Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too (2024)

Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too (1)

Weight Loss: This cucumber raita has a high water content.Image Credit: Istock

If you're someone who is on a weight loss journey, then you would know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy yet tasty diet. From avoiding sugar and junk food to including more nutrient-rich meals in your diet, there are a lot of adjustments that we have to make in order to shed those extra kilos. But that doesn't mean you compromise on taste! Instead, identify the foods that are high on nutrition and delicious as well. Take raita for instance; it is one flavourful dish that also makes a perfect inclusion in a weight loss-friendly diet. And what we love the most is its versatility. You can add various fruits, vegetables and spices to amp up the flavours as per your wish. During the summers, we love having cucumber raita that adds a cooling effect to your meals.
Also Read:5 Fruit Raita Recipes You Must Try This Summer Season

Health Benefits Of Cucumber Raita | How Does Cucumber Raita Help Lose Weight?

Both cucumber and yogurt are known to be beneficial for weight loss. They are loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients, have a high water-content, and aid digestion. When combined, they make an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. Including this raita in your diet may also help you feel satiated for a longer period of time. Dr. Anju Sood, a Bangalore-based nutritionist explains, "Cucumber is a powerhouse of antioxidants and hence, boosts metabolism and results in weight loss."

Here Are Some Benefits Of Cucumber Raita For Weight Loss:

1. Low In Calories

Cucumber is extremely low in calories, making it ideal for someone who is trying to shed those extra kilos. So, whenever you feel hungry, make yourself a bowl of cucumber raita and reap its benefits.

2. Has A High Water-Content

Cucumber is known to have a high water-content. When combined with yogurt, it helps keep the body cool and prevents dehydration. It'll also keep you full for a longer period of time, preventing untimely hunger pangs.

3. Promotes Digestion

The probiotics present in yogurt make it great for digestive health. It keeps harmful bacteria in check and prevents stomach-related problems such as bloating and gas.
Also Read:Rajma Raita, Lobia Raita And More: 5 Protein-Raita Recipes You Must Try

Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too (3)

Cucumber Raita Recipe: How To Make Cucumber Raita

First, add curd, chopped onion, tomato, and lemon juice in a bowl. Mix well to combine everything together. Season it with salt, red chilli powder, and fresh coriander leaves. Refrigerate the raita for some time and serve chilled!

Include this raita in your weight loss diet and see the benefits for yourself! Do share your experience with us in the comments below. For more such raita recipes, click here.



About Vaishali KapilaVaishali finds comfort in eating parathas and rajma chawal but is equally enthusiastic about exploring different cuisines. When she's not eating or baking, you can often find her curled up on the couch watching her favourite TV show - FRIENDS.

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Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too (2024)
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