5 Easy Ways to Thicken Chili (2024)

Whether you're craving comfort food on a winter night or hosting a game-day party, you can't go wrong with chili. It's hearty, delicious, and endlessly customizable. And while the dish is relatively easy to make, there are times when you might end up with a soupy and thin result.

Luckily, there are several ways to thicken chili and reduce the excess liquid, as proven by these expert-approved tips and tricks.

Simmer Longer

One of the easiest ways to thicken chili is to simply increase the cooking time. Simmer your dish for an additional 20 to 30 minutes, uncovered, stirring it occasionally, says Traci Weintraub, chef and founder of Gracefully Fed, a meal delivery service and restaurant in Los Angeles. Simmering it for longer will also help intensify and blend the flavors, she adds.

Add Beans

If your chili contains beans, use a fork to mash them against the side of the pot. This will add body to your chili, according to food stylist and recipe developer Riley Wofford. "Mashing releases the starch [in] the beans, and it only takes a minute or two to start working," she says.

If your chili is currently bean-free, consider adding some to thicken things up. Just be sure to properly drain the beans, as extra liquid from canned versions will only thin your chili further, says Weintraub. Not a fan of these legumes? Consider adding lentils, which have a similar effect, she says.

Use All-Purpose Flour or Cornstarch

All-purpose flour and cornstarch are useful for thickening chili, as well as sauces, soups, and stews. However, you'll want to avoid adding these ingredients directly to your recipe, as this will result in clumps. Instead, create a slurry and add it slowly to help the thickener fully incorporate. "Transfer some warm liquid [from the chili] to a separate bowl. Whisk in the flour or cornstarch, then slowly stir it back in the pot," advises Wofford. Bring the mixture back to a boil, which will "activate" the ingredient, instantly thickening the dish.

Whether you turn to flour or cornstarch, Wofford suggests using a small amount to start. You can always add another round of slurry if the chili is still too thin.

Add More Vegetables

You can never go wrong with additional vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, or mushrooms. In addition to making your chili recipe chunkier and heartier, the vegetables will release starches as they cook, helping thicken the liquid. Weintraub is partial to diced bell peppers. "They add flavor, but don't get lost in the mix, as onions [or] garlic might," she says.

Mix in Cornmeal

Another easy way to thicken chili is to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of cornmeal. According to Wofford, the ingredient will soak up the hot liquid, creating a creamy texture (like cooked polenta). Cornmeal will also add a pleasant corn flavor, which pairs well with common chili ingredients like bell peppers, tomatoes, and chili powder.

5 Easy Ways to Thicken Chili (2024)


5 Easy Ways to Thicken Chili? ›

In addition, broth, beer, and/ or water is usually added to produce the desired consistency in the pot of chili. I usually add one or two cups of beef broth. If you put tomatoes in the stew, this will also provide plenty of liquid.

What can I add to chili to make it more soupy? ›

In addition, broth, beer, and/ or water is usually added to produce the desired consistency in the pot of chili. I usually add one or two cups of beef broth. If you put tomatoes in the stew, this will also provide plenty of liquid.

How to make chili a little soupy? ›

Simmer for at least 30-45 minutes, then add 1 or 2 cans of chili beans or kidney beans and cook a bit longer. Add more water or tomato sauce if it's too thick. Keeping the lid on can keep the steam in resulting in thinner chili.

What can you add to chili to thin it out? ›

When your chili is too thick, it's easy to thin it out a bit. Just add some liquid. You can add beef, chicken, or veggie broth, or you can add a can of tomato sauce. You could add water, too, but it will dilute the flavor of the chili.

How do you thicken chili without carbs? ›

A low-carb thickener for chili could be xanthan gum or glucomannan powder. Both of these are low-carb, keto-friendly thickeners that can be used in small amounts to thicken chili without adding carbs.

How to add volume to chili? ›

Add beans or veggies.

Thick-cut root veggies will release their natural starches as they cook and help thicken the pot. Sweet potatoes, winter squash, and a regular potato all work. Adding more beans helps too. Thick, refried beans can do wonders for a thin chili.

How do you get rid of too much liquid in chili? ›

If your chili is too watery, there are a few steps you can take to thicken it: Simmer Longer: Continue cooking the chili uncovered over low heat to allow excess liquid to evaporate. Add Thickeners: Mix a small amount of cornstarch or flour with cold water and add it to the chili. Cook while stirring until it thickens.

What is the best liquid to add to chili? ›

Chili cooks low and slow, so you need enough liquid to tenderize the meat and keep everything from drying out. That liquid should also add flavor to the chili, so use chicken, beef, or vegetable stock, or beer.

What is the secret to making good chili? ›

Rumi Spice's top tips for making chili:
  1. Brown the Meat.
  2. Don't Forget Vegetables.
  3. Elevate with Extra Flavor.
  4. Only Add Flavorful Liquids.
  5. Opt for Dried Beans.
  6. Season Early and Often.
  7. Add Some Acidity at the End.
  8. Top It Off.

Do you simmer chili with the lid on or off? ›

For quicker-cooking chili like this recipe, don't cover the pot. You want the liquid in the chili to reduce, and leaving the lid off is crucial. If you're simmering the chili for a longer time, partially cover the pot to prevent the liquid from evaporating too quickly.

What pairs well with chili? ›

Discover 16 of our best side dishes to serve with chili.
  • 01 of 15. Sweet Jalapeno Cornbread. ...
  • 02 of 15. Broccoli-Cauliflower Salad. ...
  • 03 of 15. Savory Roasted Root Vegetables. ...
  • 04 of 15. Perfect Baked Potato. ...
  • 05 of 15. Ann's Dirty Rice. ...
  • 06 of 15. Cornbread Muffins I. ...
  • 07 of 15. Loaded Tater Tots. ...
  • 08 of 15. Creamy Spiced Coleslaw.
Feb 27, 2020

How to thicken up beans without cornstarch? ›

Purée the beans.

Remove a quarter of the beans from the soup and purée them in a blender or food processor. Add the puréed beans back into the soup to thicken it. You can also use an immersion blender or potato masher to purée a portion of the bean soup.

What is best to thicken chili? ›

Mix in a scoop of cornstarch, all-purpose flour, or oats.

For 1 tablespoon of flour, use 2 tablespoons of water. No slurry is required for the absorbent oats; simply stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons. In all cases, allow the chili to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes more, and you should notice it thicken up.

What secret ingredient will deepen the flavor of your chili? ›

Stir some puréed pumpkin into your chili just after sautéing your aromatics (onions, garlic, etc...) and before adding any liquid. This will deepen and sweeten its flavor, making it a great balance for all the chile peppers and heat.

How to make chili taste more like chili? ›

If you want more of a smoky flavor, add cumin, Spanish paprika, ancho chili powder, or a combination. If you are looking for more heat, add cayenne, crushed red pepper, or Hungarian paprika. If it's too spicy add a little brown sugar and some sweet paprika.

Can you add water to chili to make it thinner? ›

For a thinner chili, you can add a bit of water.

What if my chili is too salty? ›

Dilute or Bulk Up Your Dish

Diluting your dish with a splash or two of salt-free liquid or adding more vegetables, pasta, or meat, will help a dish that's too salty simply because you are increasing the overall amount of whatever you're making.

Does sauce thicken with the lid on or off? ›

When to Keep the Lid Off. Cooking a soup, stew, or sauce uncovered allows water to evaporate, so if your goal is to reduce a sauce or thicken a soup, skip the lid. The longer you cook your dish, the more water that will evaporate and the thicker the liquid becomes—that means the flavors become more concentrated, too.

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