The '12-3-30' Treadmill Routine—Is It Actually a Good Workout? (2024)

The treadmill—or as many people call it, the dreadmill—doesn't typically get a lot of love. But now and then, a viral trend will come along and make this piece of fitness equipment more popular.

One viral trend known as the "12-3-30" workout did just that and is soothingly straightforward: You set your treadmill to an incline of 12 and a speed of 3 miles per hour and then walk for 30 minutes.

The concept originated from social media influencer Lauren Giraldo, who shared it on YouTube in 2019 and again on TikTok in November 2020, where a video explaining the workout racked up nearly 12 million views and more than 2.7 million likes (and counting).

"I used to be so intimidated by the gym and it wasn't motivating," Giraldo explained in the 37-second TikTok video. "But now I go, I do this one thing, and I can feel good about myself." The 12-3-30 workout, Giraldo said, helped her lose 30 pounds.

As for the origin of this routine? "I'm not a runner, and running on the treadmill was not working for me," Giraldo told "I started playing around with the settings, and at the time, my gym's treadmill had 12 incline as the max. The three miles per hour felt right, like walking, and my grandma had always told me that 30 minutes of exercise a day was all you needed. That's how the combination started."

Giraldo isn't the only one who swears by this routine. Search "12-3-30 workout" on YouTube, and you'll see tons of rave reviews praising it as a great way to lose weight, boost fitness, and feel excited about exercise. But is 12-3-30 really worth the hype? We asked three fitness experts to weigh in.

The 12-3-30 workout centers on walking, and walking, in general, is a great form of lower-impact exercise, said exercise physiologist Janet Hamilton, CSCS and running coach with Running Strong in Atlanta.

Regularly walking at a brisk pace offers a ton of health benefits, including strengthening your bones and muscles, boosting your balance and coordination, and preventing or managing conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

For most people, walking is typically a moderate activity, Hamilton said. But walking briskly at a steep incline—which is what the 12-3-30 workout entails—will probably feel more like a vigorous activity for most folks.

"You have to be in pretty decent shape to go at that pace and that incline for 30 minutes," exercise physiologist DeAnne Davis Brooks, EdD, associate professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of North Carolina Greensboro and USATF Level 1-track coach, told Health.

That's because when you walk at an incline compared to flat ground, there's more gravity resistance trying to pull you back down, and your muscles—particularly the muscles in your butt and the backs of your legs—have to work extra hard to overcome that added force. As a result, your heart will automatically work harder, making the activity a cardio challenge, too.

A 2 to 7 percent incline increased heart rate by almost 10 percent when compared with running on a flat surface.

By that measure, the 12-3-30 can be a good way to ramp up the intensity of regular ol' walking, Brooks said. It may be a solid pick for people who can't do high-impact activities like running, but still want a more vigorous routine, Brooks added. Moreover, the 12-3-30 is very straightforward. You can simply hop on the treadmill, set it to the correct incline and speed, and then you're good to go.

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Another plus of the workout: If you do it five times a week, which is the frequency Giraldo does (according to her TikTok video), you'll meet the recommendations laid out in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines, Brooks said. These guidelines urge adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week.

Now, about those weight-loss claims: Weight loss is a little bit more complicated than just a single workout. If your goal is to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume, and a healthy weight loss program will ideally combine exercise with diet modification, Selina Shah, MD, board-certified sports medicine and internal medicine private practice physician with Bass Medical Group in Walnut Creek, California, told Health.

In that case, the 12-3-30 workout could be part of a healthy weight loss program, but Dr. Shah pointed out that any type of exercise can fulfill that role. Scientific research from 2020 shows that exercising around 300 minutes a week can lead to weight loss and a reduction in body fat. The 12-3-30 workout, unfortunately, doesn't quite meet that standard—even if you do it every day (which the experts don't recommend; more on that in a minute).

Are There Any Risks or Drawbacks of the 12-3-30 Workout?

The 12-3-30 workout offers some benefits, but is it a miracle workout? No, Brooks said. There are plenty of other workouts you can do that will deliver a similar metabolic demand, Hamilton said, including bicycling at a moderate effort, playing a game of singles tennis, or swimming at a moderate pace.

Plus, the 12-3-30 is not without risks. "Any time you walk up that steep of a grade, that's a lot of load on your lower back," Hamilton said. The workout also demands a lot of your hamstrings and calves, Hamilton added, so you could potentially strain these muscles if you jump into the routine without properly preparing your body.

People with knee problems would likely struggle with the 12 percent grade, Dr. Shah said. And if you don't have strong enough muscles in your hips, thighs, and core, you could aggravate underlying issues in your knees or ankles, or increase your risk of injuring these joints, Dr. Shah added.

There's also the simple fact that walking inside on a treadmill set at a fixed incline doesn't deliver the same benefits as walking outside on varying terrain. For example, walking on uneven ground—say, a trail with rocks and roots—will challenge your balance and work the muscles in your lower legs more than if you were walking on the predictable surface of a treadmill, Hamilton said.

Moreover, walking outside provides doses of fresh air, sunlight, and changing scenery—perks you definitely won't get on the treadmill.

Lastly, though the 12-3-30 can be part of a workout routine, Dr. Shah said, but it's not recommended as your only form of exercise. "It's important to develop and use different muscle groups," Dr. Shah said, as that will reduce your risk of overuse injury and enhance your overall fitness. Mixing up your fitness routine will also help you maintain motivation and decrease boredom, Brooks said.

How To Make Exercise Easier—Even When You Don't Want To Work Out

Interested in trying the 12-3-30 workout? Ease yourself into it, advised the experts. Otherwise, you could increase your risk of injury.

To start, Hamilton recommended making sure you're able to walk 30 minutes a day on normal terrain without any pain in your muscles or joints. Once you can comfortably do that for two to three weeks, incorporate rolling inclines several times a week.

After one to two weeks at that level, gradually incorporate longer and steeper inclines. A good guideline, Dr. Shah said, is to increase the intensity of your workouts by about 10 percent each week. If, at any point, you're sore or experiencing pain, you should not progress to the next level, Hamilton advised. Instead, wait until the soreness or pain subsides (and if it doesn't, see a healthcare provider).

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When you're ready to try the 12-3-30, pay attention to your form. Walk with your arms swinging opposite your legs, and do your best to keep your hands off the rails or the front display of the treadmill, Brooks said. (If you're struggling to balance, you can hover your arms over the rails or lightly rest your fingertips on top, Brooks said—just don't support your body weight on the rails.)

"The more you can mimic actually walking on your own power, the greater the fitness benefits will be," Brooks explained. "Your heart rate increases, the intensity increases, you're burning more calories that way."

As you do the 12-3-30, listen to your body. If you feel like you can't catch your breath or maintain good form, dial down the intensity. And if 30 minutes feels too long, try 10-minute bursts three times a day, Hamilton suggested.

If the 12-3-30 becomes a regular part of your routine, make sure you pencil in other forms of exercise and regular rest days so that you reduce your risk of overuse injury. Hamilton also suggested regularly doing gentle stretches to help maintain flexibility in your calves, glutes, quads, low back, and hamstrings.

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Product Recommendations

To find the best treadmills, we spoke to experts, researched what makes a great treadmill, and tested over 30 popular options over the course of several months. See the full summary of our extensive test and our top picks here.

Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected Treadmill

The '12-3-30' Treadmill Routine—Is It Actually a Good Workout? (1)

This treadmill impressed us with its clever design, safety features, and compatibility with common fitness trackers, including the Echelon app and Apple Health.

XTERRA Fitness TRX Performance Series Folding Treadmill

The '12-3-30' Treadmill Routine—Is It Actually a Good Workout? (2)

While this treadmill was complex to set up, once it was ready to go, we loved how easy it is to adjust incline and speed, and the fact that you can stream TV while you work out.

There are genuine benefits to the 12-3-30 treadmill workout. However, it's not a magic pill for weight loss or general fitness. So if you want to give it a go, it's important to stay grounded with your expectations and ease into it safely.

Also important: The 12-3-30 might not be your cup of tea. "Not everyone is gonna get that emotional high from the activity," Brooks said. The good thing is that there are plenty of other exercises out there you can try.

"If somebody asks me, what's the best exercise? My answer is always whichever one you will do on a regular basis," Hamilton said. "Find something you enjoy and do it."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does 12-3-30 burn more calories?

    A 12-3-30 workout is higher-intensity exercise than walking on a flat surface. For example, two small research studies of about 15 participants each found that walking on an incline led to a higher energy expenditure (more calories burned) than walking on a flat surface. Energy expenditure increased with higher inclines.

  • How many calories does 1 hour of 12-3-30 burn?

    The number of calories you burn during physical activity depends on many factors, including your weight, sex, and weight. The general estimation for walking 3 mph uphill is 350 calories per hour (cal/hr) for a person who weighs 130 pounds, 400 cal/hr for a person who weighs 150 pounds, and 500 cal/hr for a person who weighs 190 pounds.

  • Does 12-3-30 work for belly fat?

    Fat loss is related to energy expenditure (as well as many other factors, including the food you eat). Higher-intensity exercise requires more energy than lower-intensity exercise. Research shows that walking on higher inclines leads to more fat oxidation, which is how to body breaks down fat for energy. This can contribute to fat loss.

The '12-3-30' Treadmill Routine—Is It Actually a Good Workout? (2024)


The '12-3-30' Treadmill Routine—Is It Actually a Good Workout? ›

There are genuine benefits to the 12-3-30 treadmill workout. However, it's not a magic pill for weight loss or general fitness. So if you want to give it a go, it's important to stay grounded with your expectations and ease into it safely. Also important: The 12-3-30 might not be your cup of tea.

How effective is 12-3-30 treadmill? ›

The 12-3-30 treadmill workout can help you burn more calories than you would walking on a flat surface. One study found that treadmill walking at incline level 5 increased calorie burn by 52%. And walking at incline level 10 upped the calorie burn by 113%.

How many calories do you burn on the treadmill 12-3-30? ›

The number of calories burned during the 12-3-30 workout can vary based on factors such as your weight, age, and intensity level. However, on average, a person weighing 150 pounds can expect to burn approximately 300-400 calories during a 30-minute workout. How to burn 500 calories on a treadmill?

Can 12/3/30 lose belly fat? ›

Caroline said that while you may initially see the fat melt away using 12-3-30, you could plateau once your body is used to it. She recommended doing the 12-3-30 no more than twice per week so you can fit in strength or interval training other days of the week.

What to do instead of 12/3/30? ›

12-3-30 Beginner-Friendly Modifications

Doing any incline at the same speed for 30 minutes may be strenuous for someone who's just beginning their fitness journey. Magistad instead recommended trying a 10- or 15-minute incline walk, spending one minute at a 6% incline and then the next minute at a 3% incline.

Does incline walking burn fat or build muscle? ›

If you're looking to tone your legs or improve your overall lower body strength, incline treadmill walking can be a great option. It helps you to build lean muscle which in turn will help you to burn fat more efficiently.

Can 3 speed 12 incline for 30 minutes on a treadmill help you lose weight? ›

Created by Lauren Giraldo in 2019, the simple treadmill routine, which involves walking for 30 minutes at an incline of 12 percent and speed of 3 miles per hour, helped the influencer lose 30 pounds. In four years, it has helped endless people lose massive amounts of weight.

What is a good incline to walk on a treadmill to lose weight? ›

One of the most popular routines is the 12-3-30 treadmill workout, which continues to be a fan favorite since it went viral in 2020. The workout is simple: Set the treadmill to an incline of 12 (or lower — choose a challenging incline for your fitness level!) at a speed of 3 miles per hour and walk for 30 minutes.

What is a good speed to walk on a treadmill to lose weight? ›

If you're walking for your health, a pace of about 3 miles per hour (or about 120 steps per minute) is about right. That's a 20-minute mile. To walk for weight loss, you'll have to pick up the pace to 4 miles per hour (or 135 steps per minute), a 15-minute mile.

How many times a week should I do 12-3-30 to lose weight? ›

The best way to ease into an effective 12-3-30 routine is to start between two and three times a week, especially if you are not currently physically active. Like many other TikTok users who have turned to the 12-3-30 workout, you'll eventually work up to a 5-day stretch of workouts for best results.

What is the best walking workout on a treadmill? ›

The 30-minute workout is simple: Set your treadmill to a 12% incline and the speed to 3 miles per hour, then go. An easier version geared toward beginners calls for the first 15 minutes at a 2.5% incline and the second 15 minutes at an 8.5% incline. “The 12-3-30 workout is a fantastic workout as well,” Bulay said.

Is it safe to do 12-3-30 everyday? ›

Many fitness fans are going all-in on 12-3-30, with some doing it every day. Floyd-Jones warns against this and recommends sticking to the 12-3-30 workout two or three days a week max.

How long does it take to see results from 12/3/30? ›

All in all, the 12-3-30 TikTok trend is definitely worth trying if you are looking for a new workout that does not involve running or joining a fitness class. It's something you can do on your own, and you'll probably start to notice a difference in your body and overall relationship with the gym after the first week.

Why is 12-3-30 so hard for me? ›

That's because when you walk at an incline compared to flat ground, there's more gravity resistance trying to pull you back down, and your muscles—particularly the muscles in your butt and the backs of your legs—have to work extra hard to overcome that added force.

Is 30 minutes on a treadmill enough to lose weight? ›

Burning more calories than calorie intake is more important if you want to lose weight using a treadmill. This can be achieved if 30 minutes of exercise on the treadmill is accompanied by a restricted diet. By doing so for 30 days you can see effective results. Don't start with intensive exercise, pace up slowly.

How many miles is the 12-3-30 workout? ›

Now, don't worry, the number combination '12-3-30' doesn't denote the gruelling amount of rounds you'll need to sweat through. Instead, it means walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes, to an incline of 12 percent, and a speed of three miles per hour (or 4.8km, depending on the type of treadmill you're using).

Is 24 hours enough rest for muscles? ›

Take note although taking some time off at the gym is beneficial, you don't need to take 3 days straight off. All you have to do is make sure that you're giving the muscle 48 to 72 hours of rest to recover before engaging in the same exercises.

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