2024 AP Exam Score Distributions (2024)

2-D Art and Design 0% 3-D Art and Design 0% African American Studies 0% AP Research 0% AP Seminar 0% Art History 14.0% 21.0% 28.0% 25.0% 12.0% 63% Jun 21

  • MC questions: Students’ scores were strong across this section; the best performance was on Unit 1 (Global Prehistory); an impressive 40% of students earned all points. Unit 5 (Indigenous Americas) proved to be the most challenging; 7% earned all points.
  • Essays: students performed very well on Q3, the visual analysis of Faith Ringgold’s Tar Beach quilt; 53% of students got most points on this short essay.
  • The two most challenging FRQs were long essays: (Q1) demonstrating cultural exchange by comparing the Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and Hunting Scene with another work of students’ choosing; 2% of students earned all 8 points;and (Q2) contextualizing architectural revivals, 4% of students earned all 6 points. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-art-history.pdf

Biology 0% Calculus AB 0% Calculus BC 0% Chemistry 17.0% 27.0% 31.0% 17.0% 7.0% 75% Jun 17

This year’s AP Chemistry students demonstrated mastery similar to last year’s strong group, with 75% earning scores of 3 or higher.

14 AP Chemistry students, out of ~129,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 100 points possible across the 7 free-response questions and the MC questions covering all 9 units of the course. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.

AP Chemistry MC section: students performed least well on questions about thermodynamics and equilibrium (Unit 6, 7, 9: 20% of students earned most or all of these points).

AP Chemistry FR section: many students scored very well on Q4 (specific heat capacity); 26% earned every point possible there; many also did well on Q2 ( the maleic acid / sodium bicarbonate reaction): 33% earned high scores on it.https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-chemistry.pdf

AP Chemistry FR section: the two most challenging questions were Q1 (lactic acid titration) and Q3 (sterling silver structure); students able to get 8-10 points on both are typically receiving an overall AP score of 5.https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-chemistry.pdf

Chinese Lang. and Culture 50.0% 20.0% 17.0% 6.0% 7.0% 87% Jun 17

  • 72% of AP Chinese examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • This year’s AP Chinese students earned their highest scores, generally, on Q1 in which they chose to write a narrative about clothing exchange in Pinyin Simplified, Pinyin Traditional, or Bopomofo. 59% of students earned 5-6 out of 6 points possible.https://t.co/tlrVYd3ZHL
  • The most challenging task for AP Chinese students this year was Q2 in which they were asked to respond to an email, addressing a question about the ways technology would impact their futures. 36% of students earned all 6/6 points possible on it.https://t.co/tlrVYd3ZHL

Computer Science A 0% Computer Science Principles 0% Drawing 0% English Language 0% English Literature 13.0% 27.0% 32.0% 17.0% 11.0% 72% Jun 18

  • AP English Literature MC section: students demonstrated strongest literary analysis skills on questions that measured skill 6, the function of comparisons in a text; 24% of students earned all available points for this skill.
  • AP English Literature essays – I’ll comment on Set 1, the paper version taken by most students this year: students scored highest on the poetry analysis (Q1;analysis of John Rollin Ridge’s 1868 poem “To a Star Seen at Twilight”); 21% of students earned 5-6 of the 6 pts possible.
  • The most challenging essay this year for AP English Lit students was the prose analysis (Q2; analysis of an excerpt from Mavis Gallant’s short story “One Morning in June”); 16% of students earned 5-6 points of the 6 points possible on it.

Environmental Science 9.0% 27.0% 18.0% 26.0% 20.0% 54% Jun 21

  • 1 AP Environmental Science student, out of 222,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 130/130 points possible across the 3 free-response questions & the multiple-choice section. We’ll notify the student and school in September.
  • AP Environmental Science MC questions: like last year, students performed best on questions about Unit 4 (Earth Systems & Resources); ~44% of students answered 100% of these questions correctly; incredibly, this is a major increase from last year when ~24% earned all points.
  • Unit 1 (Ecosystems) continues to be the multiple-choice section with the lowest average scores, but ~16% got every point possible; a 7% increase over last year.
  • AP Environmental Science FR question (commenting on the version taken by most students): students performed well on Q3 (analyzing nuclear power); 11% of students earned at least 9 of the 10 possible points.
  • Q2 (global warming / land use) was the most challenging; 1% earned at least 9/10 points. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-environmental-science-set-1.pdf

European History 0% French Language 0% German Language 24.0% 18.0% 25.0% 22.0% 11.0% 67% Jun 24

  • 29% of AP German examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • Out of ~3,500 students whose AP German exams have been scored to date, 20 earned every point possible across their cultural presentation, conversation, argumentative essay, email writing, and MC questions. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP German Language MC questions: students scored highest on questions about quality of life (unit 5) and weakest on questions about science/technology (unit 4).
  • AP German FR questions: students scored similarly well across each of the FR questions – no weak links in this year’s students’ interpersonal and presentational writing and speaking.Highest of all was the cultural presentation (Q4) on a role played by art in a German-speaking region chosen by the student. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-german-language.pdf

Government and Politics, Comp. 16.0% 24.0% 33.0% 15.0% 12.0% 73% Jun 21

  • Huge congratulations to AP Comparative Government & Politics teachers & students; this year’s group achieved the highest percentage of 3+ scores of any in the past 14 years of reviewing AP Comparative Govt performance.
  • 4 AP Comparative Government students, out of 21,000 worldwide whose exams have been scored so far, earned all 120/120 points possible across the 4 free-response questions & the multiple-choice section. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Comparative Government MC questions: students scored highest on questions about Unit 3 (Political Culture and Participation) at least 38% of students answered 100% of these questions correctly; a remarkable increase over last year when 16% earned all points.
  • The most challenging questions were from Unit 2 (Political Institutions); ~2% answered all questions correctly.
  • AP Comparative Government FR questions: many students performed well on both versions of Q2, which involved quantitative analysis of civil liberties and freedom of the press, respectively. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-comp-gov-pol-set-1.pdf…; https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-comp-gov-pol-set-2.pdf

Government and Politics, US 0% Human Geography 18.0% 20.0% 18.0% 14.0% 30.0% 56% Jun 20

  • Kudos to AP Human Geography teachers and students, who demonstrated stronger content mastery in the multiple-choice section than any other cohort.Accordingly, this year’s students achieved a higher % of 3+ scores than prior groups. (Remember that this is the only AP subject taken primarily by 9th graders, so AP 1s are also more common in this subject than most others.)
  • 1 AP Human Geography student, out of the ~250,000 whose exams have been scored so far, has earned each of the 120 points possible across all of the free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify this student and school in September.
  • MC questions: students showed strongest understanding of Cultural Patterns & Processes (Unit 3), followed by Agriculture & Rural Land-Use Patterns (Unit 5); ~20% of students earned 9-10 of the 10 available points for each of these units.
  • FR questions (commenting on Set 1, the version taken by most students):
    • Q1 was the most difficult of the exam, so to earn a 5, students generally needed to obtain 5 of these 7 advanced points; to earn a 3, students generally needed to earn 3 of these points. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-human-geography-set-1.pdf
    • To ensure students aren’t advantaged or disadvantaged by the specific version of the exam they receive, the analyses psychometricians conduct after the exam determine how many points on each exam question are necessary.
    • For example, AP Human Geography’s Set 2, Q3 was not as difficult as Set 1, Q3. So to receive an AP 5 on Set 2, students generally needed to earn all 7 points on Q3; to receive an AP 3, students generally needed to earn 5 of 7 points. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-human-geography-set-2.pdf

Italian Language and Culture 0% Japanese Lang. and Culture 47.0% 10.0% 17.0% 8.0% 18.0% 74% Jun 17

  • 55% of AP Japanese examinees are heritage speakers of the language.
  • Out of 2,500 students worldwide who took the AP Japanese Language Exam, 3 students earned every point possible: 100% of MC questions, chat simulation, article writing, conversation, and their presentation. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.
  • AP Japanese Language MC questions: students performed best on questions from Unit 4 (science & technology) and least well on questions from Unit 6 (environmental, political, social challenges).
  • The most challenging task for AP Japanese students this year was Q4, in which they developed and delivered a short presentation on roles of nature in Japanese culture. 19% of students earned all 6 points possible on it.https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-japanese-language.pdf
  • This year’s AP Japanese students earned their highest scores, generally, on Q3, a conversation about travel to Japan; 42% of students earned exceptionally high points for their proficiency during this conversation.https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-japanese-language.pdf

Latin 0% Macroeconomics 16.0% 21.0% 25.0% 23.0% 15.0% 62% Jun 20

  • Short FR questions: very difficult questions, which distinguish between 3s, 4s, & 5s.To get a 5, students generally earned most of these points; students earning 3s could start but not correctly answer all parts; students unable to begin these questions are typically receiving 1s/2s.https://t.co/YfajY6zHvw
  • Long FR (commenting on the version taken by the most students): Q1 was very difficult, several points were designed to identify the most advanced students; so to get an AP 5, students generally needed to earn 7-8 of these 10 pts possible:https://t.co/YfajY6zHvw
  • MC questions: Students are mastering basic economic concepts (Unit 1); 30% earned all available points for that unit; the most challenging was Financial Sector (Unit 4); 8% earned all such points.
  • 12 AP Macroeconomics students, out of the ~129,000 whose exams have been scored so far, have earned each of the 90 points possible across all of the free-response and MC questions. We’ll notify them and their schools in September.

Microeconomics 17.0% 25.0% 23.0% 21.0% 14.0% 65% Jun 20

  • AP Microeconomics MC questions: Students generally showed strong mastery of basic economic principles (Unit 1) and supply/demand (Unit 2); 25% of students earned most or all available points for these units.
  • AP Microeconomics MC questions: The most challenging units were Factor Markets (5) and Market Failure (6); the avg score on these units was 50% correct.
  • AP Microeconomics Long FR question (commenting on the version taken by most students): many students did great work here; 25% of students earned 9 or 10 of the 10 possible pts; to receive an AP 3, students generally earned half of the available pts here. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-microeconomics-set-1.pdf
  • AP Microeconomics Short FR questions: students scored significantly higher on Q3 than Q2; on Q3, students receiving AP 5s generally answered each part correctly.Students earning AP 4s answered all but one part correctly, students earning 3s could answer 3 parts correctly. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-microeconomics-set-1.pdf

Music Theory 0% Physics 1 - Algebra Based 0% Physics 2 - Algebra Based 0% 0% Physics C Mech. 0% Precalculus 0% Psychology 18.0% 23.0% 20.0% 12.0% 27.0% 61% Jun 18

  • AP Psychology classrooms are recovering from pandemic learning loss; mastery of course content improved this year, but continues to lag behind pre-pandemic levels of achievement.
  • AP Psychology students continued to show strong understanding of Clinical Psychology (Unit 8), but also scored very well on questions about the Biological Bases of Behavior (Unit 2) and Sensation / Perception (Unit 3). ~30% of students earned all such MC points.
  • As is often the case, the most challenging unit for AP Psychology students was Motivation, Emotion, and Personality (Unit 7); Unit 4 (Learning) and Unit 6 (Developmental Psychology) were similarly challenging; the average MC score on these units was ~50% correct.

Spanish Language 0% Spanish Literature 9.0% 23.0% 34.0% 22.0% 12.0% 66% Jun 20

  • MC questions: once again, students demonstrated strongest performance on questions about implied meanings, inferences, tone, themes, and perspectives (skills 1E-H); great work on complex texts and tasks.
  • The most challengingMC questions focused on critical commentary, the final portion of the MC section of the exam; the average score on these questions was 48% correct.
  • FR questions: students scored highest on Q2, the text and art comparison between Darío’s “A Roosevelt” and Kahlo’s Autorretrato en la frointera entre México y Estados Unidos.25% of students earned 3/3 points possible for their content and 57% earned 3/3 points possible for language usage. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-spanish-literature.pdf
  • Essay questions: the most challenging part of this year’s exam was Q3, the Conde Lucanor analysis. This is traditionally the most difficult exam question.7% of students earned 5/5 points possible for their content and 20% earned 5/5 points possible for language usage. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-spanish-literature.pdf

Statistics 17.0% 22.0% 23.0% 16.0% 22.0% 62% Jun 18

  • Kudos to this year’s stellar group of AP Statistics students! They demonstrated stronger mastery than any prior year’s group, for as long as I’ve been tracking this: highest percentage of 5s and highest percentage of 3+ scores.
  • AP Statistics MC questions: students generally demonstrated strong data analysis skills; 46% of students earned most of those available points; in contrast, students’ weakest skill was using probability and simulation; 8% of students earned most of those points.
  • AP Statistics FR questions: many students did superb work on Q5 (the baseball card collection); a sizeable 22% earned every point possible. https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap24-frq-statistics.pdf

United States History 0% World History 0%
2024 AP Exam Score Distributions (2024)
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