 107 South Camp Meade road, Llntln-oum, beloved husband of Eva Wenirert (nee Smith 20e Funeral from the Stncleton Funeral Home, Craln Highway (at Second avenuei. Glen Burma, on Tuesdnv at 2 P.M. In'erment In Gien Haven Cemetery. By request, visiting hours are lrom 2 to 10 PM FORCHES- 2 4 I VViLL MAKE ill! cov NO, n-iai4 uitii yvnii CH. 3 PI07 FIRST CLASS "L.A"l!'NbTtEKS--D"cs.

athome.SliIrt specMO. 4-2025. HELP WANTED HOUSEHOLD (161 ami CARPENTRY WILLIAM CHARLFS. ct SHIS Ready avenue, beloved husband of Helen C. Menel (nee Morrison! Rnri beloved father o( Mrs.

Richard Jones, Ronald and William Walter Menfel. Funeral from Henry W. Jenkins Sons Company. 4W5 York road Wednesday. Septemher 21.

I960, at 11 AM Interment In Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens. F'amliv renuests friends to call 2 to 9 19 All tTnes Perches a specialty, Mr own PERSONALS 01) COOK Win 1st. fir. work; Must, like country live in Recent, rets, reo rn tl I i.i Other help emplovrd Christian farn- CELLAR IH'ti A- INSTALLED Under your home. Reas.

price. Prst, suits. For tops in home repairs call WILL NOT be responsible for anv debts utiles contracted hy niyreif. HARRY HICHAM, 2 -oH a rit A UILL NirT he responsible for any dents unices ron' bv mvrlf. C.FKTKUDE FLABBI.

511.18 Oliver st J.J. nr Cl. Rbti'FlNO-All tvpes. Liimrr-ia'e srrv Ice Save tin to 70 1st rro MKNZrX. The Carpenters Local SI ll-NFI SON.

On September 18. ANNA, of 3101 Chestnut avenue, beloved wife of Engel N. fcrrvold. Services at the Paul E. Cheno-xveth Funeral Home, 3615-17-1!" Chestnut avenue, on Tuesdty.

September 20, at 1 PM. Interment Meadow Rldce Memorial Pnrk. Visit ins hours 2-10 P. SFVFRV On September 17. 1H60, ROBERT E.

of 1527 Wiliiam street, the beloved husband of Catherine Severn inee Rsei and devoted brother of Mrs. Ethel Lanier. Services the McCullv Funeral Home. 130 Fast Fort avenue, on Tuesday at 11 AM. Interment In Mnrsati Chapel Cemetery, Woodbine.

Md. 20e SH 4FFTR. Washineton LodEte No. 3 A F. and Will hold a special communication on Tuesday, September 20, at 12 noon to attend the funeral of our late brother, WALTKR C.

SHAFFER. FORGE J. DOIXE, 10e Worshipful Master. Fe.ier Funeril Hone, Sol 8mith Conklln lit Hudin ureet on Wedneidnv at 2 PM Interment In Parkwood Cemetery houia 3 to 5 ind to 10 KH I.IY. On Pep-ember 17.

at tna AutrshurR Lutherin Home. Campfield road, ROf-E KHHV beloved liner of Mr. Louis Keliev and tha lute Pul aud Irtmk Keller. 2U Funeral aervtrea will ba held at Allium J. Tlckner At Bona.

North and Pennsylvania avenues, on Ttienday at 2 P.M. interment in Druid RldKa Cemetery. KIR HNf On Peptamher 17, WO CHARIIS of 648 Valley View roed. HRmtuon, beloved huband cf Lily Klrchner (nee GetMeri. devoted father of Mm.

Dorothea Davlei, grandfather nf Curtis A Davlen, Jutilor, Denise C. and Chariei Clayton Davies. ind de-toted son of Mn. Caroline Kirrh-rer inee Malthani. and the late Chnrlei Klrchner, brother of Fd- ard Klrchner.

Renor. 2ne Services at the Leonard J. Buck Funeral Home. 52ns Harford road Echodale avenue, on Tuesday at 11 AM. Interment In Parkwood Cemetery.

Frirndi may call lrom 2-5 mrt'7-9no M. RRAI "11 On September 17. lffO, LAURA (nee Massoni, of 7311 Gels avenue, beloved wife of Charles V. Kraemer. and beloved mother of Mis.

Mary Small. Mrs Cerelm Ku-likosky, Misn Mable Kraemer. Charlp- Ferdinand LdL-ar F. nd the late W'liton C. Kiaemer.

Funeral from the home of her on. Fernlnand J. Kraemer. 41.10 Frier road, on Tuesday. September 20, at 11 A.M.

Interment In Oak I. awn Cemetery, 2oe JK 4TSCII On September 17. ISXIO CiKRTRUDE inee of Bar Harbor road. 1'iisndena, beloved wife of the late Geoice Kratsch, sister of Mrs. Mary E.

BhamherEer and George R. Uepael, Funeral Bervioea will be held Ht Wlilmm J. Tlrkner 6i Sons, North nd Pennsylvania avenues, on Tuesday at 1 M. Interment In Oak Lawn Cemetery. The family requests friends to call between 2 and 9 i In lieu of j'iowns.

please contribute to the American Cancer 20 KRATSCH The Cirelsenhelm Himdi-craft Club announce with deep regret the death of our esteemed member. GKRTRfjDF n. KR ATSCH, MRS. HENRY SINSY. 1 President.

Kl l.ECK. BtlddenW, on Septemher l(t, ALF-RED KARL, of 314 Maple avenue, beloved husband of Helen Kuleck (nee Frzywaral, dear father of Garv Allan and Carl Alfred, ion of Julius Kuleck. brother of Walter Kuleck and Ann Ko-plrkv. 20 Funeral from Pnirdrlnskl Funeral Home, 1407 Eastern avenue. Essex, on Tuesday at 11 A.M.

Interment In Oak Lawn Cemetery Vlsltlnir hours 2 until 10 P.M. ment l(il. AMASS. Call day or be re-ponstble for any I WILL not riebrs un Union No. 101 reerets to announce the death of Brother WILLIAM MKNZEL.

RALPH THOMAS, 20e Recordlnu Secretntv. rontrarteri bv myself. l.v, Arni-ie tinie ion Trans provided Boy- MM 2 1 30 Pmij. cook- Inr a ami'iii kit O. 1 hsis IroruriB.

no -hit's. No nichts, po no sml children 5' c.a'-. sir A- (ai tare. On is I ne Cioi local fibril ni red FL P-J 4 41 COOK hsus aays, '5 IT Sieep one At when needed Drivers lie. Esc.

sal. Rec. ret. HU B-5I44 COOK Hoii'eworker" "5 dav w'ki "off Wed Sun over 28. Exp.

Rec. loci r. f. i74 COOK No" ra'und'rv 2 ill fainllv Nr No 8 caiiine. Must 're COOK" "Live No" luimrl Otlirr help eniploycd HU, ti.if.Rtutil'an POKCHES S.rc! or woorl pal'los.

walks, crment wcirk, etc, "Save up to 70; payment 1901. AMASS. RO 4-05HH MACK A- SON 9 A.M. lo 5 7 to 8 P.M. PL.

CFILINIJ Plastic, couir.ic tile installed Ouar. ARTCRAFT CFit I5G3, II A. Aft. 0. NO.

5 5.. 14 BOOKKEEPER Must he ryoeriencPd in a rompie'a set of'e eiitrv bocks, (ier.eral oIIicp Balto. 5-dav wk. Arr-iond. office.

Wrire. siatirg ate. vnerieni and salary desired. I nx rstMi8 Snn, BcOivK Eli-it. oriieral office work.

ftonmr W. ISF.NNOCK, 9Hl): Hartord Rt! I WIIL 'NOT be rcMioo'ible for any debts tin'cs contiai-'rd hv nivsell. MARI.FNF A BOHIMAN. 1-1 I Vf 1 il Ai lli I WILL NOT be responsible for sny debts unless contrarieirl bv nlvsrlf, DAVID PAUL FOAftD. 4 Kl Willsh*te A' 1 WILL Nor br responsible "for any dtbls except thr)e hv rnvsrll, John Ric'tARi) inons MIIL? I WILL SO I be i stHitistbie for any debts unleg eontrncTd bv nvvself.

HUNT 4415 FAI LS IiD 11 PA I 1 I FA IN 1 1 6 Inlrte A- Out'Kle Wl 5 5371 COOK-F xn Sleep in. O.niul cen- Fxn. tor sviiaiiok-iir Full or part titv.e New alr-cniiri. olilce. S'ste exo.

Bog Sun Iiousi KF I I'F "Exp live every other sun. oil. other he.a. tup I RO 4-77S3 tral.lor.. other help.

MA J-tC'il. Cill 2.1-4.') cicn hswk 2 nites or live in t. In iV Ht) 4-1224 ROOF LF AK SPECIAL Anv roof IrliaiKd hoi Isollal' Coated J.3S Ittook'inre. LA PAFKHHANUINU UV Ul ll'lilMt no oer room, ai-o ItHllllllirr O'lri I a e( vork. Pri.lii'it srrv li CH 3 077j CLUB CFiLAK Alios, sliursl porches.

paitilii.ns Do own wolk Cilcmi Loni; ler rris NO. 5 7241 HOUSES raiitil. i llar'x brains rcpiacril. ttiner.t work, a.teralions I'A HOUSEKEEPER Win chli' liiiii, Un Elegance wilh Economy Mnpnil'iscnt unc rnT. Iioii.c tasteful nppoinimcnts atniospliere of rcvctcnce -lij-nity ttaincJ, ev pcricnceJ "ivKisuts vlio overlook nu tUi.iil 47 srparaie iieius ot servise these tie loniliiticJ at' W'm.

(o prov ide a truly lining linal ti ilnne for 1" cJ ones. J's h' u-hy. V'nt. Ccck cfers FINER FUNERALS trlnlhcr ibc ccst is 85 OR S4BOO der 55. SMtlrd, (iiuit.

no drink. 'BOOKKEEPER Thorouthlv esn. fir" part .1 travs I lor Interview t.rl olliie suioKe i.ive in rcideotiai norue ol 2 adults Plain cook. Pn. room Fx 1 li.i-i.-s FtO 0 prim ri 1 1 1 1 Ft.

On September 16, HMO. AGNF'3 A. inee Latchami, of 117 lurnlca drive. Glen Burnle. formerly of C'larkson ttrect, beloved wile of the late Benjamin P.

Miles and aunt of Mrs. Ruth M. Gcedeke. 20 Prayers at the Singleton Funeral Hume. Craln Hlkhway (at Second avenue 1, Glen Burnle, on Tuesday at 8 30 A M.

Requiem Hitth Mass at Holy Tnnitv Catholic Church. Glen Burnle at 9 A.M. Interment In Baltimore Cemetery. By request visit 111 riouts are fruin to 10 P.M. PARK.

Suddenly, on FrldaT, September 16, CHARLFS of 310.1 Lawnvlew avenue, beloved husband of Fva Doxzon Parr, father of Milton tBtid) Parr, brother of Ethel Schleupner. 19 Funeral from the Charles Schlmunek Funeral Home, 3331 Brehms lane, at Mannasota and Flrdman avenues, on Monday at, 8 15 A.M. Requiem HlKh Mass at the Shrine of the Little Flower at 9 A.M. Interment In Holy Redeemer Cemetery. Visiting hours, 2 to 8 P.M.

Parkin- in rear. R.f. Box Sun ALU l.i A "I I NO MACHINE OPERATOI- CF MF NT WORK of all kind- Bin. A- CAISPFNIKY -All types. 'Save up to HOLsLKi lo live Bal'n i lite (or 2 children of school ase Mn'hrr Father soikitic Call Moo.

lav alt tl AM II. Pario.Heas. pme CF Jl PAl'HR HTFAMINO lt c'a'ss AP rre'M rerr'oved Call 3 U- KITCHEN CHAIRS Upholstered. Qual work. Reas.

Call 131. 2-1820 HOU6F KF ii.n Mori, thru Fn home t. i ion oppoiimiitv tor fxnerts. 'd comp'cmricr or Burronehs Hich-senool Iai red Interviewing riivliv, Mnrnat" liirouch Fridav. 8 AM to 3 tcenhone C1R, 5 0000 et 6 (.

aopomr mrnr WFSIERN EI TRIC COMPANY. 2o00 Broenuig Ital'imore 245'arvland CANVA.S.-iFli'S ii0AIEi.51fiT0VEME.NTet Sal it. coiiirii 'Iians turn. Apply li AM. 2 P.M.

United Eng. 30iX W. North Ave. CONCRETE Ac flaEsicne palms, porchn in Orielispriprr Vallry (hlldreii 8 12 A In vis Driver lic-tise san-tlal Phone II P-liOII'J after fi HOL'SF KEEPER Wiule, ki iici al" mv faviriajrrls walls CL.4-.48 HOME REPAIRS CHib'rmr, naiiulng Aliepatinns3 FRRV. WT 4-1545 FLOOR "8AND1NO A- finlshine.

40 vis asspt vvitli hildren live in. O'hrr hrlp. 1 wk. da, and rverv olhcr Sun oil Pri rin III! Tu ur pavmrnt Jan. llit.1.

AMASS, HO ALUMINUM SfDINO Save "up to 7(1-- lt payment 19fil. AMASS. Call RO. STONE of" anv kind At concrete work A' fiaa atjyi a 1 1 1 5 -4QH 1. U.

3 3 0 HOME REPAIRS AJVY KLND LOW R.ATtJWX 5-0304 P.A PUT-1 i A i I ilEASONABt.F PFtlt'ES, FREE estimates. Prompt Sejrvire. Call anytime. I'E FAIT It A NO o'--Ri'A3. THOMPSON NJ-Tt PI 7 0014 HAVE wail psper remover.

Will rent or on the mo lor you. painter HO. O. L. R1DKR A- SON, FLAG POLE" Fre'ction ft palriii.s.

IIOISI 1 in, Rec. frts i.criciai tiousewotk A- care or children c.oo.l suh.rv. RO 3 ower Maintenance Co. SO. 8 CERAMIC TILF COVTRACTOR NO, 8-1'RtiO Hot'SEKF PER White, iar tor woman fc small apt.

Call SA 7-577R CEMFNT WORK. mkw-k s'dewalk A pn'lo, MU. 8-2S7' CASHIER-CLERK AYARES FTNANCF. CO. has ittrie.

live position lor cotr.perent yourig iany io'e'esied in ca'- iering A- sen-era! oliios ttaties. esntias ro shirtlanl Exc. s'ar'ir, sala-v rcativ bet.efl-s. i bat. Piium Mr.

mn. 7-2111, For Funeral Service at the Price You Want to Pay Call the Tichncrs You know the cost in advance. Let this list of consecutive adult funerals as selected by Tickner patrons be your guide. 141 funerals Celt up $220 969 Funsroli Cost $301, up to $316 $13 Funerals Celt $334, up $710 271 Funerals Celt $763 to $1,933 up Tvetneniber the funeral you aelect includes the use of our refreshin-rly Air-Conditinned F'uneral Home for the services without extra charpe. WM.

J. TICKNER SONS, INC. North led PennsTlvinia A'ei. LAfayette 3-4321 Three Triv Tarkire LcU For Viiiton' Cri house kkftfTr s'mg bet: 45.50' to PAINTING -22 years' evn. Very rtas.

tllrrisC-jjd: Ilsrry TU. 9-524D live 111 A- care tor man Ac dausr.trr VF! 7-7CH3 nrr. 5 M. WAIL ECTtAPINO by steam. Harrv sums.

ID s-74'C PAIN1INO-- Iorerior A- ex'erlor Tiline WOI1K Allkmd. Garaaei Brk- ft Blorit FA 7 214l FLOORS BcTt" "forTr'ss NO R-l M0. Rebhan. 35 en sal eriPiuvp -s all work Kiiarantced. Itiiohng ail ha fi 1 i i FAIN I'lNii-lnu nor At exterior 1st ra-1 Ci, 4 cf4 "RIVlFINVJ- 1-1'.

Fxe Pud ne. CAtitni; Lt leral nd hi PAINTINO llllenor fc exterior Do Anr nroi HI'S tut- UP, Wl 7-111 Funeral Designs iveasonciiia Prices J. J. Cummings sni Finest In Flowers 1123 W. Baltimore St.

Phone PLozo 2-1 374-5-6 VtOVTNO A HAUti.M-. -Yd A- cleaned Call anytrme IA BFtlt At Cimcrere Work Porche i ir-o A- RO. riiO ANY TYl'K i'U IIAliiNtl-Lrash jot. mm Wl UF it -'i Fxc liElit duties. Will accept.

1 ciuil tvn'rr O-40I2' 1 ve-IIOt'SEKF FIF'F For mo-he-" and ir o'd in for board Smell -al'irv II iltil hF KijF PF win in A rarejoi ri.i.r'y man fit 1 0'M LADY iWi.l'e'- ive in! rs-e e'd-rriv mm her A- father. Fxp. At ref snn IJVWY Wht "live" Ill's ri'nvj a 'ink' Liplit hsv, f-'at A Son. of7 2 sdiprs Aly Ai-" orovrlB-id ave 'maid" FOR VFI-V-ITNtsS Jive tie-n i r-tnt. viht t.n jsevv ric tod ps.

f- if1-1 "iritl tors diir.oa to. I'" l'l F-- 3 A- i'- c--'. gtii'iiatce. rc. ca LI.

2 3197. -in work Onar. Reas. cl 4 '412 rAINTINO. Carp'-ntrv Free estitpstri Hans rates Mt 4 4111 BAsem*nT haulms, yard" s'nd "iitTc If-vrrri.

wrr.i; 2 0577. ft EC INO," hau I i iTi" A c'caii'tur FA 7-7 WA1 STFAMTNO A' pAFFPt BANrT-INO- MU Rt, 7-4944 DOWNTOWN Wm. Cook, Inc. St. Poul end Prulart S'l.

TOWSON "rVr-i, Cook Towie-n, lee. 1050 York Itoari HAMILTON Vis Cook tU.qM, ae. 009 Horford Rood EPSTEIN'S nEFAIiTMENT STORES WAs-HJVOTON ft. VP CASH 1 i-'R-ULF 1, F. sor ien red A.c"e-nen.-lal.,e vour.g laav to wo.

ered-t 5 dvs wee ro-M'iariv heneflts AorOv Vtrs, Crro Oilier, ssrriier W. la's si Htvp COUN I FRi Soma evnerep, X( n. t) AM o. 2 PM Apri.r 100 to 1 0 A ST A SANDWICH p-rexpe-29 6t, p.jl gt. LB.

I r' CAltPK.VIKV, PAINT1N'. snail jobs It of call i line. ft A-Si- EN I Is i ioircd A- washed "Ira ti ri.nvcd 5 ROMS RKPAIRS Ciiihrips parrim A- And' -on. ro 4.U2" LI FUAI t' VIOLU IN'i I'OMH Rt PAIPS No MONF I'riVtF ftp 4471 I KNO P.f 11 Pit; INC Mt' 'U RfFINO, TAINILNvJ FA IN riNO -if 2. rARTF'; Try Cisi Jim.

Riu. LL 2 (340. 1 Ouar, Frlrg-a earir, Uo. 4 i.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


Does The Baltimore Sun still exist? ›

The Baltimore Sun, founded in 1837, is the largest daily newspaper in Maryland and owns the Capital Gazette and the Carroll County Times.

What happened to The Baltimore Sun? ›

Founded in 1837, the newspaper was owned by Tribune Publishing until May 2021, when it was acquired by Alden Global Capital, which operates its media properties through Digital First Media. David D. Smith, the executive chairman of Sinclair Broadcast Group, closed a deal to buy the paper on January 15, 2024.

What is the purpose of The Baltimore Sun? ›

The Baltimore Sun is a newspaper from the U.S. state of Maryland. It is the largest general-circulation newspaper in the state. The Sun is printed daily, and it has information and news about local and regional news, events, issues, people, and industries.

What is Baltimore Maryland known for? ›

There are plenty of things to do in Baltimore, thanks to its thriving arts culture, world-class sports teams, and unmatched museums. Most Americans wouldn't consider Charm City (a common nickname) a major place to visit, but its spectacular waterfront views and rich history make this city a must to explore.

Is Baltimore Sun free? ›

What if I don't want to pay? You are welcome to read some stories for free. The amount of stories may vary based on the news cycle and time of year. Unlimited access to is part of all subscription packages.

Is The Baltimore Sun trustworthy? ›

Overview. Ad Fontes Media rates Baltimore Sun in the Middle category of bias and as Reliable, Analysis/Fact Reporting in terms of reliability. Baltimore Sun is the largest daily newspaper in Maryland.

How popular is the Baltimore Sun? ›

Baltimore Sun Media, winner of 16 Pulitzer Prizes, employs more than 150 people and publishes seven other publications aside from the Sun, with more than 230,000 paid subscribers total. The largest newspaper in Maryland, the Sun was founded in 1837 and was locally owned by the Abell family until the 1980s.

Is Baltimore a good city to live in? ›

Baltimore is a city with a rich history and a unique culture that sets it apart from other cities in the United States. It is known for its diverse neighborhoods, excellent seafood, and thriving arts scene.

Who created the Baltimore Sun? ›

Journalist and printer Arunah S. Abell launched The Sun newspaper in Baltimore in 1837. His venture grew into the A.S. Abell Company, which published the Baltimore Sunpapers.

Why is it called Baltimore? ›

The American city took its name from Cecil Calvert, second Baron Baltimore who founded the colony of Maryland in 1634. Calvert had inherited his title from his father George who was created Baron Baltimore by King James I in 1625.

Why is Baltimore special? ›

Baltimore is home to the USS Constellation, the last Civil War vessel afloat. Built in 1854, the Constellation is the last all-sail warship built by the US Navy. Baltimore's Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first cathedral in the United States.

Why is Baltimore important to Maryland? ›

Baltimore is now a major seaport with ship-repair facilities and a highly diversified economy. The port opens to the sea through Chesapeake Bay and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and is a major automobile-shipping point.

Why is Maryland so famous? ›

Maryland is known for fishing, and it produces the most blue crabs in the United States. The state is also known for mining coal, clays, natural gas, and limestone.

What famous person is from Baltimore? ›

Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Koren Pinkett Smith was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to Robsol Grant Pinkett, Jr., a contractor, and 'Gammy' Adrienne Banfield Norris, a nurse.

Does the Baltimore Blast still exist? ›

Leagues come and go but the Baltimore Blast stays. Currently, they play in the brand new Major Arena Soccer League (MASL).

Does Baltimore still exist? ›

Baltimore at a Glance

With a population of around 570,000 people, Baltimore is Maryland's most populous city, but its metro-area population of 2.4 million makes it the 22nd largest metro area in the U.S.

Who purchased The Baltimore Sun? ›

David D. Smith, executive chairman of the Sinclair broadcasting chain and an active contributor to conservative causes, has bought Baltimore Sun Media from the investment firm Alden Global Capital.

Does the New York Sun still exist? ›

In 2021, the Sun was acquired by The New York Sun Company, LLC, led by current publisher Dovid Efune. Throughout, the Sun has dedicated itself to upholding the finest journalistic traditions, seeking the truth and speaking out the sentiment of the American people.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.