Program: Food Science and Technology, B.S.: 180 units - Cal Poly Pomona (2024)


2017-2018 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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Offered by: Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture, Human Nutrition and Food Science Department

  • Required Core Courses for Major
  • Elective Emphasis Course
  • Required Support Courses
  • General Education Requirements

The Food Science and Technology (FST) Bachelor of Science curriculum at Cal Poly Pomona is an interdisciplinary program that draws faculty and courses from Human Nutrition and Food Science, and other science, applied science, and business programs. Students have the option of choosing science and technology, business, culinology®, or preprofessional (for students interested in pre-vet, pre-med or pre-dental academics) emphases while moving through a curriculum designed to meet the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) undergraduate standards and guidelines. Students will be able to tailor the program to their general interests and career goals by choosing one of the following career emphases.

Science and Technology

This emphasis stresses learning scientific concepts with the application of technology. It provides the opportunity to expand beyond the background provided by the core courses of the major. This emphasis is for students interested in pursuing a master’s and/or a doctoral program in a science or technology field in the future. In addition, this emphasis provides additional background for research and development jobs in industry and the public sector and it will prepare one to become a food chemist, food microbiologist, or a food-processing technologist. By carefully selecting electives, students may also earn a minor in chemistry, microbiology, or foods and nutrition.


This emphasis applies food science and technology knowledge to marketing and entrepreneurship. With a science and technology foundation and an emphasis in business, students can successfully compete for food industry jobs in project management, technical sales, marketing and advertising. This emphasis is designed for students interested in pursuing a Master of Business administration (MBA) program later on.


Culinology is a trademark of the Research Chefs Association (RCA). This emphasis is one of few programs approved by RCA in the U.S. The curriculum blends food science and culinary arts and will provide tools to successfully develop new foods for retail and food service consumption. This emphasis is particularly attractive to those interested in product development. Students will receive a bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology under the Institute of Food Technologists’ guidelines while taking a number of courses in Culinary Arts.


The Pre-professional emphasis prepares students for a degree in Food Science and Technology while preparing them to enter veterinary, medical, and other professional graduate programs. With professional degree in veterinary sciences, an undergraduate degree in FST will prepare students to be successful in jobs related to inspection, safety, and processing of animal foods.

The major was established in fall 1999 in response to increasing demands from the fast-growing Southern California food industry for food scientists and technologists. It allows students to apply knowledge from basic disciplines such as chemistry, microbiology, physics and engineering to different areas of Food Science and Technology such as food chemistry, food processing, sensory evaluation, food analysis, product development, packaging, and food safety among others. Competencies in these areas enable graduates to succeed in the food industry as well as in local and federal governmental agencies as they face challenges in food manufacturing, research and development, quality control, food regulations, and marketing.

The type of work performed by food scientists includes research, interpretation, and application of information regarding the basic composition, structure and properties of foods. They study the chemistry of changes occurring during processing and utilization of food products by consumers, process design for commercial food processing, selection and application of unit operations for the production of processed foods, optimization of processing parameters, selection and application of microbiological and chemical analyses for food products; establishment and implementation of Standard Sanitation Operating Procedures (SSOPs), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems in food processing facilities; monitoring for compliance with government, company and industry standards for quality or safety of food products; product development and improvement, product formulation, selection and application of ingredients; food packaging selection and testing; establishment of quality assurance systems in food processing facilities, training of plant employees in technical, quality and safety aspects.

Cal Poly Pomona is uniquely positioned for this program because of its 1) accessibility to a vast labor market for graduates, 2) diversified faculty, and 3) excellent agricultural and technological facilities and laboratories.

High school students planning to major in Food Science and Technology are advised to build a background in foods, chemistry, mathematics, physics and biology. Community college students should concentrate on chemistry (including organic), biology (including microbiology), math, statistics, communication skills and general education.

Because the food industry serves a basic human need, a career in food science is a wise choice, as it does not generally experience the economic fluctuations of other industries. The growing industry needs to improve the quality, quantity, variety, and safety of foods, coupled with the growing public demand for healthier, more convenient foods, virtually ensures the stability of employment for food scientists.

Students completing the Food Science and Technology program will be prepared for careers in a variety of areas: 1) Food industry: quality control, product development, food marketing, food processing, food microbiology, food engineering and food analysis; 2) University and private laboratories: research, extension, consulting; 3)Government agencies: Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), State and local health departments and other agencies; 4) International agencies: World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Bank and nonprofit organizations, international research centers; 6) Graduate school: food science and technology with specialization in food engineering, food chemistry or food microbiology; dairy science, meat science, post-harvest physiology and technology, cereal science, meat science, enology, agricultural and biological engineering, biotechnology, public health, packaging, and toxicology.

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is the main professional group for food scientists with more than 28,000 members. The Institute also has an active Student Association (IFTSA). The Southern California Section of IFT (SCIFTS) provides many opportunities for scholarships and professional networking at the local level through regular activities.

Required Core Courses for Major: 53 units

Core courses include food chemistry, food analysis, food microbiology, unit operations in food processing, food engineering, and food laws and regulations.

  • AG 100 - Orientation to the College of Agriculture (1)
  • FST 100 - Orientation and Careers in Food Science and Technology (1)
  • FST 125 - Introduction to Food Science and Technology (4)
  • FST 232/232L - Food Process Engineering I (3/1)
  • FST 322 - Food Laws and Regulations (4)
  • FST 325 - Food Safety and Current Issues (4)
  • FST 332/332L - Food Process Engineering II (2/1)
  • FST 417/417L - Unit Operations in Food Processing I (3/1)
  • FST 420/420L - Food Chemistry I (3/1)
  • FST 426/426L - Food Chemistry II (3/1)
  • FST 427/427L - Unit Operations in Food Processing II (3/1)
  • FST 428/428L - Food Analysis (3/1)
  • FST 430/430A - Principles of HACCP (3/1)
  • FST 441 - Internship in Food Science and Technology (2-4) ** (2 units required)
  • FST 390 - Food Science Colloquium (2) **
  • MIC 320/320L - Food Microbiology (3/1)
  • **Note: Denotes Capstone Experience.

Elective Emphasis Courses: 30 units

Select 30 units from one of the emphasis areas:
Business, Culinology, Pre-Professional, or Science and Technology.

Business Emphasis Core and Elective Courses:

Required Courses:

  • FST 318/318L - Sensory Evaluation of Foods (2/2)
  • FST 319/319A - Food Packaging (3/1)
  • FST 429/429L - Food Product Development (2/2)


Select 18 units from 300 or 400 level FST/ABM/TOM or other business courses approved by your academic advisor.

Culinology® Emphasis Core and Elective Courses:

Required Courses:

  • FST 318/318L - Sensory Evaluation of Foods (2/2)
  • FST 429/429L - Food Product Development (2/2)
  • HRT 225 - Sanitation Practices in the Hospitality Industry (1)
  • HRT 281/281L - Professional Cooking I (2/2)
  • HRT 324/324L - World Cuisine (2/2)
  • HRT 325/325L - Professional Healthy Cooking (2/2)
  • HRT 381/381L - Professional Cooking II (2/2)

Select 5 units from the following courses:

  • FN 121/121L - Introduction to Foods (2/2)
  • FN 328/328L - Culture and Meal Patterns (2/2)
  • FST 442 - Internship in Food Science and Technology (2-4)
  • HRT 255 - Healthy American Cuisine (4)
  • HRT 485 - Culinary Product Development and Evaluation (4)
  • PLT 222 - Culinary Produce Technology (4)

Pre-Professional Emphasis Core and Elective Courses:

Required Courses:

  • CHM 315 - Organic Chemistry (3) and
  • CHM 318L - Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
  • CHM 316 - Organic Chemistry (3) and
  • CHM 319L - Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
  • BIO 122/122L - Foundations of Biology: Reproduction and Development (3/2)
  • BIO 123/123L - Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity (3/2)
  • PHY 122 - College Physics (3) and
  • PHY 122L - College Physics Laboratory (1)
  • PHY 123 - College Physics (3) and
  • PHY 123L - College Physics Laboratory (1)


Select 4 units from AVS/BIO/ZOO courses approved by your academic advisor.

Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy and Dental School Admission Requirements
This curriculum meets the requirements of many, but not all, schools. The requirements of individual schools may vary and should be determined by the student in consultation with the department advisor within two years of beginning the application process.

Science and Technology Emphasis Core and Elective Courses:

Required Courses:

  • FST 318/318L - Sensory Evaluation of Foods (2/2)
  • FST 319/319A - Food Packaging (3/1)
  • FST 429/429L - Food Product Development (2/2)


Select 18 units from 300 or 400 level AVS/BIO/CHM/FN/FST/MAT/MIC/PHY/PLT or STA courses approved by your academic advisor.

Required Support Courses: 69 units

The following major support courses should be used to satisfy the indicated GE requirements. If these courses are not used to satisfy GE, the total units to degree may be more than 180 units.

  • AG 101 - Agriculture and the Modern World (4) (D2)
  • AG 401 - Ethical Issues in Food, Agricultural, and Apparel Industries (4) (C4 or D4)
  • BIO 115/115A/115L - Basic Biology (3/1/1) (B2, B3) or
  • BIO 121/121L - Foundations of Biology: Energy and Matter - Cycles and Flows (3/2) (B2, B3) *
  • BIO 211/211L - Biometrics (3/1)
  • CHM 121 - General Chemistry (3) (B1) and
  • CHM 121L - General Chemistry Laboratory (1) (B3)
  • CHM 122 - General Chemistry (3) (B1) and
  • CHM 122L - General Chemistry Laboratory (1) (B3)
  • CHM 123 - General Chemistry (3) (B1) and
  • CHM 123L - General Chemistry Laboratory (1) (B3)
  • CHM 201 - Elements of Organic Chemistry (3) and
  • CHM 250L - Elements of Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
  • or

  • CHM 316 - Organic Chemistry (3) and
  • CHM 319L - Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
  • CHM 321/321L - Elements of Biochemistry (3/1)
  • ENG 130 - Freshman English II (4) (A3)
  • ENG 107 - Stretch Composition III (4) (A2) or
  • ENG 109 - Advanced Stretch Composition II (4) (A2) or
  • ENG 110 - First-Year Composition (4) (A2)
  • FN 228 - Food and Culture (4) (D3)
  • FN 305 - Nutrition, Science and Health (4) (B5)
  • MAT 120 - Calculus for the Life Sciences (4) (B4)
  • MIC 201/201L - Basic Microbiology (3/1)
  • PHY 121 - College Physics (3) (B1) and
  • PHY 121L - College Physics Laboratory (1) (B3)
  • PSY 201 - General Psychology (4) (E)


*If BIO 121/121Lis chosen, BIO 122/122Land BIO 123/123Lmust be taken as part of Elective Emphasis Courses.

General Education Requirements: 68 units

Students should consult the Academic Programs website for current information regarding this requirement. Unless specific courses are stated under Support Courses, please refer to the list of approved courses under General Education Requirements, Areas A through E.

CourseTerm TakenGrade
Area A. Communication and Critical Thinking (12 units)
1. Oral Communication
2. Written Communication
3. Critical Thinking
Area B. Mathematics and Natural Sciences (16 units)
1. Physical Science
2. Biological Science
3. Laboratory Activity
4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
5. Science and Technology Synthesis
Area C. Humanities (16 units)
1. Visual and Performing Arts
2. Philosophy and Civilization
3. Literature and Foreign Languages
4. Humanities Synthesis
Area D. Social Sciences (20 units)
1. U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals
a. United States History
b. Introduction to American Government
2. History, Economics, and Political Science
3. Sociology, Anthropology, Ethnic and Gender Studies
4. Social Science Synthesis
Area E. Lifelong Understanding and Self-development (4 units)

For an alternative and interdisciplinary way to complete some of their GE requirements, students may choose the Interdisciplinary General Education program, see below.

Interdisciplinary General Education: 32 units

An alternate pattern for partial fulfillment of GE Areas A, C, D, and E available for students is the Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE) program. Students should see an advisor for specific GE coursework required by their major. Students must be exempt from or score at least 147 on the EPT to qualify for IGE. Please refer to the University Catalog General Education Program section for additional information.

How IGE fulfills General Education Requirements:

YearCompletion of IGE CoursesSatisfies GE Requirements
FreshmanIGE 120, IGE 121, IGE 122A2 as well as any 2 courses from C1-C3
Sophom*oreIGE 220, IGE 221, IGE 222D1 (8 units) and D3
JuniorIGE 223, IGE 224D2 and Area E

American Institutions: 8 units

Courses that satisfy this requirement may also satisfy GE Area D1.

American Cultural Perspectives Requirement: 4 units

Refer to the University Catalog General Education Program section for a list of courses that satisfy this requirement. Course may also satisfy major, minor, GE, or unrestricted elective requirements.

Graduation Writing Test

All persons who receive undergraduate degrees from Cal Poly Pomona must pass the Graduation Writing Test (GWT). The test must be taken by the quarter following completion of 120 units for undergraduates.

Program: Food Science and Technology, B.S.: 180 units - Cal Poly Pomona (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.