Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • Introducing figs and their impressive nutritional value.
  • Delving into the history and types of figs.
  • Examining the macronutrient, micronutrient, fiber, and antioxidant content in figs.
  • Discovering potential health benefits by soaking figs in water overnight.
  • Tips on adding figs to your diet and precautions to consider.


Figs are versatile and scrumptious fruit that has been revered for its proposed nutritional benefits since ancient times. This little fruit, filled with a burst of sweetness, is a powerhouse of essential nutrients that may enhance your well-being. When soaked in water overnight, figs can make a valuable addition to your daily diet, offering potential health benefits.

In this article, we will explore what makes figs so unique, their rich history and types, the nutritional profile of figs, and the potential health benefits they bring when soaked in water overnight. We will also discuss how to add figs to your diet in various ways and learn about precautions to consider while consuming figs.

Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (1)

Did you know?

  • Soaking figs overnight can increase their antioxidant content, which may help reduce oxidative stress. source: NCBI
  • Soaking figs overnight can increase their calcium content, promoting bone health. source: NCBI
  • Soaked figs are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are important for bone health. source: NCBI
  • Soaking figs in water overnight can enhance the absorption of nutrients in the body. source: NCBI
  • Soaked figs contain potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure levels. source: NCBI
  • Soaked figs have a low glycemic index, making them a suitable snack for individuals with diabetes. source:

All You Need to Know About Figs

Figs have a long and fascinating history that dates back thousands of years, with records of fig cultivation and consumption detailed in various ancient texts, including the Bible.

History of Figs

The roots of figs go back to western Asia. Their sweet taste and good nutrition made them a hit. With time, many parts of the world started enjoying these fruits.

Domestication and Cultivation

The taming of figs began around 5000 BCE in western Asia. From there, they touched the Mediterranean region. The Greeks and Romans loved them. Spanish missionaries then carried fig trees to the Americas.

Figs in Ancient Cultures and Diets

Figs were important in old societies due to their high nutritional value. For example, Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks loved them. They even used figs as currency due to their value.

Types of Figs

There are lots of fig types in terms of size, shape, andcolour. Common types include green, black-violet, and golden-yellow figs. We eat figs today mostly fresh or dried.

Common Fig Varieties

Figs have hundreds of varieties. The favourite among these are described below.

  • Black Mission: Blackish-purple skin with sweet pink flesh.
  • Kadota: Green skin with purple flesh with a mildly sweet flavour.
  • Calimyrna: Greenish-yellow skin with amber flesh with a nutty taste.
  • Brown Turkey: Purple skin with red flesh with mild, not-so-sweet flavour.
  • Adriatic: Light green skin, pink flesh with an exceptionally sweet taste.

Fresh vs. Dried Figs

Fresh figs are gentle, juicy, and sweet. Dried figs are sweet but a bit chewy. They make for a good snack or a dish ingredient.

Fig Nutrition

Figs are packed with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. In this part, we’ll discuss about the various nutrients figs offer.

1. Macronutrients

Figs are rich in natural sugars. They are both filling and energy-boosting. They are also low in calories, fat, and protein, making them a nutritious and guilt-free snack option.

  • Calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

A small (40-gram) fresh fig has Calories: 30, Protein: 0 grams, Fat: 0 grams, Carbohydrates: 8 grams .As against this, dried figs have more sugar and calories. So, if you’re watching your calorie intake, consume dried figs within a limit.

2. Micronutrients

Figs give us a range of essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play crucial roles in various bodily functions, including energy production, immune support, and bone health.

  • Vitamins and minerals

Figs are particularly rich in vitamin B6 and copper. Vitamin B6 is essential for breaking down food protein and making new proteins within the body. It plays a vital role in brain health. Copper is required for making blood cells, connective tissues, and brain chemicals. Figs also contain 2% of the daily value each of magnesium, potassium, and other B vitamins like riboflavin and thiamine. It also contains vitamin K.

3. Dietary Fiber

Figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber. It plays a vital role in digestive health.

  • Soluble and insoluble fiber content

Fiber is crucial for a healthy bowel. It helps control blood sugar and cholesterol. Soluble fiber does this. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool. It avoids constipation and helps have smooth bowel movements. A small (40-gram) fresh fig gives 1 gram of dietary fiber.

4. Antioxidants

Figs are rich in antioxidants. They neutralize harmful free radicals. They protect the body from damage caused by oxidative stress.

  • Types and benefits

Figs contain various types of antioxidants. These include flavonoids, phenolic acids, and carotenoids. These compounds work together to reduce swelling, protect cells from damage, and lower the risk of long-term diseases.

Figs are rich in compounds like phenolic acids and flavonoids, which are known for their strong anti-inflammatory effects. Research shows that eating figs might help prevent or treat diseases caused by inflammation.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Potential Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight

Figs soaked in water overnight offer several advantages. They help boost your overall wellness. Let’s delve into the proposed health benefits of figs soaked in water overnight.

1. Promote Digestive Health

Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (2)

Soaking figs in water overnight softens them. It is said to boost their fiber content. This makes them easy to digest and amplifies their health benefits on digestion.

  • Increase fiber intake

We just mentioned that figs are rich in dietary fiber. Soaking them in water overnight may boost their fiber content even more. This may help improve digestion and curb the risk of constipation.

  • Improve bowel movements and avoid constipation

Figs have a laxative effect. That’s why they are proposed as a natural remedy for constipation and other gut issues. When you soak figs in water overnight and eat them the next day, it is supposed to help to promote regular bowel movements and ensure a healthy gut.

2. May Improve Vascular and Heart Health

Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (3)

Figs soaked in water overnight may help your vascular and heart health. As they are packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants.

  • Enhance blood circulation

Getting enough dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals is key for good blood flow and a healthy heart. Figs soaked in water overnight may give you these vital nutrients. This boosts blood flow and reduces the risk of heart disease.

  • Lower cholesterol levels

Figs soaked in water overnight are rich in fiber and antioxidants. This may help reduce cholesterol levels. Figs have soluble fiber, which lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol.

3. May Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (4)

Figs soaked in water overnight may also help control blood sugar levels. This makes them a good diet addition for those who have diabetes, or problems related to blood sugar control.

  • Dietary fiber and glycemic index

Figs are low-glycaemic fruit. Their high fiber content makes them gentle on blood sugar levels. When you soak figs in water overnight, their fiber content may increase. This slows digestion and the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

  • Potential insulin-sensitizing effect

Some studies hint that figs may boost insulin sensitivity. This may help control blood glucose and avoid insulin resistance. While we need more research, eating figs soaked in water overnight may be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels.

4. Potential Anticancer Properties

Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (5)

Figs and their extracts have shown promise for anti-cancer properties in preliminary research.

  • Antioxidants and reduction of oxidative stress

Figs are loaded with antioxidants. These combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage. This may stop cancer growth. Consuming figs soaked in water overnight allows you to harness their high antioxidant content.

  • Possible anti-tumor effects

There is limited research in this area. However, some test-tube studies have hinted that certain compounds found in figs may possess anti-tumour effects. They are said to help kill cancer cells or hinder their growth. More research is required to verify these findings and understand the potential anticancer benefits of consuming figs soaked in water overnight.

5. Benefits for Skin Health

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Figs have loads of compounds good for skin health. These include vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eating figs soaked in water overnight may offer several skin benefits.

  • Anti-aging and wrinkle risk reduction

Figs are rich in antioxidants. They fight free radicals that cause aging and wrinkles. By eating figs soaked in water overnight, you may reap the benefits of their rich antioxidant content.

  • Rejuvenating and improving skin texture

Figs offer plenty of vitamins vital for healthy skin. These include vitamins A, C, and E. These vitamins aid in collagen production, protect against free radical damage, and help rejuvenate skin. Eating figs soaked in water overnight may help improve your skin texture.

  • Management of skin disorders like warts and boils

Interestingly, fig extracts have been used in old medicine systems for managing various skin ailments, including warts and boils. By incorporating figs soaked in water overnight into your daily diet, you may potentially manage such skin disorders.

6. Hair Health Benefits

Figs also benefit hair health. They offer vitamins and minerals that may improve hair strength, growth, and overall health.

  • Conditioning and moisturizing hair

Figs are rich in nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E. Eating figs soaked in water overnight is said to condition and moisturize your hair. Your hair will look smoother and shinier.

  • Avoiding hair loss and promoting hair growth

Figs offer various vitamins and minerals good for hair. These include biotin, folic acid, and key minerals like magnesium and zinc. If you consume figs soaked in water overnight, they may promote hair growth and stop hair from falling.

Although studies have shown the health beneficial properties of this fruit, further long-term human research is needed to corroborate these findings.

I recently came across a study that looked at how eating figs, which were added to the diet, affected memory, anxiety, and learning skills in mice with Alzheimer’s disease. Their findings showed that adding figs to the diet may improve memory and behaviour problems associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This potential benefit requires further exploration in human studies.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

How to Add Figs to Your Diet?

With so many proposed health benefits, figs soaked in water overnight are a good dietary addition. Here are some tips on how to include them in your daily meals and reap their nutritional benefits.

Overnight Soaking: Preparation and Serving Suggestions

Preparing figs soaked in water overnight is easy. Rinse a few fresh figs under cool running water. Place the rinsed figs in a bowl, cover them with water, and let them soak at room temperature for at least 8 hours or overnight. In the morning, drain the water and savour the tender and juicy figs.

Various Culinary Uses and Recipes

Figs are a versatile fruit. There are a variety of ways you can use them in cooking and baking which are described below.

  • Desserts and energy bars

You can add figs to cakes, cookies, muffins, and other baked goodies. You can make energy bars using figs, nuts, seeds, and other dry fruits.

  • Snacking and salads

Figs are great for snacking. Include them in a salad or serve them on a cheese platter.

Although we call them fruits, figs are actually a special type of flower. They grow from a closed flower cluster, containing lots of tiny flowers inside. When these flowers bloom inside the fig, they turn into the small fruits we eat. So, figs are kind of like a bunch of tiny fruits packed together inside one big fruit.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Downsides and Precautions

While figs soaked in water overnight are generally safe to eat, some things need caution:

The Caloric Content and Weight Gain

Dried figs are high in calories and sugar. So, if you are watching your weight, consume it in moderation.

Allergic Reactions and Sensitivities

People allergic to birch pollen or latex may be allergic to figs too. If you notice itching, burning, or swelling in your mouth or throat after eating figs, you might be allergic to them. Stop eating them and seek medical help immediately.

Overconsumption Side Effects (Fiber Overload, Mineral Imbalance)

Eating too many figs can lead to high fiber intake. This may cause gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Also, eating too many figs may cause some minerals to go out of balance. So, eat figs in moderation.

Interactions with Medications

Figs are high in vitamin K, which aids normal blood clotting. Yet, this vitamin can interact with certain blood-thinning drugs. If you are on such medicines discuss with your doctor before adding figs to your diet.


Add figs soaked in water overnight to your diet to enjoy their proposed benefits. These range from better digestion and heart health to better control over blood sugar. They also offer potential skin and hair benefits. With such a wide spread of merits, figs deserve a regular place in your meal plan.

Figs soaked in water overnight may offer crucial nutrients. They may enhance your wellness and help achieve a balanced and healthful lifestyle. So, bring on your inventiveness and experiment with fig usage. Figs will nourish you from the inside and is proposed to promote better health and vitality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens if we eat soaked figs daily?

Eating soaked figs daily offers several potential health benefits. They improve digestion, heart health, and help control diabetes. But remember, too much of anything is bad. Eating too many figs may cause side effects like digestive issues or interactions with certain drugs.

Why do you soak figs in water?

Soaking figs in water makes them softer and easier to digest. It also helps release the nutrients present in figs.

How to drink fig water for weight loss?

To use fig water for losing weight, soak a few figs in water overnight. In the morning, strain the water and drink it on an empty stomach. This may help boost your metabolism and support your gut health, which plays a role in weight loss.

Can I eat fig on an empty stomach?

Yes, you can eat figs on an empty stomach. Eating soaked figs first thing in the morning may boost your digestion, blood sugar control, and energy levels.

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Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog (2024)


Benefits of Figs Soaked in Water Overnight: Exploring Nutritional Advantages - PharmEasy Blog? ›

Eating anjeer (figs) daily can offer several health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity. Anjeer also contains vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Additionally, they provide antioxidants that may help combat oxidative stress.

What happens if we eat soaked figs daily? ›

Eating anjeer (figs) daily can offer several health benefits. They are a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes bowel regularity. Anjeer also contains vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Additionally, they provide antioxidants that may help combat oxidative stress.

Who should not eat dried figs? ›

Allergies. People who are sensitive to mulberry, natural rubber latex, or weeping fig might have allergic reactions to fig. Surgery: Fig might lower blood sugar levels. This might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery.

How long to soak figs in water? ›

Just soak a few dried figs in water overnight and consume the water and figs in the morning. As with any dietary change, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional, especially if you have existing health conditions. Embrace the natural goodness of Anjeer water and experience a healthier, revitalised you.

How many figs to eat per day? ›

So, you're eager to embrace the fig life, but you're wondering, "How many anjeer should I eat per day?" The answer lies in balance and moderation. The General Guideline: On average, 2-4 figs per day can be a sweet spot for most people, balancing taste and nutritional benefits.

Is it safe to eat figs everyday? ›

While figs are generally well-tolerated, consuming them excessively may lead to stomach pain or discomfort due to their high fiber content.

Do dry figs burn belly fat? ›

Do figs burn belly fat? A. Figs are a healthy snack option that may help promote weight loss, including the fat loss in the abdominal area. They contain a good amount of dietary fibre, which helps reduce appetite and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

Are figs safe for kidneys? ›

Hello figs aren't ideal for people with kidney disease and diabetes because they're high in minerals like potassium. For kidney failure patients avoid food high in potassium (greater than 200 mg per serving) one serving is about 1/2 cup or as stated. Per serving value of figs 7% potassium 232 mg.

What is the best time to eat figs? ›

Yes, you can eat figs on an empty stomach. Eating soaked figs first thing in the morning may boost your digestion, blood sugar control, and energy levels.

Do figs spike blood sugar? ›

It's worth noting that you'll often see figs listed as a “top pick” or “best fruit” for people with diabetes because of their low to moderate glycemic index. This means that they should not raise blood sugars as rapidly as high glycemic index foods.

Why put baking soda on figs? ›

Sprinkle the baking soda over the figs; cover with the 12 cups of boiling water. Soak for 45 minutes to 1 hour. This helps remove any latex from the skin of any slightly under-ripe figs.

Is fig good for hair growth? ›

Absolutely! Figs are a natural source of hair-nourishing vitamins like B vitamins, which are crucial for hair growth and overall scalp health. These vitamins help promote blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring that hair follicles receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen, which can stimulate hair growth.

Is fig good for the prostate? ›

Keeps Prostate Glands Healthy

The fiber in dried figs facilitates regular bowel movements, indirectly reducing prostate gland inflammation risk. Moreover, dried figs are abundant in antioxidants that help fight against oxidative stress and inflammation, which are linked to prostate health.

What is the healthiest way to eat figs? ›

The best way to enjoy figs is raw, with the skin and seeds intact. You can also remove the peels and scoop out the seeds, if you like, or cook figs by baking, broiling or grilling them. But, the quickest and easiest way to enjoy these gems is by removing the stem and taking a bite right out of the raw fig.

How do you eat figs for maximum benefits? ›

Eating overnight soaked figs on a regular basis can provide numerous health benefits. These can also be eaten directly, however, soaking in water will provide you with better health benefits. Pre-soaking helps to break down the soluble fiber content of the figs.

Are figs high in iron? ›

Very few studies have looked at the connection between figs and hair health. However, figs are very high in iron , which is an important mineral for helping maintain healthy hair.

How do you use soaked figs for weight loss? ›

Well, these tiny, dry fruits are high in fibre and packed with essential vitamins that can aid in weight loss. You can enjoy them directly or soak them overnight and drink their water the next morning. Our attention will be only on the fig water and its incredible benefits for weight loss.

Is it OK to eat figs at night? ›

Figs are rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, making them a powerful sleep aid. These minerals all help with blood flow and muscle contraction which are crucial for falling asleep. They also contain high amounts of fibre, keeping you full through the night and preventing midnight cravings.

Is it OK to eat 2 figs a day? ›

However, moderation is the key as dried figs are high on calories. It is recommended to limit portion size to about 2-3 figs per day.

What are the benefits of eating figs soaked in olive oil overnight? ›

Enhanced Digestion: Figs contain dietary fiber, which improves the digestion process and reduces constipation. Olive oil also contains antioxidants that help protect the digestive system from damage. Blood Pressure Reduction: Figs contain potassium, a mineral that helps lower blood pressure.

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