Cooking and Baking with Cranberries (2024)

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By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Created January 10, 2017

A holiday fruit with sass, crimson red cranberries adorn holiday tables in a variety of delicious ways.

Although fresh cranberries are only available October through December, cranberries can be enjoyed year-round as juice, sauces and relishes.


Although cranberries are almost always prepackaged, look for firm, plump berries with a deep red color. Avoid shriveled or soft berries.


Fresh cranberries can be stored in the refrigerator for several months or in the freezer for a year. Remove any shriveled, pitted or soft cranberries before storing.


Wash cranberries in cool water before using. When using frozen berries for recipes other than salads and relishes, thaw and drain before using. If the cranberries will be cooked, you can use them frozen.

Cranberry Equivalents

  • Traditionally, fresh cranberries are sold in 12-ounce bags, the equivalent of about 3 cups of berries.
  • Finely chopping 12 ounces of cranberries will yield about 2 1/4 cups of chopped berries.
  • One serving of cranberries is 1/2 cup fresh cranberries, 1/4 cup dried cranberries or 3/4 cup 100% cranberry juice.

Cranberry Cuisine

  • Fresh cranberries have a pocket of air that allows them to bounce and float.
  • To chop cranberries quickly and easily, use a mini-chopper or food processor. Be sure to pulse on and off to get even evenly sized pieces. You can also use a meat grinder.
  • If you’re making cranberry sauce, cook the cranberries just until they “pop.” Cooking them longer will make them mushy and quite bitter. Adding 1 teaspoon butter or oil will help prevent them from boiling over.
  • You can rehydrate dried cranberries by covering with water, or another liquid, in a microwavable bowl. Cover and microwave on High for 30 to 60 seconds; let stand 5 minutes. Or, pour very hot liquid over dried cranberries and let stand 20 minutes.

Beyond Relish

Go beyond cranberry relish and try rich red cranberries in other parts of the meal.

  • Toss a few fresh cranberries into a salad.
  • Combine with other sweeter fruits to create fruit desserts like crisps, cobblers and pies
  • Stir dried cranberries into cooked cereals, add to your favorite snack mix, or add to quick breads
  • Mix cranberry juice with your favorite mineral water for a refreshing beverage.

Try These Great Recipes!

  • Cranberry Sauce
  • Cranberry-Topped Brie
  • Mixed Greens with Cranberry Vinaigrette
  • Carrot-Cranberry Cake
  • Sausage-Cranberry Strata

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Cooking and Baking with Cranberries (2024)


Should you soak dried cranberries before baking? ›

Rehydrate the fruits: Dried fruits can be quite hard and dry, so it's often a good idea to rehydrate them before adding them to your baked goods. To do this, simply soak the dried fruits in warm water or fruit juice for 15-20 minutes until they are plump and tender.

Should you pre-cook cranberries before baking? ›

Do you need to cook fresh cranberries before baking? While cranberries should not be eaten as is (they are unpleasantly tart), they do not need to be cooked before they are used in baked goods.

Are fresh or dried cranberries better for baking? ›

Can I substitute dried cranberries in recipes that call for fresh cranberries? Yes, dried cranberries work well in baked goods; however there is a ¼ cup difference in measurement. If a recipe calls for one cup of fresh or frozen cranberries, use ¾ cup of sweetened dried cranberries.

What kind of cranberries do you use for baking? ›

Choose. Although cranberries are almost always prepackaged, look for firm, plump berries with a deep red color. Avoid shriveled or soft berries.

Is it better to bake with fresh or frozen cranberries? ›

If cooking your berries into a pie filling, you may need to add additional thickening agents because frozen berries tend to release more liquid than fresh and will lead to a runnier consistency. For best results in your baking, don't defrost the berries before use but instead toss them in flour.

Why should cranberries not be eaten raw? ›

Is it safe to eat cranberries raw? Cranberries are generally considered safe whether they are cooked or raw. However, because of their notoriously bitter, sharp taste, most people prefer not to eat them raw or unsweetened. This bitterness is due to the high tannin content of cranberries.

How do you dry fresh cranberries for baking? ›

You simply slice the cranberries in half, toss them into a mixing bowl, and cover them with a little maple syrup. Then, just spread everything out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and let them dry in the oven for a few hours.

Do you wash cranberries before cooking? ›

Avoid cranberries that look bruised or shriveled. Before use, rinse fresh or frozen cranberries and discard any that are damaged. It is not necessary to rinse before freezing, and there is also no need to clean dried cranberries. When cooking, heat cranberries just until they pop.

Why add sugar to dried cranberries? ›

During this step, the cranberries are sweetened to replace what nature left out; the additional sweetness helps to balance their natural tartness. The final step is to dry the cranberries to remove excess moisture for easy handling and packaging.

Are dried cranberries good for high blood pressure? ›

Packed with antioxidants

The anthocyanins found in cranberries may have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. They may also: Protect against liver disease. Lower blood pressure.

What are the pros and cons of dried cranberries? ›

Both forms of cranberries will offer you the same nutritional benefits and medicinal value. However, dried ones are high in carbs, calories, and sugar than fresh ones, but they still contain most of the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fresh ones.

Can you bake dried cranberries? ›

Cranberries are a great way to add flavor and zing to your baking—a burst of flavor in every bite. They become colorful, ruby red gems in breads, muffins, cookies, and pancakes. They taste good and they're good for you.

Do cranberries need to be soaked? ›

You can enjoy dried cranberries straight out of the package, add them to salads or trail mix, or use them as a topping for oatmeal without the need for soaking.

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