How People Celebrate Christmas? Ways to Celebrate Christmas in Different Countries | Theobroma (2024)

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    As December 25 approaches, the world is gearing up for the joyous celebration of Christmas, each region infusing its own distinctive charm into the festivities. Christmas is a universal occasion that brings people together to commemorate the blessings of the entire year, cherishing the essence of family and indulging in delectable treats such as cakes, cookies, and an array of culinary delights. In anticipation of this momentous occasion, diverse traditions unfold globally, highlighting the spirit of togetherness, gratitude, and the joy that defines the Christmas season. As December 25 approaches, the world is gearing up for the joyous celebration of Christmas, each region infusing its own distinctive charm into the festivities. Christmas is a universal occasion that brings people together to commemorate the blessings of the entire year, cherishing the essence of family and indulging in delectable treats such as cakes, cookies, and an array of culinary delights. In anticipation of this momentous occasion, diverse traditions unfold globally, highlighting the spirit of togetherness, gratitude, and the joy that defines the Christmas season.

    Usually, how people celebrate Christmas is by exchanging gifts, decorating their homes, celebrating with parades or parties, dedicating prayer, and sharing food and drink. For this special day of sharing, Theobroma offers hampers stuffed with delicious items like gift boxes with brownies, macarons, marzipan, ginger cookies, almond rocks, and chocolates. We also have our Christmas Special menu that has the classic stollen, chocolate orange stollen, chocolate coated gingerbread men, Christmas tarts, Christmas trifle pudding cup, Christmas chocolate cup, Christmas cake and its eggless version,

    Every family may also have treasured traditions and ways to celebrate Christmas – like watching holiday movies, sipping on eggnog, or teaming up to cook an elaborate feast.

    Christmas traditions around the world are unique as they come and hold special relevance to elevate the occasion. Some traditions are as old as time, and some are an amalgamation of different cultures coming together. So, how do people celebrate Christmas? Let's take a short tour around the world to learn more:

    1. Mexico:The Christian Latinx community in Mexico and other Latinx countries observe Noche Buena on Christmas Eve to mark the night before Christ's birth. The celebration typically involves a big midnight feast, singing, and dancing. Part of the tradition also includes smashing pinatas and enjoying festive food.
    2. Japan:Christmas is not a religious holiday in Japan, but people have been celebrating it for the past few decades. Many Japanese associate romance with Christmas and often go out on cosy dinner dates. Instead of cooking at home, some people choose to go out to eat at or even order fried chicken for dinner. This tradition started in the 1970s, when the fast-food chain launched a countrywide campaign for its infamous fried chicken menu.
    3. France:Want to know how do people celebrate Christmas in France? Well, celebrations usually kickstart by December 5, but Christmas Eve is the most special. People hold a large feast called Le Réveillon De Noël – with close friends and family, usually after midnight mass.The spread includes seafood, turkey, goose, lobster, and The Yule log or Buche de Noel as the dessert. To bring a piece of France into your home this Christmas, check out Theobroma’s Yule Log – a signature product that we especially created for the festive season. Made with a chocolate berry mousse and layered with mixed berry compote and strawberry jelly, this modern twist on a classic Christmas dessert will leave your tastebuds tingling.
    4. China:There's a small population of Christians who celebrate Christmas in China. One of the most common traditions there is to gift your loved one’s apples on Christmas. This is probably because the Mandarin word for apple, "píngguǒ", sounds like Chinese Christmas Eve or "Ping'an Ye". Families also put up a plastic Christmas tree, called the "tree of light", and decorate it with lanterns and paper flowers.
    5. Sweden:Sweden, Finland and Norway begin Christmas festivities early in December with St Lucia’s Day. This holiday remembers St Lucia, one of the earliest Christian martyrs, who died to keep her Christian beliefs. Public processions are a significant part of the celebration, where girls and boys dress in white and sing traditional songs. The eldest daughter of each family also serves coffee and baked goods like saffron bread and ginger biscuits. Theobroma’s Christmas menu also includes ginger cookies, adorned with Christmas-themed decorations.
    6. India:Want to know how do we celebrate Christmasin India? While the reason for bringing in this festival is the same, the ways to commemorate usually include local customs and foods. Celebrations in Goa, Kerala, Mumbai, and the Northeast amalgamate Western and local traditions. For instance, in Goa, people gather for a traditional meal before attending the Missa de Galo (Midnight Mass), which often goes on till the wee hours of t he morning. Being a former Portuguese colony, Goa has many old churches worth whose services draw locals and tourists.
    7. Austria:Mixing a little horror into the festival ishow people celebrate Christmasin Austria. Here, it’s believed that while St Nicholas rewards good children, Krampus, a half-man, half-goat, will punish children who misbehave. Traditional parades called “Krampus runs”, or Krampuslaufs, also take place in Austria during this time, where people dress up as folk figures and celebrate.
    8. Australia:Christmas is usually a summery affair Down Under, so barbecue parties at home, in the park, and on the beach are commonplace. It’s also the time when summer vacations begin. Those who are devout visit the church to pay their respects.
    9. Spain:Even though Santa Claus is most associated with Christmas, the Spaniards believe it’s Reyos Magos or the Three Wise Men who deliver presents to children. Christmas (Navidad in Spanish) begins on December 24 and until January 6. Many families recreate the nativity scene, recalling a tradition that has been around since the 18th century in the country. Desserts are of prime importance as well, each full of sugary, nougaty goodness. Christmas Eve is also one of the only times in the country when the streets, shops, bars, and restaurants are empty, as everything shuts downs. Christmas in Spain is about family, and people strongly believe in spending this time with their loved ones.

          As for how we at Theobroma celebrate Christmas – it is with a lot of fun, frolic, and of course, food. Our Christmas menu will spark your festive spirit and bring a smile to your face, with the wide variety of festive treats and gift boxes. You can try our delicious hampers, take home some of our cupcakes with a festive spin, or end your Christmas lunch with a bang with our Yule log. For gifting friends and family, check out our premium, indulgence, and luxury Christmas hampers.

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          How People Celebrate Christmas? Ways to Celebrate Christmas in Different Countries | Theobroma (2024)


          How Christmas is celebrated in foreign countries? ›

          Christmas traditions for many nations include the installing and lighting of Christmas trees, the hanging of Advent wreaths, Christmas stockings, candy canes, setting out cookies and milk, and the creation of Nativity scenes depicting the birth of Jesus Christ.

          How do people celebrate Christmas all over the world? ›

          Usually, how people celebrate Christmas is by exchanging gifts, decorating their homes, celebrating with parades or parties, dedicating prayer, and sharing food and drink.

          How can we celebrate Christmas in a different way? ›

          How to Celebrate Christmas in New and Exciting Ways
          1. Ugly Christmas sweater party. There are many fun and light-hearted ways to celebrate Christmas out there, but this one is quirkier than others. ...
          2. A day of giving back. ...
          3. Christmas movie marathon.

          How is Christmas celebrated in China? ›

          Many young Chinese enjoy Christmas parties with their friends and exchange gifts. A new trend in China on Christmas Eve is to give apples to your friends. Apple in Chinese is 苹果 (píngguǒ) and Christmas Eve in Chinese is often called 平安夜 (Píng'ān yè, literally meaning safe night).

          How does Japan celebrate Christmas? ›

          Unlike in the U.S., in Japan the main event is Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. Many Japanese celebrate Christmas by going on dates or holding informal Christmas parties. Chicken is the go to meat for most people, including some popular fried chicken offerings.

          How does Mexico celebrate Christmas? ›

          It's a full month of celebrations, marked with family feasts and lots of piñatas. Starting on 12 December and lasting until 6 January, Christmas celebrations in Mexico have their own flair. There are candlelit processions, elaborate nativity scenes, Spanish Christmas carols, dancing and fireworks.

          How does India celebrate Christmas? ›

          A special tradition is attending Midnight Mass with family and friends. Churches in India are decorated with poinsettia flowers and candles, especially for this important service. Afterward, there is a feast of different delicacies (often biryanis, a dish made with rice and meat), and gifts are exchanged.

          How does Canada celebrate Christmas? ›

          Apart from decorating Christmas trees, Canadians enjoy watching various Christmas specials on television, baking and exchanging cookies, decorating gingerbread houses, sending Christmas cards, going caroling, hanging mistletoe and goodie-filled stockings, and much more.

          How does France celebrate Christmas? ›

          Many people in France put up a Christmas tree, visit a special church service, eat an elaborate meal and open gifts on Christmas Eve. Other activities include walking in the park, participating in city life and sharing a meal with family and close friends.

          How is Christmas celebrated in Australia? ›

          In Australia, Christmas is a sunny adventure! The Australian Xmas traditions involve beach barbecues, cricket matches, and festive picnics. With no snow, Santa might swap his sleigh for a surfboard.

          How do they celebrate Christmas in Italy? ›

          Some Italians start celebrating with a nice dinner on December 24th, while others prefer a light meal — preferably without meat — and wait for a huge Christmas lunch, the day after. However, the midnight Mass at the local church is a tradition from the North to the South.

          How does Spain celebrate Christmas? ›

          In Spain, a predominantly Catholic nation, it's a common practice for people to attend church on Christmas Eve after their grand Christmas dinner for the 'misa del gallo' at midnight. During this midnight mass, Spaniards renew their faith and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day.

          How does Germany celebrate Christmas? ›

          Unlike Christmas Day celebrations in England, the Germans know 25th December as 'Erster Feiertag', which means first celebration day. While the presents will have all been opened on Christmas Eve, the 25th is a still a day where families gather, good food is eaten and people enjoy well-deserved time off work.

          How is Christmas celebrated in Brazil? ›

          Midnight Mass

          In fact, Christmas Eve is the main day for celebration in Brazil. Following mass, many friends and families join together to exchange gifts and enjoy a traditional Brazilian Christmas dinner. Those who do not attend church also celebrate with food, drink, family, and presents on the night of the 24th.

          How is Christmas celebrated around Europe? ›

          For many Europeans, the season's main event is Christmas Eve, celebrated with Midnight Mass and a grand meal. Others focus more on Christmas Day and gift-giving. The "Twelve Days of Christmas" stretch from December 25 until January 6, which is Epiphany, the day the Three Kings delivered their gifts.

          Which countries celebrate Christmas on January 7th? ›

          Public Life. Christmas Day is a public holiday on January 7 in countries such as Belarus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia, and Ukraine. Some countries, such as Armenia, observe Christmas Day on January 6.

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          Author: Greg Kuvalis

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          Author information

          Name: Greg Kuvalis

          Birthday: 1996-12-20

          Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

          Phone: +68218650356656

          Job: IT Representative

          Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

          Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.