How to Make Vanilla Ice Cream (2024)

Homemade ice cream is incredibly easy to make with just a few simple ingredients you likely already have on hand. This vanilla ice cream recipe will quickly become a go-to in your repertoire.

How to Make Ice Cream

You'll find a detailed ingredient list and step-by-step instructions in the recipe below, but let's go over the basics:

Vanilla Ice Cream Ingredients

These are the four ingredients you’ll need to make this homemade vanilla ice cream recipe:

  • Milk: This homemade vanilla ice cream starts with 2 ¼ cups of milk.
  • Heavy whipping cream: A cup of heavy whipping cream comes next.
  • Sugar: White sugar sweetens things up.
  • Vanilla: Two teaspoons of vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor.

How to Make Homemade Ice Cream

Wondering how to make ice cream at home? We’ve got you covered. Here’s a brief overview of what you can expect when you make vanilla ice cream at home:

  1. Cook the milk, cream, and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a measuring cup, then add the vanilla extract. Chill overnight.
  3. Pour the mix into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's directions.
  4. Serve immediately or ripen in the freezer before serving.

How Long Does Ice Cream Last?

Homemade ice cream won’t last as long as store-bought ice cream. Store your vanilla ice cream in an airtight storage container, recycled ice cream container, or zip-top freezer bag. Try to enjoy the ice cream within a few weeks for the best taste.

What to Serve With Ice Cream

Allrecipes Community Tips and Praise

“Great base recipe,” raves Sweets4mysweet. “Have made it several times. You can add pretty much anything to it and it comes out great. I've added Creme de Menthe and mini chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and vanilla bean and they have all been wonderful!”

“Best recipe I have found for my ice cream maker,” says one Allrecipes community member. “It's a little soft when done, but sets up nicely after freezing for about an hour.”

“I will most definitely make this several more times,” according to RyelDavid. “If you sift about four tablespoons of cocoa powder, it makes delicious chocolate ice cream.”

Editorial contributions by Corey Williams

How to Make Vanilla Ice Cream (2024)
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