Neopian Times Editorial Database | (2024)

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The Neopian Times Editorial is a (usually) weekly column hosted by The Neopets Team that answers questions direct from Neopians. Unfortunately, these Q&A's are not easily searched on the Neopets site, so we've created our own searchable database. Convenient for looking up past answers!

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Hi TNT! I am soooo excited for the Altador Cup in a few months. I love playing the games, chatting with my teammates, AND dressing my pets! The team Locker Room Backgrounds used to available in the NC mall every year. Unfortunately, they stopped being added for the last couple of years. Can they please be added back this time? I would love to be able to get a bunch for ALL of my pets to wear. Thank you so much and GO HAUNTED WOODS! ~~aditu200

Hello! So excited you’re pumped for the Altador Cup! I’m pretty hyped up myself. x) We thank you for bringing these missing locker rooms to our attention. We just stocked them up and they should show up in the NC Mall’s Altador Cup Shop once those shop doors open in May or June! Thank you!~~Miss Rainbow

From Neopian Times, Issue 955 (Modern) · Published March 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20963

Be honest, TNT--is Neopets sticking around for any length of time? Because to be honest, a lot of us are really scared right now, with all the staff turnover and the NFT drama and everything else. ~~i_love_latin

We all really appreciate the question. We tend to get stuck with our heads down with working on ways to improve the Neopets site that we forget to pick up our heads and tell you how things are going.

There is no need to fear! TNT continues to remain a passionate group of people who only want to make the best experience for you. I love working on Neopets and I couldn’t be happier working with such a talented team.

Our main goal as part of TNT is to keep talking every day about new content ideas, ways to fix areas of the site and make a better experience for those within the Neopets site. We are very excited about what we have laid out for the next year and beyond. As we get more clarity surrounding timelines, we will share as we know it is important that you know that we are working hard.

Thank you again for your question! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 955 (Modern) · Published March 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20962

Named after the rather haunting melody it makes. At dusk a chorus of Weee..Woo... fills Krawk Island. But...but...the Cloud Weewoo has no option to attach to my pet!!! I'm scared it will fly back to Krawk Island!!! Please help TNT!!! Please help!!!~~valentyne_dreams

Thank you for letting us know! The entire flock of Cloud Weewoos were almost carried all the back to Krawk Island by some powerful wind currents, but luckily a billow of cirrus helped our feathered friends find their bearings! The Cloud Weewoo should be all over Neopia by now and able to attach to your pet :) ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 955 (Modern) · Published March 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20961

Hey! So…I’m a terrible artist. I try, but my attempts look ridiculous compared to winning Art Gallery entries. So, I’d like to know if judges are much more likely to choose digitally-based drawings/paintings (if that makes any sense) over more traditional ones? Is there hope for me? [I’d like to be anonymous. I really am ashamed.] Thanks! ~~Anonymous

Hi everyone, Kikocat here. That makes perfect sense. I actually pick a variety of styles so hand drawn or digital are fine, I don't place one higher than the other when picking. Also, don't worry about your current skill level, practice really does help you improve so enter and keep entering!! I do pick a large selection of skill levels so don't let any of the entries chase you away.

And remember the Art Board is there as well. The regular members on the board are fantastic about giving advice and helping fellow artists whatever your skill level is. So if you ever need advice on improvements you can make to a piece don't ever hesitate to make a board over there.~~Kikocat

From Neopian Times, Issue 955 (Modern) · Published March 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20960

Tuesday March 1, 2022 news for 2nd Mar: Yes that's right- this GBMC is here early! All GBMCs will be releasing on the 1st and retiring from the mall on the last day of the month /quote what will happen April for Spring Cleaning? and I guess November's Black Friday discount will still happen on BF with the special GBC giving 4 basic gift boxes, instead of the usual 2, only available on BF while the regular one will still be available all month? ~~perduco

Hello! You ask a very good question. All regular, non-special-event GBMCs should release on the first of the month. Spring Cleaning and Black Friday will be different as they always are. :) I can’t say for sure how we will proceed with the Spring Cleaning Sale and Black Friday, whether it will be the same as we have done year after year, but! Any changes we make, we will definitely detail it out in the New Features page so you know what’s happening! Just know that we will be doing our best to keep those special GBMC events fun and valuable for you even with the change to the GBMC release date!~~Miss Rainbow

From Neopian Times, Issue 955 (Modern) · Published March 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20959

Just wanted to say that I love the Neopets x Cakeworthy mini-backpack collab. It's adorable and the perfect size for me to use. I hope that there are more collabs in the future!! I can't wait to snatch them up! ~~brynchilla

Neopian Times Editorial Database | (2)

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20958

Meet Yarner!

Favourite Neopet?Quiggles, hands down and you cannot convince me otherwise.

Favourite Neopian land?Happy Valley, I really love the snow

Favourite Neopian character?Esophagor, reminds me of me, all we know is that they are hungry.

Favourite Neopian food?Jelly Bean Pizza!

What is your favourite thing about working on TNT?I get to work alongside really passionate people who care a lot about Neopets and strive to make it better for everyone that plays it. Everyone here is fun and it is so easy to get up every morning to come to work.

What’s the closest thing to real magic?Everything in Da Hawaiian Kitchens menu.

What is your proudest accomplishment?Being part of TNT and getting to see our ideas make their way to the site. Finishing Overcooked in one sitting, took three days, but I still finished it!

What do you like to do for fun?Travelling is my favourite thing to do. Just pack up and go to a new place and experience all the new things!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?“They aren’t yelling, they are just really happy”

Do you have any hidden talents?I can wiggle my ears and ice skate, not at the same time. I can also break an apple in half with my hands.

What keeps you up at night?Life! Nighttime is when the day begins!

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20957

Meet Dingo!

Favourite Neopet? It's an even split between Lupes and Zafaras!

Favourite Neopian land? After the Curse of Maraqua plot, I have always adored Maraqua!

Favourite Neopian character? Well that's easy, it's Chadley, of course! (;

Favourite Neopian food? Starberries!

What is your favourite thing about working on TNT? Aside from the extreme honour of getting to work for a brand that has always meant so much to me, I'd have to say it's all the free omelettes!! (... wait, what do you mean they're free for everyone??)

What’s the closest thing to real magic? Whatever is going on in the mushroom kingdom, with their mycelia networks and mind control powers, those are some crazy guys!

What is your proudest accomplishment? Working for Neopets is probably my biggest flex, but would you believe I was also a member of the ancient Neopian rpg guild Shukumei (^: Shoutout to my fellow Shooks!!

What do you like to do for fun? A little bit of everything! Making friends, gaming, painting, playing with animals, cosplay, concerts, collecting plushies and charms, model kits, home improvement, disappearing into the woods, but mostly I love to be asleep!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? "Please Refrigerate After Opening"

Do you have any hidden talents? I actually love to draw characters and write stories! You can even meet some of my made up friends if you visit my Neopets! 0:-)

What keeps you up at night? The Meepits.... >.>

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20956

Meet Mx Macabre!

Favorite Neopet? Shoyru is love. Shoyru is life.

Favourite Neopian land? Haunted Woods

Favourite Neopian character? Jhudora

Favourite Neopian food? Anything made by the Soup Faerie

What is your favourite thing about working on TNT? Everyone on tnt is so good to each other, and I love being able to help preserve the nostalgia of what was essentially my childhood.

What’s the closest thing to real magic? My kiddo's laugh.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Either becoming a parent, coming out, or going to my first therapy appointment.

What do you like to do for fun? play tabletop games, play with my weird tiny goblin, hang out in LGBTQIA+ spaces, stream cosy/horror games

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? will nag you incessantly about drinking water; is perpetually dehydrated

Do you have any hidden talents? I'm really good at avoiding real-life responsibilities through forever-scrolling on TikTok.

What keeps you up at night? My upstairs neighbour rotating what I believe is all the furniture in his house every night.

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20955

Meet Kikocat!

Hi everyone.

I'm Kikocat or The_Contest_Judge or as the Art Board calls me KC. Even though I am not new at all, I was hired in 2002, I thought I would introduce myself to any new Neopians out there.

Favourite Neopet? Poogles, specifically a Plushie Poogle or MSP Poogle.

Favourite Neopian land? The Lost Desert!!

Favourite Neopian character? Alstaf Poogle - because they were a memory I have from when I first started exploring the site and I always thought they were cute.

Favourite Neopian food? All slushies!

What is your favourite thing about working on TNT? I love being able to work on the Art Gallery and Beauty Contest and talk with the members.

What’s the closest thing to real magic? Fyora. :)

What is your proudest accomplishment? Working at Neopets and being able to highlight our members incredible talent in so many ways.

What do you like to do for fun? For fun, I like to make soap and candles and also play video games. And also, adventuring around the city when there is time.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Extremely Hyper Poogle Energy!

Do you have any hidden talents? I'm a great Slushie Slinger but other than that not really.

What keeps you up at night? Meepits

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20954

Meet Sunpotato!

Favorite Neopet?My favourite neopet is a Uni!! They have a sweet tooth just like me, love CHOCOLATE!!!

Favourite Neopian land?My favourite Neopian land is Shenkuu, I love how it takes inspiration from Asian cultures.

What is your favourite thing about working on TNT?

It's incredible to be working on Neopets which has 20 years of history! I'm grateful to be a part of it. It's fun to be able to look at the progression of the site and to redesign it. (Lots of plans for cool stuff is in store for the future!!) I'd also like to shout out the community and how dedicated and passionate everyone is about Neopets <3

What do you like to do for fun?Of course play games! Lately, I've been playing lots of animal crossing and Pokémon GO. I also like to read web toons and fantasy books, when I'm not playing games or reading I love travelling and going on weekend adventures!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Warning: may spontaneously talk about anime

Do you have any hidden talents?I can easily burn popcorn in a microwave.

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20953

with the Altador Cup coming up in 4 months and having some Editorial questions being answered by some unknown staffers, why don't we get to know these new staff members (so we might be able to root for them in the staff tournament?) I've seen yarner and SunPotato, what about any other staffers hiding and may be participating in the Altador Cup staff tournament? Tell us about yourselves! ~~perduco

What a fantastic idea! I took the liberty of asking the TNT staff to answer some fun questions so that all of Neopia can get to know them. Although many of these answers come from newer members on the team, some of our more veteran team members also wanted to join in! ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20952

Hey TNT! My robot Pteri wants to read her newest copy of Illusens Insignificant Quests Book, but the book refuses to open. I even tried to help her myself but there's no option on the drop down menu to read the book. Please help!

Looks like Jhudora couldn't help herself this year. Publishing an entire book poking fun at Illusen wasn't enough, she even went as far as to cast a curse on it! Luckily, we were to dispel the curse with help from a very powerful faerie, so this book can now be read without fear of turning into a mortog! However, the purple-clad Faerie Queen who assisted us wished to remain anonymous, so we are sworn to secrecy when it comes to releasing her name! ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20951

Will there be a faerie festival or some type of faerie activity this year? Especially since none were able to happen last year? I really missed those faerie themed prizes!

Those of us at TNT also really missed Faerie Festival last year! Rest assured we have already been discussing what type of faerie festivities we can hold to celebrate this year! ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20950

Hi TNT! Wondering if the Faerie Belonthiss can finally be activated... it's even a Neopie contender for best petpet colour, but we can't yet paint one! Pretty faerie fish deserves to be out and about in all its glory. Thank you! ~~kextreme

Terribly sorry about this! The mischievous meepit responsible for the reprehensible rascality that has been keeping our new petpet colours from being fully released has been captured and relocated to the Haunted Woods. The Faerie Belonthis, (as well as the Faerie Cougi, Faerie Tootum, Tyrannian Dartail, and Tyrannian Seti) are all now available! And since we have identified the problem was that Meepit's misbehaviour, we shouldn't have any issues with releasing new petpets in the future! ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20949

Hello, TNT! I saw a couple months ago you were working on allowing us to alter the order of our pets. As someone who's been on Neopets for over two decades, I'd personally love to display my pets in the order I created/adopted them. Is there an ETA on this feature? Thanks! ~~slmshdy444

Hey there! First off, thank you for being with Neopets for so long! We currently have a fix going out soon to place your pets in alphabetical order. We felt this applied some order to your pets especially after the pet slots extension. We can look into alternate ways to reorder to your personal preference. Thanks again! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20948

Hello, Gutterfoot here. I can’t believe it’s been two years (roughly) since I had my dream come true of working on Neopets. We’ve had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows together, but what I’ve enjoyed most has been working with the amazing people that make up TNT and getting to know the passionate userbase that keeps Neopets alive today. I am so excited about the future of the site with all the fun things we’ve been discussing (a new plot - what?!) and I wish I was going to be there when these things release, but you’re all in good hands and I will always be lurking. Rest assured, the features I’ve talked about with everyone like the Pound, NC Mall Redesign, and UC Pets are still being discussed/worked on by the team. My leaving does not change any of the hard work the team is putting in to bring these features to you.

As a little goodbye present… I want to share with everyone our plans for UC Pets! Especially since there were some faked leaks recently.

To bring them back as a purchasable option, we aim to release UC Paintbrushes in the store during limited periods to keep them a little on the exclusive side still. For example, we could release the UC Faerie Paintbrush during the Faerie Festival. In this instance, the UC Faerie Paintbrush would only apply to Neopets that have existing UC art which would exclude some. You won’t be buying specifically the Faerie Kougra UC Paintbrush either. Just a general UC Faerie Paintbrush that can apply to any species that has that existing UC art. When you purchase them from the NC Mall, you’ll be warned if you’re buying a UC Paintbrush that doesn’t apply to any of the species on your account. It won’t stop you though, in case you wanted to gift it to a Neofriend!

I will also note that the above is subject to change! We might see feedback that we agree with that’s a better direction to go or we may not, who knows! I won’t, that’s for sure haha. I know I haven’t been part of TNT long in the grand scheme of things, but I’m really happy that I got to make a difference and I can’t wait to see what the future holds as a fan. Farewell, Neopians! Gutterfoot out.

Neopian Times Editorial Database | (3)

From Neopian Times, Issue 954 (Modern) · Published February 18, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20947


Holy deep-fried macaroni on a stick, never in my wildest childhood dreams did I ever imagine all this transparency between TNT and entrants when it came to writing contests, including my favorite, the poetry contest. From the poetry schedule in the neoboards, to hearing about faerie shipping, to being super open to NMs with questions, to honestly considering ideas and passing them along - just wanted to say thank you so much, all of the communication is absolutely appreciated :D ~~flufflepuff

Neopian Times Editorial Database | (4)

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20945

I truly love this site. I've been playing for almost 20 years now (had another account when I was younger). What can I as a user do to help TNT out? I've made suggestions, I've bought Merch, I've bought NC, etc. I'm willing to volunteer for free to help code or design. I just want this site to feel alive again. I know I'm not the only user who wants to help. Let us know what we can do to keep our beloved alive. Thank you! ~~draco_malfoy018

Keep those suggestions coming in!! We look through all suggestions and have used user suggestions in the past. We do love to hear from our members on anything we can add or improve to make your time on Neopets the best it can be. ~~Kikocat

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20944

Hey TNT! What is the current gameplan (pun intended) for revamping the flash and shockwave games that award avatars? There are so many of us who need to earn those precious avatars still, really hoping to see those brought back asap! Thanks! ~~xx_lil_billy_rox_xx

Hi! We have prioritized testing these games as we know it is important. We agree, we must earn those precious avatars! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20943

We're ringing in Y24...hopefully with a beta release note? It's been 3 months since we've received any news. What events can we expect coming up? Neopies? Faerie Quest Event? Festival of Neggs? Charity Corner? the games are too buggy to really expect Daily Dare or Games Master Challenge any time soon, right?~~perduco

Hey there! Yes! We just completed the conversion for the Neopies along with the VIP Raffle. We are very excited to be focused on more conversions for the site events that are upcoming. The team recently started talking about designs for the Altador Cup which we expect to start working on soon! On the side we are also working on further updates to enhance the site so we should have a new beta release soon. ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20942

Hey TNT! Do the converted HTML 5 games have their own separate high score table, or do they have no high score table at all? I was playing the converted Igloo Garage Sale game and my score never showed up on the table, despite it being high enough. (P.S. The score limit set for this game is WAY too low - even the score I sent from completing only levels 1-5 with no items dropped was considered "suspicious"!)~~tokyocathy

Hey! All the newly converted HTML5 do have their own high score table separate from the previous flash games. We will however look into the issue that you are having with the suspicious scores, you are too good! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20941

All the new wearables you have been releasing with each pet day have all been amazing! I was wondering though if the Queen Amira set and the new Sloth background will be fixed any time soon? We would love to be able to get these items. Thanks so much! ~~xoxhottiexox14

Oh no, even from the depths of the Space Faerie Coin Dr. Sloth is still causing trouble! We looked into those items and had Donny make some quick fixes so they should now both be available! The Slothship background will now appear in the Mystical Surroundings shop and the Queen Amira outfit pieces can now all be found in Unis Clothing. Happy customizing! ~~Aesop

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20940

Hi there, TNT!! *hands warm borovan latte* I can speak for everyone and say that we are incredibly thrilled and excited for the recently released pet slots!! I wanted to inquire if it's possible you guys could increase the character limit we get when updating our lookups. We currently have uo to 5,000 characters, however coding lookups take up quite a handful of room, let alone the addition of new pets. We want to be able to display our pets in different ways and sizes, and increasing the limit would let us do such things and more! As a fellow lookup maker, this would give us plenty of room to create the best layouts. Hope you consider it and Thank you so much for everything!! ~~sosunub

Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words, the team worked super hard on the pet slots release! This is a great idea that we will work on with the development team to implement. ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20939

Hello TNT! It's been a while since the Trudy's Surprise prize pool got updated, do you plan on doing so anytime soon? And would there maybe be a chance on it randomly awarding small amounts of NC the same way it awards gift boxes? I'm sure that would be great for players who can't buy NC (like me). ~~nick_and_nickette

Hello! So sorry for the lag on this update! BUT I think you’re gonna be jazzed, because this is gonna happen real soon! Our art team is currently hard at work making some cute new prizes x). NC huh? I can bring this idea to the team to chew on :slight_smile:!~~MissRainbow

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20938

Hi TNT, the Premium Journal feature has suddenly stopped working as it should. We are not able to View Pet Info for existing entries or Edit older entries. The date at the top of each Journal Page has disappeared so we have no idea which date entries are for. The arrows to move between pages have also disappeared, making it very difficult to browse past entries. While the Journal is not the most popular Premium feature, it is still a paid Premium feature that I and many other users enjoy, and it is very disappointing to have it in this state. Please fix these bugs as soon as possible! ~~stargirl089

Hello! We really appreciate you brining this up! We have logged the issue and it is with our development team to find a fix! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20937

Hi TNT! I'll start off with: you don't have to publish this question in the Editorial, even if you end up addressing it, as it's really just an ask for a bug fix! The NC item "Sparkling Carmariller Wig" is bugged on the Buzz and the Kyrii. On most species, this wig restricts the zones "Hair Back" as well as "Hair Front." On the Kyrii, however, it only restrics "Hair Front," and on the Buzz, it only restricts "Hair Back!" Can Sparkling Carmariller Wig be fixed so that for all species it restricts both Hair Back and Hair Front? My Kyrii's been wanting to wear this wig for ages, but her hair always shows beneath it! Many thanks, and have a great week! -no tags here-3~~catz1

Hello! Okay, so I know I didn't need to address this like you mentioned, buuuuut I thought you might like to know that I just fixed this! Simply had the tease the hair, add a little hairspray, a few bobby pins… ANYWAY. This is now fixed and I hope you enjoy my superb hair-styling skills hehe. Have a wonderful week!~~MissRainbow

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20936

Hello TNT! *Places a plate of fresh cookies out* I understand it will be a while before the next purge will start again, but I was wondering if pets that are still held on pound_release would become available sooner? There is a pet's name I believe is still in there and would love to have the ability to adopt or create them. Thanks for you time, please remove my name if my question is picked. ~~anonymous

Hi hi! We have this in our roadmap to look into and are discussing the work that needs to happen to update our current scripts that are in place. ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20935

Hello! I was wondering if as you upgrade the safety deposit box if you would be open to adding a feature that allows you to have different categories in your SDB? For example, I have so much charity corned junk stashed away with all my valuables, it gets very confusing what is what. I would love to be able to sort my stuff. Thanks for considering! ~~sugar_head

Hiya! With the SDB update, we’d love to add more ways to organize and sort items. We’ll look into this! ~~SunPotato

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20934

Random question: do you know why sometimes donated wearables go to the Money Tree, versus the Second-Hand Shoppe? I've always wondered! ~~spikegalactic2000

Hey! Love random questions! The general idea and intent are to donate a wearable item to the shoppe and a non-wearable item to the money tree. Our code works as a donation service sifting through and thinking "oh, someone might want to wear this". I hope this helps! ~~Yarner

From Neopian Times, Issue 953 (Modern) · Published February 4, 2022 · JN Editorial ID: 20933

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Neopian Times Editorial Database | (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 6753

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.