Environment - RimWorld Wiki (2024)

The map environment are all aspects of the map that often can not be directly influenced by the player, such as terrain, weather conditions and lighting.

Terrain, flooring, objects, and plants attribute to a tile's beauty, which in turn can affect a colonist's mood.The contents of a tile have a cumulative effect on its beauty; i.e. a granite chunk (beauty of -10) on a carpeted floor (beauty of +2) gives the tile a net beauty of -8.Certain unsightly objects, i.e. vomit, have one value when under a roof and a lower value when unroofed. This simulates the general disgust of seeing eyesores indoors versus encountering them outside.

Environment space (as opposed to the Need for Space) is the count of how much space there is to freely move around in a room. This is all the floor tiles that are either empty or have objects that can be passed through at full speed, such as chairs, building materials, and the various "spots". All objects that either slow down or prevent movement through are not counted towards Environment Space. The "Space" number shown in the Environment display is this count x 1.4. This number is a measure of the entire room, and does not change depending on where a pawn is standing.

Light can be generated artificially or naturally. Artificial light is produced by appliances in a limited range. Natural light is generated throughout the map on unroofed tiles. Roofed tiles will be dark unless lit artificially.

Occasionally an eclipse befalls the planet. Natural daytime light is no longer generated until it ends.

There are three light levels: Dark (0-29%), Lit (30-89%), and Brightly lit (90-100%). Each tile on the map has one of these light levels. The light level of a tile is listed in the tile's information area located above the Architect menu (when the menu is minimized). The light level is immediately followed by the brightness given in a percentage (%).

  • NameLight Radius
    Chemfuel powered generator3.485
    Electric crematorium3.442
    Electric smelter3.442
    Flood light17.455
    Glow pod3.481
    Machining table2.658
    Standing lamp9.093
    Sun lamp11.718
    Torch lamp7.175
    Vanometric power cell1.756
    Wall lamp6.378
    Wall torch lamp6.378
    Wood-fired generator3.442
    Bioferrite generator5.223
    Proximity detector1.734
    Blood torch7.884
    Ancient comms console2.599
    Ancient enemy terminal0.72
    Ancient lamp0.783
    Ancient terminal0.676
    Christmas tree5.742
    Darklight brazier7.108
    Fungus darktorch4.746
    Hermetic crate1.552
    Sacrificial flag7.175
    Security crate1.865
    Anima tree1.91
    Count-down activator0.546
    Mech node1.65
    Proximity activator0.415
    Ship landing beacon0.964
    Unstable power cell2.033
  • Daylight timing and latitude[edit]

    Daylight, or natural light, is the light generated on unroofed tiles throughout the map. The timing and strength of daylight is affected by latitude, time of year, and time of day, due to the planet's apparent axial tilt.

    This effect is more pronounced at extreme northern and southern latitudes, which can result in light levels not reaching 0% at night or 100% at daytime.

    Near the central latitude, light level change throughout the day as follows:

    Start timeLight level
    7hBrightly lit

    Day Length Table[edit]

    Note that the below values represent the number of hours that the light level is above 30%, meaning there is no guarantee that it will reach 100%.

    LatitudeAprimay 1Aprimay 6Aprimay 11Jugust 1Jugust 6Jugust 11Septober 1Septober 6Septober 11Decembary 1Decembary 6Decembary 11
    90° N000242424242424000
    75° N00010.72424242424000
    60° N11.211.712.814.115.516.516.816.215.013.612.311.4
    45° N12.612.913.514.315.115.615.815.514.813.913.212.7
    30° N13.513.714.014.514.915.315.415.214.814.313.913.6
    15° N14.314.414.514.815.
    15° S15.215.114.914.714.514.414.314.414.514.815.015.2
    30° S15.415.214.814.313.913.613.513.714.014.514.915.3
    45° S15.815.514.813.913.212.712.612.913.514.315.115.6
    60° S16.816.215.013.612.311.411.211.712.814.115.516.5
    75° S242418.715.
    90° S242424242400024242424

    Plant growth time table[edit]

    LatitudeAprimay 1Aprimay 6Aprimay 11Jugust 1Jugust 6Jugust 11Septober 1Septober 6Septober 11Decembary 1Decembary 6Decembary 11
    90° N00002424242424000
    75° N0005.82424242418.6000
    60° N8.99.410.511.913.214.014.313.812.711.310.09.1
    45° N11.011.311.912.713.413.914.113.813.112.411.611.1
    30° N12.212.412.713.213.613.914.013.813.413.012.612.3
    15° N13.213.213.413.613.814.014.013.913.713.513.313.2
    15° S14.013.913.713.513.313.
    30° S14.013.813.413.012.612.312.212.412.713.213.613.9
    45° S14.113.813.112.411.611.111.011.311.912.713.413.9
    60° S14.313.812.711.310.
    75° S17.316.013.610.
    90° S24242400000002424

    Daylight math details[edit]

    Environment - RimWorld Wiki (28)

    Warning! Trigonometry ahead!
    This section gets into complicated mathematical detail. Proceed at own risk

    The calculation of sunlight is surprisingly involved. On a nutshell: the formula obtains the angle between the vectors Latitude and Sun Position, subtracts an angle θ from it (determined by Latitude), and divides this number by 0.7. Finally, this result is capped between 0 (no light) and 100% (full light).

    If you only care about the final formula, go to "Final formula" below. Otherwise, carry on.

    The amount of sunlight a given cell receives depends on its Latitude, Day of the year, and Hour of the day. The simplified steps to reach the final value are:

    1. Obtain the factor "u" for the given latitude
    LatitudeValue of u
    <= 700.2
    [70, 75]Latitude * 13/50-18
    2. Obtain Sun Position Vector SP = {SPx, SPy, SPz}. Do note these formulas are not in degrees, but radians.
    • SPx = -cos(Hour * π / 12)
    • SPy = -cos(π * Day/30) * u
    • SPz = -sin(Hour * π / 12) [NOT ACTUALLY USED, BUT PART OF THE VECTOR]
    3. Calculate angle θ. Do note that the values of this table are in degrees. To convert to radians, multiply result by π / 180
    LatitudValue of θ
    <= -6019
    [-60, 60]36 - abs(x) * 17/60
    [60, 70]19
    [70, 75]299 - 4x
    4. Calculate the angle (Δ) between the vector Latitude (L) y SP.
    • Δ = arc cos [ ( cos(Latitude) * SPx + sen(Latitude) * SPy ) / 1 + SPy2 ]
    5. Sunlight = (Δ - θ)/0.7; Capped between 0 and 1 (100%).

    Do note that the creation of the vector Latitude: {cos(latitude), sin(latitude), 0} was omitted for simplicity.

    Final Formula:


    LatitudeValue of u
    <= 700.2
    [70, 75]Latitude * 13/50-18
    LatitudValue of θ
    <= -6019
    [-60, 60]36 - abs(x) * 17/60
    [60, 70]19
    [70, 75]299-4x

    Interestingly, while some effects are applied differently above latitude 70 (70° N), these do not seem to apply below -70 (70° S). This has some odd effects on extreme Latitudes, such as the south pole having neither full darkness nor full light.


    This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Large enough enclosed spaces seem to blur these boundaries.

    Openness refers to the often critical aspect of structures being open to the outside. It affects many things such as temperature, item deterioration, light, exposure to weather, and certain events.

    Every tile on the map falls into one of three categories:

    • Outdoors - not enclosed by any structure, even if there is a roof.
    • Indoors - completely enclosed structure, completely roofed.
    • Unroofed - completely enclosed structure, but with one or more unroofed tiles.

    Sufficiently large unroofed rooms, approximately 300 tiles, are considered outdoors.[Detail Needed]


    Main article: Temperature

    Environmental temperature is affected outdoors mainly by the map's biome and by the current season. Temperature affects a plant's ability to grow. Temperature affects a human's comfort, and health in extreme temperatures.


    Terrain consists of the map's walking surface, terrain features, and mountain areas. Terrain affects things including walking speed, where plants can grow, and may prohibit construction.

    Natural surface terrain includes soil, rich soil, marshy soil, marsh, mud, sand, lichen-covered dirt, gravel, rough stone (granite, marble, etc.), rough-hewn stone, shallow water, and deep water.

    Terrain features include steam geysers and mountains. The steam from a geyser produces heat and an enclosed area around it will heat up unless unroofed. A mountain cannot be destroyed, even if all of its stone and ore has been mined out. What remains are terrain tiles listed as 'overhead mountain'.

    Naturally generated surfaces[edit]

    This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: 1) Other stats. Filth masks, proper terrain affordance, driesTo, extinguishesFire, beauty, cleanliness, deterioration, special attacks, traversedThought, perceived path costs vs path costs. Note: Several can be put under a "misc" column rather than an individual one 2) Anomaly terrains - Flesh and Gray surface.

    For the artificial flooring, see Floors.

    TypeMove Speed ModifierFertilityTerrain SupportTerrain Type
    Broken asphalt100%0%Heavy?
    Chest-deep moving water22%0%None-
    Deep ocean water0%0%None-
    Deep water0%0%None-
    Lichen-covered soil81%100%HeavySoil
    Marshy soil46%100%LightSoil
    Packed dirt100%0%HeavySoil
    Polluted soil87%50%HeavySoil
    Rich soil87%140%HeavySoil
    Rough stone87%0%HeavyStone
    Rough-hewn stone93%0%HeavyStone
    Smooth stone100%0%HeavyStone
    Shallow ocean water30%0%None-
    Shallow moving water30%0%None-
    Shallow water30%0%None-
    Soft sand52%0%LightSand
    Stony soil87%70%Heavy?

    Steam geyser[edit]

    This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Specific numbers on heat needed.

    Steam geysers are terrain features that allow the placement of a geothermal generator on them and also output a significant amount of heat when sealed in a roofed room.

    The steam geyser sprays after a random delay between 500ticks (8.33secs) and 2,000ticks (33.33secs). It will then spray for between 200ticks (3.33secs) and 500ticks (8.33secs). While spraying, it will output 40 heat every 20ticks (0.33secs). Thus, it averages 16.15 heat per second, with no maximum temperature.

    Besides their use in power generation, they can also be used to heat bases and greenhouses without the need for electricity or fuel by sealing them in. Like any means of temperature regulation, geysers require an enclosed and roofed room to actually cause a change in heat. If you don't want heat, keep the geothermal room without a roof.


    This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Exact details of how large fires on the map cause rain needed. Rain details should be split from the rain weather type (because its not the only weather type that includes raining) and details discussed including short circuiting, increasing fuel consumption of torch, campfire and brazier variants, which weather types include rain, whether snow counts as rain for all mechanics etc, similarly Snow and its unique effects including Snow being merged into here.

    Weather events occur from time to time depending on the biome and time of year, with the current weather listed at the right edge of the screen. When a weather event ends the weather returns to Clear. Each weather event has a general effect on wind speed.

    Wind speed continually varies between 0% to 150% but it is not displayed onscreen. Wind speed is a direct multiplier of a wind turbine's nominal power output of 2300W. At 50% wind speed a wind turbine produces 1150W up to a maximum of 3450W at 150%. Note that the "max power output" listed in the infobox claims that 2300W is the maximum under "ideal conditions" - this is incorrect.

    The Weather controllers can force a single type of weather to constantly appear, and will only allow natural changes in weather once it is destroyed.

    Weather types
    LabelTime of yearTemperature range [1]Accuracy modifierMovement speed modifierWind speedWind speed modifierCan put out firesSnowing rateNotes
    ClearAnyAny100%100%None to Moderate100%NoNone
    FogAnyAny50%100%None to Calm50%NoNoneCan accompany rain to create Foggy Rain
    RainAny0°C– 100°C (32°F– 212°F)80%90%Calm to Moderate80%YesNoneRain intensity can vary. Rain will put out any outdoor fires on the map. Rain can cause electronic objects to short circuit.
    Dry ThunderstormAnyAny100%100%Moderate to Extreme150%NoNoneLightning strikes from thunderstorms can ignite flammable objects, including flora. If accompanied by rain the fires should be extinguished without becoming a threat.
    Rainy ThunderstormAnyAny80%80%Moderate to Extreme150%YesNone
    Foggy rainAnyAny50%90%None to Calm150%YesNone
    Hard snowMainly Winter-270°C– -0.5°C (-454°F– 31.1°F)80%80%None to Moderate150%Yes120%Weather event that can distribute Snow onto the terrain.
    Soft snowMainly Winter-270°C– -0.5°C (-454°F– 31.1°F)80%100%None to Moderate150%Yes80%Weather event that can distribute Snow onto the terrain.
    FlashstormAnyAny100%100%None to moderate100%NoNoneAn extreme version of the dry thunderstorm, and an event of its own (rather than normal weather changes). Lightning strike many times in a row in a small area, igniting anything flammable and causing giant wildfires which can spread to your base easily. It also disables rain for a short time.
    1. Can continue even if the temperature exits the appropriate range, once started.


    Lightning in a Dry thunderstorm

    Lightning is created either naturally through thunder and flashstorms, or artificially with the flashstorm psycast. These do 10 Flame damage in a 3x3 area (1.9 block radius) and start fires in the area of effect. Dry thunderstorms can be especially dangerous, starting fires around the map without rain to put them out. The flashstorm psycast should be used with caution, preferably in areas without vegetation or during rain. Lightning can also be spawned in with a debug command in development mode.

    Lightning is bright enough to momentarily power solar generators and grow plants.

    Version history[edit]

    • 0.0.245 - Weather (rain/fog) now affects chances of hitting a target
    • 0.3.410 - Rain now slowly washes away blood. Added rich dirt patches.
    • Beta 19/ 1.0 - Changed deep moving water to chest-deep moving water: walkable but slower than shallow water. Shallow water movement cost 12 -> 22. Sand fertility 6% -> 10%.
    • Version/1.1.0 - Fix: Wind turbines register no wind during windy storm.
    Environment - RimWorld Wiki (2024)
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